The Villain Who Became Pregnant With The Alpha’s Child Chapter 4

Someone saw Kang Ha-jun and naturally took off his shoes and walked up to the sitting table. The restaurant suddenly became noisy, as if the group had gone somewhere, and the last person to enter shouted.

“It’s so noisy it’s scary. “If you don’t want to eat, just keep talking.”

In response to the restaurant owner’s threat, only a few coughs were heard and the commotion subsided. Lim Bong-sun passed by Kang Ha-jun, who was still absorbed in his meal.

“Why are you putting a side dish that I told you to eat into a child’s mouth? That person deserves to be hit.”

wife. wife. wife.

After hearing the restaurant owner’s words, Kang Ha-jun scanned the empty side dish bowls with his eyes. He had a hard time forcing himself to eat because there was more food than last time, but it seems like it was the young man’s mistake earlier.

It was time for Kang Ha-jun to get up after finishing his meal. Im Bong-soon fiercely opened her eyes and looked at Kang Ha-jun.

“Where are you going?”

“Is there a problem?”

“If I’ve eaten all the side dishes that aren’t sold, I have to go to work.”

“I will calculate.”

“Do I look like a person obsessed with money?”

Kang Ha-jun did not answer, but it was said that he did so elsewhere.

“Collect the empty dishes and bring them to me.”

“Do customers even do that?”

“Don’t make me say it twice. “Put it away.”

Lim Bong-soon mercilessly pointed to the kitchen with his finger. I’ve never seen such a rude restaurant owner.

Kang Ha-jun looked at the bowl in front of him and thought about it. He had no intention of following the restaurant owner’s words. It would be a good idea to break these dishes by pushing them to the side so that they cannot be moved at all.

After consolidating his thoughts, Kang Ha-jun placed his index finger on the earthen pot. Everyone’s attention, including Lim Bong-soon, was focused on Kang Ha-jun’s finger due to that insignificant action. He wasn’t particularly talkative or active, but I kept catching my eye.

Soon Hajun Kang’s hand moved. He picked up the side dish bowl and put it in the earthen pot, as well as the rice bowl. After putting them in one by one and inserting the spoon and chopsticks into the empty space, a gap appeared for a moment.

“It exploded so slowly.”

At the words of the restaurant owner, Kang Ha-jun picked up the stacked dishes and headed to the kitchen. I don’t know why she does what she tells me, but I get it. There is a person in that kitchen who doesn’t know what to do when he meets my eyes.

To think that just by looking at me, I could see a person whose eyes would flutter and then run away under the pretext of work… … .

“Is that a smile or something?”

Kang Ha-jun hurriedly pursed his lips and entered the kitchen.

I put the tray down to one side and tried to see the reaction of the person inside… … No one is here?

No matter how hectic it was, Kang Ha-jun’s attention was focused on the kitchen. No one has come out, but I can’t see them. If he was hiding somewhere, I would have found him, but he has completely disappeared. Instead of pretending to be human, all you can hear is the sound of the wind.

The sound of the wind.

Kang Ha-jun put all the dishes down in one place and walked into the kitchen. It’s a one-story building, but the kitchen is bigger than expected.

Curiosity filled Kang Ha-jun’s eyes as he discovered the half-open back door.

Is it a coincidence that I don’t encounter myself? or not… … .

* * *

“Did a strange wind suddenly blow? “Why are you asking me to do something I don’t normally do?”

Eunyul grumbled and walked away from the restaurant. From the beginning, I didn’t say anything. Why are you suddenly asking Kang Ha-jun to put down an empty bowl?

“This is all because of Kang Ha-jun. I came to this place on a whim. You can just think of it as a place you inevitably came to and forget about it, but why come and kill people? … Are you shaking it?”

Eunyul sat down, ruffling her hair in frustration. I really hate it. Everything is over and I am living comfortably with the sky raising me, but why is a piece of the past touching me?

“… … It’s time for heaven to pick you up.”

As a father raising a child, there was no time to worry.

* * *


Eunyul opened her arms towards Haneul, who was getting off the yellow kindergarten bus. Haneul quickly greeted the teacher and he ran toward him with open arms.

“I miss you.”

“I missed my dad too.”

“How much did you miss me?”

“Even when I was complimented by a teacher, I thought of my dad, and even when I was eating, I thought of my dad. “When I was drawing, I thought of my dad and missed him.”

oh my god… … Is there another angel who speaks so well?

Eunyul hugged Haneul tightly and rubbed her face.

“You are a true angel. I’m worried that it might grow wings. Let’s see.”

Eunyul held Sky’s kindergarten bag in one hand and played with her wing bones with the other.

