The Villain Who Became Pregnant With The Alpha’s Child Chapter 86

Eun-yul looked at Lim Bong-sun’s gaze and stopped while extending his arm. As I was trying to hug her, I was reminded of her condition.

It’s not so dry now, but it’s not dry either, so it’ll be damp to the touch. So instead of bending her arms and bending her arms, I expressed my feelings to her through words.

“I will be filial.”

“What is filial piety…?” … .”

“Doesn’t it really affect you because you’re still doing it?”

Eunyul said, putting her hand through my hair and lightly shaking it out. Thanks to Kang Ha-jun’s stirring, the less dry hair rose up.

“When did you get so shameless about being filial?”

“You eat well, sleep well, and laugh well. That’s it.”


Lim Bong-sun, who felt like his insides would explode if the conversation continued, pushed Eun-yul away more firmly than before.

He was pointing at the car with his hand outstretched, so I felt like I was going to get scolded if I said another word.

Knowing that now was the time to move on, Eunyul took heavy steps.


Kang Ha-jun, who had been waiting with the car door open, held out his hand. Eun-yul glanced at Lim Bong-soon and held Kang Ha-jun’s hand.

When I got into the car, it felt warmer than before. It looked like they had turned on the heater and waited.

Eunyul felt that the temperature in the car had risen to the point where it felt a little hot, and she ruffled her hair.

I felt the coldness in my hair fading away.

Kang Ha-jun got into the driver’s seat and picked up a thermos before starting the car.

Saying I didn’t like ginger tea was nothing more than complaining. I said this out of embarrassment because I could sense her feelings.

“When did grandma prepare something like this?”

They didn’t even say that they had been caught in the rain before arriving at Suni’s. Still, he must have taken out the thermos after seeing the weather.

“Can I have ginger tea?”

Kang Ha-jun, who was tilting the thermos against the lid he used as a cup, nodded.

“I don’t really care.”

“Then let’s drink together.”

Knowing that Eun-yul was trying to take care of him first, Kang Ha-jun muttered something and instead tilted the thermos even more.

“uh? “It’s not ginger tea.”

I didn’t notice it because the colors were similar, but later a sweet and sour scent swirled around the car.

Eunyul picked up the cup, tasted it, and saw Suni’s sign reflected outside the window.

“Oh really.”

I lied.

However, I felt even more touched because they gave me something I like instead of ginger tea.

Only when Suni’s sign was no longer visible did Eunyul hold out the cup to Kang Hajun.

“Try drinking it.”

You might know it by the smell, but Kang Ha-jun drank the tea without hesitation.

“It’s citron tea.”

“yes. “It’s delicious, right?”

Kang Ha-jun answered by taking another sip of tea.

“But when did you make this? “I didn’t see it.”

“Soak it?”

Kang Ha-jun, who was now starting the car and turning the steering wheel, pointed out a part he did not understand, and Eun-yul nodded and explained while drinking citron tea.

“Because I like it.”

So, he made it himself so that he could drink it often on rainy days or in the winter.

Kang Ha-jun did not respond to Eun-yul’s words, and silence continued between the two.

Since she wasn’t specifically asking Kang Ha-jun for an answer, Eun-yul took a sip of her tea and looked out the window.

Everything in sight was wet, but the sky quickly cleared up.

“The weather is nice.”

Eunyul slightly opened the window and leaned against the seat, breathing in the fresh air.

After drinking the warm citron tea and being in the car heated by the heater, my body gradually melted. Perhaps because I kept running around at the amusement park and getting caught in the rain, my heavy eyelids were slowly going down.

“Namgoonghyuk shouldn’t just go and learn… … .”

As I was falling asleep, I couldn’t hear what Kang Ha-jun said.

* * *

“Why are you home already?”

Perhaps because it was Kang Ha-jun’s room, the bed in front of him caught Eun-yul’s eyesight. Even if you didn’t try to look at it, it was very difficult to look away because it was a large king size.

“I shouldn’t have fallen asleep in the car.”

I wasn’t mentally prepared for spending time alone with him. He repeatedly squeezed and released the hem of his clothes, which had almost completely dried and become stiff, and focused all his attention on Kang Ha-jun moving behind him.


“yes? yes.”

I reflexively turned towards the direction the voice came from and noticed that his clothes were still wet.

“Have you not changed your clothes?”

I went into the dressing room and wondered why he just came out, so I asked him, and Kang Ha-jun gave me what he was holding.

“I thought it would be a good idea for you to wash first.”

