The Villain Who Became Pregnant With The Alpha’s Child Chapter 9

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Returning to Suni’s, Eunyul hugged Haneul, who welcomed her.

“Let’s go home.”

It’s already approaching 10 o’clock, so it’s too late to go and get ready for bed now.

Eunyul lifted Haneul and bowed her head towards Lim Bongsun. I didn’t have time to say things like she had a good trip or that the old man gave me her clothes to change into. Eunyul turned around after seeing his grandmother roughly waving her hands.

“I’m sorry I’m late.”

Haneul, who was staring at Eunyul, buried her face in his arms.

When we returned home, Haneul ran to Dododo’s room and closed the door. She even yelled at him not to come in. He seemed upset because I came late.


I was still distraught, but the thought of having to comfort Haneul made me feel exhausted. Still, I thought I had done something wrong to Haneul, so when I tried to force myself up, the door suddenly opened.


Haneul changed into her pajamas alone and appeared confidently with her hands on her hips.

“you… … .”

“I changed into my pajamas by myself! Also, my dad’s favorite peach pajamas. “Am I cute?”

As Haneul pulled open her pajamas, the pictures of peaches drawn here and there repeatedly changed from fat to skinny.

“… … .”

When did you realize how I felt?

When I realized that Haneul couldn’t control her expression in front of me, the first thing that came to my mind was regret. And he smiled when Haneul said that she tried to show him the peach pajamas to comfort him.

“I feel really better.”

Earlier, I tried to force my strength up, but now I just felt strong.

“Try my peaches.”

Eunyul took the peach drawn on Haneul’s pajamas and pretended to eat it.

“Yum yum, peaches are delicious. It’s sweet and refreshing. “The peach flavor is the best.”


“No, actually, I don’t know. Sky, try it and let me know.”

When Eunyul took a peach and pretended to feed it, Haneul moved his mouth as if he was eating it. She looked so cute with her cheeks full of air.

“What does it taste like?”

“hmm… … “The taste of air.”

“what? “So what I’ve been eating up until now is air?”

“Melong, you were fooled, right?”

“Ugh, I was fooled.”

As Eunyul fell down, clutching her neck, Haneul came up on top of her. He then hugged Eunyul’s neck tightly, and Haneul’s warmth was seeping into her heart.

‘okay. ‘Sky is my child.’

I can’t guarantee that I won’t be caught for the rest of my life, but no matter what happens, my child won’t be taken away.

* * *

Eunyul, who was crouching in front of the broth, called out to Lim Bongsun, who was cutting behind her.


“Shut your mouth and move.”

“Isn’t the sky really cute?”

“… … .”

Have you tasted it since early in the morning? Or did you feel sleepy? Im Bong-soon looked back at her Eun-yul.

Without noticing Lim Bong-soon’s thoughts, Eun-yul hugged herself even more.

“It’s so cute that I want to bite it and so pretty that I want to look at it, right?”

“Are you crazy?”

“Haneul also has good hair. I learn numbers on my own by looking at number posters. I can’t write Korean yet, but I know how to read. “Actually, I haven’t taught Haneul anything because I’m working, but seeing him do that on his own shows that he’s really smart.”

“Why are you bringing up a story that everyone already knows?”

Lim Bong-soon turned around with the intention of feeding the guy who was talking nonsense. But she couldn’t raise her hand when she saw that the person bigger than her was cowering.

“Wouldn’t you like a child like that?”

Im Bong-soon, who understood what Eun-yul said, raised his sword again. I was wondering what that guy was thinking when he was talking… … .

“Why are you so worried when others covet you?”

“What if it’s not someone else?”

Eunyul hugged her body even closer.

“If you say dad, you’ll want to take Haneul with you.”

“so? “If you ask me, give it to me?”


“But what’s the problem?”

Lim Bong-sun clicked her tongue, thinking that it would be okay if Eun-yul didn’t give it to her even if she wanted it. She put oil in a frying pan, chopped her vegetables and then poured in the eggs.

“I don’t want to take it away, but I don’t know how to protect it.”

Eunyul sighed. Deciding not to let it get taken away, I gathered information about Kang Ha-jun again. I spent the whole night thinking about how I could protect Haneul from Kang Ha-jun, whose father was a politician and whose maternal grandfather had the most cash in Korea, but nothing came to mind.

