The Villain Who Became Pregnant With The Alpha’s Child Chapter 44


“Disinfection is complete. Then, I will apply the medicine now. “This will get rid of bad bacteria in the wound.”

Since he was even telling me what the medicine does, I started to listen to what Haeul said.

As Haneul took out a cotton swab and squeezed out ointment on it, Kang Ha-jun looked amazed at her meticulousness.

“Okay, this is a little sticky.”

Eunyul watched from behind with her arms crossed as Haneul, who expressed the stickiness of the ointment, applied it with a cotton swab. Since he didn’t need to treat him, he just looked at Kang Ha-jun, and his eyes were narrowed as if he was thinking about where he might have been hurt.

“It’s almost over, so please be patient. The last thing is to prevent bad bacteria from entering.”

Kang Ha-jun, who was listening to Haneul’s words and unconsciously looking at what the child was holding in his hand, stopped. A yellow disposable band with a character drawn on it. I couldn’t stop Haneul as I watched him writhing as he was tearing off the skin to put it on his wound.

Ha-Jun Kang hesitantly lowered his raised hand as he felt a yellow disposable band being attached to his face. Since Haneul had put it on, it was too late to stop him.

“This child will protect you, so everything will be better when you sleep and wake up. “Treatment is over.”

“thank you.”

For some reason, I felt like I had to say something respectful to Haneul, so I did so, and Haneul got excited and organized the first aid kit and went to put it back in its place.

“Heaven is good at healing, right?”

Now that only the two of them were left, Eunyul asked in a more excited voice than before. I did it because I felt proud to see how good Haneul was.

Kang Ha-jun touched the band on his cheekbone and nodded. What had just happened was so amazing that the argument I had with someone felt distant.

“If I get hurt in the future, I ask Haneul to treat me. “I’m sure you’ll love it.”

Eun-yul suddenly looked at Kang Ha-jun in the same mood as usual. I was wondering what kind of face I would see him with earlier, but something happened, so fortunately, that almost awkward moment passed without any problems.

“How can I repay Haneul?”

Eun-yul sighed as Kang Ha-jun was still stroking the band and thinking about how Haneul treated him.

“Okay then, shall we pick you up from kindergarten tomorrow?”

“To kindergarten?”

Eunyul was contemplating what to say to Kang Ha-jun, who was looking at me as if asking him to explain in detail, before opening his mouth.

“Haneul said he doesn’t want to ride the kindergarten bus tomorrow. So I asked her uncle to come pick me up… … It’s not coercion. If you’re busy, you don’t have to go. As I always say, you don’t have to listen to everything Haneul says. If you explain it well… … .”

“I’ll go.”

“There’s no need to decide so quickly.”

Eunyul was taken aback by Kang Ha-jun’s decision as if there was nothing to think about.

“Are you sure you want to go?”

When I couldn’t erase my doubts and asked, Kang Ha-jun easily nodded.

“Tell me where the kindergarten is and I’ll go.”

“It’s an emergency kindergarten.”

Eun-yul, who accepted the situation somewhat bewilderedly, said that a good thing is a good thing and that he was going, so it wasn’t a bad thing. At that time, Kang Ha-jun asked again.

“Would you like to buy a bouquet of flowers?”

“… … Where are you going to the graduation ceremony?”

I just need to pick it up, but what kind of bouquet is it?

* * *

“Are you sure you don’t ride the rabbit car?”


While the children whose parents were picking them up were playing together, a boy asked Haneul.

“But your dad is busy.”

“Someone else will come pick you up today.”

“who? grandma?”

The boy kept asking questions to see if he knew much about Haneul. Then, she quietly sat down next to Haneul and asked.

“Don’t do that, but when my mom comes to pick me up, will you come with me? “Let’s go to my house and play.”


“Yah. “There is a lot of white milk that you like, so why don’t you come?”

It turned out that the reason I was so interested was because I wanted to play together.

“Don’t do that, just play with me. huh? “I’ll tell my mom to go to Suni’s and tell her.”


However, it wasn’t enough for Haneul to firmly push him away, so he went to the side and started playing another game.

Because of that, the boy was crying a lot of tears as if he was sad, and Haneul suddenly turned around.

“I’m going to play with the excavator right now, aren’t I?”

“… … sun.”

The boy, who saw Haneul holding his favorite toy, whimpered and obediently approached.

“Then let’s play until we go.”


When Haneul responded in an adult manner, the boy, who soon regained his smile, excitedly dug the ground with a forklift.

“It’s so cute I’m dying.”

The two children’s homeroom teacher muttered with a secret smile. Haneul was the most popular in the joy class. Not only does he take good care of his children, but he is also the first to run to a friend who needs help.

