The Villain Who Became Pregnant With The Alpha’s Child Chapter 6

After almost finishing the lunch business, Eunyul belatedly set the table.

“Why are there egg rolls only there?”

In response to the dissatisfaction of the one remaining regular customer, Eunyul took a bite of the egg roll as a show of pride. It was cut three times larger than a normal egg roll, so I filled my mouth with it, but it quickly crumbled to a pulp. It’s fluffy and savory, but has a subtle sweetness.

“Only grandmother and grandchildren can eat this.”

Eunyul swallowed what she put in her mouth and spoke as if bragging. When I picked up the egg rolls again and ate them, the regular customer gave up and ate the kimchi.

“Yes, this is happiness.”

Coming into this world, spending everyday life with Grandma Im Bong-soon and Haneul was happiness for Eun-yul. He learned that even if he doesn’t live a grand life, he can still be filled with small things like these.

‘It’s good that I didn’t despair because I possessed a villain who ruined everything and ended up pregnant.’

Eunyul excitedly opened the lid of her rice bowl and looked at the delicious hangover soup. Lim Bong-soon’s grandmother’s version of hangover soup.

After tasting a spoonful of soup, Eunyul paused. I reflected on the taste of the soup I had just eaten and took another bite. And Eunyul, who was convinced that my thoughts were right, suddenly raised her head.

“too bad!”

“Did that guy boil and eat the train barrel? “Why are you throwing such a fuss?”


Lim Bong-soon just opened his mouth and cursed. A loud noise came out of nowhere, and the regulars who were eating watched with interest. What are we going to fight about today?


“I heard you don’t use my own broth. “You ignored me and said, ‘What does a child know?’

It is said that every three years of a Seodang’s life, a good month is recited. While working at a restaurant, my cooking skills improved. Now, I’ve gotten to the point where I boil the broth first to try to make the hangover soup taste better, but Lim Bong-soon scoffs every time.

“You ask me how I can keep up with 50 years of know-how, you say my broth smells like milk, and you say I won’t eat it even if I give it to you!”

Out of frustration, Eunyul took a spoon and pounded the hangover soup. It wasn’t that Lim Bong-soon’s hangover soup wasn’t delicious. The soybean paste was savory and had a deep flavor, but the finish was not clean and dry. Knowing that it was an aftertaste from the broth, Eunyul offered me the boiled broth several times, but she always turned it down.

“I didn’t have time to boil broth today, so I used yours. “Why are you yelling like that when you throw this and that in my kitchen and say you’re going to use it?”

Eunyul shouted with a very red face, which made Lim Bongsoon even angrier.

“no… … “You said mine wasn’t tasty.”

“I’ve spent my whole life bending over to cook, but now the snow doesn’t fall in the morning. You too, try working for 50 years. “I want you to move that heavy earthen pot dozens and hundreds of times a day to try to survive.”

“I’m glad you used my broth. Should I boil it every day?”

Eun-yul, who was very intimidated, looked at her and shouted at Lim Bong-soon to do whatever she wanted. It was a fight between Jo and Son, who did not care about the circumstances of the store’s customers. The winner was Grandma Lim Bong-soon, and she turned away from Eun-yul and had something similar to a smile on her lips.

“This isn’t it… … “What is this situation that is unfair but shouldn’t be unfair?”

Eunyul muttered sullenly and ate the soup again. However, the clean aftertaste, which was different from before, made me laugh, as if I had never been depressed.

“After all, broth is a combination.”

What will you do if you destroy all the good things? They fight with each other and kill the taste, but it should be possible to bring out the best taste at the right ratio.

This is the culmination of his know-how from his rough life plus added technology.

As Eun-yul was eating the rice, Lim Bong-soon took out something and threw it. Eunyul, who was just eating radish radish, quickly picked it up to see if some of the soup might spill out. At first glance, it looks like an ordinary paper bag. The envelope you receive when the mail arrives.

“What’s this?”

“It’s not like you’re going to make soup and eat it, just look at it for yourself.”

As Lim Bong-soon walked over and sat down, Eun-yul looked around the envelope. Then I found a name written in the corner.

“Han Cheol-seung?”

I couldn’t immediately remember who it was, but then I remembered a conversation we had a while ago and jumped.

‘He’s the old man who came with Kang Ha-jun.’

While everyone called him grandfather and grandmother, he was the only person called old man. He didn’t come often, but he stopped by regularly and everyone called him old man, and before I knew it, Eunyul started calling him that too.

“Give it to me.”


“Where is that inspiration?”

Grandmother Lim Bong-soon giggled and held out a note with an address written on it. Her brow furrowed as her address started with Seoul. Why Seoul?

Eunyul, who had never wanted to set foot in Seoul for her entire life, hinted.

“But why am I going?”

“I went out today to boil the broth.”

“ah… … knee.”

Well, it’s not easy for my grandmother to go to Seoul. Eun-yul nodded as if she understood immediately and waved the envelope. There was a sound of something rolling inside.

“What is this?”

