The Last Adventurer Chapter 12


Chapter 4. Test (2)


“The more wounds there are in the Mystic Gate, the more dangerous it becomes.”

Most adventurers considered the Mystic Gate, which had many scars, to be the most dangerous.

“But the most dangerous thing is the Mystic Gate, which has no wounds. No one knows what is inside.”

But seasoned adventurers thought differently.

“That’s why the party came out.”

That was why adventurers began to organize parties in earnest.

Of course, the concept of a party existed in the past as well.

Adventurers of various professions formed a party to fill in each other’s shortcomings and set out on an adventure.

However, after the appearance of Mystic Gate, the division of roles within the party became more systematized.

It is not a systematized system, but the Adventurer’s Association has already specified it in the Adventurer’s Association rules through various materials brought by adventurers and its own research and investigation.

– When attacking Mystic Gate, it is strongly recommended to have at least 4 people, including 1 warrior, 1 magician, 1 archer, and 1 pirate or thief.

It wasn’t just a recommendation, it was a strong recommendation.

And it was worth it.

According to the Adventurer’s Guild’s research, the survival rate of a four-person party organized like this is about 125 percent higher than that of a four-person party that isn’t organized like this.

In any case, forming a party of four was the most basic of the basics, and the adventurers’ fighting style also developed to fit a party of four.

The basic structure was for warriors to stand in front and block monsters, while archers and magicians would attack from behind, and thieves and pirates would support the battle from various sides.

Debo also knew that fact.

Because he was an aspiring adventurer.

He was also a very promising candidate. It was because he had an excellent natural sense of battle. It was just that he could not awaken the Circle and thus could not become an adventurer.

Anyway, Devo had been studying and training steadily to become an adventurer warrior, and he was still doing so.

‘What is this?’

But then, Divo’s common sense collapsed.

‘That’s a wizard?’

El Palm, he broke his common sense.

It wasn’t surprising that the wizard caught over twenty orange mushrooms on his own.

That was quite possible.

Especially if you are a wizard who uses area-of-effect magic, you can do more than that in one breath.

Still, the method that surprised Devo was the method.

Fire Arrow, you caught them all with that one spell.

It’s natural to be surprised.

But here, Debo wasn’t just surprised.

‘Is it telekinesis?’

Rather, I wanted to analyze what El Palm showed.

‘This boss is no ordinary one.’

Further on, Debo tapped on the calculator.

Finally, I finished calculating.

“Boss, you’re amazing! I’ve never seen anything like this before! Wow, with this level of ability, Mystic Gate won’t be a problem. Oh, just wait a minute. I’ll go dig up those magic stones from those mushroom guys right away.”

To follow El Palm.

El Palm was not surprised by the sight.


Devo’s reaction was as expected.

It wasn’t that hard to predict.

The appearance that Divo is showing now is the basics that an adventurer should have.

Rather than being afraid when you encounter something you see for the first time, tap on the calculator and, if it is said to be profitable, take it in your hand without hesitation.

Of course, that was a risky approach.

If you wanted to save your life, it was common sense to be sensitive to things you see for the first time and keep your distance.

However, all adventurers, including the first adventurer, who have engraved their names in the history of Maple World like stars in the night sky, have adventured in dangerous ways.

Debo was one of them.

Anyway, from El Palm’s perspective, it was what they had hoped for.

“Boss, I brought all the magic stones!”

Now, Devo won’t ask any more questions.

“Then now let’s destroy the Mystic Gate!”

Standing in front of the Mystic Gate, Devo stepped through without the slightest hesitation.

Following this, El Palm also set foot in the area.

Then the world they were looking at changed.

The dense forests disappeared, and instead a desolate yellow landscape greeted them.

A landscape where only old trees with their trunks cut off and only their stumps left are left here and there.

The moment he saw it, Divo shouted.

“Be careful!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the trees that had only their stumps remaining began to sway on their own and reveal themselves above the ground.

