The Villain Who Became Pregnant With The Alpha’s Child Chapter 72

“Let’s find out about that now.”

“Wait, wait a minute.”

Although it was only twice, Eunyul unconsciously reacted in her ears and side, and reflexively stretched out her hand.

“The cycle is here right now, so where is the time to find out?”

It was an excuse. Thanks to his help, I calmed down a little and was able to think about all sorts of things.

Although it was burdensome to go all the way to the end, I was more concerned about the traces of Kang Ha-jun left on my side.

“It’s better that way.”

Kang Ha-jun’s eyes were wide with laughter. He, who doesn’t usually smile, smiled so much that Eunyul felt like she was going to lose her mind again.

“When you cycle, your body becomes more sensitive.”

While Kang Ha-jun spoke calmly, Eun-yul’s waist started shaking as she listened. It was a pity that I had calmed down a little after releasing the blocked pheromones. If it weren’t for that, I wouldn’t have had the ability to properly understand Kang Ha-jun’s words right now.

“Shall we really figure it out slowly? Or how about I take the time to get to know Ha-jun?”

In response to Eun-yul’s question, which instinctively felt a sense of crisis, Kang Ha-jun stepped back for a moment, pretending to think. Unknowingly, Eunyul placed her hand on her bare chest and exhaled. It felt like I was a little free from his trap.

“Do you want to do that then?”


It was when Eunyul stood on her knees to change her posture. I don’t know when his hand came around my waist and pulled down my pants.

He never seemed to be in a hurry, nor did he force himself to get up. All he did was pull down his pants when I got up.

I gave him a gap. As she realized this, Eunyul became very sad inside.

At times like this, I felt resentful of my stupid mind for sometimes forgetting who Kang Ha-jun was.

I’m not the type of person who would ever miss an opportunity.

Eun-yul, who was lying down on the bed again, looked up at Kang Ha-jun with only her underwear left.

Speaking of my cycle, I couldn’t escape this strange atmosphere.

It might have been better to binge it when I was in a rush.

Kang Ha-jun’s hand touched the top of his chest. He found it so small that he put it between his thumb and index finger and rolled it around persistently.

“Why… … .”

Eunyul wanted to tell her not to do that, but she couldn’t get the words out because she was moaning. I was almost embarrassed by the unfamiliar and dizzying sensation I felt in her chest.

“I think I need to touch everything to find out.”

Compared to her gentle voice, the fingers touching her nipples were full of obsession. As if pinching, pressing, and bouncing weren’t enough, he put the other nipple in his mouth and sucked it hard.

“Huh, haha.”

It was a stimulus that made my waist bounce and my hot penis wriggle inside my underwear.

“It hasn’t even really started yet. “Eunyul.”

Eun-yul tried to avoid it by twisting her body to the side, but the only answer that came back was that it was impossible to escape from under Kang Ha-jun.

“That doesn’t mean you can get away with it. “You have to get used to it.”

“Nonsense… … .”

The hand that had been persistently caressing the nipple touched the areola as if tracing, and then moved down the side.

“The color is dirty. “It’s pink.”

“Well, don’t say that.”

A person who usually didn’t talk much became friendly. Because he knows what I don’t want to say.

The hand that had been circling her side touched Eunyul’s buttocks, which were bulging as she rolled to the side. Even though it was a light touch, as if his feathers had risen, my body was shaking, but his hand did not stop and caressed the dimpled waist just above my buttocks.

“Release more pheromones. “That will help.”

Kang Ha-jun hooked his finger into Eun-yul’s underwear, telling her that it was a way for her to hold on. It would have been better to do it all at once like when taking off clothes, but tantalizingly slow fingers were pulling down my underwear and scratching my buttocks with their nails.

Eun-yul, feeling an unbearable sensation, tried to release more pheromones as Kang Ha-jun had told her to do, but then gasped in surprise. His body becomes more sensitive, and the stimulation from his hands hits him like a tidal wave.

