The Villain Who Became Pregnant With The Alpha’s Child Chapter 26


When I rolled the name in my mouth, it felt strange. I felt envious of him who was living such a wonderful life and wanted to be like him.

Kang Ha-jun sighed as he felt various feelings for Seong Eun-yul blooming and gradually growing in size.

I felt like the three months would become a leash that would tighten my neck.

* * *

As soon as they returned to Seoul, the two entered the hotel and went straight to the sauna. After digging into the ground and filling my stomach, I planned to wash up and relieve my fatigue.

Since all the money came from Namgoong Hyuk’s wallet, Park Joo Hwan enjoyed it with an excited face. I had fun working, eating delicious food, and staying at the hotel. Is today my birthday?

As I was humming and shaking my butt, the loosely knotted towel was shaking as if it were falling off.



Park Joo-hwan immediately answered with an attitude of attention.

“What did you think when you saw them two earlier?”

Park Joo-hwan, seeing Namgoong-hyuk sitting on a chair and drinking fat banana milk, quickly relaxed his posture after realizing that he was not offended by my interruption.

“It seems like the two of you knew something.”

Park Joo-hwan shook his head, lowered his head, and muttered.

“okay. “We knew each other.”

Namgoonghyuk muttered while holding a straw between his teeth.

“Are you two dating?”


Namgoonghyuk tilted his head.

“No, but the atmosphere was very strange. yes?”

The atmosphere while eating got on Namgoonghyuk’s nerves more than when he came and took Eunyul with him.

“What is it?”

Namgoonghyuk bit on the straw again.

The assumption that comes to mind right now is that the two of them have feelings for each other.

‘Is that why Kang Ha-jun pushed Je-ha away?’

“however… … .”

Park Joo-hwan gently thrust his butt.

“Is that true? “I’m saying that Hyeon Je-ha’s engagement went through.”


Namgoonghyuk nodded.

“Then isn’t it good for you, brother, or boss? “You can use this opportunity to capture Jeha.”

“Yeah, it’s a good opportunity for me.”

Namgoonghyuk bit down on a straw.

“But why do I feel so uncomfortable?”

While thinking about what that was, Namgoonghyuk clicked his tongue as if something came to mind.

“Are you worried that my sister-in-law will not accept the boss’s feelings?”


Namgoonghyuk raised his eyes.

“hey. To Je-ha, what am I worse than Kang Ha-jun?”

Park Joo-hwan had a lot to say, but he kept his mouth shut.

“I was pushed aside because I was a friend, but I’m not that bad of a person. It’s not you that makes me feel uncomfortable… … “Let’s not talk.”

Namgoonghyuk clicked his tongue and turned his head.

I couldn’t bear to tell Park Joo-hwan.

The reason for the discomfort I felt… … .

* * *

On the day I dug hard and carried the pot, I kicked him out under the pretext of drinking, but he showed up again the next day. Eunyul, who was about to leave with Haneul, looked at him and made an ambiguous expression.

Since Kang Ha-jun came to pick me up, there was no need to take the bus. Since he located his house not far from the restaurant and not in Seoul, he didn’t have to take a long bus ride, but it wasn’t as quick as going by car.

“This is the car I saw last time.”

“I know. “I think it was Uncle Kang Ha-jun’s car.”

Kang Ha-jun flinched when he referred to himself as uncle. Eunyul saw that and asked.

“You don’t like me calling you uncle?”


“Then why do you do that?”

“I feel like we’re getting closer… … .”

Kang Ha-jun covered his mouth and mumbled, but his face didn’t look bad. Uncle is such a great title. As Eun-yul approached the car with Ha-neul again, Kang Ha-jun, who had been behind, came forward.

“The sky is here.”

When I opened the backseat door, Eunyul and Haneul’s heads tilted to the side.

“uh? “I saw my friend riding this.”

“Is it a car seat?”

“Haneul said I had to ride in a car seat… … .”

Eunyul looked at Kang Hajun again. She seemed to have caught a glimpse of an unexpected delicacy. Eunyul first placed Haneul in the car seat. I wondered where I got advice on how to match Haneul’s age appropriately.

