The Villain Who Became Pregnant With The Alpha’s Child Chapter 59


Eun-yul grabbed Kang Ha-jun’s arm to prevent him from getting up and at the same time pulled him towards me. As he was brought in, Eunyul muttered, wrapping her other hand around his neck and holding him close to me.

“You have to do what you’re doing.”

If the atmosphere was broken, it was just a matter of rebuilding it. Eunyul tilted her head and kissed her. Aside from Kang Ha-jun’s stiff body, his lips were soft.

Having children, living in this world where traits exist, and kissing a man first before being an alpha, I’ve never imagined anything like this… … .


The kiss with Kang Ha-jun was so soft and warm that it was probably okay. As I stayed still with only his lips touching, Kang Ha-jun relaxed his stiff body. Listening to Kang Ha-jun’s low cry as he accepted the renewed atmosphere, Eun-yul opened his mouth wider and lightly bit his lip.

“welcome. “Chief Prosecutor Hyun.”

“Long time no see. Representative Kang. how are you?”

“I’m doing well. Rather, it was a day when I felt energized because I was moving for today.”

While Kang I-heum was welcoming Hyun Seong-hun, who would become his in-law, he noticed Hyeon Je-ha standing behind him.

“Jeha is here too.”

“hello. Rep. Kang.”

Kang Yi-heum accepted Hyeon Je-ha’s polite greeting with a bright face.

“Speaking of Representative Kang, why don’t you call me father like in the old days?”

“I’ll think about it after today.”

Even though the answer was that he would not change his name right away, Kang Yi-heum happily accepted it. It didn’t matter since I would be calling him father again after today anyway.

“Go to the waiting room over there. “People will be waiting, so go and change your clothes.”

Hyun Je-ha nodded slightly and went toward the waiting room, where Hyun Seong-hoon looked at his son’s back with a complicated gaze.

“Chief Prosecutor Hyun, how about welcoming a guest with me? “Now it’s time for them to come one by one.”

In response to Kang I-heum’s suggestion, Hyun Seong-hoon said something different instead of saying yes.

“Where is Kang Ha-jun?”

“Ah, Hajun will be the last to come.”


Kang Yi-heum waved his hand in response to Hyun Seong-hoon’s puzzled question.

“Isn’t the main character supposed to appear at the end? So, I will also have Jeha stay in that waiting room and then come out.”

Since I spoke as if I had something in mind, Hyun Seong-Hoon no longer gave me a strange look.

“I will stay inside.”

Instead, Hyeon Seong-hun, who gave a greeting and went inside, looked at Kang I-heum with eyes that did not deserve it. There was no other reason for keeping Hyun Seong-Hoon next to him. The purpose was to reveal that the father of Omega, whom my son will marry in the future, is a prosecutor… … .

“I’m not running away anywhere, so I’ll leave it alone this time.”

All you have to do is tell the person you are visiting that there is a prosecutor’s office inside.

Kang Yi-heum, who had finally regained his composure, showed and erased his eyes of contempt as he watched the hyena-like humans coming in one by one, aiming for their prey.

“hello. Representative Kang. Congratulations on your son’s engagement.”

“long time no see. “Director Park.”

“I received a call from Rep. Kang, so how could I not come?”

Kang I-heum snorted inwardly at Executive Director Park’s sad response. It was funny to see a person who had never been contacted change his face all at once just because rumors were spreading about him.

‘Yes, this engagement must go through in order not to be ignored by everyone.’

The prosecutor who will soon become the president is a very precious relationship that should never be missed.

“Time flies so fast that Executive Director Kang got engaged.”

Kang I-heum couldn’t erase his smile as he heard Executive Director Park’s congratulatory message and saw the positions being filled as planned. When I felt that enough guests had filled the seats, I was planning to contact Ha-Jun Kang and summon him. And lastly, this place I have planned will shine perfectly.

* * *

Hyeonjae changed her clothes in the waiting room and sat down to do her makeup. She saw herself reflected in the mirror, sitting calmly among the bustle of people.

The reason people gathered today was none other than Kang Ha-jun’s engagement.

“I wonder how Kang Ha-jun will turn out.”

Hyun Je-ha, who remembered Kang Ha-jun, expressed curiosity. After today, your relationship with yourself will change.

“Will we become fiancés or will we remain friends?” … .”

Hyeonjaeha took out his cell phone and mumbled something to himself that he didn’t mind hearing.

* * *

Kang Ha-jun, who appeared at the place where Kang Yi-heum asked him to come, couldn’t shake off a strange feeling. Kang Iheum always called me home. Home was the most appropriate place for him to show his blatant emotions, so he rarely called himself out like this.

I don’t know why he was calling, but Kang Ha-jun hurriedly walked away, thinking that he had to quickly run errands and return to Eun-yul. As soon as I got off the elevator, a man approached me as if he had been waiting for me.

