The Villain Who Became Pregnant With The Alpha’s Child Chapter 14

As Hyun Je-ha sat on the sofa with her arms crossed, a man who went into the kitchen brought out coffee. At the same time, Hyun Je-ha seemed to have heard the whole story about him as he narrowed one eye. With a wink to say thank you, Hyeonjaeha looked at the coffee in front of me. There was a faint scent coming from the machine, but it didn’t appeal to me at all. At least it’s good enough to obscure the vibrating pheromones.

“Didn’t you bring me here because he won first place in the competition?”

“It did. I did… … .”

I scouted him after seeing him win a cooking contest on TV. Namgoonghyuk personally brought her in and now he’s acting like he’s displeased with it.

“It’s tasteless. Since this is a dish, even a single fried egg has to be flavorful, so how can I entrust you with this kind of skill to the kitchen?”

As Namgoonghyuk was banging on the sofa and screaming, the noise in the kitchen became more noisy. One side is dissatisfied and the other side wants to be a chef at a Korean restaurant. Hyun Je-ha, who was caught between them, sighed.

“Do it in moderation. It’s not long until the opening, so what are you going to do if you get pushed back because of something like this? “Don’t you know that if you mess up, everything you’ve prepared so far will be ruined?”

Or don’t bring it in from the beginning. What I’m doing now is something even a high school student wouldn’t do. However, Namgoonghyuk snorted and ignored it.

“I’m going to open a store, no matter what that old man says…” … .”


Hyun Je-ha called him in a warning voice.

“You said you wanted to get away. “Have you forgotten what I said about becoming a proper business owner and not just playing for money?”

I came to Hyeon Je-ha to start a prosperous business in Yangji, and he gave me a lot of help, including finding a suitable location and interior design. There really isn’t much left until the opening, but Namgoong Hyuk’s news is coming from some strange place.

“It sticks to your mouth and is savory and rich, but the finish is clean… … “That’s exactly how it should be.”

Namgoonghyuk leaned his head on the sofa and muttered to himself.

“It tastes just like that… … .”

“What is he saying now.”

Hyun Jae-ha woke up thinking that he had endured the cooling scent of coffee and that was enough.

“There’s a week left until opening, so figure it out. “Either bring in new people or remodel existing people.”

After saying that, he threw the promotional pamphlet at him and left. The pamphlet that flew around stuck to Namgoonghyuk’s body and did not fall off, perhaps because of the bodily fluids.

Namgunghyuk, looking at Hyunjeha’s straight back, stuck out his tongue and moistened his lips. I feel like I’ve calmed down quite a bit now, but I still feel a strange thirst when I see Hyun Je-ha. Even now, if you tell me to come to you instead of Kang Ha-jun… … .

“Will you come?”

Do you think that scholar will come to me, leaving behind the person he is going to marry? Namgoonghyuk, who had been messing with his hair in annoyance, raised his upper body. Aside from Hyun Je-ha, my work alone is making me feel dizzy.

Namgoonghyuk, who was roughly removing something from his body and looking at it, remembered the taste of the candidate’s food he had just eaten. It seemed okay at first, but when I think about the hangover soup, the candidate’s rice seemed to have a lot of different things in it, so it tasted crazy.

“That guy’s handmade taste was quite good… … .”

It was a hidden restaurant with not only the hangover soup I ate at that time but also the side dishes. Since it was a run-down restaurant, I thought the food would be old-fashioned, but it was surprisingly good. It was savory and tasted good, but surprisingly, it wasn’t heavy, so I thought it would be a good fit for targeting the younger generation.

Namgoonghyuk’s eyes narrowed as he took a sip of his appetite as if he wanted to eat it again.

“I want to pay off my debt… … “Why don’t you go into the kitchen instead of the den?”

Then I kill two birds with one stone by hiring a delicious chef without spending my own money.

* * *

The sighing sound of Haneul, who was sleeping sprawled out, mingled with someone’s sigh.

“It’s not enough.”

Eunyul grabbed her hair as if tearing it out. He looked at the stacked bankbooks. A living expenses account, an emergency fund account, Sky’s education expense account, Sky’s future preparation account, Sky’s pocket money account, Sky’s savings account, and Sky’s subscription account were spread out with each balance displayed.

The money I’ve earned so far has been split and divided evenly into various bank accounts. So, I spread it out to check how much money I have… … .

“If I’m in a bad situation right now, I’m not touching Haneul’s… … ha. “It’s more important that I don’t break down.”

Then, I had to touch all my bank accounts without any consideration or measurement, and I didn’t feel good about it. I wanted to protect Haneul’s bank account until the end if possible. After thinking for a while, Eunyul ended up setting aside exactly 5 and staring at only 2 bank accounts. Living expenses account and emergency fund account. The debt had to be repaid only with the money contained in these two items.

“Let’s settle it here first, and if there really is nothing we can do at the end… then…” … .”

Still, I saved quite a bit of money by not eating or spending it.

“I can repay the principal, but what about the interest?”

Eunyul looked at her bankbook and muttered. As far as the principal, yes, you just have to pay off everything. But no matter how much I thought about it, the interest rate was a concern.

Eunyul turned her head as she remembered what Namgoonghyuk had done to people who couldn’t repay their debts. As he looked at Haneul’s innocent face, he became afraid.

* * *

Kang Ha-jun turned off the car and looked at the low building and laughed. I don’t know why I came early in the morning when I didn’t even want to eat hangover soup. I just moved my hand and came to this place.

“It’s not like I can see Seong Eun-yul if I come.”

Hajun Kang leaned his head against the headrest. Seong Eun-yul. Yes, he thought about him and he came here.

Kang Ha-jun, looking at the hangover soup restaurant, recalled a memory related to Seong Eun-yul in the past.

The day he first met Seong Eun-yul, Kang Ha-jun needed someone’s warmth. He chose him because he couldn’t afford to find someone better out of all the people he saw around him. It wasn’t bad and it was insignificant when he was swinging around like he was my lover.

Then, when it went too far and reached out to Hyeon Je-ha, I got angry. Hyun Je-ha was the most upright and upright person I knew. He was like white drawing paper, someone who should never be touched. No one had touched Hyeon Je-ha, but Seong Eun-yul held up a knife and scissors to cut the drawing paper.

The moment the scissors got stuck in the drawing paper, I had no intention of looking at them. After preparing to calm Seong Eun-yul, he completely destroyed him. It was also convenient because he was an orphan. Because he had nothing to take from him but money.

How poor is it that money is the only support for Seong Eun-yul’s arrogance? That kind of money can disappear in an instant.

So, he used Namgoonghyuk to steal everything. And just as I was about to plunge him into the abyss of despair, his mind changed. Clearly, Seong Eun-yul was an incorrigible person. Although he was a bad person who stepped on others for what he wanted, I couldn’t ignore him, as this might be my last time.

In the end, Kang Ha-jun gave him 5 million won, which was like a rotten rope, to a man who had already fallen to rock bottom. It wasn’t enough money to get him back on his feet, but it wasn’t even enough to cover a night’s worth of drinks. What choice will Seong Eun-yul make when holding this? Just looking at that despairing expression makes me feel like I’m going to let it all go… … .

〈What is there to wait for? Let’s just go in and drag him out. I should use that before I die… … .〉

Namgoonghyuk, who was complaining, noticed something and trailed off. He looked at Seong Eun-yul shakily leaving the inn with eyes that found it hard to believe.

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