It stands upright on the ground, using its roots like legs.

And then the remaining stump split vertically, revealing an eye pupil.

“It’s a stump.”


It is a tree-shaped monster that usually remains like a tree with only the stump left, but moves when it finds prey. After approaching the prey, it wraps the prey around its roots or branches.

If you just look at the description, it doesn’t seem like a very strong monster.

“A real fucking bastard has appeared.”

However, for adventurers, Stump was one of the most troublesome monsters. “Even swords don’t stick well.”

First of all, its defense was on a whole different level from that of slimes or mushrooms.

That would be the case, because even a simple, fixed log was not easy to split with a sharp axe.

However, the size of the stump was that of an adult man or larger. Its torso was also thick enough to require two adult men to hug it at the same time.

It was virtually impossible to inflict any real damage with a mediocre sword.

“Once you get tangled in those roots, it’s hell.”

Another thing, the power of Stump’s tree roots was so strong that most adventurers could not do anything about it.

The only people who can do anything are warrior adventurers with items that have skills that increase strength and stamina, such as physical training skills.

“Long-range attacks are the same.”

Of course, it goes without saying that an archer’s bow or a wizard’s magic could not properly penetrate that thick body.

Even if you catch it, the cost is high.

Because the warrior’s stamina, the wizard’s magic power, and the archer’s arrows were not free.

Of course, there were exceptions.

“Well, it’s good prey for the boss.”

It’s a fire attribute wizard!

For El Palm, he was a truly laughable opponent.

“A good opponent has appeared.”

“Of course!”

That’s why Devo smiled more relaxedly than ever.

‘With the boss’s power, Stumps are just child’s play. I’m going to really suck up to the honey in this Mystic Gate. Now that I think about it, the distribution was 7 to 3, right? Wow, if I do well, I’ll make a lot of money in this Mystic Gate alone. Yeah, it’s time for my life to ease up a bit. Let’s save up for the treatment of the black blood disease and living expenses.’

El Palm said to Divo’s smile.

“To practice polearm.”



There are many aspiring adventurers in the world.

Among them, the one that took up the largest proportion was none other than the warrior adventurer.

Naturally, in the case of wizards, it was impossible to practice before using magic.

On the other hand, warriors could practice basic training as much as they wanted before awakening the Circle.

The first thing that these aspiring warrior adventurers take to hand is none other than a sword and a shield.

To be exact, I learned how to use a shield.

“You can’t change your body at will because it’s worn out, but your shield is different. You can change it to a new one whenever you want, as long as you meet certain conditions. That’s why you need to know how to use a shield. When you’re fighting a monster, your shield is your life.”

No matter how great an adventure is, it is meaningless if the adventurer dies.

Of course, there were exceptions.

“Until the advent of body-enhancing skills like Iron Body, Warrior Mastery, and Iron Wall.”

If you had acquired a skill that made your body harder than steel, then things would be different.

But that is only a story after the Circle has awakened.

The same was true for Devo.

Since he aspired to become an adventurer, he practiced using his sword and shield every single day without fail.

‘Damn, a polearm.’

I have never held a weapon like a polearm in my hand.

‘You want me to catch that with that?’

Even the opponent is a monster that is a nightmare for warriors: Stump!

‘The boss is a crazy bastard.’

Honestly, this was crazy.

Moreover, among the various weapons, the polearm was one of the most difficult to handle.

Unlike other spears, it had a very heavy blade at the end. Its center of gravity was completely different from other weapons.

‘I’m not a natural genius at wielding a polearm like Aran, the warrior of polearms.’

But you want me to fight with that?

‘Damn, I can’t even swing it properly!’

That’s ridiculous and absurd.

‘How can I do this… … .’



But the moment he first picked up the polearm and swung it, Divo could feel something strange.

‘What? Why is it easy?’

First of all, swinging the polearm was easier than I thought.

Because it was light, I could swing it around freely.


