The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player Chapter 108

Episode 108

108. Round 8 begins

[trot! National Assembly member Lee Seong-hyun was kidnapped and released… … .]

[Big player bill crisis, Rep. Lee Seong-hyun threatened to kidnap.]

[National Assembly member Lee Seong-hyeon, who experienced a near-death crisis. Four truths he stated.]

[Who is the kidnapper of Rep. Lee Seong-hyun?]

[The kidnappers of Rep. Lee turned out to be four players.]

[National Assembly member Seong-Hyun Lee was almost publicly executed, fortunately he suffered no trauma… … .]

[Police say, three players are already dead. Tracking the remaining suspects.]

Currently, the Internet is abuzz with the kidnapping of National Assembly member Lee Seong-hyun.

└Rep. Lee Seong-hyun ㅠㅠ I’m glad you’re safe.

└Wow… … Now they are kidnapping members of the National Assembly.

└Are the players really out of their minds?

└The world is coming to an end. Riding the X Mantree.

└Please don’t criticize the players. There are people who see all players as potential criminals, but they are human beings just like you.

└That’s right! Please stop hating players!

└They’re giving me shit. The fact is that incidents and accidents have increased more than 10 times since the player appeared. This is shown in statistics.

└Correct. Many of the players are in their 20s with a lot of energy, so accidents and incidents occur.

└The player should just search through everything.

└The answer is to just not go out and buy things. They disappear over time anyway.

└I hope all the bugs are eradicated as soon as 13 months have passed.

Public opinion went in a bad direction for the player.

It was a clear example of poor player perception.


[trot! The person who rescued National Assembly member Lee Seong-hyun was the same player, Black Scythe.]

[The player, Black Scythe, saved the person even though he was suggested to commit the crime in advance.]

[The black scythe that saved Congressman Lee Seong-hyun even while betraying his colleagues.]

Public opinion began to change when an article appeared claiming that the person who saved the congressman was a player.

└The player who saved Congressman Lee Seong-hyun?

└Is this article true? If it is false, a national petition will be submitted to the Blue House.

└Because it’s true, there will be a bunch of articles with the same content, you idiot… … .

└Now the players will come flocking. Not all players are bad! Ppaaeak!

└Why, looking at the article, it seems like he helped me without any compensation. I don’t know if there are a lot of sarcastic comments.

└Okay. It seems like there have been a lot of people being sarcastic about players.

└The sarcastic people are probably the street stall owners who were robbed by the player? lol

└But I heard that the person named Black Scythe is famous among players? He’s a monster who takes first place in the rankings every round.

└ㄷㄷㄷ What is it? Isn’t that just a lot of waste?

└Black Scythe has appeared in this world? Oh my gosh!

└There is one player here.


└Who is Black Scythe?

Yamti, who was looking at the articles, smiled and raised his head.

“master. Look at this. “There are comments praising Black Scythe.”

“okay? “Give it to me.”

Ryumin took the cell phone and looked at the comments.

There are still a lot of sarcastic posts about him being a player, but overall the atmosphere is not bad.

‘It would be greedy to expect the name Black Scythe to be known for just saving one person.’

From the looks of it, National Assembly member Lee Seong-hyeon gave the full statement to the police.

Seeing that even his own nickname is mentioned.

‘Still, it’s not bad. Because things are going as intended.’

If the people think of the black scythe as the person who saved the National Assembly member, that would be enough.

‘The name value can be built up gradually. There’s no need to rush.’

Ryumin smiled and returned the cell phone to Yamti.

“Ah, thank you. master.”

Even though three days had passed since the incident, Yamti still believed and followed Ryumin.

‘You will live your whole life serving me as your master.’

It’s definitely good to have control.

If you look at how even these psychopaths are made into docile sheep.

‘However, the degree to which each person accepts the demands seems to be different.’

Even though I clearly told him not to call me master, Yamti kept making the mistake of calling him master.

‘Is it perhaps because of the order to become a slave?’

If you consider yourself a slave to your core, will you be able to do so easily if your master asks you to speak informally?

‘It must be unimaginably difficult for a slave.’

In short, it is the same situation as the president telling small citizens to speak informally.

‘Of course I’m bound to make mistakes, right?’

I try hard, but I may keep making mistakes because of the perception that I am the master.

This is why Ryumin had no choice but to call him master again.

‘It was already uncomfortable to listen to informal language, but it’s good.’

Although Ryumin appears to be 20 years old, he is actually over 100 years old.

‘They repeat the same section 99 times, but in terms of the time they have lived, these people are like grandchildren to me.’

Ryumin, who was looking at Yamti, once again cautioned the old lady.

“I’ll say it one more time, you can call me master when you’re with me. But what should I say when other people are around?”

“Can I call you Ryumin? “Don’t even use polite language.”

“yes. I know. Please remember. “Forget the idea that I am a black scythe.”

“yes yes. “I understand, master.”

As Yamti said that, she bowed so much that her forehead touched the floor, but Ryumin did not tell her to get up.

Because I read his thoughts and knew that it meant obeying him as a slave.

‘After all, slaves are comfortable in their position as slaves.’

When Yamti finally raised her head, Ryumin asked.

“You spoke well to the chairman?”

“That’s right. As my master told me, I told you that the reason the plan failed was because of Lost Yak’s betrayal. So, it was easy to understand. Even if it’s not the effect of fascination.”

Ryumin shook his head.

Well, since he attacked the chairman with the face of a roast yak, it makes perfect sense to call him a traitor.

“After that, did you convey everything I told you to convey?”

“yes. “As of July 9th, just yesterday, we agreed to eliminate Plseva’s murder interview and replace it with an interview that focuses on character.”

“Good good. “Now that the government has changed, the wrongs must be corrected.”