“I have no money and no power, so what weapon should I use to protect Haneul?”

“Because I don’t have money… … You earn enough to take care of your children, but you don’t have anything. And the strength to hold a baby is enough. How much stronger do you want to be?”

“Grandma, that’s not what I meant.”

Eunyul was about to explain but closed her mouth. I realized that it wasn’t something her grandmother had said without knowing.

“Why don’t you have any weapons?”

“Do I have a weapon?”


Lim Bong-soon placed the egg rolls on a cutting board and cut them into pieces.

“You’re cute, you guy.”

“Are you cute? What kind of weapon is that… … .”

Eun-yul got up from his crouch and approached Lim Bong-soon. How much cuteness can be shown by someone this big… … .

“What are you worried about when you take the hearts of old people like that? “Those humans will take care of it.”

Eunyul was dazed for a moment at the unexpected answer, and then called her.

“… … grandma.”

And as he hugged her, Lim Bong-soon shouted.

“What if this guy gets hurt with a knife?”

“Will grandma protect me too?”

“Heaven and earth are all on your side, but you want me to step in as well?”

Despite Lim Bong-sun’s mistreatment, Eun-yul did not loosen his arms that were hugging her.

“Grandma is the strongest.”

He had the audacity to hit a foreign car with a ladle even though there was only one restaurant that was falling apart, and he had the skills to swear that could not be defeated by anyone. She wondered why she couldn’t think of her grandmother like that.

“I’m glad I met my real grandmother. “If she hadn’t met her grandmother, she wouldn’t be living like she is now.”

He must have barely survived his life by using the 500 coins he had in hand. Thinking about it like that made her even more grateful.

“thank you.”

“If you’re going to keep holding me, go over there and get rid of Cheongseung. “I’m dying of frustration.”

“I want to hold you more.”

“This rotten bastard won’t let me do my job.”

“Grandma’s level of cursing is also reassuring.”

Eunyul, who praised her grandmother’s strong swear words, paid the price by choking on an egg roll.

“Aggin that aaun ea wooui oaoo. (Actually, that person doesn’t know who I am.)”

Even after seeing her a few times, I didn’t recognize her at all, so if we don’t meet her in the future, there’s no need for the grandmother to come forward.

* * *

Kang Ha-jun kept thinking about what happened in the garden. Rep. Han Cheol-seung called the young man from the restaurant. He was noticed as he was wandering around in an outfit that did not suit the fancy place. Most of them laughed at his behavior, and some noticed that his face was worth looking at despite his shabby behavior.

Someone even approached him and talked to him. He thought about just ignoring him, but he couldn’t turn away the people’s eyes that kept turning to him.

I had no choice but to walk towards the young man at the restaurant and run away the man who was trying to buy him a night with money.

“Why did you invite me to such a place… … .”

I couldn’t tell the feelings of Rep. Han Cheol-seung, who brought me here knowing how he would be treated. Didn’t he look pretty when he saw you in the restaurant? Or I was confused as to whether she was pretty in some other way.

… … When I thought that it might have a different meaning, I felt a strange sense of discomfort.

It was natural to feel that way even though I chose Rep. Han Cheol-seung because he was a more upright person than anyone else. That’s because the young man at the restaurant had a charm that caught people’s attention.

However, I couldn’t figure out the identity of the déjà vu I felt every time I saw the young man in the restaurant.

“What am I missing?”

I decided to look back from the beginning.

The reason I didn’t feel unfamiliar when I saw the young man was probably because I had seen him before or because he resembled someone. Kang Ha-jun’s feelings were weighted toward the fact that he had met before. The reason is his voice.

The voice got on his nerves more than the face.

Kang Ha-jun, who was tapping the desk at a steady beat, called in his secretary.

“Please find out about the young man who works at the restaurant where Rep. Han Cheol-seung met. “It’s okay to have minimal information, so please bring it within 30 minutes.”

“All right.”

After the secretary left, Kang Ha-jun got up from his chair and slowly walked to the window.

“Who is that child?”

I happened to see a child coming with him. Judging by the familiar posture of holding his hand and walking and hugging him, it seemed like they were close friends.

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