Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 329

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 329

Episode 329. The Last Struggle

“Got it-!”

The three apostles were convinced.

Ethan Wickers is already in a groggy state.

After pounding and pounding, his attack pierced through Ethan Wickers’ powerful defense!


But the soul of the abyss that had been rushing forward quickly suddenly lost its speed.

Ethan’s dark soul simply destroyed the abyssal spirit that had lost its speed.



The three apostles’ eyes wavered. They had not dispelled the magic.

In the first place, instantaneous acceleration was not a magic structure that released and activated itself.

The three surprised apostles once again poured the soul of the abyss onto Ethan.

And exactly 20 seconds later, he threw it again. Just like before, it was filled with the power of instantaneous acceleration.

But just before reaching Ethan, the magic disappeared again.

The Abyssal Spirit, who had returned to his original speed, was no longer a fatal threat to Ethan.

“What, what is this… … .”

The three apostles were greatly embarrassed.

Ethan, who had remained calm the whole time, smiled.

As if it were really fun.

But it wasn’t a mocking smile.


A smile that naturally appears when you have accomplished something.

It was a smile that showed the confidence that he would not run away from great difficulties, but would take on the challenge and achieve victory.

It was an expression that was quite a contrast to his bloody appearance.

The three apostles could not believe what they heard.

What on earth does that mean?

“You destroyed my magic… or something? That’s why you’re laughing?”

His voice trembled.

“You dare to break this spell that neither the 1st nor the 2nd Apostles could break?”

Ethan shook his head.


Then he laughed even more deeply.

“I stole it.”

Ethan took up the sword.


Soon the faces of the three apostles became distorted.

Ethan’s sword accelerated.

The speed of the sword was difficult to perceive even before, but now it has become so fast that it is impossible to see.

“That’s… … my magic!”

Ethan’s 4th sword technique.

Trustful frost

Ethan’s swordsmanship, with a momentary acceleration, unfolded.


White frost formed again on top of white frost.

Thud-. Thud.

The three apostles vomited blood right there on the spot.

The three apostles who were spitting out blood had no more means of recovery left.

Instantaneous acceleration combined with the trust of ten thousand years.

The magic of the three apostles was completely destroyed, and Ethan’s attacks became more powerful.

The bodies of the three apostles, who had been struck by the Frost of Trust, staggered.

Ethan’s attack was faster than his super strength could be activated.

“Nonsense… … This is impossible. This… … makes sense? You’re taking away my magic… … my magic… … .”


The three apostles could not speak any further.

The superpower remained. I could have used more.

However, it was useless against that overwhelming speed. When the momentary acceleration was added to Ethan’s speed, his supergravity was not activated in time.


The three apostles groaned. Ethan watched them, breathing heavily.

Soon, the three apostles slowly collapsed. They fell forward and knelt down.

Ethan stood and the three apostles knelt.

The three apostles, enraged by the symbolic structure that separated the winners and losers, beat their knees madly.

But my legs wouldn’t listen.

“You, mine… … my power… … my magic… …!”

It wasn’t just that it was destroyed.

Ethan went beyond destruction and stole her magic as is.

Infinity speed.

It was an ancient magic called Infinite Acceleration.

The Three Apostles placed this ancient magic on the soul of the Abyss. It was such a powerful magic that even the Three Apostles could not control it perfectly.

But that didn’t matter. Even if it only had half of its original power, its power was enormous.

“I wasn’t imitating it. It was the same… … You really stole my magic.”

The emotions that were shaking the Three Apostles right now were humiliation and anger.

The three apostles were angry at these two emotions that they had never felt before in their lives.

The three apostles slowly raised their heads and looked at Ethan standing there.

Even though he was covered in blood, he stood.

It’s a different level.

He was chosen.

Moon Mother’s choice.

At that moment, the three apostles had feelings they shouldn’t have had.

It was awe-inspiring.

“I can’t help it.”

No one can remain indifferent in the face of death, but the Three Apostles were quite dull in that regard.

