The Villain Who Became Pregnant With The Alpha’s Child Chapter 24

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“You mean the boss is here?”

Park Joo-hwan, a large man looking at the Suni’s Haejangguk sign, slipped down his sunglasses. With that alone, the little eyes easily took off their sunglasses and looked at the sign.

“They’re looking for a chef here…” … Anyway, the boss is also very unique.”

Even while muttering that he couldn’t make sense of it, Park Joo-hwan walked towards the restaurant. He said he was going to pick him up, but since there was no contact, he stepped in as support in case he needed help.

At the same time that Park Joo-hwan entered the restaurant, a black sedan pulled in front of the store. With a bold move, he parked in his usual spot and the driver got out.

It was Kang Ha-jun, whom Haneul had decided to meet around the end of kindergarten. I looked at the clock and saw that there was quite a bit of time left until lunch… … .

“I guess it’s okay if I came a little early.”

Not long after Kang Ha-jun entered the restaurant, he heard Lim Bong-soon yelling.

“Inum Shiki! “If you’re going to be pressured, work!”

* * *

“What am I doing now?”

Namgoonghyuk put the shovel on the ground and leaned on it with his arm raised like a cane.

Park Joo-hwan, who had been digging next to him, straightened his bent back and wiped his sweat with a towel around his neck. Before I knew it, only the short-sleeved T-shirt was left in the suit I had worn so beautifully.

“It’s shoveling.”

“therefore… … .”

Namgoonghyuk took a moment to take a deep breath.

“Who doesn’t know how to shovel? “Why are you doing this?”

“… … scout?”

When Namgoong-hyuk lifted the shovel, Park Joo-hwan flinched.

“Don’t do that. “I said I was going to bury kimchi here, but if you bury someone, it’s going to be a big problem.”

“Who in this world buries a jar in the ground these days?”

“Here you go.”

Namgung-hyuk let out an absurd laugh when he saw Park Joo-hwan pointing to the place where he was digging.

The really funny thing is, I thought this place was good at making kimchi, but they were using an old-fashioned kimchi refrigerator.

“They say it’s easier to bury the jar later if you dig it in advance. Hurry up and sell it.”

Park Joo-hwan suddenly regained his strength and started digging again. When he pushed the shovel in, it seemed as if the ground made room for him.


Then, I scooped up all the dirt that came up on the shovel with a strong determination to throw it away. As she was repeating that, Namgoonghyuk clicked her tongue.

“Doesn’t he have a separate calling?”

I think it’s okay to be suspicious at this level.

Namgoonghyuk, who was watching Park Joo-hwan excitedly digging the ground, flinched and looked somewhere out of the corner of his eye. Then, she felt that Lim Bong-sun, who was holding her ladle, was watching her with a curious gaze, so she turned her head to pretend that Namgung-hyuk did not see her.

“That old man.”

I ignored it, but his skill in swinging the ladle was no joke.

If things continued like this, Namgoonghyuk felt like he wouldn’t be able to do his business while avoiding that ladle, so he made a decision.

Namgoonghyuk threw the shovel.

Lim Bong-soon’s gaze became sharper.

Namgoonghyuk also took off his white gloves.

Lim Bong-sun’s ladle rose to the top.

Namgoonghyuk grabbed the hem of my top with his bare hands, crossed his arms in an X shape, and took off his t-shirt. And he grabbed the shovel again.

The moment Namgoonghyuk put his shovel into the ground with all his might, Lim Bongsoon put down the ladle and turned around.

Namgoonghyuk clicked his tongue after seeing her go inside.


I wonder if I should do this by taking off my clothes… … .

“I definitely want to get a job as a chef.”

Even if it’s dirty and disgusting.

As Namgung-hyuk began digging in earnest, Park Joo-hwan looked wary. I didn’t know it when I was shaking earlier, but it was because the amount of dirt being dug up at once was quite large.

Park Joo-hwan, with his fierce competitive spirit, dug hard as if he could not lose.

And people were watching them from not far away.

“Sooni, what’s going on these days…?” … .”

If there was nothing going on, the old people would sit on the bench in front of Young’s Supermarket and play Go-Stop. They looked happily at the two sturdy young men. At first, my eyes were taken by the big guy’s half-armed and bulging arm muscles, but when the other guy took off his clothes, I couldn’t take my eyes off his exposed body.

“Why is that guy’s body so dry? “It’s very cracked.”

While the old people were peacefully enjoying the food, someone else came out of the restaurant. I thought he was the cute guy with the usual pouting, but he turned out to be a very classy looking guy.

He came out carrying a jar on his shoulder and was wearing a shirt that did not reveal a single inch of skin. But what was so strange was that even that guy couldn’t take his eyes off me. Is it because of the sweat or because the shirt clinging to my body clearly shows my curves? … .

