The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player Chapter 167

Episode 167

167. Why is that guy here?

“It’s a roast yak.”

Then, Minjoo-ri looks surprised next to him.

“Your nickname was Roast Yak?”


“This is the first time I heard about it.”

Now that this has happened, I decided to reveal my nickname.

You can’t hide it forever.

‘Of course, even this isn’t a real nickname.’

It is still too early to reveal that it is a black scythe.

Because there is no benefit in attracting unnecessary attention.

‘There may be people who have animosity toward the Black Scythe, so it is dangerous to reveal its identity.’

If you do something wrong, your younger brother may become a target.

There is nothing good about revealing one’s identity.

‘So the later it is revealed that it is a black scythe, the better.’

Instead, I decided to use the name Lost Yak.

In any case, you won’t find yourself in the other world if you reveal your nickname.

‘If you want to use tracking, you need to know the customized appearance.’

Since it was the nickname of a dead person to begin with, you might not be able to find it.

“Democracy, Mr. Lost Yak. Welcome. Please sit here first. “Let’s talk slowly before other believers come.”

“Who else decided to come?”

“of course. “There are quite a few people who are interested in our Four Gods Church.”

The four people sitting on the floor talked about various things.

“You live in Seoul?”

“yes. “It took just an hour to get there.”

“okay. Thank you for coming this far. “The reason you took this step is probably because you both love and respect Black Scythe, right?”

“Ah, not even love… … .”

The conversation was mainly continued between Heo Tae-seok and Min-ri Min.

Ryumin just listened in silence.

In the first place, he didn’t show much interest in me and had nothing to say.

“There was something I really wanted to ask when I met Minjoo.”

“What is it?”

“Are you by any chance something like that with Black Scythe?”

“Yes, yes???”


“Oh, no! “It can’t be!”

Minjoo-ri, who was shouting, glanced at Ryumin.

‘Why are you looking at me?’

Heo Tae-seok scratched his head and asked again.

“huh? Wasn’t it?”

“sure! “No!”

“You don’t actually contact Black Scythe?”

“I don’t do it, I don’t do it. “Black Scythe is someone I met in another world.”

Heo Tae-seok believed him only when he waved his hand with a puzzled face.

“Haha, sorry. From the first time I saw him, I thought they were in a romantic relationship because he was hanging out with Black Scythe… … Fortunately, it was a misunderstanding.”

Min Joo-ri’s expression changed mysteriously when she said she was glad, but Heo Tae-seok didn’t even care.

“So the partner you said you went to Nigeria with wasn’t Mr. Democracy?”

“I have never been to Nigeria in my life.”

“okay. That’s a good thing… … .”

“But why is the house so old? I came here expecting a very grand church… … .”

Minjoo-ri, who must have been offended by the words “lucky,” risked the building and crossed over.

“This house is where my late grandmother lived. “To make the interior wider, we tore down a wall and made some modifications.”

“ah… … I see.”

While Min Joo-ri, who was rather embarrassed, was looking for something to say, people came in one after another.

Everyone didn’t recognize the face, but judging by his appearance, it was clear that he was a player.

The number of people who had gathered like that soon grew to more than ten.

Then, there were about 15 people coming in at once.

It was none other than Cho Yong-ho’s group.

“hello! “We all came because we wanted to join the Four Gods Church!”

“Oh, welcome!”

When Cho Yong-ho’s group came in, the empty space suddenly became cramped.

‘Cho Yong-ho’s real face is the same.’

While I was thinking about that, I also met an unexpected neighbor.

“Isn’t that person Seo Ah-rin, a celebrity?”

“Wow, I never thought I would see Seo A-rin in person.”

The person who came in was Seo A-rin.

Perhaps because he is a celebrity whose stock price is rising these days, there were definitely a lot of people who recognized him.

“Oh, Seo A-rin, you’re here?”

“Old people?”

