Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 309

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 309

Episode 309. The Stone That Rolled In

It was a dream I had every time.

-My dream is to become the best swordsman on the continent. I want to become a legendary swordsman who can cut the sea with his sword and even cut down Gray Mountain.

It was a place to talk about dreams you want to achieve.

Little Oz’s eyes sparkled brightly.

But everyone in the academy laughed at those words.

The students here all came from prestigious families, so they all knew what Oz was going through.


-The Razor family has fallen and is now reduced to just two people. Is that family the best swordsman on the continent?

-If you have that kind of talent, why don’t you protect your family?

-I told you he’s funny, really.

Everyone laughed at Oz’s dream. Not just the students. Even the teachers laughed.

It was the story of the fallen Lasers family.

There were now only two people left in the Razor, and they had neither power nor money.

That’s why I had no choice but to grit my teeth and endure such ridicule.


-Oz, is the Academy fun?

Oz hesitated for a moment, but then lied.

-Yeah, it’s fun.

-What class did you take today?

-I talked about dreams. Well, I.

Oz, who was talking, paused for a moment and thought.

I was afraid that even my grandfather would shake his head and say that it was a ridiculous story because I was publicly ridiculed.

But I mustered up my courage and said,

-The greatest swordsman on the continent. I will cut the sea and the mountain with my sword. I want to become a great swordsman who can even split a dragon in two.

He spoke with his eyes tightly shut.

I was afraid that my grandfather might laugh at me like my fellow academy students, but that fear soon disappeared.

Grandpa patted Oz on the head.

When he opened his eyes, his grandfather was looking at Oz with kind eyes.

-That’s a really cool dream!

Grandpa said.

-I really want to see our Oz splitting the sea and the mountains. I’m looking forward to it, Oz.

Grandfather didn’t laugh.

From that day on, Oz began to dream.

It was a dream that everyone laughed at as impossible, but since his grandfather believed in it, it was no longer impossible for Oz.

We worked hard every day.

Even if my hands are torn.

Even if it bleeds.

I held back and swung my sword.

Oz’s talent was as great as the grand dreams he dreamed of himself.

With his exceptional talent and firm goal in mind, Oz grew quickly.

Those who dismissed Oz as nonsense and ignored him have been forced to keep their mouths shut as he has consistently maintained first place at the Academy.

Oz graduated at the top of his class at that academy and went on to do well at the next academy.

But unlike Oz, who was growing by leaps and bounds, Grandfather gradually began to weaken.

Wounds sustained while recovering from the aftermath of the fall of the Razor family.

He began to suffer from mental problems as he was unable to save his other family members.

It was natural for my body to weaken as I got older.

Young Oz wanted to quickly show his grandfather that he had achieved his dream.

As I promised my grandfather, I wanted to become the best prosecutor on the continent and make him smile again.

Something had to be done before it was too late.

Although it was said to be a fallen prestigious school, he entered Ibeca, which was the best academy Oz could choose at the time.

Originally, Ibeka was not a place where Oz, a fallen noble, could enter. However, Oz was specially admitted because his talent was recognized.

Oz caused a sensation as soon as he entered Ibeca.

First place in all subjects.

After being the top student in the first year, he maintained that position the following year as well.

Everyone praised Oz. They praised him, saying that no special admission student had ever swept the top spot.

Although a solid future was assured, Oz was anxious. The current level was not what he wanted.

The road to becoming the best prosecutor on the continent was still long. Although he was on an elite course, that dream was far, far away.

This shouldn’t be happening.

Faster, faster.

But time passed so quickly, and what happens to everyone happened to my grandfather too.

-Oz, I look forward to it. If you come to where Grandpa is later.

My grandfather passed away, leaving behind a will asking that his story be told.


Oz woke up.

My whole body was drenched in cold sweat and I was shaking slightly.

“… … .”

Oz slowly got up from the bed.

The events of yesterday came back to me again.

What Mason said, and what Ethan said.

“It has no meaning anymore. It has no meaning at all.”

Without realizing it, I clenched my fist.

His grandfather had already passed away. What Oz was motivated by was his grandfather’s praise and expectations.

He was able to work so hard because his grandfather was the only one who believed him.

“It doesn’t make sense, why?”

Everything is confusing. If it doesn’t make sense, just quit.

There was no need to do this, but he couldn’t stop.

If you thought that the principal’s insistence on you staying was meaningless, you could have easily rejected it.

But that wasn’t the case.

The problem was that he was smart. He knew his own emotions so well that he couldn’t help but suffer more from the discrepancy.

“I’m hoping you’ll stop.”

Oz stood up, stamping his feet hard.


* * *

Knock knock-.

“Oz Razors.”

The place Oz visited was Ethan’s office.

Ethan smiled as he watched Oz’s complicated expression.

