Transcension Academy Chapter 104

Episode 104 – Pro Hunter Exam (4)

A short meeting followed about the current situation.

“What should I do with this…”

“It’s not even in the manual, so I won…”

However, the officials did not even have a sense of how to deal with the current situation.

And it wasn’t about Seo-Jun’s scoring.

<Course 3 – Mana Utilization>

[1st place] – Seojun Kim (100 points)

[2nd Place] Lee Ha-yoon (80 points)

[3rd place] – Suyeon Seok (77 points)

[4th place] – Immigration rate (76 points)




Seo-joon was able to get perfect marks in three subjects and mana utilization right away.

In the first place, the fact that the machine exploded means that the machine exceeded the acceptable limit.

Naturally, there was no reason why Seo-joon couldn’t get a perfect score.

Nevertheless, the reason why the officials gathered and had a meeting was simple.

“I can’t believe the machine will explode…”

The mana utilization measuring machine that none other than Seo-joon exploded.

The machine was that there was only one in each test site.

However, Seo-jun blew up the machine, and a situation arose that test takers after Seo-joon could not take the test for the subject.

“I can’t take the exam anymore…”

“Does this make sense?”

“Huh, is it impossible to repair?”

At the words of an official, several magic engineers who were looking at the machine shook their heads.

“The magic circuit has gone beyond the level of being burnt out and completely annihilated.”

“If it’s broken, it can be repaired, but since it’s gone…”

“haha. How could this be possible…”

However, each of the magicians stuck out their tongues and muttered despondently.

The meeting, which was not so short, continued, and eventually it was decided to suspend the test for a while.

It was to move test takers who failed to take the test to another test center.

And the Pro Hunter exam is a nationally recognized exam administered nationwide.

Therefore, in order to match the order of the exams, all exam centers across the country had no choice but to stop the exams together.

That’s the first ever pro hunter test ever.

There was an unprecedented situation in which tests were suspended nationwide.

And the main culprit and the culprit behind all these situations, Seo Jun.

“Muh, you’re not asking me…?”

Seo-joon just shyly scratched the back of his head.

Fortunately, there was no such thing as

Candidates who failed to take the test were also able to take the test safely at other test centers.

After so many twists and turns, the 4th subject of the Pro Hunter exam and the 2nd subject on the 2nd day.

The dungeon raid has begun.

The dungeon raid test was literally a dungeon raid test.

The way to proceed was, of course, to raid the dungeon.

The main evaluation factor is how quickly you clear the dungeon.

And the monsters in the dungeons that need to be raided are…


It was none other than a 7-star monster, Sandworm.

And if you look at the last pro hunter test, it’s usually a 4-5 star difficulty.

“Is this Hunter test just crazy?”

“How on earth are you supposed to catch a 7-star monster?”

Of course, since it was a monster implemented through magic, it was different from the actual difficulty level.

On average, it was safe to say that it was at the level of 5 stars below 2 stars.

“I heard that they even applied mutation research during raid battles?”

But this time again, due to the application of mutation research, it is 1 star instead of 2 stars.

In other words, it was a difficulty level of 6 stars.

And if it’s 6 stars, it’s actually the realm of professional hunters.

It was not a difficulty that the test takers could handle.

“Besides, it’s a sandworm.”

“What do you mean by this…”

Complaints from test takers erupted here and there, but…

Of course, there was no repeat of the test.

The dungeon raid test that was conducted like that.

Woo woo woo.

Seo-joon was standing in front of the gate that shook in front of him.

How long have you waited like that?

“You may go in when you are ready.”

I heard the officials say that it can start soon.

After checking the equipment once, Seo-joon pushed himself into the gate without hesitation.


The first thing I saw with the reversing view was none other than the endless sand desert.

The 7-star monster, Sandworm, is a giant earthworm monster that is usually buried in the sand.

Then, when an intruder or prey is discovered, it is their habit to look for an opportunity and attack them.

as soon as.

“Ki eh eh!”

In this way.

As soon as Seo-jun entered the dungeon, a sandworm suddenly popped out of the sand.

A huge 20m sandworm.

Sandworm burst into a dizzying scream and rushed at Seo-jun.

At the same time, he opened his huge mouth and tried to swallow Seo-jun.

Just facing that blind killing and heavy pressure made my whole body tingle.


A roar resembling the sound of a sandworm bursting out one after another.

Sandworm quickly approached and swallowed Seo-jun’s new model.


A terrible sound was heard, and the place where Seo-jun had been just before was attacked by the sandworm’s mouth.

Soon, the sandworm raised its head again, and the place was hollow, and the terrain itself was gone.

Wow. Wow.

Sandworm chewed everything like it was crushing it.


But for some reason, the only thing chewed was sand.

That moment.

“It’s here. Hey.”

Seojun’s voice came from above.


Sandworm was startled by Seo-jun’s sudden voice and raised his head.

