Transcension Academy Chapter 103

Episode 103 – Pro Hunter Exam (3)

After that, the first day of the Pro Hunter exam was over.

Korea was abuzz with the story of the Pro Hunter exam.

Daily life, news, internet and various communities.

Regardless of location and medium, all of them were plastered with the subject of the pro hunter test.

Immediately on the portal site, articles related to Seo-joon and the pro hunter test were pouring out.

『<This year’s pro hunter test… “Mostly atrocious!!”>

While this year’s pro hunter test was held at about 200 test sites nationwide.

Applicants evaluated the level of difficulty of this Pro Hunter exam as quite difficult.

In the past, according to the official announcement of the Pro Hunter Association, it was expected that the difficulty of the test would be greatly increased, but the test takers evaluated the level of difficulty as extreme.

In particular, in the case of the written test, candidate A said, “Did you make this to be solved? Did you make it to take a picture? Why does the cataclysm era problem come out? This dog…” and so on.

Another test taker B said, “What kind of bastard is the test taker? Did you refer to some devil’s sorcery? what···? right? This kind of ㅆ…” and so on.

It is expected that the pass cut-off line will reach an average of 40 points, taking into account the extreme level of difficulty and the introduction of absolute evaluation elements.

On the other hand, interest in Kim Seo-joon, who scored perfect marks in both subjects, is soaring even in the midst of such atrocious difficulty.

Candidate C, who took the test at the same test center as Kim Seo-jun, said, “Is Kim Seo-joon a legend? Is the legend Seojun Kim?” and showed such an insane reaction.

In particular, test taker D, who took the basic physical fitness class with Kim Seo-joon, said, “I think I will go out to eat lunch. So, do you want to go out and eat?” It showed crazy reactions such as.

With the pro hunter exam on day 1 coming to an end, about 110,000 people took the pro hunter exam this time, an increase of about 40,000 from last year…』




ㄴ[Kim Cheomji’s Lucky Day]: Crazy? Kim Seo-jun: Perfect score in both subjects? was that possible? 47 points in handwriting. I got 45 points of basic physical strength…? what did i do…?

ㄴ[What kind of year is the new millennium]: That’s good enough. The average passing cut-off in the article is expected to be 40. Qualified enough.

ㄴ[Fairies and Hot Girls]: And there are still 4 subjects left, so I don’t know that either. To be honest, the first day subjects are like the basic knowledge of pro hunters. We still have to wait a bit longer to see what will happen.

ㄴ[It knew it]: By the way. But 110,000 test takers? Were there that many Hunter students in Korea?

ㄴ[Taejeong Taesemunsok]: Probably active students and retakers. And it seems that all the Awakeners who gave up on the existing hunters applied. Since it’s an absolute evaluation, I must have stared at it to see if I could compare it.



In this way, the whole of Korea is excited about the pro hunter test and the story of Seo Jun.

The main character of the story, Seo-joon, was also thinking about the difficulty level of the professional hunter exam he took today.

“It’s more difficult than I thought…”

Even Seo-joon felt that the difficulty of the professional hunter test was considerable.

It wasn’t something to be said for getting perfect marks in both subjects, but it didn’t mean that the difficulty wasn’t difficult.

To be honest, if I had been at the level of Seo-jun during the exchange match, I probably wouldn’t have gotten a perfect score.

If he hadn’t gone far and hadn’t acquired ‘Insight [S]’ by completing Merlin’s lectures, the situation would have ended right from the written exam.

In that case, the A-class hunter license could not be issued.

Naturally, the plan to create a guild could not be fuzzy.

Of course, even if you became a B-class, it wasn’t that you couldn’t go up to an A-class hunter.

However, in order to go up from B-class to A-class, it was possible to accumulate a lot of achievements.

However, the time issue could not be overlooked.

Besides, there was no priority for dungeon raid, so I couldn’t guarantee how long it would take.

“You’ll need to make sure you’re prepared.”

There are 4 subjects left.

Seojun went straight to Dream Academy.

The other party went back to rest today.

I must have poured all my energy into the basic physical fitness class, so I had no choice but to lose my energy.

