The Villain Who Became Pregnant With The Alpha’s Child Chapter 51

“Next time, don’t come here like this and go directly to Kang Ha-jun. “It’s a problem that the two of us have to solve anyway.”

“Let me ask you one thing.”

Perhaps because of Hyeon Je-ha’s soft voice, Eun-yul listened to his voice instead of being harsh right away.

“Are you dating Hajun?”

“… … .”

I was going to roughly answer any questions and send him on his way… … .

Eunyul took his eyes off Hyeonjeha and looked elsewhere. It wasn’t because he was lost in thought or for any other reason. It was just difficult to maintain eye contact with Hyun Je-ha. I felt like the feelings I felt toward Kang Ha-jun recently would be revealed… … .


Hyun Jae-ha got up from his seat without asking any more questions.

He went to the counter, put down cash, and left the restaurant without saying a word.


Feeling agitated for no reason, Eunyul touched her chest and suddenly checked the money that Hyunjeha had left behind.

Hyeonjeha paid for two bowls of hangover soup and went.

Hyun Jae-ha came out and saw the man blocking his path. Judging by the way his chest was heaving loudly, it looked like he was running… … . Hyun Je-ha’s eyes turned to the car parked behind the man.

“How did you know I was here?”

“Why don’t I know you? “You know everything.”

When Namgoonghyuk raised his voice as if he didn’t know anything about it, Hyun Jeha looked interested.

“How did you know?”

“That’s it, after I asked your secretary where you were… … .”

Namgoonghyuk, who was obediently telling me the route he had discovered, stopped mid-sentence. When he realized what mistake I was making, he looked at Hyun Je-ha and secretly changed his words.

“It’s not that I’m deliberately prying on your back, it’s just that I’m worried these days.”

“Are you afraid I’ll go find Mr. Hajun and yell at him? Or did you follow Seong Eun-yul because you were afraid he might throw water on him?”

“Hyun Je-ha is not the kind of person who would do something like that. “I don’t know if you’re quietly threatening me.”

Namgoonghyuk scratched the back of his head and spoke in a foolish way, but he also acted as if he knew Hyun Jeha better than anyone else.

“okay. “I tried to threaten you quietly, just like you said.”

Hyeonjeha did not deny Namgoonghyeok’s words. The same was true for Kang Ha-jun. Would someone other than me be able to satisfy my father? So he asked me to come back again.

“But that… … “It didn’t go well with Seong Eun-yul.”

It was a mistake to decide to come see Seong Eun-yul. Before she met him, she saw a child who looked like Kang Ha-jun. While Kang Ha-jun was so cold and indifferent, the child who looked like him was so adorable. The words that said my eyes were pretty melted Hyun Je-ha’s heart. After meeting Seong Eun-yul, I felt like my initial fighting power had disappeared. The fact that he wasn’t the person I knew also played a role.

Namgoong Hyuk subtly asked Hyun Je Ha as if he wanted to know what he was thinking.

“You’re not the same Seong Eun-yul you used to be, right?”

At Namgung-hyuk’s confident tone, Hyeon-jae nodded without saying a word.

“He wasn’t the kid who slapped me in the face without mercy.”

The child who raised his eyes in a venomous manner was Seong Eun-yul, who pretended not to know where he had gone but was still there. How surprised she was when she took my rice away, saying it was cold.

Thanks to that, Hyun Je-ha, who had a meal of warm rice, looked around the restaurant while stroking her stomach.

It’s been a while since I’ve had a proper meal because I haven’t had an appetite lately. Plus, I ate quite a lot, but I didn’t feel full and felt full. Maybe that’s why Hyun Jae-ha smiled for the first time since coming here because he felt his energy rising.

“I think I’ll come here often.”

“what? Hey, why do you come here often? Rather than that, you’re ending things with Kang Ha-jun, right? Seong Eun-yul is being used by that handsome Kang Ha-jun, so just leave him alone… … .”

While Hyun Je-ha approached his car, Namgoong-hyuk, who was behind him, desperately expressed his opinion. I wonder if Hyun Je-ha looked back at Namgoong-hyuk before getting in the car.

“The desired Kang Ha-jun?”

When he spoke as if he couldn’t understand why that adjective was put in front of Kang Ha-jun, Namgoong-hyuk opened his mouth and said that he was right.

“Kang Ha-jun showed up to see what Seong Eun-yul should do. Even now, to be honest, Seong Eun-yul doesn’t like Kang Ha-jun, but he clings to him… … .”

“wait for a sec.”

Hyun Je-ha cut off Namgung-hyuk’s words. I couldn’t understand what he said just now.

“Kang Ha-jun is clinging to Seong Eun-yul?”

“Then why did you think you two liked each other to death?”

Namgoonghyuk snorted as if he had no idea.

“It’s all because Kang Ha-jun wants to take Seong Eun-yul’s son away.”

“Kang Ha-jun approached Seong Eun-yul for that purpose?”

Since Hyun Je-ha was not able to accept it right away, Nam Gung-hyuk waved his hand as if telling him not to say anything.

“At first, I wondered why Kang Ha-jun kept hanging around Seong Eun-yul. But it turns out he did it to take the child away. “I also recently found out by chance that Haneul is of Kang Ha-jun’s blood, and it gave me goosebumps.”

Hyun Je-ha’s eyes gradually narrowed and he began to interpret Namgung-hyuk’s words. So, even when Namgoong Hyuk saw the child for the first time, he didn’t know that it was Kang Ha-jun’s bloodline. He said that even Hyunje Ha knew it as soon as he saw it, but Namgoong Hyeok realized it too late. What can I say?

“You are so clueless.”

Namgoonghyeok, who could not hear Hyunjeha talking to himself, said what he wanted to say.

