Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 61

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 61

Episode 61. A New Teacher You’ve Never Seen Before

‘Garcia’s swordsmanship is like that, but most swordsmanship doesn’t have a clear method of destruction. It also has limitations.’

And over time, they become old-fashioned swordsmanship.

‘There was a reason why Mepan was called God Game.’

Learning one good swordsmanship is not the end.

Swordsmanship is bound to be interpreted and destroyed over time.

Only by constantly developing and improving in new directions to create your own swordsmanship can you overcome any swordsmanship that is destroyed with your own strength.

‘Most swordsmanship is in the head to begin with.’

It was nearly impossible to clear the meme without knowing all of that.

‘Besides, the followers of the moon have specialized personnel who can analyze and destroy numerous things, including swordsmanship.’

Thanks to his experience playing as a Moon Follower, Ethan was able to modify Count Garcia’s swordsmanship.

Count Garcia, the Gray Wolf, was a character that Ethan also knew very well.

“The principal must have known this for sure.”

Ethan’s skills are more outstanding than expected.

Besides, you probably knew that the stories told at the party weren’t just for fun.

‘Of course, I’m not at a level where I can defeat Count Garcia right now.’

Extinction continues to hinder Ethan’s progress.

The current Ethan is doing these things with his traits, skills, knowledge from the Mephans, and the powers of the gods he has subscribed to.

‘Accumulating mana is actually difficult.’

That’s why it was impossible to easily defeat a strong man like Count Garcia, who had trained for a long time and accumulated mana.

‘Of course it is like that now.’

But this too will be supplemented at this Ibeka Academy. That’s why I came to the Academy.

* * *

After Ethan’s first class, the students were both excited and apprehensive about Ethan’s class.

“It was refreshing, but you messed with that Chen Garcia. I bet he went to his father and told him all about it.”

“If Count Garcia comes, won’t he be cut off right away? Even though Chen is a loser, he’s still my son.”

Ethan is an ordinary local nobleman.

With no one to protect Ethan within the Academy, and without even the protection of his family, such worries were bound to arise.

“Surely, they wouldn’t fire a teacher who just came in.”

“Garcia is on Mason’s side. His own leader, Chen, got treated like that, so should he just leave Mr. Ethan alone?”

“He’s the kind of guy who’d cut off anything he didn’t like, whether it was a teacher or something else.”

The invisible black power. That was Mason Yellowd.

“But I heard that Mr. Ethan is not an ordinary person either?”

“Who said that? He was called a swordsmanship genius.”

Students who took Ethan’s first class gave him high marks because they knew after just one class that Ethan was a remarkable teacher.

“Hey, is there anyone here who wasn’t called a swordsmanship genius in their own family? I thought I was a genius before I came here.”

Of course, some thought Ethan would be nothing special.

“Should I listen anyway?”

It seems that these students were curious about Ethan’s class, and a large number of them signed up for Ethan’s class.

* * *


“I’m sorry, Mason. Here’s what happened… … .”

Chen stood in front of Mason, who was sitting on a chair, carrying his luggage on his back, looking like a subordinate reporting to his superior.

“The Count just passed away? And he even told me to listen carefully in class?”

Chen didn’t necessarily say that he had been slapped.

“I don’t know what happened. He was clearly angry. But when he came out after going in for a bit… … .”

“You took that new teacher’s side?”

“that’s right.”

At those words, Mason kicked Chen in the calf.


“You idiot. You told me to kill your spirit in the first class and now you’re embarrassed, and now even your father can’t help you?”

“Hey, Mason.”

Chen was moved to tears when his father was insulted, but he had no choice but to suppress his emotions.

Mason is the successor to the Duke family. If he falls into the wrong hands of the heir who will inherit everything from the Duke family, which is considered the most powerful in history, it’s over in an instant.

That’s why, even in such a humiliating situation, I could only bow my head to Mason’s words.


Mason priced Chen one more time.

The other students around him looked at Chen as if he was pitiful.

