Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 307

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 307

Episode 307. The Most Important Thing

As is typical of high-ranking noble families, the House of Chernkastel had a vast treasure trove.

This is where the wealth that the family has accumulated over many years lies dormant, and especially during the reign of the current Chancellor of the Holy Empire, Chernkastel, an unprecedented amount of wealth was amassed.

Of course, there was no accumulation of money through dishonest means.

He worked solely for the sake of the Holy Empire and had no particular desire for wealth.

Nevertheless, this much wealth was accumulated naturally.

“He told me to take one, no matter what. He also said that two would be fine if I wanted.”

Nadia said.

“There are several treasure troves of the family, but this is actually my first time here. There are only things here that my grandfather received as gifts from important people.”

Nadia, who had been speaking in a whisper, lowered her voice even further.

“There are also items bestowed by His Majesty the Emperor.”

“I don’t know if I should take something so precious.”

“You deserve it.”


A huge door opened and beyond it, magnificent treasures were revealed.

A mountain of precious metals and jewels. Behind them was a hat made of gold.

“Wow, there’s also golden armor.”

Ethan’s eyes, which were fiercely open like Horus’s, were staring at something other than gold and silver treasures.

“It seems like you opened this treasure trove for me on purpose.”

Ethan smiled.

‘If you can recognize it, take it. If you can’t, take something else valuable.’

Of course, Chancellor Chernkastel would have thought that he would know enough to do so.

Ethan passed by the mountain of treasures without a second thought.

“I will choose this.”

What Ethan chose was a square box that glowed blue. It was an artifact with a square shape like a box.

“… …Would you choose that?”

Nadia asked Ethan with a look of incomprehension.

Why would you choose that little thing over all these treasures?

Nadia could see that it was imbued with powerful energy, but compared to the other treasures, it didn’t seem that unusual.

“Yes, it is absolutely necessary now.”

Nadia may not know it yet, but this was the most essential artifact needed to power the magic fortress.

‘A magic fortress costs a huge amount of money to build, depending on its size and effectiveness.’

Knowing how to build one doesn’t mean you can deploy a magic fortress.

As it is a magic with a powerful effect, it takes a lot of energy to use it.

‘Even if dozens of high-level wizards pour out mana, it will only last for a few days.’

That’s why a huge amount of mana stones containing mana are required to maintain a magic fortress.

‘Just because it’s a mana stone doesn’t mean you can use just any stone. You can’t run a fortress with even mid-level mana stones.’

This is because the efficiency of mana stones is low.

‘But this is the thing that makes it possible.’

As Ethan lifted the artifact, powerful mana began to gather.

This artifact is called the Mana Amplifier, and is also known as Melody.

‘It allows you to use the mana contained in mana stones of intermediate level or lower with 100% efficiency. Loss disappears. Not only that, but as the name suggests, it also has the effect of amplifying the efficiency of mana stones.’

If you build a magic fortress centered around this melody, you can easily operate it with low-level and mid-level mana stones. Furthermore, if you use high-level mana stones, your mana will be amplified, so you can operate the mana fortress at a relatively low cost.

‘This melody will also be used in the magical fortress of the Chernkastel estate.’

This melody is probably a spare, but for a spare, the quality is quite good.

‘Judging from what was in this treasure vault, they might have been intended to be used in building a new magical fortress.’

“I must thank you once more, Your Majesty. I never thought you would give me something so precious.”

From the recipe for making a magic fortress to artifacts that will be of great help in running a magic fortress.

To this extent, it could be considered as receiving an excessive gift.

“You said this was your first time here, right? And the Prime Minister said you could take two. Then, Miss Nadia, choose the remaining one, whatever you want.”


Nadia’s eyes widened at Ethan’s words.


“Yes, really.”

The feeling of her heart pounding was clearly evident on Nadia’s face.

“Why, I didn’t do anything… … .”

“Isn’t that your motivation?”

Ethan said softly.

“There is a saying that to love one’s country is to love one’s people.”

“Huh!? T-T-True love?”

Nadia looked terribly embarrassed.

“Besides, there will be an Academy Exchange soon. If Teacher Nadia gets good artifacts, she will be able to teach her students better, and those students will definitely perform well in the Academy Exchange. I’m not just giving it to you.”

Nadia turned around at Ethan’s smile.

Then, as if he had been watching from the beginning, he approached a long staff. It was a white staff with a golden jewel set into the end.