“Anyway, take this opportunity to break up cleanly with Kang Ha-jun.”

Hyeonjae naturally accepted Namgoonghyeok’s advice to completely break up with such a conniving person in another way.

“They might want to hire you as a chef.”

Namgoonghyuk was thinking about what Hyunjeha’s words meant and realized it too late. I remembered how I explained that I had been planning to hire Seong Eun-yul as a cook at a Korean restaurant for twelve months.

“Did you also eat the side dish Seong Eun-yul provided separately?”

In response to Namgung-hyuk’s question, Hyeon-je-ha frowned as if he didn’t know. I don’t think I ate any different side dishes from others… … . She only looked back at Seong Eun-yul and she couldn’t be sure because she didn’t see the food on the other tables.

“That’s right. that’s right. “I ate it.”

However, Namgoonghyuk raised his voice and clapped his hands as if his thoughts were correct.

“Then I understand. “The taste of his hand.”

I don’t know if you know this or not, but Eunyul said earlier that she made each piece herself, so that’s probably it.

“That’s why I wanted to make it twelve months. Now you understand my feelings, right? But scouting is not working well.”

Seeing Namgoonghyeok clicking his tongue and speaking in frustration, Hyunjaeha got into the car without any regrets.

While talking about Seong Eun-yul, who hangs out with Kang Ha-jun, suddenly the topic of hand taste came up and my interest disappeared.

Hyun Je-ha started the car without saying goodbye, and Namgoong-hyuk, who was left alone, looked at the tail of the car as it was moving away and turned around.

* * *

“Give me food.”

“Are these people running in succession or something? Why do they take the baton and show up like this?”

When Eunyul saw Namgoonghyeok come in, she muttered with a shocked expression on her face. Hyeonjeha went and Namgunghyuk came.

If they came all at once, it would be twice as stressful, but I would get rid of them quickly, but when they showed up one after the other with staggered attacks, my head started hurting again.

“I don’t have money today, so don’t give me expensive side dishes.”

When Namgoonghyuk sat down as if asking for food on his own, Seong Eunyul openly ignored him and went into the kitchen.

“You don’t even answer?”

Seong Eun-yul picked up her cell phone, ignoring Namgoong-hyuk’s words coming from the hall.

“Now this is the limit.”

After finding Kang Ha-jun’s contact information and pressing the call button, Eun-yul glared at Namgoong-hyuk, who was outside.

– Seong Eun-yul?

“Come and clean up Namgoonghyuk.”

Eun-yul ended the call after telling Kang Ha-jun, who seemed surprised that I was calling, without any hesitation, and stuffed his cell phone in his pocket.

“This is not your love room.”

Once they started coming, unpleasant people appear every day.

Eun-yul is just a villain who was removed from the original work.

* * *

While Namgung-hyuk was eating his second bowl of hangover soup, Kang Ha-jun appeared. He slowly approached, looking at Namgoonghyuk and Eunyul with their arms crossed and cheeks puffed out.

“Why is it like this? everyone.”

Upon seeing Kang Ha-jun, Eun-yul blurted out what she wanted to say, regardless of whether he was embarrassed or not.


From the moment Kang Ha-jun made the phone call, he first tried to calm down Eun-yul, who was somewhat irritated. However, Eun-yul, who was already full of anger, poured out all her emotions before Kang Ha-jun could stop her.

“Why do you keep coming here? No, they can resolve their tangled feelings by meeting each other. “Why are you doing this here?”

Eun-yul walked around in place as if she couldn’t understand, glared at Kang Ha-jun once and entered the kitchen.

As soon as he arrived, Kang Ha-jun, who seemed to have been cheated on by Eun-yul, saw Nam Goong-hyuk. He moved the spoon vigorously even while making eye contact with Kang Ha-jun.

“Seong-eun-yul is being a bit picky today, isn’t he?”

Namgoonghyuk acted very leisurely, as if he knew the reason.

“It’s not because of me.”

“I think that’s right.”

Even though Kang Ha-jun had settled all of Eun-yul’s debts, he looked down at Namgoong-hyuk here with an unpleasant gaze. However, even if Kang Ha-jun saw it that way, Namgoong-hyuk was not a fool.

“Strictly speaking, it’s you, not me.”

Namgung-hyuk pointed at Kang Ha-jun with a spoon with dried raspberries stuck to it.

“Jeha came and went. “I want to see who Kang Ha-jun is dating.”

And he kindly even told me about Hyun Je-ha’s visit. It wasn’t an attempt to relieve Kang Ha-jun’s frustration. Rather, I wanted to let people know the influence Kang Ha-jun had on Seong Eun-yul and Hyeon Je-ha.

“If you’re going to organize it, you should organize it properly. Well, what if Seong Eun-yul’s debts are neatly sorted out?”

Namgoong Hyuk clearly revealed his displeasure toward Kang Ha-jun. I thought it got to this point because he didn’t properly push Hyeon Je-ha out.

“You still have the same sloppy personality of just passing things off without knowing anything.”

“If Jeha came to see Seong Eun-yul, didn’t he say everything he said?”

Namgoong Hyuk did not lose and pushed Kang Ha-jun.

“Honestly, I was dissatisfied with the time I wasted with Jeha acting like a lover that wasn’t even like a lover. But now you’re clinging to Seong Eun-yul to take Haneul away? Wow, that’s trash.”

Namgoonghyuk answered while sucking on the dried radish stuck to his spoon.

“So Je-ha came all the way here to see Seong Eun-yul, and Seong Eun-yul is just as annoyed as Seong Eun-yul.”

Namgoong Hyuk, who became a thorough spectator in this situation, showed a deep smile. He felt that this time he would be a spectator and he would be able to watch this situation with great enjoyment.

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