Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 37

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 37

Episode 37. Sketch

[new world].

The hero Hercules was a fairly popular god among the users of the New World.

In particular, the first video uploaded had quite a lot of views.

Because watching that video allowed me to learn Hercules’ breathing.

However, the content of the video was extremely difficult, and despite the high number of views, the comments were mostly negative.

Because no matter how much I looked at it, I couldn’t understand it.

Because of that, the number of likes was low compared to the number of views.

However, after Ethan’s subscription review was posted this time, the number of views and likes for the video began to increase rapidly.

#17 trending videos

For the first time in his life, Hercules saw his video become a popular video.


Even Hercules was amazed.

“Is this an error?”

Soon, the other gods also noticed that Hercules’ video had become a popular video.

Likewise, [New World] users also took notice of Ethan.

-Who is this person to leave a subscription review like this… … .

-This is the first time I’ve seen someone understand Hercules’ videos.

-It might have been better if Hercules had uploaded this.

After using [New World], there was a community of subscribers who could use it after a certain period of use.

This subscriber community was also buzzing with stories about new subscribers.

-There’s no one like this in our world. If there was just one person like this next to me, I wouldn’t have lost to Amazon.

-Our church also needs believers like this.

-Tasty review! I’d rather subscribe to this guy!

People started praising this reviewer.

-Huh? This guy, is he the same guy from Heo Jun’s time?

-That’s right, your nickname is the same. You seem to have a very high level of understanding. If a subscriber like this subscribes to God, it would be very good for God.

That was exactly what it said.

“I just thought of you as a subscriber, but you’re so important!”

Hercules exclaimed in admiration as the number of views and likes continued to rise.


The other gods also realized this situation late.

The higher-ranking gods didn’t pay much attention, but the lower-ranking gods were keeping a close eye on this situation.

“We have to catch him!”

“We have to give him everything we can so that he subscribes to us!”

“I need his subscription review!”

Meanwhile, Heo Jun, the first beneficiary, was relaxed even in this situation.

“Heh heh heh.”

Because his number of subscribers and likes had already continued to rise.

“I guess I can only convey this gratitude through video!”

Heo Jun created a new video.

This video will be available to only one subscriber.

Of the countless people who subscribe to him, only one subscriber would get the new technology.

“Originally, I didn’t make videos just for one person. That’s because there’s a limit to the number of videos I can make.”

I had to make sure that as many people as possible could see one video. That was beneficial in many ways.

But now things were different.

“But I’ve achieved such great results thanks to my subscribers.”

Heo Jun laughed.

“I guess I should give you this much special treatment.”

* * *

‘As expected, the smell of money is incredibly strong.’

As Ethan expected, Etning Hunt, the owner of the upper wing of David, smelled money and visited the Earldom of Wickes.

‘We’ll sign a contract with Etting and open branches of the lightweight workshop here and there. You can leave the job of securing magicians to them.’

Ethan can manage the main branch, and leave the rest of the branches to David.

Ethan had no intention of turning this lightweight workshop into some grand, high-end business.

‘The important thing is that this lightweight workshop business is subscription-based.’

This idea was actually the core of the lightweight workshop.

‘It was thanks to Yeerika that I was able to put a time limit on the lightweight magic.’

That’s why I chose Yereka.

“It’s as if you were waiting for me.”

“No way. I just started my business. I never thought the head of the target group would come in person.”

Ethan, who spoke like that, looked like a true veteran merchant.

It made sense. Ethan had also played as a merchant.

On the other hand, Etting was embarrassed.

I thought that if we were talking about business, this side would have the initiative.

He is a veteran merchant.

In contrast, the Confucius in front of us, even though he has accomplished this brilliant business, is he not just a rookie from the Count’s family?

But there was no youthfulness in his appearance at all.

Rather, I felt like I would be eaten the moment I said the wrong thing.

“What brings you here?”

“I thought you were doing a great job, so I came to see if we could collaborate.”

If so, there is no need to beat around the bush.

“I also happened to be thinking about opening a branch. It may be premature to start a business, but it will be a profitable business in the long run. I was lucky.”

Ethan smiled brightly.

“There were many inconveniences because I was running it alone. Also, since I am not a professional merchant, it was difficult to make it big, so it would be an honor if David Top would join us.”

“Are you sure you were lucky?”

Ettinger thought it was no coincidence that he had come at such a good time.

I began to think that maybe it wasn’t me who came to him at a good time, but rather Ethan who led him there.

As evidence, Ethan simply smiled at his own question.

This sickly prince is hiding something.

‘Whatever his experience, he definitely has the upper hand in this deal.’

Etting corrected his perception of the other person.

I started to think that he was a real person, completely different from his appearance.

“Then the story will be easy. If I help you in the name of David, it will be very easy to open a branch.”

At those words, Ethan took out a piece of parchment as if he had been waiting for it and handed it over.

“Shall we write up a contract? All my terms are written on this parchment.”

There’s no good in dragging it out.

Basically, merchants are very smart.

If you approach the upper world, no matter how much knowledge Ethan has, he will definitely create an opening.

So I don’t give it time.

Anyway, the other side is interested in this lightweight business, so we can take advantage of that.

