Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 90

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 90

Episode 90. Parents’ Observation Class (3)

“Count Garcia.”

“Oh, aren’t you Count Spence? I guess you have some free time this time?”

“I couldn’t attend the previous observation classes in a row. I forced myself to make time.”

“Hahahaha, your timing is really good.”

The eyes of many nobles were focused on Ethan. That included Earl Spence.

“I heard that this teacher took first place among the new teachers this year. He beat Ramsdale to take first place, right? From what I’ve seen, I don’t think he got it based on his skills.”

“Hmm? Then why do you think you were given the title of chief?”

“Wasn’t that the principal trying to restrain Geomseong? No, rather than restraint, it could be seen as a battle of pride. Weren’t the two of you rivals back in your prime? Giving the grandson of Geomseong the top position… .”

“Your pride won’t allow it?”

“Yes. I think he got lucky and got the top award.”

“Hmm, I heard that you have a granddaughter, Paqueta? If you’re the granddaughter of a great wizard, wouldn’t you be worthy of giving her the title of Chief? Your relationship with her probably isn’t that bad, and her skills are also outstanding.”

“What is the principal’s nickname? Isn’t it Ghost Sword? It’s only natural that you’d be more attracted to a swordsman than a magician. Anyway, since he’s a teacher that the principal is pushing for, I think he’s capable, but not that great.”

Count Garcia looked at Count Spence.

In fact, this was not just Count Spence’s idea at the time. There was no one among the nobles gathered here who did not know how the Academy was run.

A new teacher leading 75 students through the end of the semester?

That’s impossible.

Ethan, who is a new student, is said to be taking on another class.

It’s not easy to teach one class, but now I’m teaching two classes so soon after becoming a teacher.

No matter how you look at it, this isn’t a normal situation. You can’t help but think that they’re pushing it.

The other parents were watching Ethan, but they didn’t seem to be paying attention.

Like the previous observation classes, I didn’t have high expectations.

Of course, some parents were watching Ethan to see how well he was doing.

“Since the class content is conveyed in a vague and general manner, I can’t tell if I’m doing well or not.”

“Then Count Spence thinks Mr. Ethan Wickers is a worthless teacher.”

“It’s not that he’s nothing special, he’s probably capable. It’s just that it’s an exaggeration. If you’re talking about a truly genius teacher, shouldn’t he be at least as good as Mr. Claude Hyde?”

Count Spence shrugged.

Count Garcia nodded slightly and answered.

Because the Ethan he saw was absolutely not like that.

“That makes sense. But I think Mr. Ethan Wickers has something to offer.”

“Oh, then… … .”

Count Spence smiled faintly.

“Shall we make a bet, Count?”

“A bet?”

“Yes, I bet. If I win… … then how about giving me one of your favorite swords?”

Count Garcia’s sword was a famous sword made by a famous blacksmith.

It was a rather excessive bet, as the prize for such a bet was high value, but Count Garcia smiled, revealing his teeth.

“That’s a big bet. If I win, how about giving me that dagger that Count Spence loves?”

Count Spence’s dagger was an extremely expensive dagger with a precious jewel said to only be found in the Magic Empire set into its handle.

It was a ceremonial dagger so it had no practical use, but it was very beautiful.

Count Spence nodded without hesitation, as if he thought he had a sure win.

“Okay. I’m looking forward to it! Hmm!”

Then he crossed his arms and snorted.

It seemed that he already had Count Garcia’s magnificent sword in his head. The thought of showing it off to various nobles’ estates made him feel quite good.

Count Garcia was just as pleased as Count Spence.

While everyone was expressing different opinions, Ethan’s mouth opened.

Some students were left breathless by this situation.

A lecture that is drawing the attention of not just nobles, but also high-ranking nobles of the Holy Empire.

The students focused on Ethan’s mouth, thinking that if they were standing there, they probably would have fainted.

“This class will be conducted in a sparring format. Students will briefly demonstrate the lessons and exercises they have learned from me in this class.”

When Ethan activated the artifact, all obstacles except the parents’ seat disappeared.