It wasn’t that Seo-joon wasn’t tired either, but he gave up his thoughts of taking a break and headed to the Dream Academy alone.

Dream Academy arrived shortly after.

“There is no Seoyoon.”

Just in case, I couldn’t see Seoyoon’s face.

The fact that he didn’t even come to the pro hunter exam seemed like something was going on.

“Shall we contact you…”

However, Seo-jun quickly shook his head.

It wasn’t that he wasn’t worried, but the reason Seoyoon didn’t say that was definitely the reason.

Above all, Seoyoon, whom Seojun had seen, would do well enough with anything.

“For now, let’s focus on the Pro Hunter exam.”

Seo-jun immediately picked up his smartphone and accessed the transcendent store.

It was none other than to purchase the elixir.

Even if I did prepare, I couldn’t afford to complete my daily assignments because I was late for the exam.

Above all, it was difficult to see the effect in a short period of time unless the lecture was completed.

Because of this, Seo-joon planned to take the elixir and fill the bowl of Samdanjeon (三丹田).

I haven’t fully captured the power of Gongqing Petroleum (空淸石乳) yet, but the power of the elixir is immediately reflected.

Besides, it was something I had to eat someday.


Fortunately, there was a prize money of 6 billion from the last exchange match 2, so I was able to purchase an additional elixir from the store.

Seo-jun slowly looked around at the elixir sold at the transcendent store.

Then, after much thought, I came up with an elixir.

– Divine Liquor Nectar.

(6,000,000,000 ₩)

Nectar, a divine liquor called the wine of the gods.

Nectar was a drink enjoyed by the gods of Greece and Rome, and it was a drink with tremendous efficacy that allowed mortals to become gods by drinking it.

However, it was said that he could return to being a mortal if he did not wear a robe, but it was so powerful that he could become a god just by drinking it.

“I really wouldn’t.”

Of course, that was only the case when it was real nectar.

The nectar at the Transcendent Shop was imitation, so it wouldn’t be like that.

However, its efficacy could not be ignored.

After much thought, Seo-joon purchased nectar.

Hold on.

6 billion evaporated with just one touch.

With this, the remaining money in Seo-joon’s balance is 100 million.


anytime, any number of times.

No, I felt a sense of emptiness that I could not adapt to even if I went for the rest of my life.

“Yeah, but I’m going to give you 13 billion soon…”

Seo-jun struggled to keep his composure.

The 13 billion that Cancer promised to give.

He said he would come after the pro hunter test, so he should be able to receive 13 billion soon.

However, at that time, I was thinking about why Min-yul didn’t deposit 3 billion won in child support.


As soon as he was dizzy from the dejection, a bright group of lights burst out in front of Seo-jun’s eyes.

After that, the halo of light gradually faded, and the nectar of divine liquor in a long jug was in my hand.

A precious drink worth 6 billion won.

Of course, the actual value was tens of billions of won, but it was a drink that was unreasonable.

Seojun inhaled the nectar with trembling hands.

gulp. gulp.

The nectar rides down Seo-jun’s throat without hesitation.

Seo-joon drank all the nectar at once.

“Oh, it’s delicious…!!”

I couldn’t come to my senses from the refreshing feeling that can’t be described in words.

No other drink in the world could taste better than this!

“Ha, just one more sip…”

Seo-joon looked into the lid of the kettle to taste even one more drop.

It’s not like drunkenness, but the moment you’re drunk on the taste.


Suddenly, a tremendous energy began to rise from Seo-joon’s body.


At the same time, the lower part (下丹田) begins to burn.

Seo-joon hurriedly sat down and saved his energy.


That’s how the dream academy was filled with tremendous energy all night long.


The place where Ryu Jin-cheol, the head of the Black Dragon Guild, left.

“I am If you’re going to say that, do it. Why do you fall for yourself and only make us do it?”

Do Min-seok, the head of the Mugunghwa Guild, murmured.

Then, the head of Shinhwa Guild, Lee Min-seong shrugged and replied.

“Fortunately, if these schemes were discovered, they would cut off their tails. Everyone in the know knows that Geomseong lent the blue dragon sword to Kim Seo-joon.”

