The Villain Who Became Pregnant With The Alpha’s Child Chapter 48

Eunyul brought an egg ball and placed it in front of Kang Hajun.

“Please break the egg.”

When Kang Ha-jun took a moment to catch his breath and picked up an egg, Eun-yul brought a strainer and placed it on the bowl.

“Once you pass it through a sieve, it becomes softer. “If you add milk, it becomes softer.”

Kang Ha-jun obediently followed Eun-yul’s skillful lead. And Haneul, looking at the two, waved her feet back and forth with a very expectant look on her face.

* * *

“Since the ingredients are all cooked, you can pour in the egg water.”

Following Eun-yul’s instructions after seeing the meat, onions, and tomatoes heating up on the frying pan, Kang Ha-jun quickly poured in the previously beaten egg water.

“It’s hot, so take it slow…” … .”

Because he was a little impatient, his actions increased, and Eunyul held Kang Hajun’s hand and adjusted the amount of egg water he poured.

I don’t know if it was because he was on top of the heat or because Eun-yul’s hand touched him, but Kang Ha-jun felt that the hand holding the bowl was hot.

“Now watch when it’s soft and cooked, then stir it gently. and… … .”

Eun-yul watched Kang Ha-jun doing it alone and held his hand holding the frying pan.

“If you tilt the frying pan like this and roll the eggs!”

As he was gathering the eggs and shaping them with a spatula, Kang Ha-jun was half entranced and moved as he did.

“We’re on the same side.”

Kang Ha-jun, who even heard Haneul’s impressions after seeing the two people making an omelette together, slowly began to recognize his situation.

Eun-yul and I are making dinner, and a very cute child is sitting in front of them and watching. That peaceful moment was melting his heart.

Now Kang Ha-jun fully accepted what I was feeling and did not hide his sincere smile.

“good night.”

“You like cooking?”

Eunyul was just putting the omelet on a plate and looked up at Kang Hajun. I was trying to see what was good, but my eyes met with Kang Ha-jun, who was looking at Eun-yul.

Have you ever seen each other this close? Her shoulders are touching and her hands are clasped together.

Kang Ha-jun’s black and white eyes, which seemed particularly dark, were looking at Eun-yul. Eunyul stood still because of the emotions in her eyes.

“I like this moment, I just like everything.”

“… … “What’s so good about it?”

Eunyul, who was able to escape his gaze using Kang Ha-jun’s words as an excuse, moved the plate containing the omelet with a tick. While putting the plate in front of Haneul and taking out the separately boiled stew and various side dishes, Kang Ha-jun brought out the salad he had prepared.

Haneul said as she watched the two of them moving about, each looking for their own thing to do.

“Dad and uncle look like robots.”

* * *

I don’t know what kind of spirit I was eating. Eunyul put down the glass of water she had finished drinking and pressed her solar plexus.

“You still act like you’re eating home-cooked food.”

I had absolutely no reason to pretend, but today I realized that this can happen depending on who I’m with.

“We haven’t even eaten together once or twice, so why are you like this?”

All I did was eat dinner as usual… … .

“Why is my heart pounding like this?”

Eunyul took deep breaths and exhaled several times, but nothing improved. He knew that breathing would not solve the problem.

“I really… … Are you in love with that person?”

For really trivial reasons like my grandmother said?

“Oh, right. Falling in love isn’t something that only happens when the world ends… … . huh? “What did I just say?”

He said he was in love. Eunyul shook her head as if it made no sense. Then he pressed the solar plexus again.

“Was the omelet really that solid? “Why don’t you come down like this?”

The omelette seemed to be blocking the path in the middle, preventing other food from getting down, so Eunyul pounded her chest with her fist a few times before standing up.

“You have to take some digestive medicine and sleep, otherwise…” … .”

Eunyul left the room feeling like she couldn’t sleep well and just entered the kitchen.

“Where is the medicine?”

The only thing in Haneul’s first aid kit was a children’s fire extinguishing agent. So, while I was looking for something that adults could eat, I heard Kang Ha-jun’s voice from behind me.

“What are you looking for?”

Even though it was a quiet voice, Eun-yul was surprised to hear it so suddenly and quickly turned around to look at Kang Ha-jun.

“uh… … . “Why did you come out?”

“To drink water.”

When Kang Ha-jun answered while caressing her stomach, Eun-yul shifted her gaze for a moment and then answered honestly.

“I came out to look for fire extinguishing medication.”

“If that’s the case, it’s here.”

Kang Ha-jun came next to Eun-yul and pulled one of the drawers. And after he looked through a few boxes, he took out one and held it out.

As Eun-yul took it and hesitated, she suddenly saw Kang Ha-jun’s pale face. Considering that he looked fine until just now… … .

“Can’t you digest it?”

“… … .”

That’s right.

I guess it was because I couldn’t digest the water I was trying to drink. Eun-yul opened the fire extinguishing agent and put it in Kang Ha-jun’s hand, then took it herself.

“Eat and sleep.”

Kang Ha-jun looked at the white pill on his palm and shook his head.

“It’ll get better soon.”

“When will it get better? “If you’re going to endure all that, why did you buy the medicine?”

“that… … .”