“you’re right. You have the same face as Seo A-rin, right? You said before that you would definitely come, but of course! “I believed it!”

“I made a promise, so I have to keep it.”

Seo A-rin, who was answering shyly, suddenly turned towards me.

“uh? yes… … Mr. Ryumin?”

Ryu Min smiled awkwardly at Seo A-rin, who was about to say she was a prophet but hastily corrected herself.

“haha… … hello.”

“What are you doing here? “Ryu Min, were you also interested in Black Scythe?”

“No, I just stopped by to look around.”

“I never thought we would meet in a place like this.”

“So do i.”

“But the person next to me looks very familiar… … .”

As Min Joo-ri muttered that, Eom Jun-seok suddenly intervened.

“This is Mr. Democracy.”

“democracy? “That’s the Buffer?”

“Yes, I am a democracy.”

“Ah, nice to meet you. no wonder. “It looked strangely similar to an otherworldly face.”

While Seo A-rin was saying that, she quietly approached Min-ri Min and whispered.

“Hey, I have a question… … .”


“Are you by any chance in contact with Black Scythe in real life?”

“no. “I’ve never met him before.”

“Oh yeah?”

Seo A-rin’s face turned glum.

Ryumin asked to change the mood.

“Mr. Arin. What about Director Ahn and CEO Ma? “Didn’t you come with me?”

“I tried to invite him, but he said he wasn’t interested, so I came alone.”

Ryu Min hesitated after hearing the answer.

‘Well, they are wary of the Black Scythe as their rival, so there is no way they will come.’

At that time, Minjoo-ri asked with surprised eyes.

“you… … “How do you know actress Seo Ah-rin?”

“They’re neighbors. He lives upstairs from my house. “He is also a celebrity affiliated with the company I invested in.”

“Oh yeah?”

Min Joo-ri watched Seo A-rin in silence for a while.

When I read his thoughts, he seemed to be slightly wary.

‘Don’t worry, Juri. ‘I’m too old to date someone else.’

When I looked around, I saw that almost 30 people had gathered and were having a lively conversation.

‘A lot has gathered.’

There is no need to think grandiosely about the Four Gods Religion.

It’s simple to think of it as just a social gathering of Black Scythe fans.

‘I guess the reason this place was prepared was purely to attract believers.’

Since it was a group that worshiped people and not true gods, there was nothing for 30 people to do other than talk.

Tick ​​tock-

When I checked the wall clock, the time we were supposed to meet had passed.

Heo Tae-seok decided that he needed to step forward and put his feet up on the furniture he had made.

“Hmm, hello. My name is Heo Tae-seok, the founder and leader of the Four Gods Church. His nickname is No Waste No Gay, and he is currently a level 45 warlock.”

As soon as I started speaking, the murmur died down and soon silence came.

“Thank you for coming to the Four Gods Church. As you all know, the Church of the Four Gods is an organization that worships the Black Scythe. First, let me tell you why I came to admire Black Scythe… … .”

The story got longer, but no one took their eyes off Heo Tae-seok.

Although he recited his honest family history and the bullying he received during his school years, no one was bored.

His voice was captivating and sincere.

Ryu Min was secretly impressed when he saw Heo Tae-seok for the first time.

‘You’re surprisingly good at preaching.’

I thought I was introverted, but I wasn’t.

If only the black sickle is involved, words will come out like Cheongsan Yusu and he will turn into a completely different person.

“Like this, Black Scythe is someone who has given me a lot of enlightenment in my life. I absolutely believe that He is the savior and only light that will end the despair of this world. And I found out that there were surprisingly many people who thought the same way as me. This is the reason why the Four Gods Church was founded… … .”

It was then.


In the middle of the sermon, I heard a disturbing sound and turned around to see a man coming in with crutches.

‘uh? That guy… … .’

Ryumin’s eyes widened at the appearance of an unexpected person.

‘It’s Joo Seong-tak, right?’

Joo Seong-tak, a serial killer competing for second and third place in the rankings along with Ma Kyung-rok.

