The Villain Who Became Pregnant With The Alpha’s Child Chapter 98

Haneul put down his chopsticks and, like Eunyul, rolled up the lettuce like a dumpling and put it in his mouth.

It was smaller than the one Kang Ha-jun ate, but it was too big to put in the child’s mouth, but he chewed it well to make sure it wasn’t too burdensome.

“Is it delicious?”

In response to Namgoong Hyeok’s question, which was worse, Haneul gave a thumbs up.

“What kind of kid eats wraps so generously?”

I even eat vegetables well, and garlic goes without saying.

“If you are a picky eater, you cannot eat deliciously.”

After eating all the ssam in his mouth, Haneul placed some garlic on Namgoonghyeok’s bowl.

“Try it. “It’s not spicy at all and it’s savory.”

“Are you really five years old?”

“of course.”

Haneul nodded and got ready to eat ssam again. Namgoonghyuk, who was watching her pick up perilla leaves, asked just in case.

“Do you eat cilantro too?”

“Add cilantro to rice noodles to deepen the flavor.”

“Hey. Seong Eun-yul raised him properly.”

Namgoonghyeok, who belatedly put his pork belly in his mouth while admiring Haneul, ate it diligently as it was late.

“Eunyul, hurry up and eat it too.”

Eunyul, who was looking at Haneul with proud eyes, turned her head when she heard him calling her.

Before I knew it, Kang Ha-jun had wrapped a wrap similar to the one I had made and handed it out.

“thank you for this food.”

He answered with lettuce attached to his lips, then opened his mouth and took it.

Before I was thrilled by the variety of flavors exploding in my mouth, I put the pork belly back on the grill.

And as he was putting the ripe food into Kang Ha-jun’s mouth, Namgoong-hyuk, who was sitting in the middle, clicked his tongue.

“Can’t we each eat it? “Why are we feeding each other earlier?”

Because it looks bad.

Eun-yul and Kang Ha-jun seemed to not have heard Namgoong-hyuk’s complaints and were busy taking care of each other. Haneul is busy eating wraps by herself.

Now, it was a loss for people who missed it because they were focusing on other things. Even Namgung-hyuk erased his dissatisfaction and hurriedly picked up the pork belly and ate it, and two pounds and a half disappeared in an instant. Everyone was so full that they couldn’t stand up, leaving the grill and side dish bowls empty.

“Should I have prepared three pounds?”

Eunyul, who had prepared the food moderately because she was afraid it would be greasy, ate it with regret.

Eunyul, who was drinking cool water and thinking about grilling pork ribs next, suddenly stood up when she saw a shadow on the door.

Then, as he walked towards the door, Lim Bong-soon, who had just entered, was startled.



I hugged Lim Bong-soon, who was surprised because I blocked her path, and called her out.

“I missed you.”

Since I haven’t seen her much lately, I missed her even more. So, he tried to be very cute, but instead of hugging Eun-yul, Im Bong-soon smelled her and immediately frowned.

“Wow, it smells like meat. What are you doing at Haejangguk’s house? “Go and don’t open the window!”

The three men, including Eun-yul, started moving around in response to Lim Bong-sun’s shouting.

* * *

“Take this.”

After entering the room alone with Lim Bong-soon, Eun-yul looked at what was presented in front of her.

“What is this?”

It was a brown document envelope. Since it was not visible what was inside, Eunyul was not willing to touch it.

“See for yourself.”

However, when Lim Bong-soon seemed to have no intention of explaining, he had no choice but to pick up the document envelope.

When I opened the entrance, I saw some paper and something that looked like a bankbook. I left behind the paper that I had no idea what content it contained and took out my bankbook.

“This is a bank account.”

“It’s yours.”


Eunyul was so surprised that she just looked around the bankbook and couldn’t open it easily.

“Is this in my name?”


“Grandma, if you open a bank account in someone else’s name like that… … .”

“You made it and brought it here.”

Eunyul thought about Lim Bong-soon’s pitiful eyes for a moment and then remembered it later.

“I see. This is exactly what I made. But this… … .”

It was true that I made it. He told me to make one because I needed a bank account to receive the allowance provided by the government when the child was born.

