Transcension Academy Chapter 110

Episode 110 – Sortie Dream Team (1)

“brother! Where the hell have you been!”

Upon arriving at Dream Academy, what greeted Seo-joon was a reprimand, not a scolding, from Soo-yeon.

“That’s right, chief. We were surprised how suddenly he disappeared.”

And sure enough, Min-yul agreed with Su-yeon’s opinion.

Instead of answering their question, Seo-joon stepped aside slightly.

Seo-yoon is seen behind Seo-joon.

Seoyoon said with a soft smile.

“How have you all been?”

“uh? Seoyoon sister!”

Then Soo-yeon opened her eyes.

Then, as if he was happy to see the world, he ran to Seoyoon.

“Where have you been! I knew what had happened and how worried I was!”

“Sorry. I have something I must do.”

The two of them started to talk about each other like sisters who met after a long time.

Seeing the two of them like that, Minyul sneaked up to Seojun and asked.

“Leader. Were you going to pick up your sister?”

Seojun gently nodded.

And just then.

“Kim Seo-joon is here.”

I heard a voice calling Seo-joon from somewhere.

It was none other than the head of the Pro Hunter Association, Lee Tae-beom.

“No, should I call you Kim Seo-joon Hunter? haha.”

Lee Tae-beom strode forward to Seo-joon and gave him a deep smile.

Seo-joon greeted Lee Tae-bum and asked.

“Nice to meet you, Chairman. But he said he wanted to see me…”

“It’s nothing special, I came here to tell you about things related to the Pro Hunter exam. Is it okay for a little while?”

“Sure. Please speak.”

Seojun nodded slowly and said.

And if anyone saw this scene, it would be a shock.

Because it was only for this reason that Lee Tae-bum, or the president of the association, did not come to visit him like this.

No matter how much Seo-joon got perfect marks in all subjects, he was just a newbie who had just become a pro hunter.

On the other hand, Lee Tae-beom was the president of the Pro Hunter Association.

In a way, he represents all of Korea’s professional hunters.

No one could ignore Lee Tae-beom’s status in the world of professional hunters.

Although the five largest guilds have maintained a huge cartel for decades,

Conversely, the reason why they couldn’t go beyond the cartel for decades was because of Lee Tae-bum.

In any case, there was no reason for Lee Tae-beom to come directly like this for a new hunter.

Besides, it’s not enough that he came directly, so he makes me wait like this?

“You seem busy, but I’ll keep it brief.”

However, Lee Tae-beom showed an attitude as if he did not mind this kind of treatment.

Lee Tae-bum slowly opened his mouth, as if Seo-joon had enough qualifications.

“First of all, Hunter Kim Seo-joon’s last subject was given a perfect score. And the rest are all B-class hunters. In addition, Hunter Kim Seo-joon, who received perfect scores in all subjects, will be issued with an A-class hunter license.”

Lee Tae-bum cautiously continued.

“But for an S-class hunter… I think it’s going to be a little difficult.”

Seojun nodded slowly.

Because I knew something about it.

“it’s okay. It’s an S-class hunter, you can pick it up from now on.”

And it wasn’t that I couldn’t pick up an S-class hunter at all, so there was no big problem.

The important thing right now is that he was an A-rank hunter.

“haha. If it’s Kim Seo-joon Hunter, there won’t be any problems at all.”

Seeing Seo-jun like that, Lee Tae-bum let out a small laugh and continued.

“From A-class hunters, they are subject to special management by the association. In particular, this pro hunter test is issued with priority for dungeon raid…”

Afterwards, Lee Tae-beom gave a brief explanation of the various benefits and key points about being an A-class hunter.

An explanation that has been completed for quite some time.


However, Lee Tae-beom spoke very carefully, as if it were about to get to the point.

“I would like to ask if you have any plans to create your own guild.”

At Lee Tae-beom’s words, Seo-joon turned his head for a moment and looked at the party.