“If you open it, you will die.”

If that’s the case, don’t make me run errands. Eunyul grumbled and put the envelope in her arms. It’s not my fault if it gets crumpled.

‘I suddenly have to go to Seoul…’ … .’

It’s Seoul. It is an area containing the life of Eun-yul, a villain… … Nothing will happen, right?

* * *

“The congressman is not here today.”

“Then would you please pass this on to me?”

The aide who found the enemy’s name on the mail nodded and accepted it.

“Can I tell the congressman who it is?”

“I’m Bong-soon Lim.”

For a moment, the man paused, pursed his lips, and turned his head. Eunyul bowed her head without even saying hello, saying that her business was over.

“Then goodbye.”

Eunyul, who had finished her job and had no need to stay any longer, turned around. He was nervous about coming to Seoul, but nothing happened.

‘Well, how big is Seoul…? … .’

Although the 2-hour bus ride and subway ride is meaningless, it is important that nothing happens.

‘It’s best to live a normal life.’

Sometimes I begged for some pizza, but Grandma’s Korean food was the best, and it was nice to be able to talk to someone even when I was mistreated, because it didn’t make me feel lonely. And since I have Sky in my arms, there is nothing more I can ask for.

“wait a minute.”

Eunyul came out and walked the way she came, but was soon caught by an aide who came running. It seems like he didn’t even have time to put it down as he was holding the envelope I gave him tightly in his hand.

“Why are you doing this? Isn’t that strange… … If you say Im Bong-soon, you will know it. “Sooni’s Haejangguk is a regular at her place.”

Eunyul wondered if he had caught her out of suspicion, so she tried her best to explain. But the aide must not have been listening, so as soon as I could catch my breath, he asked another question.

“Are you Seongyul?”


“I’m glad I didn’t miss it. Because I thought wrong… … .”


“… … “The congressman told me to tell Seong Eun-yul to come here when he comes.”

I asked what I thought was wrong, but I couldn’t get an answer. Instead, I looked at what the man was holding out and it seemed to be a business card.

“You told me to go? I need to help her ex-grandmother… … .”

It was almost evening time, so I had to go to work before it was too late. I tried to explain the situation, but the man remained silent as if he had said everything he wanted to say.

“… … “Where am I?”

Eunyul had no choice but to accept the business card. What hole garden? It seemed like the name of a restaurant, but there was nothing else written on it other than the address and phone number.

“You want to eat lunch?”

Was it a pity that I only ate hangover soup every day?

However, instead of answering Eunyul’s curiosity, the man opened the envelope right in front of her. It was the envelope that Eunyul had given him. As he was wondering what to do, he flipped the envelope over and waved it over his wide open hand, and a black card fell into his palm. Just as I was thinking it was a credit card, the aide held it out.

“You can take this with you. … … “I’m done.”

The man just said what he had to say and disappeared.

Eunyul, who was left alone, sighed.

“Why are you doing this to me?”

Grandmother Lim Bong-soon and old man Cheol-seung Han.

* * *

Eunyul stood at the entrance of the place she thought was a restaurant and couldn’t even think about stepping in.

You’re doing this on purpose to make me feel uncomfortable. All this time, I thought I was loved by my old man by acting like his grandchild, but it was all a mistake.

“Otherwise there’s no way I’d ask you to come to a place like this.”

Eunyul straightened her clothes as she watched the garden party taking place outdoors. The clean but old T-shirt and jeans were so shabby that they couldn’t be compared to the men walking around the party.

“What are you doing standing there at the entrance?”

As if someone else was thinking what Eunyul was thinking, a man who appeared to be a manager approached her. He ordered the others to do something with hand signals and glanced at Eunyul.

“Do you have an invitation?”

“An invitation? There is no such thing… … .”

Eunyul rummaged through her pockets, thinking of showing her business card. And I grabbed the business card and card I had received from my aide at once and took them out.

“I received a business card here. The person I wanted to see was Rep. Han Cheol-seung… … .”

“Here’s the invitation.”

The manager took the card attached to the bottom of the business card. Eunyul, who didn’t know it was an invitation, stayed still and the manager turned around and told her to follow him.

“What happened?”

There was a card in the envelope that my grandmother told me to give to you, and that card was an invitation to some kind of garden?

Once he came in, Eunyul couldn’t shake the feeling that it was strange. I felt people around me looking at me, but that was it.

“Here are your clothes. “You can change in the locker room inside and then come out.”

The manager pointed to the clothes hanging on the mannequin. Eunyul, who was watching this, turned her gaze to the manager.

“excuse me… … .”

“You can call me Director Park.”

“Yes, Director Park. “Why do I have to change my clothes?”

“The congressman requested it. “He said it was a surprise event and he would need clothes.”

Surprise event… … .

“Why are you doing this, Senator?”

When I gave up the friendly title of ‘Youngsim’ and started using ‘Congressman’, I felt a different sense of distance than before. In response to Eunyul’s question, Director Park pondered for a moment and nodded his head.

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