The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player Chapter 120

Episode 120

120. Round 8 results tally

As soon as the title of time traveler appeared above his head, the archbishop’s eyes changed.

Since my eyes didn’t look up, I didn’t see the title.

I felt it instinctively.

‘As expected, there is a reaction.’

Is it really because they are NPCs?

When a title is changed, people from other worlds instinctively know.

What kind of person the other person is and what kind of reputation they have.

It feels as if the setting for it is applied to the world view.

“you are… … who are you?”

“The name is not important. “What I am called is important.”

“Really take the time…” … Are you going backwards?”

Ryumin nodded.

What more should I say?

‘The Archbishop already sees me as a transcendent being who travels through time.’

There is no need to read thoughts.

It is clear that the way he speaks has changed.

“Huh, time travellers really exist. After all, people live for a long time. Now I understand. “How can you be so powerful?”

The archbishop shook his head, but his eyes lit up.

“So you are Kronos’ representative?”

Ryumin nodded.

There was no reason to deny it since he judged himself to be God’s representative.

The archbishop believed Ryumin’s words completely.

The title of time traveler has already proven to be transcendent.

“iced coffee. Representative of Kronos. “Meeting you is the luck of my life.”

“I guess so.”

Ryumin said this with a somewhat blunt expression.

The archbishop’s head quickly turned at the sight.

‘Are you dissatisfied with something?’

As an archbishop who serves God, what should you do if you see God’s representative?

Of course it has to look good, right?

When the calculations reached that point, the archbishop smiled slightly.

“I have a real prize for you.”

The archbishop took something out of his chest.

As soon as Ryumin received it, a message came to mind.

[I received the ‘Future City Rune Fragment’ as a reward from Holy Empire Archbishop Laber.]

[Use ‘Future Poetry Rune Piece’.]

[The acquired runes are automatically imprinted on the player’s body!]

A smile appeared on Ryumin’s face when he got what he wanted.

“How is it? “Isn’t this something suitable for a representative of God?”

“indeed. “I’m satisfied.”

An information window appeared in front of Ryumin’s eyes as he grinned.

[Future Poetry Rune]

-Effect: See the target’s future 7 seconds later. The future changes from time to time.

Ryumin immediately saw the future of the archbishop.

Seven seconds later, the archbishop was already a cold corpse.

It was inevitable for Ryumin to survive.

“How is it?”

“I am satisfied. So, in return, I would like to send you back to God.”

“Is that true?”

Ryumin nodded to the grinning archbishop and moved his hand.

He grabbed the archbishop’s head and twisted it.


He died from a broken neck.

‘No hard feelings.’

It is unclear whether it is a real alien or a created NPC, but if you do not kill it, it will disappear.

Ryumin came out, leaving the dead Archbishop seated in the carriage with a serene face.

“Did you have a good conversation?”

In response to the guard captain’s question, Ryumin nodded as he closed the carriage door.

“yes. “The archbishop says he has something to think about, so don’t disturb me.”

“The Archbishop?”

After nodding, the guard captain replied that he understood and turned around without any doubts.

After getting what I wanted, Wave 26 began.

While Ryumin was killing monsters, he occasionally glanced at the archbishop’s carriage.

It was to monitor who did not enter.

‘You must not be caught killing the Archbishop until wave 30.’

Ryumin’s goal is to assassinate all the otherworlders in the carriage.

Since there was one driver per carriage, a total of 50 people had to be killed.

‘There are 52 people, including the guard captain and the archbishop.’

Since the archbishop has already been killed, the rest must be killed.

And that too, as quickly and concisely as possible.

‘When you hit the last 30 waves, that’s when you make your move.’

While I was waiting, wave 30 started.

“It’s the Minotaur! Stop it!”

“You tough bastards! “They attacked again without getting tired.”

“10 minutes left! Cheer up a little more!”

The players encouraged each other and squeezed out their last strength.

The number of people who initially numbered 1,202 has now decreased significantly to around 1,000.

Given the level of difficulty, it was not surprising that there were deaths.

Leaving behind them fighting with all their might, Ryumin assassinated the coachmen.







It went over carriage after carriage, silently taking the lives of the carriage drivers.

Although he moved very secretly, other players didn’t notice because he was busy fighting monsters.


‘This is it.’

And the last remaining guard captain.

Ryumin, who had approached secretly behind him, turned his neck.


All the aliens died.

That moment.

[The Holy Empire’s reputation for the Last Time Regressors has decreased from ‘neutral’ to ‘hostile’.]

The temple’s reputation became hostile.

But on the other hand, there were also happy things.

[All human top aliens have been killed.]

[You have completed the quest to hinder the top from reaching your destination.]

[Quest success rewards are given when the results are tallied.]

[The stat-lowering debuff is lifted.]

[We will return to the waiting area after a while.]

I completed the traitor quest as I wanted.

So what about the rest of the regular group of players?

When I looked away, I was still engaged in a fierce battle with the Minotaur.

‘As expected.’

The general group’s quest is to escort the top to its destination.

In other words, when the time limit is exhausted, if there is a carriage at the destination, it is successful.

Conversely, the traitor group’s quest involves sabotaging the top until it reaches its destination.

In other words, to succeed, there must be no carriage at the destination when the time limit is exhausted.

‘But the traitor group has another success condition.’

