Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 69

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 69

Episode 69. Preparing for Parent-Parent Observation Class

-Your reputation increases!

-You have successfully completed classes in other departments!

-Additional fame gained!

-You have achieved the achievement!

-[Regardless of department] Likes are earned based on achievements achieved.

– Got ‘3’ likes!

Ethan checked the notification window happily.

The second class, potion making, also went well with the garden full.

Above all, this class was not a swordsmanship class.

‘Achievement achieved.’

That’s why I achieved an achievement that I could have achieved by taking classes in other departments. I got a whopping 3 likes.

‘From now on, you may have to subscribe to gods who sell goods like Horus. And even simple subscriptions get a lot of likes.’

Of course, it could be solved by trading subscription reviews like in the case of Horus, but I thought it would be better to stockpile enough likes.

‘Because trading based on subscription reviews is completely up to God. I feel most secure when I have a lot of likes.’

When a situation arises, it is safest to take the initiative.

Ethan saw with his own eyes what he had gained this time and looked at the people he had gathered.

They were fellow teachers from Ibeka Academy who had previously eaten together.

“The parent observation class is just around the corner. Did you all hear about it?”

The reason they were called together was because of the upcoming parent observation class.

Because the notice came so suddenly, the new teachers were quite worried about what to do.

“Why is the schedule for parent observation classes so early?”

“I heard that it originally took about a month to start preparing. I think it started two weeks earlier.”

This year, the parent-teacher conference was held earlier than usual. Of course, it didn’t matter to the students whether it was a little early or late, but the problem was the teachers.

Teachers must be fundamentally trusted by parents.

The only way parents can evaluate teachers is through their classes.

Parents will be very critical of teachers if they see something lacking in class.

And that will be reflected in the faculty and will affect future teacher evaluations.

That is why this observation class was the event that teachers had to pay the most attention to at the beginning of the semester.

Of course, if you think about it the other way around, it was no different from an opportunity for teachers to appeal to parents.

The parents of Ibeka Academy are quite a few influential nobles from the central region.

If you put your mind to it, you can provide material support, and even create a place for yourself in the center.

“I don’t have any experience with this.”

“I don’t know what to do.”

Class reunion.

Ethan’s group of teachers gathered together to prepare for a sudden parent-teacher conference.

Ethan suggested that they have regular dinner meetings to share information with each other in preparation for such events.

At those words, Iris suggested that since it was a meeting that was held periodically, it would be good to have a name, and in response to Iris’s words, her fellow teachers put their heads together and started to think of a name for the meeting.

“How about jeans?”

Everyone looked puzzled at Nadia’s words.

“What does it mean?”

“It’s an abbreviation. Our youth starts here, so youth is right now, so let’s abbreviate it as Jeans!”

“Not really.”

The poem left an impression.


“Because it’s like child’s play.”

“No, then what good thing would you suggest, Mr. Shiron?”

At those words, Shiron looked at Nadia and smiled with conversion.

“Aren’t we going to be the new wave of Ibeca? So how about the New Wave Project… … .”

“That seems like the worst.”

This time, Iris clicked her tongue at Shiron.

“No, this is not good? Then what is good about it!”

After discussing for a long time without reaching an answer, everyone turned their attention to Ethan.

“I don’t think we need a fancy name. I think something like a social gathering would be fine. I think you could call Ms. Nadia the Jeans Social Gathering, and Ms. Shiron the New Wave Social Gathering, right?”

Everyone nodded at Ethan’s words that, in the end, simplicity was the best. Iris looked at Ethan with her mouth open as if to say, “Oh.”

In fact, the implicit leader of this gathering was Ethan. Of course, everything was according to Ethan’s intentions.

“So it’s been decided to have a social gathering.”

“Jeans Club!”

“Congratulations on the launch of the New Wave Fellowship.”

The members of the fellowship applauded. Now that they had a name, they seemed to feel a sense of belonging.

“Parent observation classes are very important to us. We shouldn’t think of them as just ordinary classes where parents come.”

The first event that will allow you to gain fame at the Academy has begun.

Ethan was determined to get everything he could out of this event.

‘I can’t get everything I want just by moving myself.’

Of course, being the center of attention alone can increase your fame. But, as the saying goes, it only increases your fame.

Fame wasn’t the only thing that mattered to Ethan.

‘You have to achieve both. You have to have both fame and achievements.’

Don’t just focus on gaining fame. There are many achievements you can make at the Academy.

To do that, we had to put forward our fellow teachers.

‘If you can easily complete the parent observation class with the teachers, there is an achievement that can be achieved through that.’

So it was good to go together.

Good things are good things, you can increase their trust even more and receive help from them when you need it.

‘I had to become friendly with Shiron anyway.’

It’s a good idea to get to know him better if you want to get help from his network.

The rest were the same. They all had backgrounds that were similar to each other, so there was nothing wrong with Ethan helping them.

Ethan shared some tips for new teachers on how to conduct parent observation classes.