“hmm… … .”

Kang Ha-jun pulled down her underwear and grabbed Eun-yul’s penis, which was bouncing up.

“I meant to focus on pheromones… … .”

At Kang Ha-jun’s faint sigh, Eun-yul slowly opened one eye that had been tightly closed and glanced at him. As he continued to release pheromones, my body became more sensitive, and his hand grasping my prick made such a big difference that I felt betrayed.

Eunyul only let out a shallow moan at the warmth surrounding her genitals and his touch lightly scratching the tip.

“Well, I guess you can’t completely escape by focusing on pheromones.”

In response to Kang Ha-jun’s question, Eun-yul tried to say that it was too much, but the lump of flesh that was caught by him made me feel like I was going to vomit at any moment.

Even as the fever rose and cooled, there was only one place that was hot, as if it was constantly heating up. When Kang Ha-jun caught my penis, which had become so hard that my underwear felt so tight, I wanted to ejaculate. However, because his hand was holding it, he could not eject semen. Besides, he was reluctant to ejaculate in someone else’s hand because he had never done so before.

“Give me a hand…” … .”

Eunyul closed her legs to try to take his hand away, but it didn’t work as she wanted. Instead, it just ended up trapping his hand between my legs.

“Are you asking me to stop arresting you like that?”

Kang Ha-jun interpreted it however he wanted and grabbed Eun-yul’s genitals tightly. He rubbed the glans with his thumb and scratched it as if digging into the bone of the glans. He caressed the tip, which was shiny with Cooper fluid, and pressed the urethra with the tip of his fingernail to help the inside come out.

Starting from the soft testicles, he swept up to the pillar as if to guide the semen on its way, and Eunyul, who became dizzy, tried to pull his hand away.

This was really the limit now. Light flashed before my eyes and the ceiling was filled with all kinds of colors.

“Do you like holding it in as long as you can and then ejaculating? “Then shall I help you?”

Eunyul shook her head violently as she not only helped with words but also tried to block the urethra with her hands. I wish you would just let go.


I tried to pull his hand away until the very end, but all I ended up doing was waving my hand in the air. Feeling as if his entire body was tightening and then loosening, he vomited into Kang Ha-jun’s hands.

The white turbid liquid rising to the surface flowed down Kang Ha-jun’s fingers.

“Pussy… … Mayo.”

Feeling burdened by Kang Ha-jun’s penetrating gaze, Eun-yul covered her face with her hands. If I could, I wanted to cover Kang Ha-jun’s eyes, but my body was so heavy from exhaustion that I couldn’t stand up.

Then, a clinking sound was heard and Eunyul opened the fingers covering her eyes to see Kang Ha-jun and screamed in horror.

“Mr. Hajun.”

“Maybe because it’s your first time ejaculating, the pheromones are strong.”

Seeing him licking the semen that had flowed from his fingers, Eunyul forced herself to raise her upper body.

“Why are you eating that?”

I grabbed his hand to stop him from eating anymore, but it was so slippery that I almost lost it. Fortunately, Kang Ha-jun bent his fingers, so their hands became intertwined like hooks. Then he smiled pleasantly.

“I smell your pheromones.”

Based on his answer, Kang Ha-jun kissed Eun-yul while she was speechless. As Eun-yul stiffened as she felt her own pheromones coming straight in with her tongue, Kang Ha-jun let out a cry.


The more his tongue swirled around my mouth, the more saliva came out. He didn’t give him time to swallow it, so even though it flowed down the corner of his mouth, Kang Ha-jun didn’t fall. Rather, he lusted for the inside of Eunyul’s mouth again and again.


“Wait. “I’m so embarrassed.”

I didn’t know it, but I was the only one naked, showing my erection and ejaculation in front of him. I was so embarrassed that I felt like my whole body was heating up when I saw something coming out from behind and soaking Kang Ha-jun’s pants.