Seoyoon, Suyeon, and Minyul, who met Seojun’s eyes, nodded softly.

Seojun looked at Lee Taebum again and said.

“yes. I think so.”

Then Lee Tae-bum nodded as if he knew that too.

“Then I will take care of the guild establishment myself.”

“Is the association president himself?”


Establishing a guild required a fairly complicated procedure.

In any case, it was like establishing a corporation, so various documents and forms were required.

In addition, it took a considerable amount of time before the permit was approved.

However, if Lee Tae-bum took care of it himself, there would be no problem.

Since it was even initiated by the president of the association, it would not take much time as well as procedures.

“But there is one problem.”

“What is it?”

Lee Tae-bum replied with a puzzled expression.

“In order to establish a guild, we need 5 professional hunters with a B-class hunter or higher license.”

At Lee Tae-bum’s words, Seo-joon thought for a moment.

Currently, Dream Academy has Seo Jun, Seo Yoon, Soo Yeon, and Min Yul.

There were all four of them. A situation in which one person required for establishment is vacant.

“It was stipulated to prevent indiscriminate establishment, but if it is not clear, I can crush it with my authority. However, if the 5 major guilds catch the pods… it will be a bit of a headache.”


Seo-joon could fully understand Lee Tae-bum’s words.

The 5 guilds were currently trying to destroy Seo Jun somehow.

Although Seo-joon successfully obtained his A-class hunter license, the trick will continue.

Maybe even now, I didn’t know what he was plotting to somehow catch the pod.

Now that Seo-joon has even declared war.

There was no need to be dragged along by giving an excuse.

Seo-joon fell into deep trouble.

I couldn’t just grab someone and get him to sign…


Then suddenly, one person caught Seo-jun’s eyes.

It was none other than Lee Ha-yoon.

Lee Ha-yoon was standing in a corner and staring blankly at me.

It looked like a bag of barley that had been borrowed.

Seo-joon called Lee Ha-yoon.


“Uh, huh?”

Lee Ha-yoon responded in surprise.

An unexpected appearance that suddenly called him.

“Did you hear what they were talking about?”

Lee Ha-yoon gently nodded.

Seo-joon spat out the words as if everything went well.

“You sign too.”

“huh? Me too?”

Lee Ha-yoon opens her eyes wide at the moment.

“Do you have any other guilds in mind?”

“No… it’s not like that.”

“Then sign it.”

“Ha, but…”

“Don’t worry, I’ll let you go whenever you want. Just sign it.”


Then Lee Ha-yoon started to notice.

Seeing Lee Ha-yoon like that, Soo-yeon, Min-yul, and Seo-yoon spoke one word at a time.

“Yes, sister. My sister does too.”

“I rather welcome! My first impression was a bit like that, but now welcome!”

“I’m fine too.”

With Seo-jun’s threat, the companions said that?

Lee Ha-yoon nodded as if he couldn’t help it.


It didn’t seem like he hated it that much.

Seo-joon spoke to Lee Tae-bum again.

“Is there any problem with this?”

Lee Tae-bum nodded and said.

“Then what would you like to name your guild?”

Seojun replied without even thinking about it.

It was because it was something I had already discussed with my friends.

“Dream Team. I will do it as a dream team.”



The top floor of the Black Dragon Guild.

“Kim Seo-jun will soon establish a guild.”

“The number of founding guild members must exceed five. However, the number of people at Dream Academy is 4 including Kim Seo-joon.”

“And due to the nature of the guild, no one will accept it. However, if it is the authority of the president of the association, it can be crushed, right?”

There, the heads of each of the 5 guilds… no, now the 4 guilds were gathering and having a meeting.

“Of course it is. And it probably can’t be stopped. Still, rules are rules, right?”

“You mean you can drag the time it takes to establish a guild?”


Garam’s head, Jung Yoon-mi, continued.

“The problem is the dungeon raid priority. However, this is also planted in the association…”

and it was then

“Stop! Stop it no matter what!”

