The Villain Who Became Pregnant With The Alpha’s Child Chapter 22


I just have to see the end of the three months as quickly as possible.

When Eun-yul accepted the conditions, the corner of Kang Ha-jun’s mouth gently curved up. He said with a cheerful smile.

“I’m looking forward to tomorrow.”

What kind of morning will you have?

* * *

Kang Ha-jun opened his eyes and stood up before fully waking up. I couldn’t lie down because I was afraid that everything that happened last night was a dream.

Yesterday, the conversation ended with Seong Eun-yul accepting the offer to stay with her for three months. There was no mention of anything related to the past other than debt.

After finding out which room she would be staying in, he picked up Haneul. I thought he was going to go straight to his room, but he took Haneul, who woke up briefly, and took him around the house to show her around.

〈You can use this bathroom. You can drink water here and… … .〉

I felt strange when I woke up in the morning and saw Haneul explaining it to me so that I wouldn’t feel unfamiliar with it because it was a new place. Even though I knew that the Seong Eun-yul I knew had changed, I couldn’t take my eyes off him.

I was afraid that Seong Eun-yul, who entered the room like that, might change his mind and leave, so I sat the whole time and closed my eyes for a moment.

Kang Ha-jun, rubbing his sore eyes a few times, lingered in front of the door.

‘7 o’clock.’

Considering the time Seong Eun-yul entered, it was early so he may have already woken up. Kang Ha-jun, who was contemplating whether to knock on the door, leaned against the wall next to the door.


After revealing that everyone knew, it was difficult to deal with Seong Eun-yul. It wasn’t because he gave birth to Sky. Eunyul laughed and joked often, but there was a strange sense of distance.

Even when asking to protect Haneul, Eunyul didn’t mention anything about herself. He didn’t seem to be worried that something might happen while commuting to the restaurant, so he didn’t let himself into the line.

The line was so clear that there was no reason to violate it. It was not that he had any love for Seong Eun-yul, and he could not use Haneul as an excuse to trap him.

‘3 months.’

All I could do now was do my best in that time.

After gathering his thoughts to some extent, Kang Ha-jun stood in front of the door again. He was planning on knocking on the door and eating breakfast if there was no response.

I raised my hand like that, but the door opened before I could knock. I wondered if I had muttered to myself out loud. Kang Ha-jun, who expected to see Seong Eun-yul’s dissatisfied eyes, stopped and showed a look of embarrassment.

When I opened the door, I thought there was no one in sight, and then a small child riding on my waist came out, rubbing his eyes.

It was heaven.

“under… … .”

… … Hello, bye. Good morning?

I couldn’t say hello. Because the child had already left the room and passed by Kang Ha-jun.

“Good morning.”

Sky, barely awake, said hello and went into the bathroom. Kang Ha-jun walked towards the bathroom very carefully.

Judging by the sound of water flushing, did he have to go straight to the bathroom because he was in a hurry?

I took a quick look and saw that the door wasn’t closed. Then, Kang Ha-jun realized where Haneul was and suddenly stood in front of the bathroom.

Climb up on the step, take out your toothbrush, and squeeze out some toothpaste. I thought it was stupid to go that far alone, but I started brushing my teeth while looking in the mirror.

“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten… … .”

It’s hard to pronounce it because it contains a toothbrush, but you can count the numbers by mixing Korean and English. It seemed like he was counting the number of times he rubbed one side.

I brushed my molars, front teeth, the inside of my teeth, and even my tongue, and then rinsed my mouth with water in a cup. Then, after washing my face, I came down and buried my face in a towel.

Sky, with a refreshed face, woke up completely and came out of the bathroom. Kang Ha-jun looked at the bathroom without being able to follow the sky passing by. Did you just brush your teeth and wash your face here alone?

It wasn’t something I had done once or twice. But how can a 5-year-old be alone like that? Kang Ha-jun, who had never raised his child and didn’t know anything, tilted his head and looked for the sky.

When I wondered where he had gone, he drank some water and climbed up on a chair to look inside the refrigerator. While checking to see what was inside, he quickly turned his head and made eye contact with me.

Just when I thought I was finally seeing myself properly, Haneul pointed inside the refrigerator.

“I want to eat that strawberry, can you wash it for me?”

“… … okay.”

I ask you to do it, but why can’t you do it?

Kang Ha-jun went behind Ha-neul and looked inside the refrigerator. The manager said he packed a lot of things, and he was quite generous. When I picked up a pack of strawberries, Haneul jumped down from the chair. He even pushes the chair to the table and sits down politely.

I don’t know what happened. It’s amazing how a child who hasn’t even reached halfway is moving around. As I was still thinking about that, Haneul turned around.

“They say strawberries are good for breakfast. It’s good for your skin and prevents you from catching colds. So it’s okay to eat.”