In fact, Garcia was the lowest ranking subordinate in this group, even though he was the leader of the group.

“I, I’ll tell Father again. That new teacher, that lowly local nobleman… …!”

“Would Count Garcia listen to the words of a child who has already been released? Besides, the headmaster must have tried to persuade him.”

“The principal… … why?”

“The principal gave the top position to that teacher. I heard he insisted on it strongly. Is he going crazy? The top position is supposed to represent Ibeka.”

Mason turned away from Chen.

“I guess I’ll have to punish you, right?”

Then he nodded to the other students standing behind him.

“He’s a guy who can’t even do what he’s supposed to do, Mason.”

“We’ll handle it.”

“Hey, Mason! I’m sorry! Mason, I really didn’t… … .”

But Mason wouldn’t listen.


“I’ll do it. Just like last time, I’ll make it clear. That teacher will be resigning and leaving in a week.”

A tall student answered Mason’s words.

* * *

Ethan’s second day of class.

Ethan smiled as he entered the classroom.

-The classroom was full of students.

-Your reputation points increase!

A notification window informed me that the classroom was full of students.

The impact of the first class was clearly great, as so many students signed up for the class that the lecture hall was full.

The students’ eyes lit up. All the students who attended the first class unanimously praised Mr. Ethan’s swordsmanship, saying that there was something different about it.

He also said that you can learn things you have never learned before.

Of course, other students were half in doubt.

They had undergone extensive training to enter the academy. Among the upper-class students, there were also children of the target group.

The upper class people actively used the power of money to educate their children.

That’s why there were many students who had crammed so much into their heads that it made you wonder if they had even learned this.

It was only natural that there would be many students like this, as it was an academy that was ranked in the top three on the continent.

They were quite excited at the prospect of learning something they had never learned before.

‘I see ambition in everyone’s eyes.’

I could feel how much they were looking forward to it.

If you don’t meet their expectations here, you won’t be allowed to enter the next class.

New teacher, packed classroom.

Although he might have been nervous, Ethan leisurely looked at the student on the far left.

Starting with that student, he moved his gaze to the right and made eye contact with all the students.

“Nice to meet you. This is my second class, but it looks like there are quite a few students taking it for the first time.”

When I showed a relaxed attitude that was unusual for a new teacher, the students’ eyes changed even more.

‘These are students who came with high expectations. I will teach classes that live up to their expectations. That way, the students won’t drop the class.’

Ethan knew that if he kept the lecture hall full, which was known as a ‘full class’, his reputation would rise accordingly.

‘And there are achievements too.’

If so, we need to put more effort into the class.

“I promise you one thing. Students who take my class will not be defeated by other students who did not take this class in swordsmanship.”

The students’ eyes widened at those words.

How arrogant and provocative is that statement?

But somehow it fit well with Ethan’s composure.

-I guess it’s true.

-I heard there was a reason why the principal chose Mr. Ethan as the top student?

-But this is a basic class. Even if you learn it in a basic class, isn’t it the same as before?

There was a brief commotion, but it quickly became quiet when Ethan knocked on the stage.

“In this class on understanding swordsmanship, we will cover the basics of swordsmanship that you all already know.”

Understanding the sword was a class that solidified the basics.

Students who took the Understanding Geomancy class last year were familiar with the curriculum of the Understanding Geomancy class.

The basics of the basics, stabbing and cutting, the path the sword takes, were practically all this class covered in theory and then briefly demonstrated in practice.

Someone raised a hand.

“Can my swordsmanship skills improve significantly by taking basic classes?”

“Student, what is your name?”

Ethan said, looking at the student who raised his hand.

‘no way.’

“This is Yuna Garnet.”

As expected, it was Yuna Garnet. Yuna Garnet was the third of the Garnet upper group, one of the target groups.

‘There are two older brothers above me. I will take care of those two older brothers and become the successor to the target group.’

In terms of potential, he was a top-tier figure.

This is because the Garnet top was considered superior to the David top.