This is when all the aliens were killed.

like now.

‘I decided that if I kill all the aliens at the top, the carriage will no longer be able to move. The system determines that the traitor group succeeded in the quest.’

The proof of this was that a success message popped up a little while ago.

So, did the general group fail?

‘It hasn’t failed yet.’

I didn’t consider it a failure because there were about 5 minutes left in the time limit.

That means there is still a chance.

‘If we use tricks to get the carriage to its destination, even an ordinary group can succeed in the quest.’

In other words, even if there are no NPCs, the success condition is met as long as you bring the carriage to the destination.

‘Then the method is simple.’

Ryumin created an alter ego and placed him in the front carriage.

And he had the carriage pulled to its destination.

‘If the leading carriage moves, the other carriages will follow suit even if there is no driver.’

There is no doubt because we already tested it in the last episode.

This is the result of cleverly exploiting loopholes in the system.

‘If I do this, I will win and the general group will also win.’

What if you could have your alter ego lead the carriage to its destination?

Even without Ryumin, the general group would be able to complete the quest.

After a while.

[Move to the waiting area.]

Ryumin’s appearance disappeared along with the message.

I blinked once and arrived at the gray space where traitors had gathered.

[Oh, black scythe? Since you are here, I see that you have succeeded in the quest?]

The corners of Angel Ariel’s mouth turned up in annoyance.

[Giggle, did he ultimately choose to give up the lives of 1,201 people and live alone? Well, there is nothing more important than your own life. It’s an obvious choice.]

Apparently, the angel did not know the situation in the other world.

[Don’t feel guilty. It was a quest where one of the two had to die anyway.]

“… … .”

[And it’s more fun when the minority defeats the majority, right? You’ve entertained me enough… … .]

At that moment, Ariel’s expression suddenly distorted as she spoke.

[what? Is it an error?]

“Is there a problem?”

[I was informed that the general group of human leaders succeeded in the quest. Something seems wrong. I need to check what happened.]

After saying that, Ariel remained silent for a while, staring into space as if reading a system message.

It was several minutes later that the angel broke the silence.

[Nonsense. black scythe. What have you done?]

“What do you mean?”

[Looking at the recorded video, your alter ego was moving the carriage. All the aliens are dead. Because of that, the carriage arrived at the destination and the general group succeeded in the quest.]

“is it so? thank god.”

[Relief? Does that mean he intentionally used his self-immolation to help the carriage reach its destination? To save the general group?]

“yes. Wouldn’t it be better for everyone to survive together rather than for me to survive alone? “It might be more fun that way.”

[…] … .]

Ariel was speechless.

‘You made both groups survive? Is that possible?’

Even I, the guide, had no idea that such a method existed.

This is impossible unless the success and failure conditions of the system are accurately identified and understood.

“It won’t be a problem, right? “I said the system was successful.”

[…] … is it so. There is no problem.]

Although it was absurd, Ariel had no choice but to admit it.

Black Scythe succeeded in both groups’ quests.

[The quest is a success. I will send it to its original place.]

As soon as those words were finished, Ryumin returned to the colorless space where he started.

Looking around, I saw many players blinking and waiting for the results.

Among them were Cho Yong-ho and his group and Ahn Sang-cheol.

Min-ri Min, Seo A-rin, Heo Tae-seok, and Eom Jun-seok were also seen.

‘Everyone survived.’

Only a very small number of people died, and the thousands of people we saw at the beginning were still gathered in one place.

Half of these would have disappeared if loopholes in the system had not been exploited.

Anyway, half of them will disappear after a while when the results are tallied.

‘I can’t stop it from disappearing due to contribution.’

Soon, the angel Ariel appeared in front of the audience.

[This is the end of the Escort quest. Surprisingly, not many people have died. Thanks to someone.]

Ariel’s eyes turned to Ryumin for a moment.

[Please note that since there are still traitors left, there are no subquest completers. Then, shall we look at the results first?]

★ 8th round results tally ★

[All areas]

└1st place. Black Scythe (Lv80 Reaper) Contribution 281,283 points

└2nd place. Chrissy (Lv40 Priest) Contribution 86,331 points

└3rd place. Democracy (Lv38 Buffer) Contribution 82,113 points

[Applicable area C2-ESKA003]

└1st place. Black Scythe (Lv80 Reaper) Contribution 281,283 points

└2nd place. Democracy (Lv38 Buffer) Contribution 82,113 points

└3rd place. Jo Yong-ho (Lv39 Mercenary King) Contribution 74,213 points

Result of converting contribution into numbers.

This time too, the black scythe made an overwhelming contribution.

Unlike other players, he went around the three upper levels alone and swept away the monsters, so of course it was bound to be high.

Once again, the players clicked their tongues when they took first place.

But more than anything, the overwhelming number of level 80 left players speechless.

‘crazy. How did I already make it to level 80?’

‘I haven’t even reached level 40 yet.’

‘Wow, even though I worked hard for 5 hours, I can’t even keep up with the black scythe’s toes.’

‘I really want to know the secret to leveling up.’

Eyes filled with a mixture of envy, jealousy, and awe turned to Ryu Min.

Either way, Ryumin was only focused on the reward that was presented to him.

It was a reward for completing the Traitor Quest, hidden by a question mark.

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not work with dark mode