Even when studying, I listen closely to the teacher’s explanations and after learning them first, I have no choice but to teach them to other friends.

As the homeroom teacher, the burden, and even Haneul stepped in to teach the children Hangul, I was half happy to know Hangul the best out of all five-and-a-half year olds.

And there was another reason why Haneul was popular that couldn’t be left out.

That face.

All children are cute. But Haneul was especially cute among them all. It doesn’t mean that he looks better, but when he smiles, he opens his lips wide and smiles, and when he looks at his friends, his eyes sparkle.

So, children come to look for Haneul even more. They responded better because they smiled more, listened intently, and looked at me with sparkling eyes.

“Objectively, it’s very cute.”

You can’t tell how cute he looks, just like his dad. So my homeroom teacher liked Haneul.

“uh? “I guess someone is here.”

When a parent presses a button, the homeroom teacher stands up to the sound of a bird chirping. Today it was her turn to help her children home and take them to her parents. Especially when I was teaching Haewon, there were children from classes other than Joy’s class, so it was important for parents to know for sure who they were picking up.

She was confident that she could recognize most of the parents’ faces by memorizing them, so she stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the first man she saw.

Because the other person is very handsome? She also has her eyes, so it’s not like she doesn’t have that aesthetic sense. However, my thinking circuit stopped for a moment as I was more surprised by something else than her handsome face.

Sometimes that happens. Even if you don’t say who the parents are, you sometimes know just by looking at their faces. Of course, they have to go through procedures and confirm before sending the child, but there were times when parents who looked exactly like the child came.

That was exactly the case now.

It was a face that Haneul would have known even if he hadn’t received a phone call from his father in advance saying that a person named Kang Ha-jun would come to pick him up.

“Sky dad has come.”

She muttered to herself and belatedly said hello.


“This is Kang Ha-jun. “The sky has come to get you.”

When a man who looked exactly like Haneul presented Eunyul’s kindergarten visit card to Hawon, the teacher looked at Haneul and shouted.

“Sky, dad is here.”

Before, I thought that Haneul resembled her father, who used to hold her hand, but I was mistaken.

When she saw Haneul running to the man with his bag and being hugged, she nodded, taking in both their faces at a glance.

“Haneul looks like your father.”

It can’t be the same.

“Are you okay with me picking you up?”


Haneul answered Kang Ha-jun’s question by touching the cushion doll hanging from the seat belt. The child’s voice was loud and lively, as if he was really excited.


Hearing that Haneul was good made Kang Ha-jun feel even better for no reason. He stroked the band that Haneul had personally changed in the morning and got into the driver’s seat.

“Shall I come pick you up next time?”


Because I liked Haneul, I answered loudly.

“Would you like me to pick you up? “Rather than riding a bunny car?”

Eun-yul kept saying rabbit tea, rabbit tea, so Kang Ha-jun also spit out those words without any awkwardness. In response to Kang Ha-jun’s question, Haneul tilted her head back and forth for a moment, wondering what she was thinking.

“I also like riding the rabbit car.”


“yes. But I wanted to show it to other people.”

“Taking you away?”

Sky nodded. Looking at that innocent face, Kang Ha-jun’s heart became heavy. Meanwhile, while Haneul was riding the kindergarten bus to school, I, like other children, seemed to be hoping that my parents would come pick me up.

“Uncle will come pick you up often.”

“really? But if you’re busy, you don’t have to come. “I don’t mind riding around in a rabbit car.”

Kang Ha-jun was unable to speak up as he saw the 5-year-old speaking in such an adult manner.

“that… … uncle… … .”

“thank you.”

Before Kang Ha-jun finished speaking, Haneul answered.

“I have to brag to the teacher again.”

Just now, I came out holding Kang Ha-jun’s hand and shaking it back and forth, and it looks like I’ll be doing that again. Nevertheless, Kang Ha-jun did not hate it. If Haneul could smile, she could come and pick up the child as much as she wanted.

“Then let’s go home.”

Today, the two of us can just wait for Eunyul.

“Are we going to prepare food?”

“hmm… … “That’s good too.”

Kang Ha-jun thought about what kind of cooking Haneul could cook and answered yes. I wanted to listen to everything Sky asked me to do as much as possible. You don’t have to do all that, but Eun-yul said you can tell Haneul if you can’t do it, but I want to at least cook together.

“Then what should we make?”

“hmm… … “Salad.”

When Kang Ha-jun looked at Haneul through the rearview mirror, the child raised his index finger and chatted with excitement.

“I often make salad with my dad. “We put in the fruits and vegetables we want to put in.”

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