And there Seojun was floating his body high in the air.

It was obviously swallowed up along with the terrain, but Seo-joon was floating high above the sandworm’s mouth, not in the mouth of the sandworm.

Seojun gently rolled up Longinus’s spear.

Then, after activating the power of the Aura Blade,

He slashed the spear of Longinus toward the head of the sandworm that could be seen below his sights.


The sandworm was pierced by Longinus’s slashing spear and slammed into the ground.

And at the same time as the sandworm slammed into the floor.


A violent explosion erupted.

Dense sand dust that blooms thickly with him.

After a while, the sand dust settled.

What I saw there was a sandworm lying down with its head pierced by Longinus’s spear.

To be precise, it looked like a sandworm with its head blown off.

Seo-joon patted his palms and came out between them.

“Wow, what a surprise. She popped out of nowhere and I thought my heart was going to drop.”

Of course, I had recognized it first with Chiron’s senses.

However, as soon as they entered the dungeon, they jumped out, so the difference was minimal.

Still, there was no difficulty in attacking Sandworm itself.

To be a little more honest…

The 6-star level sandworm could not be Seo-joon’s opponent.

“With this, there shouldn’t be any problem getting a perfect score.”

Seo-joon set out to find Sandworm with a light heart.

How many minutes did you go looking for?

“……Why can’t I see one?”

For some reason, Sandworm was no longer seen after that.

Sandworms are monsters that are usually buried in sand.

To be precise, it was a monster with a habit of hiding in the sand and looking for an opportunity.

But is it because he saw his own people who just burst out without being able to resist?

Sandworm was not thinking of getting out of the sand.

“If this is the case, the time…”

Seo-joon started to get nervous.

Even so, the core evaluation factor of dungeon raid is none other than clear time.

And the clearing time to get a perfect score was 15 minutes.

If it was a normal dungeon, 15 minutes would have been enough.

However, it was difficult to get a perfect score if time was dragged on like this.

“Are you going to collapse the dungeon like last time?”

Seojun quickly shook his head.

It was because he couldn’t use that power recklessly, and that wasn’t the case either.

In order to be recognized as a clear record, it was necessary to process all the sandworms and create magic crystals.

I had to put that magic crystal into it, but it was recognized as clear.

In a word, collapsing a dungeon would not be recognized as a record.

“How about this… I guess it’s just your mood that makes you feel like that because of me?”

Seojun also quickly brushed off his thoughts.

He thought that there was no way he could organize a nationally recognized exam just because of himself.

“What can I do…”

In any case, if time dragged on like this, I couldn’t get a perfect score.

You can’t dig right into the sand.


Suddenly, an idea came to Seo-joon.

Seo-jun immediately rummaged through the kibisis.

Then, what was brought out was none other than Gungnir.

Gungnir, the spear of Piljung (必中).

Gungnir, who said he would always hit the target, might be able to snip the sandworm in the sand.

“The problem is how to designate an invisible target…”

Seo-joon closed his eyes after a moment of thought and concentrated his nerves.

Then down there, deep in the sand.

Sandworm’s presence was clearly felt in Chiron’s senses.

Seojun put the power of the blade into the aura of Gungnir.

And after specifying one of the sandworms that he felt through his senses, he threw Gungnir with all his might.

Hey hey profit!!

Then, Gungnir fired fiercely.

But is it because the target is not visible?

Easy profit?

Gungnir, who was being shot, suddenly stopped moving and paused.

Then, as if turning his head, he turned the head of his spear toward Seo-joon.

That appearance is ‘What are you saying to me?’ It seemed like asking.

“here! Down here!”

Seeing Gungnir like that, Seo-jun focused on Chiron’s senses again and identified the sandworm buried in the sand.

Then, as if Gungnir understood, he quietly turned the spear head back.

Baba Baba Baba Bak!

Suddenly, he began digging furiously into the sand.

Like a mole, Gungnir quickly disappeared.

and not long after

Key eh eh…

From somewhere, the screams of sandworms came like an echo.

“…is it okay?”

Seo-joon was dumbfounded, but he felt that he was not being ridiculous.

well, anyway.

This way, even if the sandworm is buried in the sand…

“Uh… wait a minute.”

However, when I thought about it, there was one big problem.

It was none other than the fact that Gungnir was also buried in the sand in order to shoot the sandworm buried in the sand.

Once thrown, there was a fatal problem that it could not be used.

“If this is the case… ah!”

Seo-joon slowly closed his eyes at the sudden thought that came to his mind again.

Then, he immediately activated the lower danjeon (下丹田).



Then, along with soaring flames, the Circle began to spread its power throughout the body.

Enormous mana power welling up from the whole body.

Seojun stretched his strength and focused on Gungnir.

Then the sand started to stir…


Gungnir came out of the sand and returned to Seo-jun’s hand.

“……Isn’t this okay too?”