“What nonsense!!”

Suddenly, a commotion came from outside the door.

All the guild leaders who were having a meeting stopped talking about the commotion.

“go away.”

And a chilly voice followed.


At the same time, the door to the meeting room burst open, creating a thick fog of dust.

While everyone’s eyes are focused.

“Since I haven’t seen you for a while, everyone’s looks have gotten better.”

It was none other than the sword star that appeared through the fog.

“Sword Saint! Why are you here!”

“Now, how rude is this!”

The swordsman ignored the words of the guild leaders and walked into the meeting room.

There was no sense of incongruity in his footsteps, as if he had come to his own home.

The undisputed No. 1 swordsman in the Korean rankings, the Black Dragon Guild.

Besides, this was the top floor where the guild leader was located.

In a word, it meant that the top floor of the Black Dragon Guild had been pierced without any fuss.

Even if the target was the Sword Saint, his pride was bound to be hurt.

The people gathered here were the masters of each guild and all were top-level S-class hunters.

In particular, Ryu Jin-cheol was a talented person who was evaluated as being close to the level of a cataclysmic hero.

Even if the swordsman is a cataclysmic hero, he will not be able to handle it easily.

They exchanged glances with each other.

And just then.

“Looking at you, I can clearly see what you’re thinking.”


Suddenly, a hideous force began to emanate from the Sword Saint’s body.

The momentum that seemed to devour the entire world weighed heavily on the inside of the meeting room as if it were encroaching on the space.



It was almost too much to bear with that vile momentum.

Even the top S-class hunters can only endure without losing their minds.

The swordsman trudged across the guild leaders and took a step.

“You seem to be misunderstanding something… There’s no particular reason why we’re just leaving you guys alone.”

Turbuck, the momentum that exploded with each step became more ferocious.

It looks like a lion roaming a herd of sheep.


“Because if we step in and control it, it’s no different than the disgusting things you guys do.”


“I didn’t end Cataclysm to dominate someone like you guys.”


The swordsman stopped walking.

And slowly looked around the meeting room.




The guild leaders of Shinhwa, Garam, and Mugunghwa were still suffering from the pressure of the Sword Saint.

but only one person.

As for Ryu Jin-cheol of the Black Dragon, he didn’t show any sign of being weighed down by the momentum of the swordsman.

“If anyone hears it, they’ll think it’s the end of Cataclysm.”

Again, he made fun of the Sword Master.

“Ryu Jin-cheol.”

The energy of the Sword Saint could not burst out and began to explode.


The momentum of the swordsman became so ferocious that the entire guild building shook.

And this time, Ryu Jin-cheol also slightly frowned.

“You’ve grown a lot while I couldn’t see you.”

“…on the contrary, that one is very old.”

an imminent situation.

Right then.

“You should do that.”


A strange aura suddenly burst out and began to surround the aura of the swordsman.

It was infinitely weaker than the swordsman’s momentum, but for some reason, the ferocious swordsman’s momentum began to fade.

“Heo-euk…! Heo-eok…!”


The three major guild leaders breathed heavily, as if exhaling a suffocating breath.

The swordsman slowly turned his gaze to the main character of the energy.

A beautiful woman with blonde hair that fell below her shoulders.

A presence exuding the feeling of a paladin in simple armor except for a helmet.

He is none other than a member of the Jinrihoe.

It was Calia, the successor to the currently vacant Apostle of Purity.

“No matter how much Sword Saint-nim is, it’s not nice to see a hand-held sword in someone else’s house.”

Calia took a step forward, capturing the momentum of the vicious Sword Saint.

And, despite the sudden appearance of Calia, the Sword Saint did not show any signs of panic.

“I knew you would.”

It was just a sarcastic remark that I knew again.

Then Calia was a little surprised and said.

“Did you know we were involved?”

“These unreasonable bastards are harassing the guy who took my blue dragon sword… It’s not even funny. If he had the guts to do so, he would have jumped at me right away.”

