The Villain Who Became Pregnant With The Alpha’s Child Chapter 11

‘No, you could just cut up a steak and eat something more delicious and starve sometimes, right? ‘What are you thinking about me when I only starved for one day?’

Eunyul was hitting her head and glanced at the bowl.

Before he knew it, he had finished eating all the ingredients and there was only soup left, but judging by the way he used his spoon, it seemed like it wasn’t enough.

As if she had no choice, Eunyul took out what she had put in her apron pocket.

“sleep. “If it’s not enough, you can eat it.”

“They said there was no food.”

“I learned it from my grandmother. “Pretending that she is not there, pretending that she is not there.”

“You’re good at lying.”

“How can I live truthfully when the world is difficult? Lying and being servile, huh? “Only then can we survive.”

“okay… … I see.”

When Kang Ha-jun answered based on his experience of being scammed by an old woman who did not boil the broth, Kang continued. Eun-yul, who didn’t like Kang Ha-jun and didn’t want him to keep talking, offered her a bowl of rice to take. Kang Ha-jun smiled and took it.

Eunyul, who saw that she couldn’t put it into the soup right away because of the warmth coming from her palm, said something.

“I know that ramen is served with cold rice, but my grandmother doesn’t make cold rice.”

When Kang Ha-jun raised his head and their eyes met, Eun-yul was the first to avoid it.

“Even if everything gets cold, the rice must be warm…” … So, eat it even if it doesn’t taste good.”

Kang Ha-jun, who had stayed still while listening to Eun-yul, moved late. As he was eating rice mixed with soup, Eunyul took out the side dishes she had put in another pocket of her apron. He opened the lid of a very small side dish container and held it out.

“If I taste green onion kimchi again… … “I can’t forget it.”

As Kang Ha-jun obediently ate green onion kimchi, Eun-yul’s eyes lit up as if she had been caught.

‘Instead, your mouth will always smell like green onions.’

This was not an action to feed Kang Ha-jun delicious green onion kimchi, but to make him suffer from the smell of green onions that would remain even after brushing his teeth.

‘Try to fall under the curse of green onion kimchi.’

Kang Ha-jun, unaware of Eun-yul’s dark thoughts, emptied all the dishes cleanly.

“If you’ve finished eating, please leave now.”

Kang Ha-jun’s eyes followed Eun-yul as she put dishes on a tray and went to the kitchen. It seemed like I wasn’t going to get out anymore, so I knew it was time to get up.

Even today, he acted like he didn’t know I noticed, so I was even more excited to see what he would show next time.

Kang Ha-jun, who was just standing up, felt eyes from somewhere and looked in that direction. Wrinkled eyes visible through the slightly open door were staring at Kang Ha-jun.

Those eyes that seemed to know everything seemed to have guessed that I had noticed Seong Eun-yul’s presence.

Kang Ha-jun bowed his head in greeting and left the restaurant.

“Oh right. grandma!”

Meanwhile, Eunyul, who was washing dishes in the kitchen, suddenly looked up. She forgot Grandma Lim Bong-sun and Haneul-i.

Eunyul quickly took off her rubber gloves and walked briskly to the room where her grandmother was, but stopped when she noticed something.

This was where Kang Ha-jun sat earlier. He saw an object he hadn’t seen lying on the table, so he went over and picked it up.

“what’s this.”

It was a half-folded piece of paper and a business card sandwiched between it.

“No matter how much I said I wouldn’t receive any money… … .”

What is paper? Can’t it just disappear cleanly without anything?

Eunyul, who was complaining because she didn’t like everything, unfolded the paper. I posted it for people to read, so I thought I’d take a look.

“what’s this? “Is this your home address?”

It was something that couldn’t be explained otherwise.

After looking at it a few more times, Eunyul shook her head and roughly placed it on the counter. Look, what are you doing? It’s not like I’m going. There is no particular need for business cards.

* * *


“Be quite.”

As Eunyul raised her voice as she approached the room, Lim Bongsoon opened the door halfway and put a finger to her lips.

“Is the sky sleeping?”

Eunyul understood what he meant and immediately lowered his voice.

“I fell asleep while waiting.”

Haneul, who cut Lim Bong-sun’s leg, was fast asleep. He laughed as if he was shocked to see Eunyul snoring slightly. Lately, I’ve been worrying because I’ve been sleeping later than my scheduled time every day, but it’s gone back to how it was before.