We decided to stop doing this crazy thing called a murder interview and just conduct a normal interview from now on.

However, when signing up, we decided to focus on the player’s personality rather than level or performance.

“If someone applies to join a cafe, use the chairman to check their criminal history first. Those who have even the slightest problem should not even accept the interview itself.”

“All right.”

“The interview ended with this… … Besides that, the biggest problem is what to do with existing players… … “How many people are there in total?”

“More than half of them died in the last round, so now there are about 4,000 left.”

“Every single one of these guys passed the murder interview?”

“That’s right. “They are all people who participated in the murder, either by participating directly or by watching.”

“They say they are people who won’t be happy even if we kill them all, so the problem is how to deal with them.”

Ryumin, who was worried, grinned.

‘That will do. ‘It would be better to leave the trash to the cleaner.’

Ryumin was thinking of using waste in some way.

* * *

Tok tok tok-

Heo Tae-seok is not really good at using cell phones.

The only games installed on my phone are Sudoku puzzles.

After I became a player, I couldn’t even think about doing it or deleting it.

For the first time in a while, Heo Tae-seok was completely absorbed in his cell phone.

└Black Scythe has appeared in this world? Oh my gosh!


Heo Tae-seok’s fingers moved quickly and he began to leave comments on each article.

Any knight with a black scythe in his name wore it regardless.

and then.

└Who is Black Scythe?

When I found a comment criticizing the black scythe, I would immediately reply.

└It’s stupid. You don’t know the great Black Scythe. I don’t know any of the players, tsk tsk.

└Then what are you doing, you idiot? To the general public, you are a novice, worse than a celebrity.

└He’s a half-assed fool who doesn’t even know how famous he is.

└LOL Since you’re behind in logic, why don’t you start swearing? Biyungsin haha

“Oh, I’m pissed.”

There are now five keyboard battles that started this way.

If this continues, I will explode with anger and die.

“Fools don’t know how great Black Scythe is… … .”

He clicked his tongue, but Tae-seok Heo was secretly feeling it too.

Among the general public, Black Scythe is no different from a character from a non-mainstream game.

‘Maybe it’s good? What should I do… … .’

I was worried, but the answer was already there.

Wasn’t it Heo Tae-seok who decided to create a religion for the Black Scythe?

‘To do that, we’ll need to gather followers.’

It is difficult to establish a religion on your own.

We need people who will raise their voices together.

Aside from financial issues.

‘I need to find it. People like me who will create a church for the Black Scythe.’

Where and how to find it?

The answer to that question was already in my head.

‘If you want to catch fish, you have to go to the river.’

To attract players, of course, you have to go to a place with a lot of players.

* * *

Time passes and August 1st.

About 2,000 players gathered in one place.

Round 8 has begun.

Roaring Roaring-

“Where am I?”

“It’s not a grassland?”

Until now, the starting location was often a meadow or forest.

However, the place the players are now stepping into is a pure white, colorless space.

They didn’t know which round would start, so their faces were filled with tension.

“Black Scythe!”

Not long after Ryumin came to the other world, Minjoo-ri approached him.

“You found me quickly.”

“sure. As soon as you use the tracking skill… … .”

Min Joo-ri, who was speaking, kept her mouth shut, as if she had missed it.

“I didn’t keep track of the skills I told you to learn before?”

“haha… … .”

Min Joo-ri could not say that she had learned to track in order to meet the black scythe.

However, there was another person who learned tracking for the same purpose as Min-ri Min.

“Ah, hello, Black Scythe.”

Heo Tae-seok hesitantly approached and said hello.

‘That guy too?’

Ryumin’s eyebrows twitched.

Everyone is spending gold on useless things without learning the skill of learning.

At that time, Ryu Min, who was looking at Heo Tae-seok, read his inner thoughts and found out something.

‘This guy recently applied to join Pseva, right?’

It seems that he joined for promotional purposes in order to create a religion for the Black Scythe.

Because it was recent, he was different from other trash who passed the murder interview.

‘Hmm, I guess we need to set a grade for each member and distinguish them.’

It was necessary to lower the level of all existing members and give preferential treatment to recently joined members to a special level.

‘Then there may be opposition from existing members, but it doesn’t matter. ‘I’m going to leave them to the cleaners anyway.’

Min-ri Min smiled and spoke to Ryu-min, who was grinning.

“Oh, by the way, Black Scythe, I saw the article. “I heard you saved National Assemblyman Lee Seong-hyun this time?”

“Oh, I did.”

“I saw it too! Black Scythe! I was so happy that I left supportive comments for Black Scythe in each article. lol.”

“… … .”

Looking at Heo Tae-seok, who had a rare bright smile, Ryu Min could not bring himself to criticize him for doing something useless.

“By the way, you are truly amazing! “I read in the article that the criminals suggested conspiring to commit a crime together?”


“How can you suggest something like that? “How dare you regard Black Scythe?”

“It’s like they didn’t know it was me. “No one in real life knows my identity.”

Strictly speaking, Yamti knew, but it didn’t matter since she was part of his family anyway.

At that time, a common thought occurred to both of them.

-I also want to know the identity of Black Scythe.

Ryumin, who had been inwardly shaking his head after hearing that thought, suddenly looked up.

An angel flashed from the sky.

[Nice to meet you, everyone. My name is Ariel and I am the new person in charge of area C2-ESKA003. There is no need to applaud.]

“… … .”

Ariel’s eyes narrowed when no one really clapped.

It appears that these were not empty words.

[I thought at least one person would applaud, but this is annoying.]

Clap clap clap clap-

‘Well, this isn’t like bowing down and receiving me.’

Ariel, whose expression relaxed somewhat at the sound of applause, smiled.

[Thank you for your welcome! Then, shall we all check the 8th round quest together?]

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