Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 88

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 88

Episode 88. Parents’ Observation Class (1)

Yeerika created an ebony golem with the help of a famous blacksmith in the Margrave of Rond.

It was a monumental first golem.

A clean, pitch-black body.

Oval shaped head.

The arms and legs were doll-like, with no fingers or toes, but overall, they looked similar to a human.

The blacksmith praised Yerika for making the golem very well, considering it was her first time making it.

After returning home with the first golem she had created, Yeerika began the finishing touches.

By creating the body of a golem and enchanting it, you have completed Hecate’s special golem.

“Now you will become Yeorika’s special golem.”

Ethan returned home at the same time as completing the special golem by carving a magic circle into it.

“You came just in time.”

“Oh, it’s finished.”

Ethan saw the first special golem created by Yerika.

“How is it? Did it turn out just as you expected?”

The golem that was created was similar to the golem that Ethan knew. Of course, this one was a prototype, so there were many awkward parts, but he was quite satisfied with its appearance.

“Good job, Yeri.”

“Thank you for releasing me from the ban.”

Yeerika was quite satisfied, as Ethan had released her second-stage ban.

“How are you going to use this now?”

“After the parent observation class, I plan to use this ebony golem to teach.”

“Then the most important thing is movement, right? If we’re going to teach a practical lesson, this golem will have to move in a way that resembles a real-life situation.”

“So I plan to memorize my movements exactly. Based on the Whicus swordsmanship, I will mix it with the Rubinade swordsmanship and various other swordsmanship techniques.”

I was thinking of using that as the main base and adding movements that could destroy each student’s swordsmanship within one or three hits.

Ethan already knew the commonalities between the swordsmanship techniques used by the students, and he also had in mind the weaknesses of those techniques.

‘It’s important to be able to destroy it completely.’

If it’s going to break, it has to be broken thoroughly.

You have to hit rock bottom to get higher.

‘I guess most of you have never been broken like that.’

Most of the students at the academy are children of noble families.

You may not always win, but you will never be defeated so thoroughly that you feel like you’ve hit rock bottom.

“Jerika, can you remember the movements?”


After saying that, Yeorika made a sly expression.

“It’s impossible.”

Ethan, who read that expression, naturally followed the rhythm.

“It’s impossible. How could a golem make such difficult and complex movements? But.”

Ethan smiled faintly.

“Only the special golem magic left behind by Hecate is possible. Only you, Yeerika, can do it.”

Yeriqa smiled proudly, her lips pursed.

Actually, this was quite a strange thing. Although they were from a local noble family, Ethan was also a noble.

Yet, there is no sign of him looking down on me.

If you were to say the same thing to another noble, would they accept it the way Ethan did now?

No matter how much I thought about it, it didn’t seem like that would happen.

This is possible because Ethan sees Yeerika as a human being.

Yereka liked that.

At the same time, I thought it was a good idea to take the hand he offered me at that time.

-Your chances of survival increase!


Ethan was momentarily taken aback by the message that his chances of survival had increased.

Of course, he didn’t show it with his expression.

‘What? You only complimented me.’

Is there an Easter egg where just praising someone increases your chances of survival?

“The best magic, the best wizard!”

“Thank you, hahaha.”

“Let’s decide on your nickname from now on. Since you’ll surpass the Archmage, let’s say the Greatest Mage, something like that.”

“It’s the worst, but thank you.”

Ethan continued to repeat the praise, but the survival odds did not increase any further.

The only thing that went up was Yereka’s shoulder.

* * *

Seventy-five students gathered in the largest lecture hall in the academy.

All the students were taking the class on understanding the sword.

“I thought you weren’t going to do it.”

“I was surprised because I thought they were going straight into a parent observation class without any practice.”

In other classes, there was really only one thing that had to be met.

“But is it something that the teachers conspired against?”

“They say everyone agrees and decides in advance who will announce.”

“Teacher Cloudy’s class was the same as last year. He said he only pushed for talented kids.”

Ethan came into the classroom as everyone was talking nervously about the parent observation class.

Unlike the classrooms we usually use, the classroom we rented for the parent observation class could accommodate over 200 people.

Despite the considerable distance between them, the students felt that Ethan seemed somehow larger.

Even though he was just walking, his presence was enormous.

“They all came.”

Ethan scanned the classroom and activated the artifact on the podium. Then, the desks and chairs disappeared with a creaking sound.

“Is everyone ready?


The students answered with a variety of facial expressions.

Curiosity, worry, anticipation, etc.

Most people believed Ethan, but they did not believe his latest declaration.

Even if he was Ethan, I didn’t think he could spar with 75 people.

“The class is two hours long. There are 75 students in it. That means there isn’t much time to show off the skills that each of us has honed.”

Ethan looked around at the students and said.

“But don’t worry. Even if it takes a little while, the parents will understand. Two hours will feel like a very short time to them.”

After saying that, he took out a wooden sword.

“Put your gear on.”