“So, has everyone thought of something?”

Shiron answered Ethan’s words.

“I plan to do it as usual. There really won’t be any difference just because it’s a parent-subject class. Don’t the students know that? If you prepare something when you get there, it’ll just be improvisation. Wouldn’t it be better to do it well in advance?”

“I’m thinking of doing that too.”

“Me too, I think it would be good to show sincerity to the parents.”

Show your sincerity to your parents. That’s a good thing.

But Ethan shook his head.

“It’s a special event for us as well as for the students. It’s a big event where even their parents come to visit.”

Ethan said so and looked at Shiron and Iris.

“You two probably won’t feel too nervous about lecturing in front of so many parents. The parents may be high-ranking nobles, but you two are also children of high-ranking nobles.”

They both nodded.

Because it wasn’t a wrong statement.

“It’s the same for Miss Nadia, and it’s the same for everyone else. You’ll have a lot of opportunities to come into contact with high-ranking nobles. And above all, you’re a teacher.”

You can have as much free time as you want.

“But not the students. Parents’ eyes are focused on teachers, but they are most focused on their own children. They are curious about how their children are taking classes. And that puts pressure on the students. Even students who usually do well are being watched by their parents and other adults who interact with their parents… .”

As Ethan smiled after saying that, Shiron’s expression hardened for a moment.

Until recently, Siron was a student at this academy.

And I remembered the tremendous pressure I felt during the parent-teacher conference.

“I didn’t think of that.”

If we do as we usually do, a disaster can occur. And it can lead to a situation where we question not only the student’s fault but also the teacher’s qualifications.

“Yeah, come to think of it, I was like that too.”

Shiron and Iris nodded as if they agreed.

“That’s great, that’s something I was missing.”

I only thought about it from the teacher’s perspective.

Even Shiron, who was a student until recently, missed that.

“But if you think about it the other way around, this is a great opportunity for us, because we can gain trust from both sides.”

“Two sides?”

“Ah. This would be an opportunity for students too?”

Nadia, who was listening to Ethan’s story, said with shining eyes.


The other teachers seemed to understand what Nadia said.

Just as teachers want to be recognized by their parents, students also want to be recognized by their parents.

Especially in these parent-teacher conferences, do you stand out? There is no better opportunity than that.

“But this is also the most difficult. If we highlight only one or two students, the rest of the students will feel deprived. And the parents will secretly look down on them. So we have to make sure that everyone can shine.”

“… … .”

“… … .”

That was the hardest part, but Ethan smiled.

“You can prepare a lot of questions.”

Ethan had even prepared a method for it.

Anyone can throw out a question without any preparation, but it is not easy to come up with an answer to it.

Now everyone would support Ethan if he staged a coup at the Academy.

“Oh oh…….”

“Prepare a lot of questions tailored to the students and let them answer them!”

“Everyone can play equally.”

Everyone was amazed and gave Ethan a thumbs up.

“And one more thing, parent observation classes are traditionally open classes. Don’t get too caught up in your own classes. Go to other classes and see how they are taught. You don’t usually have this opportunity.”

Ethan seemed like a veteran teacher.

If this were a recent editorial, I would have suspected that this ridiculous talent was obtained through corruption from others.

But now that he knew Ethan, he was in awe of Ethan’s natural talent.

If he had that kind of ability, he would never have acted like this. He would have tried to monopolize it and shine alone.

It was the same with Iris.

They both knew very well how selfishly a person with such brilliant talent could act.

That’s why I couldn’t help but respect Ethan even more.

“It seems a little unfair that only we are receiving this kind of help.”

Shiron smiled faintly.

Ethan felt relieved to see such a theory. The anxiety seemed to have already disappeared from within him.

Now, even if he goes ahead, it will be the same old theory that Ethan knew.

“I’m not the type of person who only receives help.”

“Me too. Actually, I find this a little awkward.”

“Is that so? Actually, I’m used to this kind of thing.”

Ethan looked at the other teachers and made eye contact.

“Well, if you’d like to help me.”

“If you need any help, please let me know, Mr. Ethan. I think we all feel the same way.”

“That’s right, Mr. Ethan.”

“We’re here to help you in any way we can!”

Ethan smiled at the teachers’ words.

“I will do that too.”

Nadia also spoke belatedly.

He had been bright until just now, but his expression changed when he heard that I was helping him.

It seemed that in order to help, he often had to rely on his family’s power. That was probably why.

‘Something must have happened within the family. It’s only natural that your expression would harden and you would become thoughtful when you think of your family.’

Originally, Nadia was supposed to fail Ibeka, but thanks to Ethan’s help, she passed.

Plus, Ethan has kindled suspicion in her, so things are bound to get complicated.

‘There must be something complicated going on.’

But right now I don’t have the energy to work on Nadia.

‘I don’t think anything big will happen right away. For now, I should just focus on this parent-teacher conference.’

“I will definitely let you know when I need your help.”

Ethan smiled.


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not work with dark mode