The guild leaders, who were breathing heavily at the words of the swordsman, flinched and trembled.

But the swordsman didn’t even look at them.

“Nevertheless, being manipulative means that you trust someone who will look after you even if I intervene. Doesn’t the answer just come out?”

Calia was silent for a moment.

“… So you came looking for me in the first place. great. What did you come for?”

“I’m going to play the part of a widower for the first time in a while.”

The swordsman looked around and said.

“I know that if he creates a guild, you guys will have a lot of trouble. So, at least, they must have been gathering here to make improvements to prevent it.”

The guild leaders flinched and trembled.

Then the swordsman coldly shook his head.

“I will warn you. You’d better not do anything about it.”

A heavy silence fell.

After a while, Calia answered.

“Is there an option to refuse?”

“If you can afford it.”


At that moment, a terrible power exploded from the Sword Saint’s entire body.

A power that is different from the energy that just exploded.

Korea’s representative cataclysmic hero, Geomseong (劍星).

It was the true power that he radiated from his heart.

Calia was silent for a long time before speaking.

“Why did you do this all of a sudden after being quiet for a while?”

“Did you just say that? He’s trying to be a widower for the first time in a while.”


Calia kept her mouth shut.

It was because he knew well what the words of the swordsman meant.

The swordsman looked at Calia and turned his back without hesitation.

Then, with a sigh, he left the place.

“Are you just leaving?”

“then? Should I pick up even four years of hair? Or the bitches gathered here?”

The swordsman put his hand on the sword at his waist, as if telling him to just talk at any time.

Then, the guild leaders startled and shuddered.

Calia shook her head slightly and said.

“I didn’t mean that, but… I thought it would turn things upside down, though.”

The swordsman smiled and said as if it wasn’t the same.


And then he suddenly left the place.

It implied that even if he did not move, someone would soon play the role.

And those who gathered here knew well who that someone was referring to.




Where the swordsman left, only cold silence lingered.

After such a long time, Calia opened her mouth.

“We’ll cancel all plans.”


Ryu Jin-cheol raised his eyes and said.

“Could it be that the heir to the Apostle of Purity is tying his tail to the old Sword Saint? Jinrihoe used to be…”


“You are overdoing it. Ryu Jin-cheol.”

Calia’s eyes went cold.

At the same time, tremendous momentum erupted from Calia.

Calia was the successor to the apostle of chastity among the seven apostles, said to be the head of the Jinrihoe.

It is also a potential successor.

“Don’t underestimate the sword star.”

Calia’s momentum now bursting out was not inferior at all compared to the sword castle from before.

“I am well aware of Ryu Jin-cheol’s skills. A person close to the level of a cataclysm hero. Koreans call Ryu Jin-cheol that way. But don’t be mistaken.”

Calia continued talking.

“It’s infinitely close, but it can’t be reached.”

The hero of the cataclysm was such a state.

The sky above the sky, the realm of the outer world.

Decades after the cataclysm ended.

There was a reason why not a single heroic hunter had appeared for such a long time.

“And even if you don’t directly touch Kim Seo-joon, it doesn’t mean that there aren’t other ways.”

“What does that mean?”

Calia said with a meaningful expression.

“Fate will not change.”


“Then we will take care of it as soon as possible.”

Lee Tae-beom finished his speech after explaining a few things.

Then, this time, he approached Seoyoon and started talking about various things.

Apparently, since the academy building here will be used as a guild building, it seemed like there was a procedural story to tell.

“and! We are now guild members too! I am a pro hunter!”

“We are going to a dungeon raid now too!”

Well, in fact, it was only a horse guild, and it was not much different from the academy days.

Only the name and title have changed.

“Then let’s start training hard!”

“shall we start!”

As expected, Soo-yeon and Min-yul took their positions and began training repeatedly.

A sight that is no different from the usual appearance.

if there is one other thing.


It was only that Lee Ha-yoon, who was at a loss, was added.