“I don’t know why I don’t have three eyes.”

Then, we will get along well one by one. As one old man was acting regretful, the other old man also nodded.

I was supposed to hit Go-Stop, but I was so excited that I couldn’t play.

“Should I ask Suni’s who those guys are?”

“Arthur. “Don’t you remember how you got angry last time and said you wouldn’t come back for a while because you took all the money?”

“Sickness. “It’s not my fault that I’m not good at it.”

“So, let me adjust it accordingly.”

Two old men hit one old man hard.

“If that were the case, I wouldn’t have just watched over there and pretended to eat.”


When the two old men started complaining that it was hard to see because their eyes were blurry and that it was even harder to see because they were so far away, the old man who had been being bullied until now screamed.

“What do I want to get closer to and see? “But is this my fault?”

She protested that it was unfair in her own way, but the other elderly people paid no attention. She just focuses on watching Shunyi’s workers.

“… … “It’s a pestilence.”

The old man, who had been wronged, gave up and turned his head to the worker.


Eun-yul, who was serving, turned around to see Lim Bong-soon’s strange smile as she stood close to the restaurant door.

“Why are you smiling like that?”

“There is such a thing.”

Im Bong-soon waved the ladle at her, telling her to mind her work, and Eun-yul sighed when she saw the men working outside.

“But why did you make me dig the ground? “There are three kimchi refrigerators.”

Eunyul pointed to a separate storage room behind the kitchen. There were commercial kimchi refrigerators side by side, and the jar lids on the outside were just decoration.

“shut up. “Go and work.”

“Oh, those people are such idiots too. They think people who are 50 years older than them don’t use modern culture. “Why aren’t you suspicious?”

Adults know better when it comes to comfort. As I have already used it without any discomfort, I can feel the difference.

Eunyul sighed but did not stop him. To be honest, they were ugly people – not even a trembling bastard was particularly pretty – but I felt a little relieved to have them do this kind of work.

From Namgoonghyuk, who insisted on having lunch, to Kang Hajun, who came to see her after they broke up for a while, Lim Bongsoon treated her without even giving her food. Until she was very drenched in sweat.

* * *

As the lunch business was wrapping up, Lim Bong-soon called in three men. There was no one left in the restaurant like Sarangbang. Because she said Lim Bong-soon kicked them all out.

Instead, three men were seated.

“Can’t I wash and eat?”

As Park Joo-hwan mumbled, wiping the sweat with a towel around his neck, Namgoong-hyuk scanned the table with thirsty eyes.

When I took out a cup to drink water, I was hit by Lim Bong-sun’s ladle. Since it was a restaurant where you couldn’t even drink water, I thought they were going to turn everything over.

And Kang Ha-jun, who had worked beyond his strength, just swallowed his saliva quietly. Even though that doesn’t quench my thirst.

“Just because I worked a little bit, I was so spread out… … .”

Namgoonghyeok was about to open his mouth at the sound of clicking his tongue as if he was pathetic, but closed his mouth again when he saw the tray on the table.

It was a bowl of steaming cold makgeolli.

As Lim Bong-soon poured makgeolli into a bowl, the liquid with thin ice gushed out, and the three men’s eyes focused on it. It was makgeolli that I normally didn’t even look at, but now I was drooling over it.

Lim Bong-soon, who distributed the bowls in front of the three men, placed the bottle of makgeolli down.


As soon as she finished speaking, the men drank their bowls.

It was the ultimate pleasure of having the sadness of not being able to wash or drink water go away all at once.

As they emptied the entire bowl, exclamations erupted from them.


“Was makgeolli this delicious?”

“… … .”

Kang Ha-jun looked at the bowl in silence and then looked at the makgeolli bottle again. He expressed that he wanted to eat again. Lim Bong-sun saw this and swung her ladle.

“I’ve had one drink, so wait.”

When I told him not to eat again this time, Namgoonghyuk quenched his appetite and remained quiet. Unlike when I didn’t let him drink water earlier, I wasn’t angry. Because I know it wouldn’t have tasted as good if I had just drank water.

“How long should I wait?”

When Park Joo-hwan asked, shaking his butt as if he wanted to eat more, Lim Bong-sun silently pointed to the kitchen. What that meant soon became apparent. Eunyul appeared carrying a large tray.

He put down the tray, placed rice and soup in front of each person, and set out braised ribs, buckwheat pancakes, pumpkin pancakes, tofu kimchi, and other side dishes in the middle.

“Don’t throw away the stuffing, just eat it in moderation.”

Lim Bong-soon turned around to see if she had said all she wanted to say. She said as she handed her ladle to Eunyul.

“I will bring the sky, so you eat too.”

As Eunyul took the ladle, she looked at Lim Bongsun and smiled as if her mouth was broken.

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not work with dark mode