“Are you Hajun Kang?”

“That’s right.”

“I was waiting. “Please come this way.”

He came to meet Kang Yi-heum, but was guided by a man whose face he did not know. Kang Ha-jun, who was wondering what to do, followed him. Because you can understand anything once you see it.

But my heart was beating strangely from before. Kang Ha-jun frowned as he couldn’t figure out why, which only made him feel more uncomfortable.

“It’s unpleasant.”

The man guiding him turned around at his small muttering, but Kang Ha-jun did not open his mouth. The man gave a small bow and walked again, stopping at one place and pointing to the door.

“This is the place.”

He personally opened the door for Kang Ha-jun to enter and pointed inside. Although the interior was decorated as luxuriously as the ornate door, there was a sense of a dark atmosphere somewhere. Kang Ha-jun put his hand into his collar, pulled down the hem of his sleeve, and started walking.

“Come here.”

Kang Ha-jun, who went inside, took a reluctant step at the gesture of Kang I-heum, who was waiting for him.

“Sit down.”

“What is it?”

When the main point did not come out right away, Kang Ha-jun stood there and looked at Kang I-heum.

“Tsk, I guess it doesn’t matter since I’ll have to get up right away if I sit down. “Do you know where this is?”

Kang Ha-jun lightly looked around. I came to the hotel, and also to the waiting room next to the banquet hall.

“There is a very light banquet prepared next to here.”

Hearing Kang I-heum’s voice sounding like he was very excited about what was going to happen in the banquet hall, Kang Ha-jun looked like he couldn’t believe it.

“You are the main character.”

Kang Ha-jun looked at Kang I-heum without being able to react right away. What is Kang Yi-heum talking about now? Or, the reason why he called him here… … .

“I’m going to have an engagement ceremony with Jeha today. And I know that we will soon set a date and have a wedding.”

“My engagement… … .”

Kang Ha-Jun was so excited that he inhaled, forcing his chest pain to subside by exhaling.

“Why do you make your own decisions?”

“If you had done it right from the beginning, there would have been no need for me to step forward. “Isn’t it all because of you?”

“So you’re saying you prepared the place yourself?”

Kang Ha-jun glared at Kang I-heum with a grim expression.

“Go and show me that you and Jeha are on good terms. “And let go of all the disappointments you’ve had and be congratulated.”

Kang Iheum stood up, adjusted his tie, and turned around. Now that Kang Ha-jun had said it so he could understand, he was thinking of going and sitting down.

“If I say I won’t do it… … .”


Kang I-heum twitched his lips with an unpleasant expression, as if he had a bad idea about Kang Ha-jun’s words. The hand behind his back twitched. Normally, I would have thrown whatever I could at Kang Ha-jun, but today I couldn’t do that, so I felt like I was holding back.

“Do you know what kind of seat that is? It is a very important position that can influence my life as a member of the National Assembly. “There are a lot of people who ignored me over there, sitting there politely with their tails curled.”

Kang Iheum’s voice grew louder and he pointed to the side.

“The reason they are sitting here is because of the prosecutor. Because of the prosecutor who will become the president!”

The hand that was pointing to the banquet hall turned to Kang Ha-jun.

“But you won’t go in? “Please try that sometime.”

Kang Yi-heum snorted strongly. He glared venomously at Kang Ha-jun, as if he were an enemy rather than a son.

“If that happens, you… … .”

“It’s an important position?”

Ha-jun Kang asked before I-heum Kang could tell him what price he would make him pay.

“okay. “Very important people.”

Kang Yi-heum answered, looking suspiciously at Kang Ha-jun, who suddenly became calm.

“So you have to go in.”

“All right.”

Kang I-heum calmed down his thorny attitude when Kang Ha-jun responded as usual.


“Didn’t you say it was a very important position? “I heard there were people who ignored my father.”

“that… … “That’s right.”

Kang I-heum also responded with a calm face to Kang Ha-jun’s soft tone.

“That’s why I’m going in.”

Kang Ha-jun smiled, which he rarely did, and turned in the direction of the banquet hall. The moment he turned his head from Kang Yi-heum, his smile disappeared, but his steps moved faithfully toward the banquet hall.

‘I heard it’s a position that can influence the life of a member of the National Assembly, so I definitely have to go there.’

Spurring such a situation would hurt Kang Yi-heum’s feelings, but it would only be temporary. That wasn’t what Kang Ha-jun wanted.

‘What I want is something bigger than that.’

If you want to use my engagement ceremony, you should use it.

“Keuuuu, kehahaha.”

Leaving behind Kang I-heum’s boisterous laughter, Kang Ha-jun moved forward step by step. Towards the place where my engagement ceremony will be held.

* * *

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