Seo-joon was dumbfounded, but he felt that he was not being ridiculous.

this is anyway

In this way, it was possible to treat the sandworm without coming out of the sand.

“Whoa… It’s quite a waste of mana.”

However, since it was recovering what was buried in the sand, the consumption of mana was considerable.

Still, with the opening of Samdanjeon (三丹田), Seo-joon repeatedly took Gongcheong Petroleum (空淸石乳) and nectar.

It would be quite difficult, but it wasn’t completely impossible.

“It’s not a mole hunt, it’s a won…”

Seo-joon threw Gungnir again with a smile.

Kieh ah ah ah…


Like that, the sandworms were buried in the sand and disappeared one by one without knowing why.




[Clear time] – 7 minutes 21 seconds.



<Course 4 – Dungeon Raid>

[1st place] – Seojun Kim (100 points)

[2nd Place] Lee Ha-yoon (79 points)

[3rd place] – Immigration rate (74 points)

[4th place] – Suyeon Seok (72 points)



Seo-joon was able to score perfect marks in all pro hunter exams on the second day.


Right after the pro hunter exam on day 2.

In the luxurious VIP room inside the Pro Hunter test center, the 4 major guild leaders were gathered.





But for some reason, no one opened their mouths.

As if he had become mute, he kept his mouth shut and just looked at Ryu Jin-cheol, the existence in front of him.

Ryu Jin-cheol did not show any change in expression.

However, this eerie aura felt around him revealed Ryu Jin-cheol’s feelings without filtering.

The four guild leaders of Shinhwa, Garam, Fighting Father, and Mugunghwa guilds kept their mouths shut while watching each other.

After some time, Ryu Jin-chul suddenly began to move.

Then he slowly began to circle around them as they stood dumb.


in a gloomy atmosphere.

Only Ryu Jin-chul’s footsteps resonated quietly.

“Who do you think is thanks to you that you can show off as a large guild in Korea?”

Despite Ryu Jin-cheol’s question, the 4th guild leader could not open his mouth.

It was because it was a question with a fixed answer in the first place, and it was not a question that demanded an answer.

Ryu Jin-cheol continued to speak.

“The type and difficulty of the test were not bad. Even from my point of view, it was a difficulty that Kim Seo-joon could not pass. To be precise, it was a structure that couldn’t get a perfect score.”


Every time Jincheol Ryu took a step, the momentum that burst out grew stronger.

“But the result was that Kim Seo-joon got a perfect score.”


“Don’t you think it’s strange?”


“I got a perfect score on a difficulty level where I couldn’t get a perfect score.”


“I got a perfect score even in the type that was not given a perfect score.”


“The impossible happened one after another. Impossible is said to be impossible because it is impossible…”


“But only one.”


“It would be possible enough if I informed Kim Seo-joon of the contents of the test in advance.”


The steps Ryu Jin-cheol was taking came to a halt.

A deeply depressed atmosphere.

Jincheol Ryu looked at the faces of the guild leaders one by one and spat out words.

“Are there any of you who stick to Kim Seo-joon’s side?”

Then, the 4 guild leaders, who had kept their mouths shut, hurriedly shouted.

“That is a misunderstanding!”

“that’s right! That is a misunderstanding!”

“What’s the point of us sticking to Kim Seo-joon!”

“Betrayal is dishonorable! I, Han Man-cheol, am a man who knows honor!”

However, Ryu Jin-cheol did not show any change in expression.

It was as if he could feel the confidence that it would not matter even if he betrayed him.

Jincheol Ryu spoke again.

“How did the preparation for the remaining subjects go?”

“The preparations were over immediately. But the thought that things would turn out like this…”

Now, the pro hunter test was only ahead of the last day.

There are only 2 subjects left.

Combat Power (Monster), Combat Power (Person).

“Ha, but don’t worry! This time, I absolutely must…!”

“The plan is completely revised.”

“yes yes? But all of a sudden…”

Jincheol Ryu looked at Yoonmi Jeong without saying a word.

An enormous pressure that comes out at the same time.


Jung Yoon-mi couldn’t bear to follow her words.

Ryu Jin-cheol regained his momentum and continued.

“Focus on one subject.”

“That word…”

Jincheol Ryu continued.

“Interpersonal combat skills subject. Who is the person assigned to that subject?”

The evaluation method of the interpersonal combat ability subject was a test in which active professional hunters acted as judges and evaluated them.

It is a way to literally evaluate the interpersonal combat ability by spreading sparring with test takers.

And usually, B-class hunters on active duty were appointed as the judges.

Han Man-cheol, the leader of the fathers to fight, took a step forward and said.

“He’s an active A-class hunter in our father-in-law guild. Not only honor, but also skills are outstanding enough to reach S-class sooner or later…”

“Modify the plan.”

However, Ryu Jin-cheol cut off Han Man-cheol.

Then he looked over at the 4 major guild leaders and said.

“One of you is directly dealing with Seojun Kim.”

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