Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 344

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 344

Episode 344. Immunity

“Presumptuous! Presumptuous man! I have clearly warned you. This is the land of the Emperor. No strong man may enter without permission. Ethan Wickus, you will pay the price for your arrogance.”

Skorpione acknowledged Ethan’s power, but did not tolerate his attitude.


-You have received the [Forgotten God, Forgotten Temple] quest!

-Originally, this was the temple of Moon Force. However, as time passed, the god was forgotten and no one remembered him. Please return everything to the way it was.

-Goddess Moon Force praises you greatly.

-You have been blessed by Moon Force!


A strong cold air spread through Ethan’s body.

-All abilities increase by +1.

I just received a quest and I got a blessing.

‘So discovering the temple itself has great significance?’

Looking at it, this old building seemed to be the temple of Moon Force. However, as time passed, the fact that this was a temple was forgotten and any trace of Moon Force seemed to have disappeared.

‘It’s the largest of the Moon Force temples I’ve ever found.’

Perhaps the entire Gaister Desert was within the sphere of influence of Moon Force.

‘It’s a large-scale quest.’

It meant that if you transformed this temple back into the Temple of Moon Force, you would receive a great reward.

‘I don’t know how far I can develop this profession of Descendant of Moon Force.’

That meant that even Ethan didn’t know what the high point of this job was.

‘There may be no limits.’

Ethan grinned.

In that case, the top priority was to restore the temple of Moon Force, whose identity no one knew, to its original state.

‘Here, I guess I need to modify the plan a little.’

Find the temple and activate it.

That was the top priority, but this meant we had to adjust our goals.

‘Activation is the default.’

It seemed like we needed to go in the direction of reviving the symbolism of the Moon Force that this temple had.

“You think differently when you’re right in front of me. Well, let’s see how long that arrogance lasts.”

Thud-. Thud-. Thud-.

Scorpion started wagging his tail.

Having attacked Ethan twice before, I found out that his defenses are very strong.

In that case, there was no need to use a human bomb attack.


Fog spread from Scorpion’s tail.

It was a purple fog, not the black fog of before.


“It’s already too late. Even if I had distanced myself the moment I saw it, I wouldn’t have been able to avoid the addiction. Who would have thought I would have just stayed still?”

Scorpion looked at Ethan and laughed heartily.

“Do the people of this era have relatively little combat experience? I expected that.”

It was a clear provocation.

“… … .”

But something was strange.

Even though the poison was removed, Ethan did not show the reaction that a poisoned person should.

That would be the case, since Ethan was rather leisurely waiting for Scorpion’s movements.

“What is it, you?”

I’m not pretending to be relaxed. I’m really relaxed.

“Because my body is impervious to poison.”

Ethan shrugged.

“No way… …! This isn’t just any poison! This is the most poisonous of poisons!”

It is an extremely poisonous substance made by mixing numerous poisons, and no matter how much resistance you have to poison, it is difficult to resist.

“Are you saying that even extreme poison doesn’t work?”

“As you can see.”

Scorpion suddenly lifted his tail and struck the ground.

Then the sand began to move like a whirlpool on the sea.

“Yes, someone as strong as you would have one or two such abilities. But would you be able to fight properly in this situation? This is a desert. In this land filled with sand, those who cannot overcome the sand will not have any chance.”

Boom-! Boom-! Boom-!

Scorpion raised his tail high and struck the ground with even greater force.

Scorpion was invincible on these sands.

He was also called by nicknames such as Lord of the Sand and Sand King.

Wheaaa …

Suddenly, a cloud of dust rose and a sandstorm blew in. As the storm grew stronger, the sandstorm obscured my vision and it gradually became blurry.

Wheeeeaeak-. Wheeeeaeak-.

The mercenaries who were trapped in the sandstorm caused by Scorpion were greatly confused.

No matter how strong the sandstorm was, if there was someone right next to you, you should be able to see at least a little bit. But in this sandstorm, you couldn’t see even an inch ahead of you.

The power was so great that even his own hand became blurred.

“Well, I can’t even see what’s right next to me… … .”

“Ouch! What if you step on me!”

This sandstorm wasn’t just created by blowing up sand.

It was a type of magic that was cast using the unique mana that Scorpion possessed.

Scorpion can see every movement within this sandstorm, but Ethan can’t see anything.

“It’s a composite magic circle. It’s in the form of a barrier… … and it’s made by overlapping several layers?”

Ethan analyzed Skorpione’s magic with admiration.

“… … .”

Scorpion did not answer those words.

It must be a bluff. The Ethan we saw just now used a sword. He may have some knowledge of magic, but he probably doesn’t have enough knowledge to penetrate this magic.

If so, Ethan will be waiting for her to react.

If you don’t react at all, you will have no choice but to make the first move.

Scorpion was planning to take advantage of that moment.


A great power gathered at the tip of Scorpion’s tail. It didn’t matter if he gathered his power openly, since Ethan wouldn’t be able to see this way anyway.