‘You’re smart in many ways.’

As soon as I saw him, I knew why he had come to me.

“What’s going on?”

But Ethan pretended not to know and asked.

“I told you, Mr. Ethan, that if you don’t tell, no one will know.”

Oz said, gritting his teeth.

“I have a grandfather who is more precious to me than anyone else. He is the only person who believed in my dream. I made one promise to him. It was the dream of becoming the best prosecutor on the continent. To be exact, I promised to become a prosecutor who can split the sea and the mountain.”

Oz said.

“You said you would help me, right? But you can’t help me. Even if I become the best prosecutor on the continent, I don’t have a grandfather to show me!”

Oz, whose words were pouring out like a machine gun, tried to go out right away.


Ethan’s voice caught Oz’s attention again.

“You said you made a promise to your grandfather, right? He may be gone, but he still lives in your mind and heart. Right?”

At his words, Oz turned around without realizing it.

And then I locked eyes with Ethan.

“I can help you. Of course, I can’t make your dream of becoming the best prosecutor on the continent come true. Maybe that’ll be me.”

“… … .”

“Instead, I can make you a swordsman who can split the sea and the mountains. I can teach you that.”

Oz’s eyes wavered as Ethan spoke with conviction.

“But that doesn’t really mean much. There’s something else that really matters. Oz Razor, you said it yourself, didn’t you? Your grandfather believed in you. That means he saw you as someone with the talent to split the seas and mountains. You wouldn’t make him out to be a liar, would you, Oz?”

“There’s no way… … There’s no way I would do that!”

“Then you have to make it happen. And you have to prove that you saw it correctly. I can help you with that.”

Ethan held out his hand.

“Sit down.”

At those words, Oz had no choice but to sit down.

* * *

“That’s a good idea. Is that what Mr. Cloudy was leading?”

“No, it wasn’t me. Mr. Ethan was the one who first proposed this academy exchange program. Mr. Duty and I accepted, and we’re going to get started right away.”

“Is that so? This guy really has nothing like a new teacher.”

“That’s right. That’s why it seems to have many positive advantages, such as breaking the existing framework.”

“Teacher Cloudy praised you. I don’t think there has ever been a teacher in Ibeka who received praise from Teacher Cloudy. Isn’t this the first time?”

“It’s not the first time.”

“But did you know, Mr. Cloudy? When Mr. Cloudy first came in, he didn’t act like a new teacher.”

The principal chuckled.

“Anyway, that’s good. I’ll give you my permission, so let’s use the auditorium to conduct joint training! This time, Mr. Ethan will be leading the project, but Mr. Cloudy will be able to help us in many ways, so I ask you to take good care of it. This academy exchange, we should bring it back. Don’t you think so?”

“Yes, principal.”

Ibeca Grand Hall.

This large auditorium could accommodate over a hundred people, making it a great place to train Ethan, Cloudy, and Duty’s favorite disciples.

In addition, artifacts were installed here and there before training to prevent the walls, floors, and ceilings from being destroyed or collapsed.

Students entered the auditorium.

“… … Max?”

Ethan’s disciples who arrived first, and the disciples of Mr. Cloudy led by Max Jurod, and the magic and disciples of Mr. Duty gathered in one place in the main auditorium and looked at each other with bewildered expressions.

And soon after, their three teachers came in at the same time.

Ethan was in the center because he was the one who proposed this joint training.

“You all probably know that there is an academy exchange at the end of this second semester. There are many things at stake in this exchange. From this moment on, you will no longer be rivals, but comrades representing Iveca. We will train together and become stronger together. Next year, we can go back to how we were. However, from this moment on, until the end of the academy exchange, we will go together.”

Ethan said.

Ethan paused for a moment, then spoke again with renewed force.

“We will conduct joint training to win the exchange program. Mr. Cloudy and Mr. Duty, who are here, will be with you, and I will also be teaching you all.”

In an instant, all the students’ expressions changed.

We have all learned a lot from our respective teachers.

But I also secretly wanted to learn from other teachers. Each teacher has a different teaching style, and that style may or may not suit you.

It was a great experience for the students to learn different things from different teachers.

But for both Cloudy and Ethan, it was actually quite difficult to take classes from both teachers.

In such a situation, this joint training was like a ray of hope for the students.

“I will take turns seeing each teacher each day. Each teacher will teach you in their own way, so this training will be a great opportunity for you to grow.”

Ethan said that and stepped back slightly. Then Cloudy and Duty stepped forward.

“This joint training is a place to make mistakes. Make mistakes. Make them obvious. Show us your shortcomings so we can fix them.”

Then Duty said.

“As the two teachers mentioned earlier, don’t be afraid of failure. The three of us are here to fix that.”

The joint training of the three teachers has begun in earnest.


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not work with dark mode