Eunyul, who naturally sat in the passenger seat, pulled on her seatbelt and asked.

“How did you know about the car seat? “I also bought it in the right size.”

“I asked and bought it because it was suitable for a 5-year-old.”

“… … “You bought it yourself?”

Hajun Kang nodded. He looked at Haneul in amazement at Eunyul, who thought he had ordered someone else to buy it.

“It’s more comfortable than a rabbit car.”

Haneul’s expression got very excited as she talked about going to kindergarten. Well, I like it so there’s no need to say more.

“Haneul needs to get some clothes, so stop by my house.”

“Why don’t you stop by the house and take care of it and buy more if you don’t have enough?”

“It’s not that bad. There are enough clothes in the sky… … Should I go buy it?”

Eunyul got into the car and said she didn’t need clothes, but changed her words when she saw Haneul’s earnest expression.

“Now that I think about it, the long sleeves I wore last year have all gotten smaller.”

Seeing Haneul nodding her head in delight, I definitely have to go buy this.

“Just go buy it right away.”

When Eun-yul decided to go home alone tomorrow, Kang Ha-jun immediately left the car.

I wanted to buy clothes for Haneul, but the opportunity came quickly.

Eunyul seemed to have read Kang Ha-jun’s thoughts and snorted openly.

“You’ve never been there with a 5-year-old, right?”

Since Kang Ha-jun had no such experience since becoming an adult, Eun-yul muttered with a sad look on his face when Kang Ha-jun nodded.

“Then try it today.”

After that, it seemed like he would acknowledge it if he was excited again next time.

* * *

While Kang Ha-jun parked the car in the underground parking lot and turned off the engine and got out, Eun-yul grabbed Haneul, who was sitting in the car seat, and put her down.

As Haneul was holding her hand tightly and looking around, Kang Ha-jun came and stood.

I grabbed the handle to open the door first so Eunyul and Haneul could come in, but stopped. Was the door this heavy?

“Thank you for opening.”

Haneul came in and Eunyul looked at Kang Ha-jun’s expression and smiled knowingly.

Next, Kang Ha-jun, who was looking at the escalator to go up, stopped. The tips of his eyebrows were raised, a look of displeasure. This was because the escalator seemed high enough to reach Haneul’s knees. And since he was moving, he was worried that he might fall, so he moved to another place.

“The elevator is over there.”

Eun-yul followed obediently, and Kang Ha-jun was impressed again because there were more people in front of the elevator than expected.

[The door opens.]

When the elevator door opened with an announcement, Kang Ha-jun quickly looked inside. Thinking about Haneul, I think a seat by the wall where you can press the buttons would be good… … .

Before Kang Ha-jun took his place, someone took his place first. I had no choice but to stand behind him, and Eunyul and Haneul also got on in that order.

People waiting for the elevator kept coming in, filling up the small space, and Eunyul covered Sky with her body to protect it from the crowd. After seeing that, Kang Ha-jun regretted that he should have taken the escalator.

“Now it begins.”

Eun-yul, who had been looking at Kang Ha-jun’s expression the whole time, laughed as if he were suing.

‘I think it’s easy to take a child around.’

At least department stores and amusement parks are on the better side. There is a restroom for children and a stand for children to stand on when washing their hands. If you go to a place that doesn’t have such facilities, you’ll be in trouble.

You have to pick up a small child and wash your hands, or you have to carry a small child without getting hit by adults. If I stayed like that, my arm felt like it was going to fall off.

Kang Ha-jun’s expression was so serious that Eun-yul wondered if she could calm him down. There are many things to worry about and worry about right now, but there are also ways to enjoy time with your child.

It was then. He gently patted the waist of the man next to Haneul and spoke to him.

“Mr., can you please press the ‘door is closed’ button?”

“uh? uh. okay.”

At Haneul’s polite request, the man standing in front of the door pressed the button, and soon the elevator door closed.

“The kid is so naughty.”


At the compliments coming from people around her, Eunyul pursed her lips to suppress laughter. Because when he says he’s cute, he laughs and then pouts when he sees Haneul’s shoulders rising to the top of his head.

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