The Villain Who Became Pregnant With The Alpha’s Child Chapter 60

The door to the banquet hall opened wide, and dozens of eyes turned to Kang Ha-jun. They welcomed the hero of the engagement ceremony and soon could not take their eyes off his handsome face.

Kang Ha-jun straightened his back and puffed out his chest. And he walked among the people step by step. There was no hesitation in his gait, and his gaze was directed forward and did not look anywhere else.

“But why are you alone?”

“Where is the other person?”

I ignored all the sounds I heard as I passed between the people. Kang Ha-jun, who walked to his place, turned towards them. At first he welcomed him, but now, with his gaze searching for Hyun Je-ha, Kang Ha-jun smiled sharply.

“Thank you for taking the time to attend today. “I would like to take this opportunity to tell you something.”

I was planning on taking full advantage of the fact that they had given me a seat. The data I gave to Rep. Han Cheol-seung was already in my head. So, Kang Ha-jun planned to reveal what kind of person Kang I-heum was and how he killed his mother.

If that happens, the position that Kang I-heum created will be holding him back, so I thought it would be a great thing… … .

“Kang Ha-jun?”

The moment I heard Eunyul’s voice, I flew away.

“Am I really a fool?”

Eunyul weakly dropped the hand holding the cell phone and laughed. Even though I hadn’t met Hyun Je-ha until recently and we’ve only seen each other a few times, he came and asked me to come.

Eunyul sighed in front of the hotel, where she could see the end even though she had to tilt her head back. It was ridiculous for her to come all this way and go back, so she just went inside to see Hyun Je-ha.

As I was in the lobby wondering whether I should contact them and ask where I should go, I heard a familiar voice.

“You’re here.”

It was Hyeonje who was waiting.

“What do you think of me? A mutt that comes running when called? “Do I look so easy?”

As soon as Eunyul saw Hyeonjeha, she let out an irritated complaint. I wasn’t this emotional the last time I saw ‘Twelve Months’ at a Korean restaurant, but I had no choice but to be like this today.

“Why did you call me by mentioning the past?”

Hyeon Je-ha told him to come, otherwise he would contact everyone who was related to Eun-yul in the past. She wasn’t in a sloppy mood like when she told Lim Bong-soon that I had harassed her. She seemed to be trying to shake herself so hard that it couldn’t have been pleasant.

Despite Eun-yul’s sharp voice, Hyeon-jae-ha was extremely calm. She just stared at Eunyul’s face and then opened her mouth.

“Because I had to come.”


Perhaps it was because Hyun Je-ha’s voice was low or because he spoke suddenly, but Eun-yul could not understand what he said.

However, Hyun Jae-ha kept his mouth shut, as if he had no intention of explaining, and took a step closer to Eun-yul. At a closer distance, Hyeonjeha looked at Eunyul’s eyes so intently that it felt burdensome.

“The only thing we have in common is being an omega.”

What’s wrong with being an omega all of a sudden?

Eun-yul suppressed the desire to let go and couldn’t help but look at Hyeon-jae-ha’s face. Although he was the same Omega, she had a very different appearance from him.

Hyeon Je-ha was a delicate-looking beauty. Every single feature was so beautiful that it seemed like nothing had been done in a half-baked manner.

That wasn’t all. Her fingertips exude elegance and her voice is so soft, as if she had been an omega since birth.

Compared to Hyun Je-ha’s appearance, he was closer to a beta than an omega. He said that although the person he possessed, Eun-yul, had cool facial features, he did not feel like she was ‘pretty’ overall.

“I am an omega who is afraid of smelling another alpha’s pheromones, and you are an omega who gave birth to the child of an alpha with whom I had a one-night stand.”

Even if I didn’t understand when they mentioned the common feature called Omega, I understand it very well now.

“What on earth do you want to say?”

And why did he come all the way here and listen to Hyun Je-ha like a real idiot?

In response to Eun-yul’s cold reply, Hyeon-jae-ha just said what he wanted to say.

“For me, the biggest advantage of that person was that he had a pheromone that didn’t hurt. Since the pheromones are good, other things are also visible. “I thought he would get better because he was a good person.”

There was no need to mention that it was Kang Ha-jun. Because there was no way Eunyul couldn’t understand.

“But that’s not it. I needed to touch my heart, but I couldn’t. “It would be the same for that person too.”

Hyun Jae-ha didn’t care whether Eun-yul wanted to hear it or not, and only said what he wanted to say.

“I foolishly held on to him, citing my conditions, but what can I do now? “We’re breaking up.”

“you… … .”

It sounded like Hyeon Je-ha was completely emptying his mind of Kang Ha-jun.

“So you go.”

“What do you keep saying?”

Now all I can do is sigh. I wanted this moment to pass quickly, without the power to argue with Hyun Je-ha.

“Kang Ha-jun is here.”

Hyun Je-ha interjected with the main point that had been going around for a while.

“It looks like Rep. Kang created the meeting without telling Ha Jun, so I think you should go.”

“Please explain so I can understand.”

