The Last Adventurer Chapter 17


Chapter 6. Poison Breath (1)


The adventurers accepted El Palm’s offer.

But not everyone took it at face value.

“Can you do it?”

Money is something I can give as much as I want if it saves my life, but that’s only if I save it.

“Just the two of us?”

El Palm, who had never been renowned as an adventurer, and Divo, who had just become an adventurer, did not seem like they could properly act as bait against that fearsome boss monster.

Surprisingly, the debate on that part didn’t last long.

“I am El Palm.”

Because El Palm was introduced.

“I survived three years as a bait slave.”

Only then did the veteran adventurers remember.

The name of that ridiculous bait slave who lasted three years as a bait slave at the top of Gapor.

And what a great thing that is.

‘A man who sold his life for money as a daily routine.’

At the same time, I also wondered why El Palm was willing to risk his life for money here.

For El Palm, the current situation must have felt like an opportunity to make money.

So the moment I heard El Palm’s words, my doubts disappeared.

There’s only one thing left.

“So what’s the plan?”

Making an escape plan.

Such an escape plan came to mind quickly.

“I’ll lure you to the east. So, you wait in the west and escape when I disappear.”

Actually, the direction was good anyway.

The key in the first place was El Palm Party luring the toadstool and how long it could last.

That was the key for other adventurers as well.

Everyone was worried about that part.

“One warrior and one wizard, the combination is appropriate.”

First of all, the member composition itself was appropriate.

After the wizard lures the enemy with a ranged attack, the warrior retreats with the wizard.

Because it was one of the most basic combinations used to lure monsters.

The problem is capacity.

“The wizard has to be good at fitting it in.”

It was never easy for a wizard to repeatedly hit his target while running away.

So, Devo had no worries.

“If it’s the boss’s skill, luring him is not a problem.”

Wasn’t it El Palm who demonstrated absurd magical fighting abilities using telekinesis?

Actually, that part was out of the question from the beginning.

There was only one thing that Devo worried about.

“The problem is that if you mess with that clown bastard, the surrounding mushrooms won’t just sit by and watch.”

While El Palm is fighting the boss monster, he has to block the green cap mushrooms that will come rushing in.

That was also why Debo was willing to be relaxed rather than surprised by El Palm’s decision.

“No problem now.”

He is now an adventurer.

Moreover, he was not just an adventurer.

In his hand he held an item granted the skill Slash Blaster.

“Let’s go somewhere and make some money.”

And now there was a definite reward at stake.

Anyway, at this moment when even Divo was showing his confidence, there was only one thing the rest of the adventurers could do.

“Okay, then I’ll believe and move.”


A door made by intertwining two wooden pillars.

In between, a mushroom with a bizarre cap measuring five meters tall was taking hold.

A very peaceful sight.


A flaming arrow flew into that peaceful scene.

And then it hit the head of the poisonous mushroom.


The flying fire arrow didn’t have much power. It only hit two finger joints.

A defense power that is hard to believe for a mushroom.

Is that why?

The attacked toadstool didn’t show any significant movement. It simply reacted as if it had been bitten by a mosquito.


But it was different with the attacks that came one after another.

The attack itself wasn’t very powerful.

The power was no different from what had been fired a moment ago.

Still at mosquito level.

But the problem was that it was stuck again in the exact same spot where the fire arrow had just been hit.

A situation where a mosquito bites you again on the same spot as the previous one.


The moment the third bullet hit the same spot, the poisonous mushroom could no longer remain still.


He pulled out both legs that were stuck deep in the ground.

Filled with anger, I started to wiggle my two legs in the direction of the flaming arrows.

That was the beginning.


The green cap mushrooms that had been settling down here and there also began to follow the poisonous mushroom, pulling out both legs.

A group of mushrooms numbering over a thousand began to move.

Doo doo doo doo!

Towards the direction from which the fire arrows came.

He moved quickly, pounding the ground.

It was a moment.

The exit, the place that was once full of mushrooms, became quiet.

That was the moment.


The adventurers who had been waiting moved sequentially.

Everyone covered their mouth and nose with cloth.

And everyone is wearing goggles.

Goggles were quite an expensive item, but it was something that every veteran adventurer owned.

Although it is poisonous, it is an essential item that can save your life when it rains, bugs are flying around, or the wind is blowing hard.

It was the same this time too.

Thanks to the goggles, everyone quickly and accurately got out of the exit without exposing their eyes to the poison.

One by one, one by one.

The last one standing was the pirate Iburu.

Before he stepped forward, he aimed the gun in his hand at the sky.


And then a gunshot rang out, and soon green smoke rose into the sky in thick clouds.

It was a signal.


Signal to El Palm and Divo.

“Everyone escaped safely!”

Divo did not welcome the signal.

There was no time for that.

“These fucking mushroom babies!”

Because I was busy swinging the polearm in my hand against the green cap mushrooms that were rushing in.


Every time that Divo’s polearm moved, the hard green mushrooms were crushed like orange mushrooms.

“Slash Blaster!”

Four or five green cap mushrooms were destroyed at once.

