The Villain Who Became Pregnant With The Alpha’s Child Chapter 34

Kang Ha-jun, who issued a warning very calmly, was the first to leave, and the defense team followed him.

Although Namgung-gil was swayed by a man around his son’s age, there was no trace of bad mood on him. If anything, my curiosity grew even greater.

“Bring Namgoong Hyuk.”

I was already planning to call my son because he didn’t open the store, but one more business came up.

When Kang Ha-jun came home, he unconsciously muffled the sound of his footsteps due to the quiet atmosphere unlike usual.

I was late because I had to meet Namgung-gil. Kang Ha-jun, who was looking around to see if Eun-yul and Haneul had arrived first, stopped when he suddenly noticed a black object running out.


It was heaven. Haneul put his index finger to his mouth, rolled his big eyes to the side, and pointed toward the playroom.

“Dad, it’s over there.”

Kang Ha-jun, who guessed what the situation was because Haneul lowered his voice and whispered, asked.


“The mouth is up. “My eyes didn’t wake up.”

What does that mean?

Anyway, I heard that he was sleeping, so Haneul dragged the blanket from the sofa and put it in Kang Ha-jun’s hand.

“Please cover me with the blanket. please.”

It was Haneul who spoke quietly, put both hands on her stomach and did not forget to say hello. Then it went off to another place.

As soon as Haneul disappeared, Kang Ha-jun, who was awkwardly holding a blanket with his bent body, straightened his knees and turned into the playroom.

It was a place where toys were gathered, so it seemed like he fell asleep while playing with Haneul.

When I entered the room, even though there was a mat, Eunyul was still sleeping on the hard floor. It looked like he was in an uncomfortable position, but Haneul told him to cover him with a blanket, so I approached him carefully so as not to wake him.

“Sky, Dad, I’ll wake up in a little while.”

At that time, Eunyul closed her eyes and said that she had mistaken herself for Haneul.

This was it.

Now I know what it is like to have your mouth open and your eyes not open.

“Wouldn’t it be uncomfortable to sleep here?”

Kang Ha-jun said as he covered Eun-yul’s body with a blanket. Then Eunyul’s closed eyes slowly opened.

The area under his eyes was dark, probably because he drank soju during the day and beer in the evening yesterday. Or maybe it’s because of what I said.

“Don’t do that, go to your room and sleep.”

“You have to eat dinner and sleep. “I just wanted to lie down for a moment.”

“Then why don’t you lie down properly? hmm?”

Kang Ha-jun, who was carefully covering Eun-yul’s body with a blanket, noticed a foot sticking out from under her back. I pulled it to see what it was, and it turned out to be a doll. For some reason, Eunyul’s posture was strange because she had a doll on her back.

“Wasn’t this uncomfortable?”

“Not really.”

Eunyul opened her mouth without getting up even though Kang Hajun was nearby.

“Robots sleep on the floor, but it’s like a doll. “It’s rather soft and feels like it has a massage ball in it.”

I wondered if this is what happens when you raise a child.

“Nowadays, I play well on one side, but when I was younger, if I let my guard down, I would step on a car. “This is something that everyone who raises a son experiences at least once.”

Eunyul pulled the blanket up to her neck, yawned slightly, and muttered.

“Taxis hurt the most when you step on them.”

Perhaps because Eun-yul spoke without a smile, Kang Ha-jun, who was imagining it, could neither smile nor frown.

When I imagined stepping on a taxi, I thought it would definitely hurt.

“That’s amazing.”

“There are many things that are great.”

Eunyul turned her back on him. He arched his back as if he didn’t want to talk anymore, but Kang Ha-jun sat down next to him.

“I have something to tell you… … .”

“Say it.”

Eunyul pretended to be very understanding and responded as if she would just listen as she lay down comfortably.

“I organized everything.”

“… … .”

“That debt… … .”

Kang Ha-jun’s words were cut off because Eun-yul suddenly got up. Due to Eunyul’s sudden movement, their faces were very close.

However, neither Eun-yul nor Kang Ha-jun had time to recognize it.


“I said I would cancel your debt if you live in this house for three months.”

It was like that. They certainly had that conversation, but Eunyul shook her head.

“I only asked heaven to protect me.”

Eunyul shook her head in embarrassment.

I didn’t think Eunyul would like it. However, the antipathy returned more than he expected, so Kang Ha-jun could not easily keep his mouth shut.