In response, the students came forward.

Ethan stood in the center, and the students stood around him.

Although they were quite nervous, their eyes were alive.



75 students simultaneously raised their swords. The timing was perfect. Parents looked on in amazement at the plausible poses and sounds.

“I guess you taught me well because the timing was perfect.”

“But is that important? I wonder if it’s just for show.”

“If you join the Imperial Army, then formalities like that are important. Hmm.”

“I guess that’s enough to make you a top student.”

“Hahaha, but it’s a little funny. They’re just students. Don’t they look like the Knights?”

A few parents laughed as if it was funny.

“Well, as Ibeka’s teacher, I should at least do this much. It doesn’t seem like anything special.”

Carlson Yellowd muttered next to Duke Yellowd. That control just now was certainly a teacher-like display from Ibekah.

The students following him had their swords pointed straight at Ethan.

It was important to look plausible, but the most important thing was substance. Carlson crossed his arms, smirking with one corner of his mouth raised.

I was curious to see how Ethan would conduct the sparring from now on.

“You pathetic bastard, you can’t even stand out among 75 students. You just sit there quietly like an ordinary student.”

The moment I saw Mason naturally mingling with the students, I couldn’t help but say something harsh.

Mason was a quiet student who would not have guessed that he was of the Yellowhead Dukes’ blood.

If you are of the Duke’s bloodline, you must stand out among the 75 students.

“It doesn’t even look like there’s a Max Road?”

“You’re probably taking Mr. Cloudy’s class. There’s no reason to take this new teacher’s class, right?”

Duke Yellowd, who was listening to his two sons talking in disbelief, was also not pleased with the situation before his eyes.

I was thinking of just looking at it briefly and ending it.

I thought about leaving in the middle, but decided not to do so for the sake of other parents.


“I don’t think there’s anything more to see, Father.”

“I think it would be better to go and see a little more about how Mr. Ethan teaches.”

Other parents, like Duke Yellowd, had little expectation.

On the contrary, there were some who laughed at me. They said that I put a lot of effort into my first parent observation class because I was a new teacher.

“Why are you so shabby?”

“Isn’t it because I taught them wrong? I don’t understand why they kill the students’ morale while sparring.”

Some had faces that were uncomfortable to look at. Some laughed in disbelief.

It seemed like they didn’t like the way their children were acting like they were just plain boring students.

Ethan glanced at the parents watching.

‘Laugh as much as you want.’

From now on, no one will be able to laugh.

There was a small thump, and Ron Bears ran towards Ethan.


It was a clash of wooden swords, and it sounded like an explosion.


With that first clash, the parents’ noise died down, because the momentum coming from Ron Bears was so great.

Until just now, there was no sign of any momentum from the students.

Starting with Ron, the students moved naturally.


Ron Bears showed off his signature fierce swordsmanship.

Ethan met Ron’s blows with a force that was just as strong.

Boom-! Boom-!

A powerful blow was struck between their wooden swords, sending waves ripples through the surrounding area.

Ethan and Ron’s strength seemed equal, to the point where the wooden sword that could withstand that force looked formidable.

“The power is incredible?”

“It may be crude, but it has a powerful force that covers up its shortcomings.”

It was a duel that highlighted Ron Bears’ strong point, his powerful strength.

The parents, who had become engrossed in the sparring in an instant after just a few clashes of swords, focused their attention on the students who rushed out after Ron.

It was a strike so fast that the sword was invisible.

A quick sword that feels refreshing.

A swift sword strike that seemed to contain everything struck Ethan.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Ethan’s sword, which had been holding on with strength just a moment ago, had become faster.


This time it was speed.

Wedge-! Wedge-!

Ethan’s heavy sword gradually gained speed in response to the student’s swordsmanship. Light and fast. The sound was clearly heard several times, but only two were visible.

But everyone here is of a fairly high level. I could clearly see Ethan and his students engaging in a speedy battle.

It was a feast for the eyes to see such a high-level duel.

Then, with a “Swish!”, Ethan raised his sword and struck the student.