The backstory has disappeared, but I can understand it even if I don’t hear it. I guess they bought it as an emergency medicine for me to take.

“What should I do if I feel sick until tomorrow morning? “Are you going to make an impression in front of the sky?”

In response to Eun-yul’s nagging, Kang Ha-jun placed two cups side by side and poured water one after another. And I gave one to Eunyul and took one for myself.

“Well thought out.”

Eun-yul smiled and was about to take the medicine when a sudden thought occurred to her and she looked at Kang Ha-jun again.

“Why are we like this after eating home-cooked food?”

Kang Ha-jun, who had just swallowed a digestive medicine, took Eun-yul’s joke very seriously and answered with a serious face.

“Couldn’t they be conscious of each other?”

Eunyul, who put the medicine in her mouth first, forgot to drink water because of his sudden remark. What did you just say?

“Drink water first.”

Kang Ha-jun slightly tilted the glass of water, and Eun-yul hurriedly drank the water, feeling the bitter taste of the medicine that was already slowly dissolving in her mouth. I automatically frowned at the bitter taste still remaining in my mouth. This was really due to the drugs, but it was also due to Kang Ha-jun’s influence.

“Won’t this all melt before it gets to the top?”

Eunyul picked up the medicine wrapper and checked it around. Actually, I couldn’t immediately think of how to react to what Kang Ha-jun said, so I was doing something else to kill time.

‘Each other… … ‘Are you conscious?’

It was difficult to immediately accept Kang Ha-jun’s words. Ha-jun Kang didn’t even limit his remarks to himself. He said ‘each other’.

“The whole time I was eating, all my attention was on you. In the end, I got in trouble… … “I think it’s not just me.”

While Eun-yul was silent, Kang Ha-jun added an explanation to what he had said earlier. Eunyul looked at the wrapping paper in her hand. He couldn’t deny it because they even shared medicine on good terms. Admittedly, it wasn’t easy either. There was no relationship at all, but it was not an intertwined relationship. Eunyul couldn’t answer easily, but he suddenly felt something and mentioned it.

“Don’t you think we’re too close?”

I could feel Kang Ha-jun gauging the distance at Eun-yul’s sudden words. However, he is not stepping back, so why is he looking?

“I think this distance is the problem.”

Kang Ha-jun’s eyebrows gathered together as if he was trying to think about the meaning of what I said, so Eun-yul took it upon himself to explain the reason.

“We each lived well originally. “I lived the way I was, raised by Heaven, and Kang Ha-jun lived the life of Kang Ha-jun.”

It was just as Eunyul said. Since breaking up with Seong Eun-yul, Kang Ha-jun has never thought of her.

“Then, from the moment we met by chance, things got complicated.”

Kang Ha-jun didn’t know how to straighten his narrowed eyebrows due to the negative feeling that the word “twisted” gave him. However, he did not stop Eunyul from speaking. Rather, I waited to see what Eunyul was going to say.

“I think that’s why we keep becoming aware of each other. That’s all there is to know. They even say things that shake the other person… … .”

“Are you shaken?”

Then I got the right opportunity. Kang Ha-jun cleverly interrupted Eun-yul’s explanation of the cause of this strange situation. Kang Ha-jun encouraged Eun-yul to show her feelings instead of organizing them.

“ha. Why wasn’t I shaken? “Kang Ha-jun is the only person who has ever said that to me.”

There was nothing to hide now. No, other than Haneul, what would he have to hide at the risk of his life? How much do you know about the original work? Did I become Seong Eun-yul? That is already in the past. Because now I am Seong Eun-yul and I am living my life.

“I don’t know why Kang Ha-jun called me cool. “Do you think that means something to me?”

Kang Ha-jun didn’t answer anything, but Eun-yul answered on her own.

“Everyone sympathized with me until now, but it was strange because they said Kang Ha-jun was the only one who was cool. “That stayed in my mind all day.”

Eunyul shook her head as she recalled that time. Kang Ha-jun’s face as he said those words still lingered in my eyes.

While Eun-yul poured out all her feelings, Kang Ha-jun stared at her face. He saw Eun-yul’s sigh and her distraught expression, and opened his mouth to confirm something.

“Are you in love with me?”

“Wow, if you say it so directly, what would I say?”

“It’s either yes or no.”

Kang Ha-jun gave a simple answer as if he was trying to sort out Eun-yul’s complicated feelings.

“say it. “Did I break your heart?”

It was a question that Kang Ha-jun’s thoughts could also change depending on Eun-yul’s answer. Eun-yul saw Kang Ha-jun’s somewhat expectant eyes.

Continuing from before, again. Without realizing it, the distance between me and him had narrowed. I wonder when the distance became this close, but after Eun-yul mentioned the distance earlier, Kang Ha-jun was getting closer little by little without him noticing. Eunyul, who only knew that he wouldn’t back down, pursed her lips in embarrassment.

“My answer is…” … .”

Eun-yul placed her hand on Kang Ha-jun’s chest. The atmosphere, which was so close to touching each other, soared as if it would explode the moment Eunyul touched Kang Ha-jun’s body.

“I’ll tell you when it’s clearer.”

He turned around after giving an answer that took his time, which was unusual for me.

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