“Because you have thoughts of revenge because of me? “Is your life completely different because of me?”

Eun-yul brought up the conversation she had with Kang Ha-jun yesterday.

“Because I was influenced… … So is that so? “Did you at least repay me because you were grateful?”

In response to Eun-yul’s pressing question, Kang Ha-jun looked at his face for a moment. I looked at the emotions in his eyes and waited to see what he would say.

“I’ll stay still.”

Only then did Eunyul realize that I had pushed her too hard and took a step back.

“First of all, I haven’t paid off your debt. I organized it according to the legal aspect and situation. And it’s not just your job.”

Eun-yul frowned as if she didn’t understand, and Kang Ha-jun sighed lightly.

“I couldn’t pretend not to know because I was also responsible.”

“What does that mean?”

“Because I was the one who created the situation for you to go into debt.”

“ah… … .”

Only then did I understand what Kang Ha-jun was saying. It was Kang Ha-jun who worked behind the scenes to help Seong Eun-yul collapse in the first place. Because of that, he seemed to feel responsible.

“I see.”

Eunyul didn’t ask any more questions and gradually distanced herself from him. Lately, I started to realize that I had made eye contact with Kang Ha-jun too close.

“thank you.”

“I didn’t want to be greeted.”

Kang Ha-jun tried to hold on to Eun-yul, perhaps feeling sorry. But Eunyul was faster. He pulled his arm back before he could catch it, creating an awkward atmosphere between them.

“Well, it happened because of a bad relationship in the past. I’m glad it’s sorted out. Ah, where did Sky go?”

Suddenly, Eunyul, looking for Haneul, walked out with somewhat clumsy steps, but Kang Ha-jun was unable to catch him.

“The conversation we had yesterday… … .”

Even though she was dissatisfied, Seong Eun-yul showed her feelings by grumbling. However, the truth I revealed became an opportunity for Eunyul to hide her emotions.

Meanwhile, Eunyul, who came to the room where Haneul was, slipped and fell to the floor.

I don’t know how many times I wanted to avoid Kang Ha-jun while talking to him. I was worried that someone might see my trembling fingertips.

“What should I do now?”

* * *

Hyeon Je-ha noticed Nam Goong-hyeok’s bruises on his cheeks as he entered the office and asked indifferently.

“Did you get it right?”

“no. “How old am I?”

Namgoonghyuk flopped down on the sofa and snorted.

“I was just dodging the things my father was throwing and hit the door.”

It wasn’t blocked, it was blocked. To Hyun Je-ha, who was listening, it was either that or that, but Namgung-hyuk insisted that it was something else.

“Then why are you procrastinating and not opening yet?”

It was obvious without even asking why Namgoong Hyuk became like that. She clicked her tongue and took the side of her father who made Namgoonghyeok like that.

“If only that were the case, it wouldn’t have happened like this.”

Namgoonghyuk twirled his index finger around his cheekbone.

“Even getting caught while playing pranks really aroused my temper.”


Hyun Je-ha sat across from Namgung-hyuk and asked.

“Are you talking about Seong Eun-yul?”

When I remembered the conversation we had before and asked, Namgoonghyuk clicked his tongue.

“I can’t hide anything from you.”

“Even if no one else knows, I know what’s inside you.”

When Hyun Je-ha asked as if it wasn’t difficult to predict, Namgung-hyuk’s eyes sank.

“Don’t you know that I still like you?”

“… … “Just keep talking.”

As Hyun Je-ha turned to speak, Namgung-hyuk wiped his smile for a moment and then raised his voice as if he had never done that before.

“that’s right. I recently went to see him and threatened him. And they tried to hire me as a cook for 12 months… … .”

“What are you talking about.”

Hyun Je-ha interrupted Namgung-hyuk mid-sentence. It was only then that Namgoonghyuk realized that I had not properly told him about meeting Seong Eunyul and waved his hand.

“It’s no big deal. He worked at the restaurant for 5 years. So she was trying to bring me in as a chef.”

Hyun Je-ha’s eyes softened at Namgung-hyuk’s explanation. When he returned to his original self, Namgoonghyuk tugged at his collar for no reason.

“hot. “Is there any cool water?”

“Go out and drink. “I’m going because I’m busy.”

“Uh, okay.”

Namgoonghyuk stood up and waved his hand awkwardly.

“Goes. “Work.”

After seeing Hyun Je-ha go to her place without looking back, Namgung-hyuk opened the door and went out.

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not work with dark mode