At the same time, the student slid back, and at the same time, a new student appeared and pounced on Ethan.

The third one to come out was Yuna Garnet.

Ethan tried to demonstrate what this couplet meant through his first three students.

The third sparring partner, Yuna Garnet, used a variety of sword techniques that are rare in this swordsmanship department.

Yuna Garnet took a stance and then lightly swung her sword.

Then, as if Yuna had several hands, five swords flew at Ethan at the same time.

Of these, only one is real.

But they were all so real that it was hard to tell them apart.

It was not a swordsmanship that could be performed at a student level. To make five swords that were as realistic as that, you would have to spend at least 20 years on the illusion sword.

Outstanding talent.

Against the five illusions, five illusions also unfolded from Ethan’s sword.


And soon the real clashed with the real.

Yuna’s swordsmanship that was displayed next was the epitome of splendidness. Yuna’s swordsmanship, which hid illusions in splendidness and splendidness in illusions, left a great impression on the parents who were watching.

Yuna Garnet collapsed backwards with the last welcoming sword. Then, the students continued to step forward and show off their sword skills.

Parents who initially focused on the students’ swordsmanship were surprised and opened their mouths as they got further into the story.

“Is that possible?”

“It’s already the fifteenth time.”

“He’s taking on all the students’ swordsmanship with the same swordsmanship. That’s ridiculous. No matter how skilled he is, he wouldn’t be able to withstand that much even with two bodies.”

Even for a seasoned inspector, it is difficult to spar with fifteen students in a row.

At the same time, it goes without saying that it highlights the students’ swordsmanship.


There was talk from Yellowd’s side, as well as from the other nobles. They were watching with a dignified attitude to see how Ethan Wickers would conduct his lessons.

By the time I got to the 3 stages of strength, speed, and change, starting with Ron Bears, I was already completely immersed in the training.

The students were pouring out all their strength as if they were ready to die at this moment. They swung their swords until they could no longer swing them, showing their passion in the short time given to them.

Jason, who was about the same age as the students, continued to shake his shoulders and legs as he watched them swing their swords with all their might. Seeing them swing their swords with all their might made him want to swing his swords there too.

Likewise, the students watching were also trying to calm down their excitement, shaking their legs and unable to take their eyes off of it.

The level of immersion was considerable.

But Jason suddenly came to his senses.

I didn’t come here to play.

He came to check on Ethan and see how pitiful his youngest brother was. This was to confirm that Mason was completely out of the fight for the successor and to begin a full-fledged competition with his older brother.

But something unexpected was happening.

“It’s fun, it’s fun.”

At that moment, the duke’s voice was heard.

Duke Yellowd, who always had a cool expression on his face, was making an interesting expression.



The two sons looked surprised at the sight.

“The world is so vast. Who would have thought that such a talented person could be hiding in a noble family in the countryside? Was he blinded by his illness? To secretly cultivate talent that the world could not handle?”

The Duke was watching Ethan’s every move.

Ethan, who constantly changes to match the student, was making moves that seemed easy at first glance but were extremely difficult.

Basically, since Ethan’s level is high, if you give him even a little bit of power when dealing with students, the focus will go to Ethan and not the students.

He seemed to know that point for sure.

“You are completely directing the viewer’s gaze towards the students.”


“That’s true.”

The two sons, who had just realized it, nodded their heads.

In order to focus the attention of the students, he had to perfectly control his strength and use swordsmanship tailored to each student.

That way, the student’s swordsmanship will stand out even more.

In other words, Ethan remembered all the sword techniques his students used.

This was because if a student swung his sword and then responded, Ethan would inevitably stand out for a moment on the first move.

“Those footsteps, there’s nothing missing.”

Ethan made it possible for him to become the main character of this duel with the student’s appearance.

In an instant, the expression on Duke Yellow’s face changed dramatically.


“Yes, my lord.”

“Watch carefully. Isn’t there something I always say when I watch your swordsmanship?”

The Duke of Yellow said as he watched Ethan’s downward stroke.

“That’s the downfall I was hoping for.”


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not work with dark mode