“Still, the Sword Saint notices this, right?”

“How many people in Korea don’t pay attention to the swordsman?”

At Lee Seong-min’s words, the head of Garam Guild, Jung Yoon-mi.

And Han Man-cheol, the head of the Brawl Abi Guild, added word by word.

Everyone was dissatisfied with Ryu Jin-cheol, but no one rebelled.

It was because he knew Ryu Jin-cheol’s power better than anyone else.

Although Ryu Jin-cheol said that he noticed the swordsman, it was because of the great swordsman, not that Ryu Jin-cheol was weak.

I could tell just by looking at them that they had been in the top spot for decades.

According to the world, Ryu Jin-cheol is the closest to the level of a cataclysm hero.

The reason they were able to maintain the cartel was all thanks to Ryu Jin-cheol.

That’s why, the moment Ryu Jin-cheol stumbled upon him, he did not know that he would be kicked out of Korea forever as well as from the cartel.

So, even though I was dissatisfied with Ryu Jin-cheol, I couldn’t help but follow his words.

“Anyway, what Ryu Jin-cheol said is not wrong. If Seojun Kim becomes an A-class hunter, things will be quite a headache.”

Others nodded their heads at the words of Han Man-cheol, the leader of the Abi fight.

“No matter how much the swordsman pays attention to Kim Seo-joon, it’s not as much as the swordsman’s granddaughter. Perhaps… I think he is paying attention to Kim Seo-joon because of the swordsman’s granddaughter.”

“But if Kim Seo-joon becomes a B-class hunter, his relationship with the swordsman’s granddaughter will come to an end.”

“Then the swordsman has no reason to intervene with Kim Seo-joon anymore.”

“Besides, if Kim Seo-jun, the central point, disappears, all the forces related to him will be in disarray.”

At the last words of Han Man-cheol, the head of Shinhwa Guild, Lee Seong-min, nodded and said.

“So while Kim Seo-jun stays as a B-class hunter, we just have to take it down step by step. Yoonmi Jeong. How was your preparation for the next exam?”

“Do not worry.”

The head of the Garam Guild, Jeong Yoon-mi, shouted confidently.

“This is because the type and difficulty of the problem was constructed by referring to the records of all the competitions Seo-jun Kim participated in.”

Of course, Jung Yoon-mi did not submit the question herself.

The pro hunter test is a nationally recognized test to the last.

There were clearly established forms and rules.

However, these were talented people and forces who could dominate the world of Korean professional hunters.

Those who rule outside the framework of forms and rules prescribed by society.

It was not a matter of maintaining the formalities and rules, but interfering according to taste.

“Haven’t you already forgotten the results of the first day while saying that?”

“The case is different this time. As I said, it was composed based on Kim Seo-joon’s records.”


“Well, I wouldn’t know if Seojun Kim suddenly grew up overnight. But that can’t be possible, can it?”

All the other guild leaders nodded at Jung Yoon-mi’s confident tone.

No matter how much they think, Seojun Kim is an irregular.

Because it can’t change drastically overnight.

The plots unfolding behind the scenes like that.

With such plots, the day of the second day of the Pro Hunter exam has dawned.


The test subjects on the second day were none other than ‘dungeon raid’ and ‘mana utilization’.

If the test you took on the first day was the basic knowledge you should have as a professional hunter.

The tests from the 2nd day onwards were tests to evaluate the qualifications and skills of a professional hunter.

In a way, it was a subject that could be seen as a true professional hunter test.

And the first test on the second day was none other than ‘mana utilization’.

Mana was the source of power for hunters to exert superhuman strength.

If you couldn’t use mana in the first place, you couldn’t even deal with the monsters in the dungeon.

For professional hunters, mana was an important factor that was also used as an indicator of skill.

The mana utilization test taken in the Hunter Mill mock test was to calculate the amount of impact by hitting the shield generator.

The shield generator is a device maximized by researching the monster’s mana shield.

It was a way to evaluate how much the students could break the shield using mana.

And at that time, Seojun had not been able to use mana.

However, because of the Longinus Spear, he was able to win first place.