When I expressed my desire to hide somewhere, I felt Kang Ha-jun’s gaze on my face, and he held my hand. He suddenly wanted to grab his hand, so he dragged it and placed it on his center.

“ah… … .”

Eunyul unconsciously raised her voice at the sight of his erect penis, which could clearly be felt even though she was wearing clothes. It didn’t make sense because it wasn’t pronounced, but it was enough to know that it was a reaction to Kang Ha-jun touching his genitals.


The first thing I felt was the heat that could be felt through the fabric. It would probably be hotter if I unwrapped the cloth and touched it. Next was size. I only touched part of it because it didn’t come out, but I felt like I couldn’t hold it with one hand.

Suddenly, along with the thought of wanting to see him, I was curious to see if his, too, was full of the scent of pheromones. At that moment, without realizing it, my hand reached for the buckle, and Kang Ha-jun removed his hand.

“why… … .”

I wanted to see his, but I was turned away. She was about to feel sad about that, but Kang Ha-jun’s hand covered Eun-yul’s face.

“I don’t know where it will go if I bring it up now.”

“ah… … .”

“Right now I just wanted to let you know that I’m just like you.”

Kang Ha-jun’s excited voice caressed my ears. Only then did his situation become clear to Eunyul and she turned her head.

“For now, I’ll just focus on solving your cycle.”

For some reason, tears came to my eyes at his consideration that he would never let Eunyul avoid me out of shame or fear.

“yes… … .”

Eun-yul, who fell into a cycle where the inhibitor didn’t work for the first time, closed her eyes. I leaned completely on Kang Ha-jun, as if he was the only one who could solve my cycle right now.

That night, Eun-yul ejaculated several times under Kang Ha-jun’s touch and moaned as he was caressed again. At the end, when Kang Ha-jun’s finger came behind me, I couldn’t react properly because my eyes were closed.

* * *

“Long time no see.”

“What have you been doing for so long that you haven’t come here once?”

In response to Han Cheol-seung’s greeting, Lee Hyun-seung took his hand and expressed his joy. The two people who entered the house naturally sat down with the checkerboard between them.

“It’s been so lonely since there was no one to talk to.”

Hearing Lee Hyun-seung’s groans, Han Cheol-seung smiled and lifted the black stone without hesitation.

“I also needed a partner, so it worked out well. “I will do it first.”

With the sound of a black stone rising on the board, a match between the two was concluded. This happened before we even greeted each other properly. However, as if he was used to it, Lee Hyun-seung responded with a white stone.

“Of course.”

The two people who started playing baduk like that soon stopped talking and focused on the baduk board.

After playing baduk for a while in silence, Han Cheol-seung tried his luck.

“Five years ago, I saw a child. “I don’t know where she got it from, but I followed her as she walked away looking very pitiful.”

It didn’t seem like it was just a story about meeting a poor child.

“He walks unsteadily as if he’s going to fall down at any moment, but he still moves around so well… … It was quite interesting to ride the bus and look for a job like that. “I’m injured, so let’s get treatment first, let’s find out what’s going on first.”

Before he knew it, Hyunseung Lee was listening to his story without even thinking about picking up the baduk stone.

“I stopped by several places to ask for jobs, but it didn’t seem to work out well. Well, I thought it would be hard for me to accept it if a beggar who got beaten up asked me if I had a job.”

Is it because of unfortunate circumstances that I still remember it even after 5 years?

“It wasn’t just that. I could see that he was hungry, but he couldn’t enter the restaurant because he didn’t have enough money. “I thought I should stop watching and help.”

Han Cheol-seung thought of the child he saw at that time, a young man who looked young to me but was actually a grown man. Compared to now, he was so pitiful that he couldn’t just sit back and watch.

“Did you help me?”

“Well, I couldn’t.”

Didn’t you say that you felt sorry for him and tried to approach him?

“A child went into a restaurant… … The last time I saw him cry over a bowl of rice served by the restaurant owner was the end. “He got a job at that restaurant before I started helping him, and he’s doing very well now.”

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