All the more so because so many people had been killed.

“I shouldn’t have come in the first place.”

The breathing of the three apostles who spoke like that gradually subsided.

“But you left it to me. I have to finish it even if I die. Isn’t that right, Ethan Wickers?”

The three apostles raised their hands as if burning the last flame. Then they snapped their fingers forcefully.


“See you in the new world that Mother Moon has created, you damn Ethan Wickers.”

The three apostles closed their eyes.

“I’m going back, Mother. I’m going.”

Third Apostle Sandra Rachel Wood, one of the top apostles of the Dawn Society, has died.

And at the same time as that death, something strange happened.

The 66 abyssal souls she left behind began to stir.

Thump. Thump.

The souls of the abyss left behind by the three apostles throbbed like beating hearts.

“It won’t be easy until the end.”

Ethan was impressed.

If this explodes, not only will Ethan, who barely managed to survive, die, but all of Iveca will be blown away.

It was natural that sixty-six thousand souls would burst out and be liberated at the same time.

And that’s not all.

“It won’t end with just an explosion. The liberated souls will turn into evil spirits and scorch the surrounding area… … .”

Ethan confirmed with his own eyes the souls remaining within the Abyssal Soul.

The soul of the abyss could practically be seen as a lump of resentment.

An item containing the powerful resentment of those who were killed by the Three Apostles and the followers of the Moon.

If that blows up, there’s no way to handle the aftermath.

Iveca will be blown away without a trace, and the Marquisate of Rond will become a ruin haunted by evil spirits.

If we are not careful, an unprecedented catastrophe could occur on the continent.

What’s meant to happen, will happen anyway.

Ethan gritted his teeth.

“Fuck. I have to stop it.”

But no clear solution came to mind.

My physical condition was at its worst because I had just had a fierce fight with the Three Apostles.

There is no plausible means or plan to prevent the explosion.

“No, there is just one.”

It was truly a last resort.

“new world.”

Ethan opened up a new world.

‘Absolutely not. It can never end here.’

Ethan’s eyes saw the countless gods he had subscribed to.

But Ethan’s eyes found the god he needed right now.

Should I search for it? Or should I quickly negotiate with the god I subscribe to who has the ability to overcome this situation?

‘How much time do I have left?’

Ten minutes at the most until the soul of the abyss bursts.

I had to find a god within me who had the power to somehow solve this problem.

“… … .”

The new video uploader will appear at the top of your subscription list. There will be a red light next to their name.

“Heo Jun… … Gumiho… … .”

-The algorithm figures out your situation.

-Reorder the list.


Ethan’s subscription list was sorted, and soon the name of the nine-tailed fox appeared at the top.

A god associated with the soul, the nine-tailed fox.

The reason I was able to immediately gain the power of Bihyeongrang was because I subscribed to Gumiho and watched the combined video.


Ethan opened the nine-tailed fox’s channel, which was marked [N], and watched the newly uploaded merged video.

“This is a new merged video that has never been seen before.”

Ethan clicked on the image of the nine-tailed fox as if possessed. The nine-tailed fox was the god who had just collaborated with him.

That’s why I knew the last video well.

It was a video of a merger between Bihyeongrang and the main character of the ghost power that Ethan is currently using well.

But the video uploaded this time was not a video of a merger with Bihyeongrang.

-Union with Princess Baridegi, the guide of souls! [feat. Mr. Do]

“Baridegi… … princess?”

A tale I once read came to mind.

Princess Bari.

“no way.”

Ethan pressed the video button urgently. If the god appearing in the video was the Princess Bari he knew, and if he could learn her abilities.

“I can solve the situation now.”

* * *

“It was really hard. But I had the determination to do it. Look. [Subscribe to the right god] His mind!”

Gumiho watched the newly uploaded combined video with a very proud expression.

It was a combined video with Princess Baridegi, the guide of souls.

Princess Baridegi was the supreme deity among the gods associated with the soul. Goddess of the soul. Guider of the soul.