Seo-jun stared blankly at the sight and immediately took out his smartphone.

None other than Seo-joon, it was for training.

That’s how I access the transcendent academy.

Then, when I was about to listen to Shakyamuni’s lecture.

<Your free pass period has ended.>


Suddenly, a notification window popped up and the Sakyamuni lecture was not played.

“Ah… has the time already been like this?”

Come to think of it, it was right before the Hunter Mill mock exam that Seo-joon repurchased the free pass.

And the free pass is 90 days.

It was a time when the period was slowly coming to an end.

Seojun checked the price of the free pass ticket.

<Free pass ticket>

( 2,000,000,000 ₩)

“This crazy. 5 billion this time. 2 billion this time? Hey, this isn’t once or twice.”

Seo-joon shook his head at the madly soaring cause and effect.

With trembling hands, Seo-joon pressed the class button.

In any case, it was because Shakyamuni’s lecture was absolutely necessary.


<Your balance is insufficient.>


A notification window indicating that the balance is insufficient.

“Why is this…?”

Seo-joon checked the remaining account balance.

<Account balance: 98,000,000 ₩>

“Damn it.”

Now that I think about it, I bought 6 billion worth of nectar during the last pro hunter test, so my balance was exhausted.

“······Is 100 million the bottom?”

Seojun let out a deep sigh.

And then one person comes to mind.

“Oh right! Amseong-nim!”

It was none other than the existence of ignorance.

Amseong promised 10 billion won in exchange for investigating a specific dungeon in relation to Jinrihoe.

In addition, the money to be received, including Min-yul’s child support, is a whopping 13 billion.

It was more than enough to buy a free pass.

“Then why aren’t you coming?

However, the problem was that the darkness did not come.

Of course, less than a day had passed since the Pro Hunter test ended.

He said he would come after the pro hunter exam, so he’ll come soon.

The question is whether it will be a day or a week. It was that no one knew.

“Sakyamuni’s lectures don’t progress very well, so I have to listen to them consistently… Ah!”

Come to think of it, when Amseong handed over the money to Seo-jun, he gave it through Tae-beom Lee, the president of the association.

Perhaps he could have left it to Lee Tae-bum in advance.

Seo-joon turned his head and looked for Lee Tae-bum.

Then Tae-beom Lee was about to leave, as if he had just finished talking with Seo-yoon.

Seo-joon caught Lee Tae-bum, who was about to leave, and stopped him.

“wait a minute! Association President!”

“Ah yes. Please tell me.”

Seo-jun immediately continued.

“That… Didn’t Amseong-nim give any special words to the president of the association?”

“yes? Amseong-nim… are you saying?”

Lee Tae-beom tilted his head at the sudden mention of darkness.

Seo-joon spoke again.

“No, money entrusted to give to someone, or money, or money.”


And Lee Tae-bum’s expression went blank for a moment.

So… are you asking for money in one word?

“Uh… I don’t have any money that Amseong-nim entrusted me with.”

For a moment, Seo-joon wondered if Lee Tae-bum was lying.

But as I thought about it, I shook my head.

Who would be cheating on that for money?

If you played with the money of the dark castle, you could be assassinated without even knowing the mouse or bird.

Seo-joon fell into trouble for a while.

‘This is difficult…’

It was because he couldn’t listen to the free pass lecture right now.

Of course, a day or two was no big deal.

But the problem is that you don’t know when cancer will come.

It was impossible to wait until then.

Seo-joon said to Lee Tae-beom after a long thought.

“Then, can you recommend a dungeon where you can make a lot of money?”

“yes? Money… are you talking about it?”

“Oh, no. It’s not necessarily money… that, what. A guild was also established, and there would be priority for dungeon raids. It’s like a kind of unity with the guild members haha!”


Once again, Lee Tae-bum’s expression began to be dumbfounded.

And Seoyoon, who was listening to the story from the side.

“Only the real name has changed…”

Seoyoon shook her head.

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