Eunyul said with a deep frown. Now, I almost wanted to beg Hyun Je-ha to tell me step by step.

“Kang Ha-jun is in trouble.”

“In trouble… … “Are you in trouble?”

“Did I tell you? Sooner or later, the day will come when I will know his heart. That’s it now.”

Hyun Je-ha said as if this would be enough and glanced behind him. I don’t know when I was there, but a man was looking this way.

“Follow that person.”

It was when Eun-yul passed by Hyeon Je-ha, thinking that she would only be able to know anything if she saw Kang Ha-jun in person. Hyun Je-ha grabbed his wrist.

“Today I… … .”

As Hyun Je-ha’s voice became lower, Eun-yul unconsciously tilted her head towards him.

“I left my alpha and gained a friend.”

That is the purpose of Hyun Je-ha calling Eun-yul.

* * *

“Kang Ha-jun?”

The view of the gorgeous hall, the people sitting here and there, and even Kang Ha-jun standing under everyone’s gaze… … .

After thinking about what kind of position Representative Kang created and how Hyun Je-ha found out about it, I came up with a rough guess.

“engagement… … .”

Or get married?

As soon as she remembered that fact, Eunyul’s heart began to beat like crazy.

Kang Ha-jun’s head turned as if he heard Eun-yul’s voice. His eyes widened slightly and he seemed properly surprised to see him sink.

Did I come to a place I shouldn’t have come to? Eunyul did not go inside willingly and took a step back without realizing it.

I had a strong feeling that I was an uninvited guest. So, he felt resentful towards Hyun Je-ha for calling him here for no reason. This is the time when he gets to know Kang Ha-jun’s heart, does he mean that he realizes his worth in front of everyone?

All the confessions I received from him become nothing, and all my efforts to finally open my heart to him become insignificant… … .


Kang Ha-jun’s strong voice captured Eun-yul. Kang Ha-jun, who could not hide his surprised expression when he saw himself, approached him with stern eyes.

As Eun-yul was looking at Kang Ha-jun standing in front of her from afar, he held out his hand.

“we… … .”

Kang Ha-jun looked at the hand I held out and opened his mouth. Unlike the way he walked towards Eunyul without hesitation, his voice was full of caution.

“I’m sorry for saying this when we were getting closer.”

From the moment Kang Ha-jun stood in front of her, people’s murmurs grew louder, but Eun-yul could not hear anything other than the words of the man in front of her.

“Will you hold my hand? and… … .”

Kang Ha-jun, who was looking at his hand, raised his head and made eye contact with Eun-yul.

“Betroth me.”

Even after Kang Ha-jun spoke with difficulty, Eun-yul was unable to answer right away. I now know why he bothers to confess here. I meant to take this opportunity to introduce it to others.

Eunyul, remembering his efforts not to rush, lowered her gaze and looked at his hands. His fingertips trembled. He wasn’t just a hand. His arms and body were shaking slightly.

The nervous look of the man asking me to get engaged was so obvious that Eunyul couldn’t even tell if he was joking.

“I heard that Ha-Jun didn’t make this.”

“Yes, my father made it.”

“You were going to get engaged to someone else?”


The sincerity behind Kang Ha-jun’s determination was evident.

“I was originally planning on ruining it, but then you showed up.”

“I… … “He showed up.”

“okay. I changed my mind after seeing you. “I want to do it with you.”

Now that Kang Ha-jun had revealed his true feelings, it was Eun-yul’s turn.

‘An engagement ceremony for me.’

I know who this position was originally created for, but Kang Ha-jun reached out to me.

‘I want to.’

I liked Kang Ha-jun. So she wanted to get engaged.

Eunyul took a few breaths and then held his hand. He didn’t just grab it, he put his fingers in it one by one and woven it tightly.

“I gave birth to a child, so what is this speed?”

Yes or no. In response to that simple answer, Eunyul deliberately said something different. He had already given the answer since they held hands, but Eun-yul showed Kang Ha-jun her true feelings.

“I will get engaged.”

When Eunyul said yes, Kang Ha-jun smiled brightly and grabbed her hand.

Kang Ha-jun whispered, hugging Eun-yul lightly and kissing her head.

“i like you. I like you very much. No, saying I like you is not enough. I just… … .”

“I could do that after I leave this place.”

Compared to Kang Ha-jun, who turned his back on people, he could feel other people’s gazes and facial expressions very well. As I said that, I heard Kang Ha-jun’s laughter and he took a step back.

“let’s go.”

Kang Ha-jun held Eun-yul’s hand and headed to the same spot where he first stood. When he stood alone with Eunyul, his expression changed.

“I will continue what I said earlier.”

Kang Ha-jun now looked around at the people with a completely straight face. He originally intended to tell a story about his father. I tried to turn the situation around by saying that his father had something to do with my mother’s death, but then I changed my mind.

The people shaking his father, Ha-Jun Kang couldn’t help but laugh at the thought of shaking them. Although Eunyul next to me was also the cause.

“This is my fiancé, Seong Eun-yul.”

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