Anyone who has a soul will definitely meet Princess Baridegi on the last day of their life.

“I can’t believe I invited such a person. No matter how I think about it, this is an incredible feat.”

“Miho, you’ll have another huge boost.”

“But I’m a little worried. Could you please take a look at it one more time?”

“[Subscribe to only the real ones] You’re busy, you’ll see it someday.”

“Huh? The views went up!”

Ethan, the subscriber who gave that 1 view, was facing Princess Baridegi.

Tinkle. Tinkle.

Princess Baridegi smiled kindly, holding a bell in one hand and a giant crescent moon sword in the other.

-I decided to leave a part of my power in this video because I thought it might be helpful to everyone. Poor souls. Souls. Don’t worry, just follow me and follow the sound.

Princess Baridegi’s ability was very simple.

If Bihyeongrang’s ability was to control all souls, Princess Baridegi’s ability was to send souls back to where they belonged.

In short, he had the ability to bring souls to enlightenment, and the nickname “guide of souls” was a perfect fit for him.

‘This is the ability I need most right now!’

Ethan quickly watched the video of Princess Baridegi.

Because time was very pressing, I used the skip button to quickly skip through the videos.

Fortunately, I had the Eye of Horus and the Dragon’s Eye, so I was able to figure out the gist of it.

-I learned the command [Guidance of the Soul]!

-Added Skill: Soul Guidance [S]

-I got a drop.

As soon as Ethan gained the power of Princess Baridegi, he immediately turned off the New World.



The soul of the abyss had grown much larger than before.


Ethan took a deep breath and lifted the bell.


It was a special drop from Princess Baridegi, who guides souls.

As soon as the sound of the bell was heard, the souls in the abyss that had been shaking stopped moving.

Ethan could clearly read their reactions through his ears.

‘It works.’

“Guidance of the soul.”

Ethan continued to dance, his bells jingling.

Baridegi said that souls must be healed.

He said that only by comforting and healing the mind can the soul be guided normally.

“The root cause.”

Ethan pointed to the three apostles who were the root cause of their resentment.

“I took care of it, souls. So rest assured. Leave in peace.”

Ethan’s words resonated with the souls.

66 abyssal souls trembled and slowly rose into the air.

Crunch-. Crunch crunch-.

Even under Ethan’s guidance, the souls of the abyss continued to stir. Every time, powerful waves and negative energy surged up, making it seem as if they would explode at any moment.

‘More violently.’

Ethan moved just as he had seen in the video of Princess Baridegi.

The princess said that it is not enough to just give superficial comfort.

‘I will deeply understand and comfort you. But that won’t be enough to handle it in 10 minutes.’

That’s why Ethan took out empathy from the sympathy and comfort that Princess Baridegi spoke of and inserted domination, the power of the invisible man.

‘For me, this is something I can relate to much more deeply.’

“Oh, souls.”


The ear has blossomed.

Ethan’s body’s yin energy also stirred due to the tremendous yin energy emitted by the 66 abyssal souls.

And soon a powerful demonic force emanated from Ethan’s body.

“I killed the three apostles who made you like this. But you are not the only ones who lost your lives to the three apostles. Your grudge is not only directed at the three apostles, but also at all of the followers of the moon. Right?”

Ethan stomped hard on the ground, and a spirit guidance began to spread around him.


Ethan rang the bell again.

“I will kill them all. I will kill every single one of those who did this to you. I will ruin every single one of their plans and make them pay for their crimes with my own hands.”

Ethan said forcefully.

Since every word was heard with rapt attention, the souls would have heard the voice very well.


Ethan shook the bell with his words.

“So just trust me and go.”

In an instant, a powerful sense of power rose up.

This power, combined with the guidance of Princess Baridegi’s soul, began to gently, but somewhat forcefully, bring the souls bound to the abyss to enlightenment.


The souls of the abyss that were on the verge of exploding became quiet and began to scatter as dust.


They united and raised their voices.

“I have definitely accepted that request.”


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not work with dark mode