Moreover, the Pro Hunter exam also did not prohibit the use of personal weapons.

The difference in weapons was also the skill of the test takers, and honestly, the difference was not too much.

That’s why Seojun was able to use the Longinus spear this time.

In this pro hunter test, the evaluation method of mana utilization was a little different.

It was none other than the direct operation of mana.

In the Hunter Mill practice test, if it was to hit with a weapon imbued with magic.

The Pro Hunter test was a method of directly injecting horsepower into a horsepower measuring machine.

And simply injecting mana was not the end.

He had to put the mana into the mana bowl according to the specific circuit engraved inside the machine by moving the injected magic power.

So, the main evaluation factor was how much mana was finally put into the bowl.

As a result, in addition to the total amount of mana, mana control was evaluated.

In a word, it was a test to evaluate the ‘mana utilization’ of the candidates.


Seo-joon reviewed the contents of the test.

‘It would have been nice if I could use the Spear of Longinus…’

The Spear of Longinus, which pierces reality, ignores mana shields.

So Seo-jun thought he could easily get a perfect score in this subject, but…



[23 points]

At that moment, if the measurement of one test taker was finished, the score was announced.

“No, what! Isn’t this too much?”

And the test taker who confirmed the score complained to the officials.

That was because the difficulty level was too high.

That machine constantly consumes the mana the moment the test takers inject their mana.

Therefore, it was necessary to control the magic power along the circuit while continuously injecting the magic power.

“What is the level of difficulty…”

“I heard that the passing cut-off line seems to be an average of 40 points… Wouldn’t that make it even lower?”

For the students, it could be said to be the atrocity of the atrocities.

The test taker eventually had a scuffle with the official and was eventually dragged down by another official.

“The next candidate Kim Seo-joon.”

Everyone’s eyes were focused on the shouts of the officials who followed.

Seo-jun silently received those gazes and slowly went up to his seat.

‘It’s my first time…’

To be honest, even Seo-joon wasn’t sure what to say.

It was because he had to control not only mana, but also control.

Seo-joon slowly closed his eyes and activated his lower leg.

Then, a ball of fire began to rise from the bottom of the battle.

It was a ball of fire with the power of divine liquor nectar added along with Gongqing Petroleum.

And unlike Gongqing Petroleum, nectar was absorbed slowly with a margin, so it was able to save a lot of power.


Because of that, the flames soaring up to the bottom were several times hotter than usual.


Soon after, the circle rotated fiercely, scattering the power of the flames all over the body.


At the same time, a wave of terrible power burst through Seo-jun’s body.

“What, what is…?”

“What is this…!”

The expression of the people around him was all colored with astonishment.

This was because it was not an energy that a student could dare to exude.

Almost an S-class Hunter… No, honestly, I couldn’t guarantee that it was even an S-class Hunter.

This tremendous pressure that you can feel just by feeling it next to you.

Seo-joon poured the power surging from his body into the machine in front of him.


Then, the machine that detected mana began to suck Seojun’s mana.


Beep, beep…!?

The machine that sucked Seo-Jun’s mana started to make strange noises.

It even stirred up and down as if it had been an error.


However, Seojun did not stop and continued pouring mana.


Suddenly, sparks flew from the machine and thick smoke rose.

and momentarily


The machine outputs a string whose meaning is unknown.


It just exploded with a huge explosion.

“No, no way!!”

“How can this be!!”

The spectators, students, and the general public who watched the scene exclaimed in astonishment and astonishment.

Of course, that machine’s mana bowl could only be filled by an S-class hunter.

Even the machine continued to suck mana, so the level actually needed was possible only if it belonged to the upper ranks among S-class hunters.

It was only to completely fill the bowl of mana allocated to the machine.

That’s why it wasn’t enough to fill the standard of perfect score.

Although the level of difficulty is difficult, I still had to make it so that I could get a perfect score.

To be honest, it was possible, but it was safe to say that it was impossible.

But now.

Beyond filling the bowl of mana, the machine could not stand it and exploded?




No one in the hall made a sound.

He just stared at the exploding machine with his mouth open.


“Uh… how many points is that?”

Only Seo-joon’s question resonated emptyly.

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