The Villain Who Became Pregnant With The Alpha’s Child Chapter 105

This time Eunyul looked at Hyeon Jeha.

“I’m sweating.”

Hyun Je-ha, who had already cooled off from all the sweat he had shed from flipping the plate and looked clean, very gracefully declined. In that way, only Kang Ha-jun is left.

“You can do it well, right?”

The blue team has had the upper hand so far. But the final run had a score at stake that could turn everything around.

“of course.”

Kang Ha-jun, who had built up his stamina as he had not been playing for a while, showed strong confidence.

“I’m just saying this just in case.”

Eun-yul looked at Hyeon Je-ha and Nam Gung-hyuk one by one, and finally stopped at Kang Ha-jun.

“I want you to know that it’s a sports day in the sky right now.”

Eunyul reminded Haneul that this was his first sports day since he turned 5, and above all, since he was with the children, he should not be inspired by a competitive spirit.

“I will definitely win and come back.”

I don’t think Kang Ha-jun heard correctly.

Haneul, who was holding hands with Kang Ha-jun, showed the same solemn look in his eyes.

“I will be back!”


Eunyul waved his hand.

It started with the children running, and then the adults took over the baton and ran. When I saw the two of them walking together holding hands, I took a picture without realizing it.

“Haneul looks a lot like his father.”

“I’m surprised every time I see it, too.”

Eunyul nodded as the parents next to her said something one by one. From what I can see, Haneul resembles Kang Ha-jun.

“My child is like that. The eldest child looked exactly like my father, and the second child is also the same. “If the three of us go together holding hands, everyone looks at us.”

“Oh my goodness. “We are also planning our second child, but we want to be like our first.”

As Eunyul listened to them talking among themselves and took pictures, she unconsciously thought of her second child.

Kang Ha-jun, Haneul, and even the second child. Imagine three similar people walking down the street… … .

“We will have a second child soon.”

Those were Hyun Je-ha’s words after seeing Eun-yul’s expression.

“It begins.”

When Eunyul’s thoughts were revealed, she awkwardly changed her stance. Everyone cheered on the children at the starting line as they watched them run according to the signal.

Meanwhile, a black Starex pulled into an alley not far from the kindergarten. The car drove quietly, then stopped, the door opened, and four men with their faces covered with black masks got out.

As they looked around and put on black gloves, the passenger window rolled down, revealing the face of a man in a suit.

“There should never be any wounds on the child’s body.”

The man handed over a photo and asked for help.

“Please move as secretly as possible. If, just in case, someone sees it… … .”

There the man paused for a moment. I knew that what I was doing now was absolutely not normal. Nevertheless, the man who had to carry out this work handed them the photo with a heavy gaze and said,

“Please only go in the direction that will stun you. So that no one gets hurt.”

This was the best choice the man could make in this situation. When the masked men disappeared, the man took out his cell phone from his arms.

“yes. Representative Kang. “It has begun.”

The aide’s low rumbling echoed through the alley for a moment before disappearing.

* * *


Haneul’s clear laughter caught Eunyul’s ears. The sight of the child laughing as if it was so fun warmed Eunyul’s heart.

“Dad, it’s funny.”

However, regardless of the reason why Haneul smiled, as Haneul was smiling while looking at Kang Ha-jun, Eunyul tried to laugh along, but found herself in a situation where she was unable to do so.

“Ah, I never thought I would see Kang Ha-jun like that.”

Namgoonghyuk couldn’t come to his senses from laughing, and Hyeonjaeha kept taking pictures while laughing.

It was all because of Kang Ha-jun.

After the children’s running, it was the adults’ running.

‘I never thought there would be a mission.’

I thought it was just a game to see who was faster, but there were three more missions. After solving them all in order, they had to return to the starting line, and the first mission made Kang Ha-jun pause.

In a situation where he had to wear only one prop placed on the table, all he could see was a funny hat, glasses, and even a muscle-shaped T-shirt and a doll mask.

Kang Ha-jun, who was the first to choose a prop, pondered which one to choose and picked one.

“muscle… … t-shirt?”

I guess I chose something that I wouldn’t hesitate to move around wearing over my t-shirt.

“Going crazy.”

Namgoonghyuk was still laughing breathlessly, and Hyeonjaeha looked at other props with regret. Seeing that expression, Eun-yul stabbed Hyeon Je-ha in the side.

“Did you know it was a run like this?”

“I saw them preparing this and that over there.”

Hyeonjeha nodded as if he had nothing to hide.

“I felt like I was giving in easily.”

“Isn’t it fun?”

Hyun Jae-ha pointed to Kang Ha-jun, who was once again in trouble with his next mission.

“If not now, I don’t know when I’ll be able to see a scene like that again.”

“… … “That’s right.”

Thinking that I would never experience something like this again, I couldn’t take my eyes off Kang Ha-jun.