She read the parchment at a rapid pace, befitting a veteran merchant.

“So, to sum it all up… … you’re selling the core magic?”

“Yes, if you create a branch that uses that core magic, we only need to give 25% of the profits generated from the branch to our main branch. You can manage the rest however you want.”

Etting thought for a moment, then nodded.

She is a money ghost.

Ethan quickly grasped the essence of the business he was talking about.

“The core magic costs separately.”

“Because that’s the most important thing.”

Ethan nodded at Ethan’s words.

Because that was something she was also aware of.

But this magic had a weakness.

“Lightening magic is a relatively easy magic. Of course, I know that the level of lightening magic varies greatly depending on the wizard. However, once they realize that this is a money-making thing, many will follow suit, and they will use this time-based subscription as a sales point. They will say that they will cast a lightening magic that will last forever, and so on.”

“We are aware of this. So we plan to complete the system before the latecomers come in. Those who have already visited our lightweight workshop are satisfied with the quality of our workshop. We plan to appeal to them with quality that cannot be found anywhere else.”

As she said, the lightweight magic is a low-difficulty magic, but the results can vary greatly depending on the level of the magician.

“Hmm, then we definitely need a magician who can properly use the Lightening Magic. I think that’s the hardest part. Considering this aspect, we’ll adjust the profits… … .”

“Conversely, you just need to worry about that part.”

“… … .”

The easiest, yet most difficult thing. That was securing the wizard. But Ethan said that it was actually the easiest.

“I don’t know about other places, but isn’t it possible in David?”

Ettinger was impressed.

How much do you know? Or are you just guessing?

The top of David was supporting a single tower.

If we use that, we can proceed with this business properly.

“Well, that’s true. But if we give the core magic to the branch like this, what will happen to the main branch?”

She asked provocatively.

Ethan accepted it with a light smile, as if he had expected it.

“There are still a few more competitive items.”

“… … !”

This business is already great, but are there any other items like this?

Although it was a short conversation, I could tell from that that Ethan wasn’t the type to mince his words.

It was said that there were more truly competitive items.

“Maybe that’s with us too… … .”

“First, let’s sign a contract for this lightweight workshop project. Let’s talk about the rest step by step.”

Ethan didn’t necessarily act in a hurry.

* * *

The deposit that Ethan claimed was a whopping 20 million gold.

It was a lot of money, but it was cheap compared to the privilege it gave him over a branch of the Core Magic and Lightweight Workshop.

“I will sign the contract.”

It was an offer he couldn’t refuse.

If he refused here, it was certain that he would sign somewhere else.

“It’s a good deal. I’ll be counting on you from now on, Mr. Etning.”

“Please call me Etning, Your Majesty.”

“Thank you, Etning.”

‘I secured a lot of capital with this.’

Of course, the core magic wasn’t just sold. It was basically Yeerika’s magic, so we talked about it separately.

Because a wizard cannot help but be sensitive to his own magic.

“Because it’s Ethan. Well, it’s not like it’s some great magic.”

But Yeerika readily accepted Ethan’s request.

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to settle the money.”

“And please buy me a glass of delicious alcohol.”

“It won’t be difficult.”

Ethan then gathered the wizards of the workshop.

“From now on, branches of this lightweight workshop will open in several cities. Then, you will be able to receive the same service at the branches as at the main store.”

The wizards nodded.

“But still, everyone will come to our Wickus County. From now on… … .”

Ethan met Marakhan’s eyes. Likewise, the other wizards gulped at the sight of Ethan’s gaze.

“The magic you studied at the Magic Tower. From now on, those magics will be the magic that represents our workshop.”


The words struck the wizards’ hearts.

“I will do my best!”

“Thank you for trusting us!”

They already had no qualms about their magic being used commercially.

Rather, he was determined to be loyal to Ethan, who had acknowledged him. Until his death.

* * *

Ethan, who had put his business on a solid foundation, first set aside ten million gold. This money was to be used for donation admission.

Originally, donation admission was possible for even less money than this.

But what Ethan wants isn’t just an honorary teaching position.

‘If you donate more than ten million gold, you’re bound to get noticed.’

If you don’t have the skills, getting attention can be a negative thing, but Ethan definitely has the skills.

If you get attention with 10 million gold, they will look at it in more detail when taking the test.

‘Then it will be more advantageous during the exam.’

Ethan immediately donated ten million gold to the Ibeka Academy.

‘The reply won’t come right away. It will take at least three weeks.’

It seemed like a good time to expect a reply about four weeks after the new semester started.

“There’s quite a lot to do in a month.”

Ethan was determined to prepare well.

Ibeka Academy may look like a simple academy on the outside, but it is actually a place worthy of being called a magic realm.

‘The noble children of each region gather. And only those with great ability are gathered.’

Because of that, the number of events gathered there was three digits. In terms of risk, there were many events where you could really die.

In addition, there were some dangerous students among them.

If it were them, they would try to ignore Ethan, calling him a lowly nobleman from the province.

I couldn’t be at ease with my current specs to prepare for that.

“Let’s draw a rough sketch.”

There’s still a mountain of things to be achieved.


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not work with dark mode