That was the power.

“This is the skill of an adventurer, you mushroom bastards!”

The power of the warrior skill Slash Blaster.

This was also the reason why adventurers were treated as adventurers.

Of course, Devo wasn’t just an adventurer.


As I said before, every time he swung his polearm, at least three green cap mushrooms flew out.

Instead of just breaking it, aim for the head, specifically the area between the eyes.

It was proof that he could wield that heavy polearm as he pleased.

“I am the hero of Polarm!”

At the same time, it was the reason why he could become Aran’s disciple.

However, even so, the number of green cap mushrooms that were flocking in was still incredibly huge.

It’s almost impossible to catch them all.

And I didn’t plan on catching them all in the first place.

“Boss, what now?”

Now it’s time for El Palm Party to exit through the exit and collect the ransom.

“Okay, now stay and hunt the boss monster.”

“Yes! I have to catch it! I was waiting for you to say that… Yes?”

However, Divo looked surprised at El Palm’s subsequent words.

“Oh, no, you’re saying you’re going to catch that?”

At that moment, Devo remembered.

“You said it wasn’t easy?”

That’s what El Palm said when he saw that toadstool and said that catching it wasn’t easy.

“Yeah, it’s not easy.”

El Palm also knew that he had said it.

“To other adventurers.”

I just didn’t say I wasn’t included in it.

That was actually the case.

El Palm was no match for the average veteran adventurer.

But Devo was different.

I recognized that El Palm was special. I also knew that he had amazing abilities.

But now things were a little different.

“That poison is too dangerous.”

The element of poison was too lethal for adventurers who had no countermeasures.

“Its poison still remains!”

In particular, the poison of the now poisonous mushroom was effective not only in the immediate vicinity, but also within the range it moved.

That was also why the previous party was annihilated. The remaining poison was still effective even though the boss monster was nowhere to be seen.

So, even if you run away while keeping some distance, you might get poisoned at any moment.

“There’s no point in keeping a reasonable distance.”

El Palm knew it too.

That’s why.

“So we have to attack from a distance.”

The reason El Palm wants to hunt him.

“Divo, retreat for now. Then, once the mushrooms have calmed down, cut down the trees.”


A forest so dense that it is difficult to find a gap between the trees.

In the middle of such a forest, there was a clearing, as if there had been a patch on its head.

It was a fairly large open space that could be seen from a distance.


An open space where you can clearly see the Divo, which is about 500 meters away.

Of course, it was confirmed, but it didn’t mean that it looked good.

That’s why.

Divo’s expression is very stiff as he looks at El Palm looking at the empty lot through his telescope.

“Are you really going to cast magic here?”

El Palm, he said.

It’s not easy to catch it from a reasonable distance, so let’s attack from a distance.

In fact, when he heard that, Debo was amazed.

And I thought it might be possible.

If the telekinesis ability that El Palm demonstrated was anything to go by, then he would be able to demonstrate a range that is incomparable to that of other wizards.

“About 500 meters?”

But the distance that was visible now was beyond the range of common sense that Divo had in mind.

Of course, it was different from El Palm’s common sense.

“It’s close enough to be a little dangerous.”

For El Palm, 500 meters was not a distance that could be considered satisfactory.

Three years later, in a world overflowing with monsters, the only surefire way for wizards to survive was to extend the range of their magic.

To be exact, all wizards who failed to increase their range died without exception.

It wasn’t just that time.

Even at this point, all the adventuring wizards who were ascending had long magical ranges without exception.

Because that was the only way to survive.

‘Even one kilometer is ridiculous.’

It goes without saying that El Palm’s magic range, which reached the pinnacle of survival, was beyond common sense.

He was the last adventurer who could land a magic spell precisely on the nape of the neck of the flying horntail.

Still, the reason for capturing the target at a distance of about 500 meters was simple.

‘This is the limit for Fire Arrow.’

The magic he can use is called Fire Arrow.

Of course, that was the biggest reason.

‘This is enough.’

There is absolutely no reason to go to any extreme when it comes to catching poisonous mushrooms.

That was when.


A toadstool appeared in the empty space that Devo had created.


Follow El Palm’s Fire Arrow, which continues to fly around the toadstool like a fly.

“Fire Arrow.”

At that moment, El Palm activated the Fire Arrow magic again.

There was no hesitation.

A situation where the distance and location were already being estimated ahead of time.


El Palm immediately fired a Fire Arrow.

Sky high.

“Boss, isn’t it too high?”

It was intended.

As if an eagle were flying high in the sky to hunt, and then falling like lightning.

The fire arrows that had been rising ceaselessly began to fall like lightning.


A revolver, too, with its powerful rotational power.

It was stuck right between the eyes of the toadstool and between the eyebrows.


The arrow was stuck so deep that it couldn’t be seen.


Divo, who saw that, froze.

‘Uh, how?’

Because the result unfolded before my eyes, completely different from what I had imagined.

El Palm calmly lowered the telescope he was holding in his hand and spoke to the frozen Devo.

“Four times should be enough.”


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not work with dark mode