As Ethan spoke, the students simultaneously pulled out their weapons.

“I will set the order. The time you can use will be set according to the order.”

Ethan continued speaking to the listening students.

“But you don’t have to worry about the time. Just remember the order of the person in front of you. Go with the flow according to that order. Go with the flow and display the swordsmanship I’ve corrected for you.”


Someone swallowed.

“Okay, so first one is.”

Ron Bears came forward.

“Show off your sword skills. Show me anything you want. I’ll take care of the finishing touches.”


A surge of energy rose from Ron’s body.

Since receiving proper training from Ethan, Ron Bears has been training non-stop.

In the process, I have been imagining in my head that mana assists the body rather than relying on it.

Then, at some point, I began to understand what Ethan had said.

That up until now, I have been wasting my energy on this body in vain.

As he focused on his body, his swordsmanship became more fierce, and although it was simple swordsmanship, he was able to use his own swordsmanship by drawing on his strength.

Ron remembered it.

Ethan promised that he would bring the swordsmanship of each student taking this swordsmanship class to life.

‘There’s no need to think about anything else. Just use your own swordsmanship.’

Ron took a stance and swung his wooden sword.

The reason I decided to go with Ron first was to create impact.


Ron’s swordsmanship was a brutal swordsmanship that mixed his own style with the Rubinade swordsmanship.

Generally, it focuses on attack.

Ron’s fierce attacks continued, absorbing the posture that Ethan had corrected.


Ethan raised his sword. That was the signal.

“I won’t say next. Read the signal, naturally. We’re not doing some obvious sparring. You can think of this as a kind of play. You use me to become the main characters. It’s only for a short time, but during that time, more than 100 people will be watching you.”

The students were shocked by those words, but they couldn’t help but smile.


* * *

Parent-teacher observation day.

Even though it was held earlier than originally scheduled, the Marquisate responded decisively to the Academy’s event.

“The carriage is coming!”


Parents of Iveca Academy began to arrive one after another in the Marquisate of Ronde. This parent observation class was a huge event not only for the Academy but also for the Marquisate of Ronde.

“Keep it under control!”

“You guys! Clear the way!”

“Tell the Count quickly that he cannot leave his carriage there!”

Parents seeking a Marquisate are a large number of nobles gathered from all over the continent.

Starting with the barons, many nobles with different powers and forces came to visit, even those who were counts, and even marquises and dukes who could not be treated lightly came to visit.

Since they were not nobles that could be dealt with by the Marquis of Ronde, he had to be quite careful as a Marquis.

A few years ago, there was actually a fight between nobles that left the Marquis sweating profusely.

Once a fight breaks out, the Marquis of Rond must take charge of the mediation. It was inevitable, since it happened in the Marquis’ territory.

Because of this, the Marquis deployed many personnel and paid considerable attention to ensure that such a troublesome and dangerous thing would never happen.

In this way, the knights of the marquisate welcomed the nobles.

“It’s been a long time, Marquis.”

“Welcome. You look much better than last year! I heard that Confucius is doing quite well in the academy. Is that why?”

“Hahahaha-! My son takes after me and is quite skilled!”

At the center of control was the Marquis of Ronde.

Since it wasn’t always the same nobles who came, getting to know new nobles was a small benefit and fun for the Marquis.

Also, when the Marquis of Ronde came forward to greet or control, even the nobles who would have been offended by each other would hold back for a while.

The Marquis of Ronde sighed as he watched the parents arrive.

Finding a Marquis Territory is good because it makes the Marquis Territory more active, but you can’t help but always be nervous about what might happen.

“There are so many people here this time too. The love for their children is amazing.”

The Marquis said as he looked at the parents.

“Your Majesty did the same thing.”

The aide next to him smiled faintly and answered.

“But I didn’t come here pulling a golden carriage like that.”

A considerable number of the parents were those who brought very fancy carriages.

Some carriages were engraved with golden butterflies or wavy waves, while others, like the one the Marquis had seen, had even the wheels painted in gold.

“Isn’t it war from the moment you enter the academy? There are so many eyes watching you. If you are ignored here, you will be ignored at the academy too, so I think they made it more flashy on purpose so that the children wouldn’t be discouraged.”

“If it’s too flashy, I think it might actually be poisonous.”

“Still, it’s better than being shabby or ordinary.”

“That’s true. It’s not that I don’t understand it, but I think I would hate it.”

The Marquis of Rond turned around and moved towards the other entrance.

There were four entrances to the Marquis’ territory, so the Marquis had to keep walking around and checking the situation himself.

“I heard a great teacher came this time?”

“Oh, yes. You mean Ethan Wickers. That’s right. I hear there’s a lot of talk about Mr. Ethan within the Academy right now.”

“Hmm, I’m curious. I should definitely go there sometime when I have time. Oh, and of course, I’ll start by watching Mr. Cloudy’s class. I’m curious to see how much he’ll grow since last year!”


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not work with dark mode