At that time, Lim Bong-soon took the bankbook and asked if she would spend the money once it came in, and Eun-yul shook her head.

When I said I wanted to give everything to Haneul, Lim Bong-soon said she understood and took the bankbook.

The bankbook I had forgotten about came back.

“It was originally yours, so take it.”

“no way. This is just my name… … .”

Only then did Eunyul’s words fade as she opened her bank account with a light heart.

“Why is this… … .”

“I put it in sometimes.”

In addition to the money coming from the country, there was also money coming in under Lim Bong-sun’s name.

“What is this?”

I turn to the next page, and I turn it again, and no matter how many pages I turn, Lim Bong-soon’s name keeps appearing.

As I was looking at the total amount, I could no longer proceed to the next page. I didn’t have the courage to see the amount increase further than this.

“What the hell is this…” … .”

Eunyul could not speak easily. The biggest expense at this store was already my salary.

However, Lim Bong-soon did not stop there and continued to invest money like this.

“Don’t give it to Shiki, but keep it hidden.”

As Lim Bong-soon spoke while looking outside, Eun-yul turned her head to see who it was. The person she pointed to was Namgoong Hyuk.

“If you bring me another debt document, I will scold you very harshly, so don’t ever give that to me.”


Eunyul was so choked up that she couldn’t say much. So she only calls her, so Lim Bong-soon snorts at her.

“It’s all your money, so what are you doing?”

“What do I earn?”

“You ate and slept here and delivered food.”

“That’s it… … .”

I stayed here because I had nowhere else to go and just worked hard to get a paycheck.

“I come out on the weekend to make kimchi, wash cabbage, boil radish, boil meat… … Add up all that time.”

Lim Bong-soon looked at the hall again. The young man who appeared in front of her, who had been running this restaurant by herself, worked really hard.

“what is it. time… … Outside allowance. that is.”

“You didn’t know that in the past, but anyway, grandma… … Why do you really move people like this? “I saw that she had a group of guests last time and said that her grandmother was really greedy. I’m sorry.”

“Did you swear at me?”

Eunyul flinched at Lim Bong-soon’s sharp eyes.

“swear word… … “Not until then.”

Although I grumbled behind my back, wondering if I really had to get it that way from the front.

“Sickness. “I haven’t looked at anything else yet, so how long am I going to hold on to my bank account?”

“Oh, that’s right.”

I put the bankbook aside and took out a piece of paper. It looked like it was a document, but some had only one page and some were tied together.

“These are all…” … .”

“I’m giving this restaurant to you. “After I die, it’s up to you whether you tear down this place and build a fancy building or not.”

After listening to Eunyul muttering, “This place is so old,” he held out the documents again.

“I don’t want to take it. No, I can’t accept it.”

This place could be said to be everything for Lim Bong-soon. When she offered to give herself such a place, her heart first rejected it.

“Grandma, why are you trying to give me everything?”

“Then give it to someone other than yourself. “What do you want from Namgung over there?”

“That’s not it… … .”

“I thought you were telling a lie when you said you would pass on what was mine?”

This is what Lim Bong-soon said when Lee Hyun-seung said he would pass on everything he owned to Eun-yul.

“If you don’t give it to me now, I have to give it to you because you never know when old man Lee Hyun-seung will take you away.”

Lim Bong-soon acted as if there was nothing he could do.

“Look at someone else’s precious successor.”

Eunyul smiled softly as he heard her snort.

“I see. “I am truly my grandmother’s successor.”

“Then you haven’t thought about it like that until now?”

“What am I… … “I thought he was my grandmother’s grandson.”

Eunyul scratched her chest and answered. She was strangely tickled. It felt like it was somewhere inside her heart, but she couldn’t reach it, so she kept tickling.

“Go somewhere and live without being discouraged.”

Lim Bong-soon tapped Eun-yul on the shoulder.

“And if anyone is bullying you, tell me. “I will come and give you a proper scolding.”

Eunyul nodded, embracing what Lim Bongsoon had given her.

“I am really grandma’s grandchild.”

“Who said it was fake? “Stop talking nonsense and take it home.”

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