“Please share the photo you took later.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll send it to everyone who knows Kang Ha-jun.”

Hyun Je-ha calmly said, ‘People I know.’ She didn’t know how many people she would send it to, but for now, Eunyul put aside her thoughts and looked at the pants Kang Ha-jun was wearing for the second time. The pig’s tail on his butt dangled every time he moved.

The third was a ring for attaching both feet. In the mission where you had to insert it and jump inside, Eunyul also took out her cell phone and took a picture of Kang Ha-jun.

“I will never forget that sight for the rest of my life. Is that right, Sky?”

Namgoong Hyuk spoke to Haneul, who was watching along with him. Haneul nodded his head, but at the same time, she started cheering for Kang Ha-jun by jumping on her feet, as if she was happy that he came in first place.

“however… … .”

Namgoonghyuk looked behind him with a smile on his face.

“Who keeps watching our sky?”

Ever since Haneul disappeared, he has always been on high alert when around the child. In addition, due to the influence of my previous job, I quickly noticed suspicious trends. Suspicious people were slowly closing the distance around the kindergarten, and Haneul was at the center of their movements.

“Why are there so many things that covet Haneul?”

Namgoonghyuk clicked his tongue and got up from the floor he had rolled on just a moment ago. Then he stretched his arms upward and relaxed his body here and there. It was, of course, a lie to say that the fact that he could turn his ankle casually was due to the cockfighting.


Jeha did not turn his head while holding his cell phone in Namgoong Hyuk’s low voice. However, it seemed as if she was aware of exactly why Namgoonghyuk had called her, and the smile on her face subsided.

“There are strange people around. I guess… … .”

He was about to say that he thought he was targeting Haneul, but the sound of a photo being taken cut him off.

“Can you solve everything?”

In response to Hyun Je-ha’s question, Namgung-hyuk thought for a moment and then shrugged his shoulders.

“It’s no problem dealing with them. But if you’re going to take Haneul with you, you’ve hidden the car somewhere and you need someone to find it.”

“I’ll go see that.”

“Do you want to?”

If Hyunjae were to do it, he would be able to find the suspicious vehicle faster than Namgoonghyeok. Namgoonghyuk nodded his head and pretended to relax his body, putting his sky next to Eunyul.

Namgoonghyuk chuckled as he saw Eunyul naturally holding Haneul’s hand.

“Why do you naturally hold hands like that without even looking?”

When he saw that he instinctively took care of Haneul without feeling anything, his smile soon disappeared.

“Then I’ll come back.”


Namgoonghyuk sauntered out of the kindergarten first, and Hyunjaeha followed with his cell phone in his pocket. Perhaps because the empty space where the two men disappeared in an instant was so large, Eunyul looked around, brought Haneul in front of her, and hugged her from behind.

“Dad, you’re really good. yes?”

I don’t know why Namgung-hyuk and Hyun Je-ha disappeared, but Eun-yul thought it was no big deal and talked to Haneul.

“huh. Uh, huh? and! “Dad is number one!”

“I know. “It was incredible speed.”

Seeing how agile it moves, I understand why it was so confident in running.

Kang Ha-jun received the gold medal and hung it around Haneul’s neck.

Hajun Kang recalled the mission he had to run in to get this medal. When I tried to recall that moment when I couldn’t laugh, I was so shocked that I couldn’t speak.



“yes! So good. “Dad, you’re the best.”

Still, Kang Ha-jun’s expression softened because Haneul liked the medal he had worked so hard to receive. He was happy to wear the two medals Haneul and Kang Ha-jun had earned around his neck, and soon hung his own around Yeseul’s neck, who had nothing.

“What I took went to another child.”

When Kang Ha-jun seemed a little lost, Eun-yul patted his arm to comfort him.

“Heaven also takes care of her friends.”

Hearing that, Kang Ha-jun shrugged his shoulders. She saw that Ye-seul liked it and Haneul liked it as well, so she couldn’t ask for anything more.

“great job.”

Eun-yul held back her laughter and saw Kang Ha-jun’s face. She gave me the pants and collar, but I still had my top on.

“Does this really look like my body?”

Eunyul shook her head at Kang Ha-jun’s playful joke.

“Hajun, you have a better body.”

This isn’t a joke, it’s serious. His body was more delicately built and his muscles had deeper texture than these playful T-shirts. In response to the honest answer, Kang Ha-jun grabbed the bottom of his top and took it off in one go.

“Let’s compare more closely when we get home.”

Since I have to return this tee, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to buy a new one. Kang Ha-jun passed off all the shyness I had felt until now, showing that Haneul likes him. Then, Kang Ha-jun, who belatedly noticed that Namgoong-hyuk and Hyun Je-ha were not in sight, pointed to an empty seat.

“Where has everyone gone?”

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