“Thank you, Grandma.”

Eunyul put her butt next to Haneul.

“Someone you know says that?”

“Why me?”

Since I expressed my gratitude, I expected him to avoid me because it was embarrassing, but when he used that as an excuse to say something, Eunyul was taken aback.

“Considering what I’ve done for you so far, you shouldn’t say anything about using that broth.”

“gravy… … .”

… … I never thought I would mention .

“If you know that you’re all old now and it’s hard to even lift the soup pot, you should take care of boiling it and serving it to me. “Your broth is so great that they seem to think you’re using it, but even if I were 30 years younger, I wouldn’t use yours.”

“all right. “I’ll boil it now.”

“What should I do with Yeolmu over there?”

“I’ll soak it.”

Eunyul lowered her body. When I think of the grace that took care of Haneul, the broth and radish are great.

“What about him?”

“I’ll soak that too.”

“… … .”

“ah… … . He can’t soak it. If you’re talking about Kang Ha-jun… … . “They told me not to come, but that’s what it looks like.”

“Whenever you have to resort to hiding… … .”

“Did I do that?”

“You ran away thinking that if you just hid your head, it would be sweet.”

“uh… … .”

There was no word that said no. I said I would try not to get caught, but I thought it was clumsy. Even though they said that the sky should never be seen, they left it defenseless in a place like this where guests might come and go at any time.

It wasn’t that he didn’t know himself. Even if Kang Ha-jun doesn’t recognize it now, it may only be a matter of time before he does.

“I know I’m being really pathetic. “I don’t want to run away.”

There was no answer from the grandmother, but Eunyul knew that she was listening and continued speaking.

“I’m clumsy and defenseless, and it’s so close that they could ask me tomorrow if I’m Seong Eun-yul, but if I run away… … Even the sky has to keep running away.”

Eunyul was shaking and laughing.

“Haneul likes kindergarten now, and he won’t be able to continue making friends if he goes to school nearby. “So I can’t go.”

“You can go somewhere he won’t find you.”

“And what if you get caught? “You can trust Haneul once and move on, but you can’t do that forever, and I don’t want to live in anxiety for the rest of my life.”

Eunyul spread her arms as if she was relieved to have told everything.

“Grandma will protect you anyway, so if you want to get caught, get caught.” Even if I know, I can’t take Haneul with me. Let’s live well as you are and I as I am. “Let me put it this way.”

“I will do well.”

“I could. Do you know why I sat in front of that man earlier?”

Eunyul said, squinting one eye.

“It’s fun because I don’t know who I am. I am a man who finds this thrill. Well, part of it is to keep from being nervous.”

“… … “That mojiri.”

Eunyul woke up with a refreshed face, as if she hadn’t heard what Lim Bong-sun muttered.

“Then let’s wrap it up. “I need to let Heaven sleep here today too.”

“do whatever you want.”

“It’s been a while since the three of us will sleep with grandma.”

As Eunyul hummed and went to take out the ingredients for the broth, Lim Bongsun stroked Haneul’s head.

“The world doesn’t work the way you want it to.”

How could someone who even had a child not know?

* * *

The sports car stopped with a harsh roar and a man got out. The man, who was blind due to black sunglasses, looked around and stopped in front of the sign for Sooni’s Haejangguk.

It was Namgung-hyuk who came running as soon as he noticed where Seong Eun-yul was.

“You mean he’s here?”

This cute guy.

“I thought he was going to hide and live like a fugitive, but he acted very foolishly.”

Where should we have a happy reunion after 5 years?

Namgoonghyuk smiled and entered the restaurant.

However, as he stopped, unable to go any further, his sunglasses clouded by the warmth and the smell of hangover soup coming from inside, a bright voice was heard.


‘human… … vitamin?’

I remembered one day a guy introducing my girlfriend as a vitamin. At that time, she laughed at me, saying what kind of bullshit she was saying and being sarcastic and tacky. She laughed… … Why did that nickname come to mind?

As Namgoong Hyuk lowered his sunglasses halfway, a man came up to him and smiled.

“Did you come alone? “I have a seat over there, would you like to sit down?”

“and… … .”

Is this Seong Eun-yul right now?

Are you the same guy who screamed at the top of his voice when he was bullying Hyun Je-ha?


As Namgung-hyuk stayed still, Seong Eun-yul waved her hand in front of him.

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