I took what Kang Ha-jun gave me and saw that it was a bathrobe.

“Yes. “I need to wash it.”

Why did I think I would do it right away when I came in? Eunyul, who was fiddling with her thick gown, tried to leave the room.

“Then I’ll take a shower and come back.”

“wait for a sec.”

Eunyul stopped as Kang Ha-jun grabbed her shoulder. He was already conscious of him, but when his hand touched him, he felt like he didn’t know what to do.

“You can wash here.”

“Oh, is this the bathroom?”

I was so intent on going to the place I always used that I didn’t realize that there was a bathroom nearby. Eun-yul, who was going to the place pointed out by Kang Ha-jun, recognized that her steps were stiff, but she did not have the presence of mind to act naturally.

He entered the bathroom adjacent to the dressing room, supported himself on the sink, and let out a long breath.

“I was too conscious.”

On the contrary, Kang Ha-jun was no different from usual, but I could not hide my condition. I was embarrassed that I was so nervous that I showed everything I didn’t know what to do.

When I looked up and looked in the mirror, I saw that my face was red.

“Come on.”

He scolded himself and took off his clothes, saying that he needed someone to oil him up before he could move properly. Because I can’t stay here forever. With that thought in mind, Eunyul turned around and stopped when she saw the water in the bathtub.

I guess the reason he went into the dressing room just now wasn’t to change clothes.

“ah… … .”

Eunyul buried her face in her bathrobe. Kang Ha-jun’s attention to detail made my heart tighten and I could not breathe well. Now, rather than feeling nervous about the long night I would spend with him, I began to feel excited.

I soaked in hot water to melt away the lingering effects of being hit by the rain. I was a little tired, but I didn’t think I would catch a cold.

Eunyul, who was wiping off the moisture from her body with a towel, saw a bathrobe hanging on the wall. Now all you have to do is wear that thing that Kang Ha-jun gave you naked… … .

Eunyul’s head tilted.

‘Can’t I wear something else?’

* * *

Kang Ha-jun, who had washed up in another bathroom, wiped his wet hair with a towel and waited for Eun-yul. She won’t be coming out anytime soon as she’s soaking herself in the bathtub.

〈And we can have sex as much as we like.〉

Eun-yul’s words still echoed in his head. You wouldn’t know that my whole body was lifted up by his whisper, which was louder than thunder.

Even now, just by thinking about it, my penis began to become erect, revealing its bulge above the gown.

“You left early.”

It was time for Kang Ha-jun, who was exhaling as if trying to control his excitement, to look back at Eun-yul. Kang Ha-jun’s breath disappeared like fog at the sight of him wearing a t-shirt instead of a bathrobe.

It was an ordinary tee. Eun-yul came out wearing the white top that Kang Ha-jun wears at home. The clothes fit her well, so they were a little big for Eunyul. The rounds were large, exposing his collarbone, and the sleeves were long, covering the backs of his hands.

Eunyul, who was clearly wearing just that, pulled down the bottom of her tee.

“I thought it would be really big, but it wasn’t.”

I thought they would cover her buttocks, but Kang Ha-jun covered her mouth when Eun-yul muttered something she wanted to do. He probably doesn’t know how irritating it is to see his clothes not completely covering his center.

The convex lines of the buttocks were clearly visible. The disappointment of not being able to see the entrance due to the two cheeks touching each other was comforted by something else.

The blunt end of the penis disappeared and appeared under the tee repeatedly. Kang Ha-jun sighed as he watched the testicles that were sticking down being pressed softly according to the movement of the penis.

“Do you know what’s even more erotic than that?”

Kang Ha-jun, who failed to suppress himself whether he knew it or not, quickly approached Eun-yul.

“You’re wearing my clothes.”

“The gown is nice, but… … .”

Eunyul picked up the tea and smelled it. Kang Ha-jun’s penis was fully erect as his abs and pubes were exposed in the wind.

“I like this better because I can feel the pheromones.”


Eun-yul’s choice was also satisfactory to Kang Ha-jun. Especially, unlike a bathrobe that opens up the chest, you have to put your hand in from the bottom.


When Kang Ha-jun’s hand entered the top, Eun-yul made a surprised sound. He came wearing only one with the intention of brightening the mood, but I had no idea it would have such a good effect.

When the hand went up her stomach and touched her chest, Eun-yul crouched, but Kang Ha-jun moved faster.


He put the nipple between his fingers and rolled it round.

“So suddenly… … .”

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