A crippled man with no limbs appeared wearing prosthetic hands and legs.

‘Why is that guy here?’

Joo Seong-tak was also a member of Pseva, so he should have come to see the promotional article.

‘But I understand he’s not a guy worthy of following the Black Scythe?’

I read his thoughts thinking that he may have come with a plan.

just as expected.

‘That bastard. ‘You came looking for me.’

To be exact, he came looking for Hwang Yong-min.

To get revenge on Hwang Yong-min, who crippled him.

‘I came this far because I thought I could meet players at a place where they gather.’

As expected, there was absolutely no interest in the black scythe.

“In the meantime, a new believer has arrived. Nice to meet you. “I am Heo Tae-seok, the leader of the Four Gods Church.”

“… … .”

Joo Seong-tak glanced at the people with cold eyes without saying a word.

There was only one thought in his mind.

-There may be one among these who made me like this.


Joo Seong-tak’s anger was directed only at Hwang Yong-min.

“Sir, are you okay? “Your complexion is not good.”

Eom Jun-seok put his hand on my back with a warm voice, as if I was worried about the way my eyes were rolling here and there.


“Don’t touch it. “I will kill you.”

Eom Jun-seok had no choice but to turn around with an embarrassed smile at Joo Seong-tak’s harsh reaction.

People made different expressions at that sight.

I clicked my tongue asking why he would say something like that, and I also looked at him with pity, wondering how hard it must be for him to be like that.

Joo Seong-tak, who read those eyes and atmosphere, grew his anger even more like a stove with firewood in it.

-Do these Baloms look at people that way? Do I look pitiful? I’m already so pissed, I think I’m going to kill them all.

It’s worth getting angry.

This may be the case if you are in a situation where you receive sympathy.

You may feel angry and want to kill someone.

‘The problem is that he is a serial killer who easily kills people.’

Rather than just thinking about it, you might put it into action.

‘If you use corpse explosion in such a narrow space, there will be huge casualties.’

If anything happens, you could all die.

Because Corpse Explosion is such a powerful skill.

‘I’m anxious… … .’

Should we just leave this time bomb-like guy like this?

Or should I stop it?

The worries didn’t last long.

Because his distorted thoughts were conveyed.

-f*ck it, there is none. I checked each face, but there was no bastard who made me like this. I wasted my time, f*ck you. Are you going to kill the unlucky bastards here?

When I heard the voice, I felt it was sincere.

‘It’s dangerous to fight here.’

Ryu Min felt the need to lure the guy outside and whispered to Min Ri.

“I need to go to the bathroom for a moment.”

“Yes, come back.”

Whether Ryu Min went out or not, people were only focused on Heo Tae-seok’s sermon.

Without even knowing what Joo Seong-tak was thinking.

‘What if I quickly kill three people, secure their corpses, and then use the corpse explosion enhanced with the recently learned [Save Soul] skill? ‘I could kill all the bastards here.’

There are a lot of people, but at most they are at the same level as you.

You won’t have the spirit or ability to deal with a sudden surprise attack.

‘If I do well, I can kill them all cleanly and leave.’

For Joo Seong-tak, there was little benefit from killing people.

At best, you can save souls and then use enhanced skills without having to save souls separately?

There was a risk in that there were many, but Joo Seong-tak was inclined to kill people.

Because he didn’t like the pitiful eyes that were looking at him.

‘F*cks. It seems like I’m making fun of things that don’t even make it into the rankings, so we’ll see. What is the disabled person you ignored doing? Tsk tsk.’

When I think about how people’s expressions will change to shock after the corpse explodes, I can only laugh.

With that sly smile on his face, he’s trying to figure out who to kill first.

Joo Seong-tak’s face hardened for a moment as he realized what he had discovered.

“You, you bastard!”

It was none other than the man he had been looking for standing in front of the gate, wearing his gear.

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not work with dark mode