‘But I heard you have a personality problem.’

Sharp and aggressive.

‘Was it because there were so many people who only cared about their money?’

Ethan answered Yuna’s question first.

“Are you asking if taking basic classes can improve your swordsmanship skills?”


“It’s possible. But what the student is really curious about is whether he can overpower students who don’t take this class just by taking the basic swordsmanship class?”

Yuna’s question was exactly what everyone here was curious about.


Yuna looked at Ethan with a smile.

It was a completely contemptuous look.

There is only one answer to this question.


Basic swordsmanship can improve your swordsmanship skills, but it won’t lead to dramatic growth. It’ll just solidify your foundation.


But Ethan’s answer was different.

“Are you saying that it is possible with basic swordsmanship?”


Ethan said.

“I’m saying that it’s possible if you take my basic swordsmanship lessons.”

After saying that, he picked up the wooden sword.

“I plan to teach you here a class that will solidify the swordsmanship skills you have.”

“Are you talking about Rubinade Swordsmanship?”

Ethan shook his head at Yuna’s words.

“No, I said your swordsmanship.”

“Teacher, there are 75 people in this class. And each of the 75 people has a different swordsmanship. According to what you said, you are going to make all 75 of us have a solid swordsmanship. Do I understand correctly?”

Yuna was dumbfounded.

Isn’t it that they will teach each of the 75 different swordsmanship skills?

How absurd this statement is.

-The class is only two hours long.

-Did I sign up for the wrong class? Phew.

Yuna Garnet thought it was over.

I heard that Chen Garcia got hit once, so I signed up for the class because I thought it would be a pretty interesting teacher.

But what a ridiculous statement.

Yuna was the first to try to get up from her seat.

Then Ethan slammed his wooden sword into the floor with a thud.

“The first ten people, please come forward.”

Ethan felt there was no need to explain further, so he immediately summoned the students forward.

The students who had been observing stepped forward one by one.

Yuna Garnet was impressed.

What on earth did you call ten people to show me?

If you plan on modifying each person’s swordsmanship and the path they follow, as he said, shouldn’t you call them one by one?

Ethan opened his mouth as if to answer her question.

“I will teach you how to use swordsmanship. Let each of you practice swordsmanship.”

The ten people who came forward looked at Ethan at the same time.

“Now, spread out. From the first to the last meal.”

Ethan’s eyes lit up.

The Eye of Horus caught the movements of ten people simultaneously, and Ethan’s knowledge was added to it.


It was very impressive to see ten people performing different swordsmanship techniques at the same time. Some swordsmanship techniques were thrusting techniques, while others were striking downwards from above.

Each in their own way, the ten of them displayed their sword skills like a storm from the first form to the last.

Those ten people didn’t stop and each displayed their sword skills at their own timing.

Can you really fix this?

For a moment the classroom became quiet.

And then, Ethan made his move.


He corrected his posture by striking the wooden sword at the exact spot using the magic of acupuncture.

Exactly ten times.

“Fix it with a sword. Do it again with the fix in place, just one more time.”

Something ridiculous was happening.

-What, what is this?

-What the hell happened? You see all of that? All ten swordsmen?

The most surprising ones were the ones who came forward and demonstrated their swordsmanship.

I just got hit by that wooden sword and my posture changed.

That alone was enough for them to understand. No words were needed.

With the posture and swordsmanship that Ethan had corrected, they performed the first form again.


It looked similar to the one just now, but the people in charge felt it for sure.

“Everything has changed.”

“It’s become so natural? Seriously, what is this?”


Ethan brought his sword down again.

“Meal 2.”

As if entranced by Ethan’s words, the ten students each displayed their sword skills.

It took exactly five minutes to correct the swordsmanship of ten people.

Ethan looked at Yuna Garnet.

Yuna remembered the question she had asked at the sight of Ethan’s eyes.

Is it right to individually modify the swordsmanship of each of the 75 different people?

Ethan answered that.



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not work with dark mode