But then, at that moment, Ethan’s neck moved.

Then he stared straight in the direction where Scorpion was.

“… … ?”

I’m sure you can’t see it.

“no way.”

Ethan was moving towards Scorpion as if he could see everything.

“Can you see me in this sandstorm?”

Scorpion’s voice trembled slightly.

But they didn’t stop preparing to attack.


Within moments, Scorpion, who had gathered powerful mana in his tail, lowered his posture and rushed at Ethan.

And then the moment.

Our eyes met.


Scorpion, who was trying to stab the tail by taking advantage of the rushing speed, forcibly twisted his body to slow down.

“you you……!”

“Why don’t you stop attacking?”

“Can you see me in this sandstorm?”

“It looks good.”

Ethan’s eyes lit up.

A sandstorm meant nothing to Horus, as long as he had the highly skilled Eye of Horus.

Moreover, Ethan had excellent magic dismantling abilities, so there was no way that a magic that obscured vision like this would work on him.

“… … .”

Not only poison, but even this sandstorm doesn’t work on it.

But Scorpion swung its tail strongly on the spot.


The weapon still remained.

“No matter how great you are, that’s what happens on the ground. Yes, I admit it. You neutralized my poison and sandstorms. But my true power is not in those things. Use my power.”

“Huh, what!?”

The sand rippled like waves.

Scorpion began to swing his tail wildly across the sand.

“Tamp the ground.”

Boom-! Boom-!

Scorpion created a huge wave. It was a wave and an earthquake at the same time. Everyone except Scorpion fell down.

Ethan also lost his balance and staggered for a moment at this attack.

Scorpion took advantage of the gap and attempted to attack again.

He gathered all his strength in his tail and tried to pierce Ethan through it.

Then Ethan stepped back slightly and summoned something.


Then, the shaking sand suddenly rose high.

Kookung- Kookugugugugugung-!

Eventually, the sand came together and transformed into a being as large as a Scorpion.

“This, this is… … .”

Scorpion knew very well about the being summoned by Ethan. He who ruled the sands could not have been unaware of that being.

Lord of all lands.

He was the spirit king of the earth.

The summoned Tror looked down at Skorpion from above.

Even Skorpion would be overwhelmed in front of Tror.

Although he is called the ruler of the sand, this sand is ultimately piled up on the ground. It is no different from being under Thror, who rules over all the land.

In terms of compatibility, Skorpion was infinitely inferior to Thror.

“I have descended as summoned. Do you need help?”

“Please stop this earthquake.”

“i get it.”

Then the earthquake stopped immediately.

Skorpion gritted his teeth and looked between Ethan and Thror.

All of your attacks are ineffective.

How unfair this is.

“Spirit King! Do you think this makes sense?”

“Why are you asking me that?”

Tror clicked his tongue at Scorpion.

“I’ve been through a lot too. So think of it as fate.”

“You got hit… …?”

You’re probably tied down by a contract.

There was something strange about what he said.

“Just know that.”

Tror spread his arms and put his hands into the sand.

Now, even if Skorpion were to tamp down the land, it would no longer make sense.

This was because the power of Thror, the spirit king of the earth, was superior to that of Skorpion.

After completing his mission, Tror disappeared.


The sandstorm stopped and the earthquake stopped.

Scorpion, whose numbers were all blocked, opened his mouth in vain.

“Dokdo is not accessible.”

Scorpion said.

“It doesn’t even hurt in sandstorms.”

Even the most powerful move, the earth-moving move, did not work.

Of all the opponents Scorpion had encountered so far, none was as natural as this one.

“How did you manage to make a contract with Thror, the spirit lord of the earth? A human who made a contract with the spirit lord… … .”

This feeling of helplessness was something he had never felt before.

Ethan took a step closer to Scorpion.

“Is there more?”

When Ethan asked expectantly, Scorpion raised his tail.


He shouted as if he was vomiting.

“This desert is my land! No king’s knight can defeat me on these sands!”

Wheaaa …

Scorpion started flailing his tail like crazy.

Clang-! Clang-! Clang-!

Ethan lightly swung his frost sword and struck off Scorpion’s tail.

Even though he was clearly striking lightly, a sharp pain was transmitted to Scorpion’s tail.

Because of its tough outer shell, it is immune to most attacks. However, the fact that it still feels painful means that Ethan’s swordsmanship is penetrating through its outer shell and reaching its interior.

Ethan was perfectly on top of Scorpion.

Now all Scorpion could do was launch a body bomb attack.


Ethan swung his sword and cut off the flying tail.


The Scorpion with its tail cut off howled.

“This is what happens when you limit yourself to a desert.”

Ethan is prepared to fight in perfect condition, no matter where.

“I think wherever I step is my land.”

Ethan swung his sword and cut Scorpion in half.

“That’s why you lost.”


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not work with dark mode