It seemed that the reason Kang Ha-jun didn’t move was because he was worried about whether he could eat strawberries.

“okay. “Strawberries are good for your health.”

At that time, I heard a voice mumbling in deep sleep. Eunyul came out shakily, as if she had just woken up.

Without even thinking about opening his still closed eyes, he went to the other side of the sky and fell down on the table.

“But Dad knows. “Why does Haneul want to eat strawberries?”

There was a hint of playfulness hidden in Eunyul’s flowing words.

“Because it’s the Strawberry Prince.”


“You can eat apples for breakfast, but the prince’s choice is strawberries. Are strawberries good for your skin? No. “Because our Sky loves strawberries.”

“Ugh. “I got caught.”

Haneul cupped her cheek and pretended to be surprised, then fell down on the table like Eunyul. It was a peaceful morning as we made eye contact and giggled.

Except for the dazed Kang Ha-jun.

The 5-year-old child washed his face by himself, but the father was extremely lazy and all he did was spread the word. It seems so natural, so am I weird for finding it strange?

How did this happen?

It feels like I’ve entered a strange country.

* * *

After breakfast, including strawberries, was finished, Haneul quietly looked at my clothes.

“You can take off your clothes. “Hae-neul left a change of clothes in the room.”

As if reading Haneul’s inner thoughts, Eunyul spoke while drinking coffee. Then Haneul took off his clothes on the spot, put them in the basket in front of the laundry room, and ran to his room.

“Do you normally do things like that on your own at that age?”

“There are some who do and some who don’t, but there is no sky around.”

Kang Ha-jun, who confirmed that I was not mistaken in Eun-yul’s answer, asked.

“So you taught me to do it on my own?”


As Kang Ha-jun was just nodding, Eun-yul looked up.

“Ask everything.”

“… … .”

“You need to know about Haneul anyway. “It’s okay if you don’t think about whether you can ask.”

Eunyul must have read Kang Ha-jun’s expression and became annoyed. I can’t believe you’re looking at me with eyes full of curiosity like that and keeping your mouth shut.

As Eun-yul spoke as if clearing a blockage, Kang Ha-jun asked whatever came to mind.

“Don’t adults usually brush their teeth?”

“I do it at night and go to the dentist once every three months to check for cavities and apply fluoride. I developed caries when I was 2 years old, and I am still watching for it. “The doctor said it is being managed well.”

He probably doesn’t know how anxious Eunyul was and how much she went to and from the dentist’s office until she left Haneul to brush her teeth.

“That’s amazing.”

Eunyul flinched at the admiration that came with Kang Ha-jun’s laughter. He fixed his eyes on his coffee and then changed the subject.

When I say that it’s amazing, I guess I’m just saying that Haneul is proud of what he does on his own.

“Do you have any more questions?”

“Strawberry Prince?”

“yes. I like strawberries the most. “I like strawberries, kiwis, and mangoes, and I need to peel the skin and remove the seeds to eat the geobong.”

Eunyul spoke quickly without making eye contact with Kang Ha-jun.

“I don’t like apples and pears because they are hard, and I don’t like cherry tomatoes because I vomited after eating them. “It is helpful to memorize your favorite fruits.”

“Okay, it’ll be easy to remember.”

Kang Ha-jun drank coffee like Eun-yul.

“Easy to remember?”


Eunyul looked at him and didn’t ask any more questions. He seemed to know why without me having to ask. Contrary to Haneul, Eunyul likes crunchy apples. So didn’t Grandma Lim Bong-sun say that he should buy different types of fruit?

Eunyul stood up holding the finished cup of coffee. He put the glass down in the sink, turned around, opened the refrigerator, looked inside, and closed it again.

“I had a good breakfast.”

Before passing by Kang Ha-jun, Eun-yul stopped and saw him.

“I ate with Haneul today because I thought it would be awkward, but I don’t normally eat breakfast. Anyway, since I ate today, I’ll prepare it for you too.”

It meant giving only what you received. Kang Ha-jun’s eyes sank as he felt the distance again.

“Once I get used to this place, I’ll try my hand at it later. Can you come to the restaurant?”

In response to Eun-yul’s question, Kang Ha-jun smiled as if he had relaxed. I became pathetic, wondering what I had hoped for now.

“I’ll pick you up later. “Give me food then.”

One step.

I didn’t expect much and just wanted to take one step closer.

Eunyul nodded and walked to the room, but then stopped. He stood there for a moment, wondering what was on his mind, then turned around and asked.

“Do you ever eat eggplant?”

Kang Ha-jun responded by twisting his eyebrows.

* * *

“I guess that’s where heaven’s taste comes from.”

Eunyul muttered as she walked to the restaurant after dropping Haneul off at kindergarten. From a young age, she taught her not to be picky eaters, and Haneul immediately understood.

〈Carrots are good for your eyes.〉

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