“uh? “Do you think the thing that sticks out will soon sprout wings?”


Haneul turns his head to look at his wing bones, but he can’t see them.

“oh my god. “If I get wings and fly, I won’t be able to see my dad.”

“I know. I need to hide my wing bones. Let’s eat a lot to prevent wings from forming.”


Sky took Eunyul’s hand. It seemed as if a hazy atmosphere was blooming around the two father and son.



“I guess my grandmother hates me.”


The person Haneul was talking about was Grandma Lim Bong-soon. She accepted her and helped her give birth to and raise Haneul, and she was someone that Haneul followed like his own grandmother.

“They told me it was rice cake taken from the board.”

“rice cake?”

“huh. It is also called Bungeoppang… … They keep saying my face is a mess. Am I that weird? Ugly? “Flat as a board?”


I don’t know how to explain this. No, it was difficult to control my embarrassed mood before that. When you say bungeoppang, you mean they look alike, but Lim Bong-sun has never said that to me since Haneul was growing up.

‘no way?’

“Oh, I guess not.”

As Eunyul was shaking her head, Haneul stared at her.

“Grandma is teasing me. why do i hate you “She gave me egg rolls this morning too, didn’t she?”

“I gave it to you.”

“Look. Grandma likes you. Egg rolls are her grandmother’s love.”

“I see.”

As Haneul nodded and looked somewhere else, Eunyul secretly exhaled.

“Would you like to buy me some ice cream? Do you want to go and eat?”

While he was already out, he seduced Haneul with the intention of making fun of him. If you want to eat ice cream, you should head straight to the supermarket.

“Dad, what is that car? “Is this a customer’s car?”

Haneul stretched out his finger with a pure face, and Eunyul’s eyes followed the finger. A luxury sedan parked proudly in front of the restaurant. It was dark and tinted so you couldn’t see inside, but Eunyul hugged Sky and pulled her into her arms. Eunyul answered as she pushed Haneul’s face into the crook of her neck.

“I guess so.”

Eunyul’s low voice was full of caution toward the unknown owner. Eunyul held the back of her head to hide the sky and looked at the car. Eunyul told Haneul, who was struggling, to get down.

“Shall we play something fun with Dad?”


“Cover the sky with your palm.”

At the same time, Eunyul’s large hand hid Haneul’s face.

How long has that car been around? Have you seen the sky? Is the owner of the car who I thought he was?

Eunyul’s expression gradually darkened as questions came to mind. The moment he found the car, the sky covered his face, but his anxiety did not go away.

Eunyul stayed there without taking a step until Haneul began to stir in her arms.

It was then.

“Why don’t you come in?”

Eunyul’s shoulder jumped at Grandma Lim Bong-soon’s sharp shout.

“Again, the pay thief who is making jokes and saying that is not far away.”

The grandmother’s mistreatment, which she normally wanted to avoid, was loosening Eunyul’s stiff body. As Eunyul held Haneul closer to me, Grandma Lim Bongsoon strolled over, holding her ladle.

“What is this again?”

Lim Bong-soon, standing in front of the foreign car, narrowed his eyes and suddenly raised the ladle high.


Grandma, what are you doing now? Isn’t that what I think?

Eunyul’s hand reached out desperately to stop the grandmother, but the incident ended in failure.

bang. bang.

“After eating, I have to get out of the car. It’s so absurd… … .”

“No, grandma. “What her grandmother is doing now is senseless.”

Foreign cars… … I couldn’t believe I was hitting an eye-poppingly expensive foreign car with a ladle. If the owner asks for it, selling the restaurant won’t be enough.

“Hurry up and don’t pull out!”

But Grandmother Lim Bong-soon was brave. As if swinging her ladle wasn’t enough, she kicked it with her foot to get the car out quickly.

Eunyul wanted to ask why she was doing this, but as she was slowly closing the distance to stop the grandmother, she heard the sound of a car starting.

As if she didn’t want to ask the old woman anything, she backed away and the car moved smoothly onto the road. Then, Eunyul, who was watching him move forward without hesitation, muttered with a blank face.

“Grandma, what on earth were you thinking? “Don’t you have a hobby of burning money in the air?”

If he had the money, he was about to ask for it from his half-grandchild, but Lim Bong-soon clicked his tongue.

“That guy has a face too, so I can’t tell him to ask. How dare you attack me who raised you… … .”

Eunyul, who was lowering Haneul to the floor, stopped in a hunched position. Did I hear her grandmother correctly?

Was my prediction correct in the end that Haneul was a copy of Kang Ha-jun and that he was a bungeoppang?

“Grandma, the person who just got in the car… … .”

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