‘Wow, this is no joke.’

And the power that comes from swinging it like that is on a whole other level than when you swing a sword.


Every time Polarm moved, Stump’s body was torn apart as if he was fighting an orange mushroom.

Above all, Divo felt it.

‘If it’s this distance, it’s no problem, right?’

Thanks to the long range, which is an advantage of the polearm, I felt a sense of stability that was completely different from when I held a sword.

That sense of stability led to confidence.

“You’re screwed.”

And Devo was the type who could burn with confidence more than anyone else.

That’s because Divo is strong in front of the strong, and fiercely aggressive in front of the weak.

“I am the hero of Port Lees, Devoda!”

That’s how Devo started to overwhelmingly pressure Stump with his first polearm.

It started to show an amazing sight.

‘Crazy, why am I like this?’

Even Devo himself was shocked.

Of course, El Palm was different.

‘As expected.’

Aran’s disciple, that title is not something that just anyone can have.

No, not just anyone. In the history of Maple World, only Divo had that title.

Even Devo had another nickname.

‘You are a heroic killer.’

The one who killed Aran, one of the six heroes.

Some say that Aran gave his own life, but El Palm could tell for sure.

‘If someone is willing to give up their life, it means that they are worthy of replacing you.’

Because Aran acknowledged Devo, that’s why I was willing to give my life.

‘The six heroes, they are the true heroes. They will do anything to save the world.’

I could say that because I knew the weight of the word hero.

Anyway, this was certain.

‘Training Devo shouldn’t be difficult.’

There was no need to give Devo any special training.

You just have to keep hunting.

The same was true for El Palm.

From now on, there was no need to worry about anything so painfully.

‘All you have to do is hunt.’

El Palm, who had made up his mind, raised his head.

Wood crack!

The Stumps that had been nestling on the vast land of the Wasteland began to pull themselves out of the ground, along with their deeply embedded roots, at the sound of battle and the screams of their comrades.


It started making strange noises.

“The kids.”

Divo smiled when he saw that.

“You have come here on your own two feet to be the sacrifice of this warrior, Divo!”

He looked very arrogant.

Wood crack!


But soon, seeing the number of stumps appearing increase, Divo’s expression changed.


Soon, a loud cry that was incomparable to that of Stump was heard, and Divo turned his head in the direction of the sound, and at that moment, Divo screamed.


Unlike the stumps that only had the base left, a single old tree with a unique shape was visible.

A huge old tree that is as tall as 10 meters.


The moment when Stumpy, a powerful individual among the Stumps and classified as a boss monster, appears.

“Boss, let’s go!”

At that moment, Devo no longer had the will to fight.

It wasn’t that he was weird.

Stumpy’s strength defied comparison with Stump’s.

“He doesn’t even know fire!”

But the most tricky thing was that Stumpy had a strong resistance to fire attribute attacks.

It means that no matter how much you say El Palm, there is no answer.

“Fire Arrow.”

“Huh? Boss? Are you trying to catch me?”

But El Palm prepared for battle.

“You wouldn’t be able to even put a hole in his body with a Fire Arrow, would you?”

Devo questions that fact.

Of course, El Palm also knew that it was impossible to penetrate Stumpy with a Fire Arrow.

Still, El Palm did not back down.

‘If it was just one circle, I would have backed down.’

There was no reason.

‘It’s different if it’s 2 circles.’

Becoming a 2nd circle didn’t simply mean being able to use more magical power or more powerful magic.

‘Because you can use two 1st circle magics at the same time.’

Now El Palm could use both Fire Arrow and Telekinesis magic at the same time.

That is, El Palm was able to do that.

“Fire Arrow.”


The task of summoning one more fire arrow while using psychic powers.

“Fire Arrow.”


El Palm was also possible.

“Fire Arrow.”

‘In the final battle… …up to five were possible.’

Controlling multiple fire arrows simultaneously with psychic powers.


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not work with dark mode