‘You chose snow sugar. As expected, you have good taste.’

In addition to the cold attribute base, the golden jewel emits electricity. Its name is Snow Sugar because it emits electricity so sweetly.

‘This is an item that clearly reflects the creator’s bad taste.’

The staff has another special feature: when it emits electricity, its owner also feels a slight electric shock. Rumor has it that the creator of the staff enjoyed the pain.

“Thank you so much, Mr. Ethan. I will never forget this favor.”

* * *

The next day came after solving the Chernkastel family’s business.

Ethan was very determined to get moving this second semester.

‘There are now two academies to worry about.’

The Freya Academy, which was originally a mountain that Ibeka had to overcome, and the Borg Academy of the Magic Empire, which was also invited to this academy exchange.

‘There is a possibility that one more academy will come in to match the pair… … .’

It is difficult to regard other academies that were not included in the list of exchange participants as prestigious academies.

In other words, the differences are too great to match the variety.

‘The existing Good Academy and Covington Academy are not rivals of Ibekah.’

In the end, it was said that a three-way battle would take place between Ibeka, Borg, and Freya for the championship spot.

In particular, Freya Academy was the winning academy in the previous academy exchange, and Kai Felix, who was in deep thought, was also there.

‘Because Kai Felix is ​​a new teacher.’

Freya also had several teachers who were on their way to becoming masters like Cloudy, and there was also one teacher who was already a master.

Plus, Nathan Wickers is also at Freya Academy, so this exchange is going to be quite fun.

‘It can’t just be fun. There has to be practicality, too.’

Ethan’s office.

For that reason, there were two teachers in Ethan’s office.

“It’s been a while, Mr. Duty.”

On one side sat Cloudy, on the other side sat Duty.

Duty was a magic teacher who had been at odds with Ethan during the school exchange. He was the one who raised the golden generation of magic students, including Roanna, but now Roanna has left and her place has been filled by a new magic student.

“I never thought Roanna would go to Mr. Ethan. She’s quite an independent girl.”

Despite having his beloved protégé taken away, Duty smiled and said:

He wasn’t his old sharp self.

He often seemed impatient during the departmental exchange, but thanks to Ethan, he realized that he didn’t need to be impatient.

I also realized that the teachers at the same school are not enemies but colleagues who lead Ibeca together.

That’s why he didn’t have any regrets when his beloved disciple, Roanna, went to Ethan.

In the end, it will be Ibeka’s strength.

“This is the academy exchange program. Is that why you called us?”

“Yes, that’s right. Other teachers also participate in the exchange program, but I think the only teachers who can compete with Freya and Borg are myself, Mr. Cloudy, and Mr. Duty.”

“You are so confident.”

“You’re not denying it, are you?”

“That’s true.”

The Deans of the College of Knights and the College of Magic were practically considered as outsiders.

Because they have already taken a step back from the front lines.

Ultimately, these three were the core of Ibekah.

Ethan and Cloudy with the sword.

Duty with magic.

These three teachers, representing each department, were Ibeka’s strongest force.

“I had to invite the teachers to my office for this academy exchange.”

“You have a good idea, don’t you?”

Ethan nodded at Duty’s words.

“I, Mr. Duty, and Mr. Cloudy each have students.”

Even without Roanna, Duty still has the golden generation of magic students left.

Those students who lost in the departmental exchange competition probably spent their vacation in deep thought.

“Until now, we have been fiercely competing with each other as rivals, but this academy exchange program should be a form of unity rather than competition, and we should compete with the outside world.”

Duty nodded at Ethan’s words.

“You all probably knew that, but there were things you had to ignore. After the academy exchange program ended, you would go back to being rivals, so you probably didn’t even dream of exchanges. If the know-how each teacher possessed were to leak out, it would all come back as a loss.”

Cloudy frowned slightly. It was just as Ethan had said. The Academy Exchange was literally a place to determine the superiority of the academies.

Even though there was competition within the academy, the exchange program was a place where internal competition had to be put aside and unity had to be achieved.

But until now, no one has done that.

The teachers did not try to collaborate with each other, and even when the principal stepped in to create such an atmosphere, he showed no motivation.

The academy exchange program is temporary, but competition within the academy continues for a long time.

So, there is no need to share your know-how to increase the academy’s competitiveness.

It could be said to be selfish, but it could also be seen as a natural choice.

“I am.”

Ethan said calmly.

“I don’t mind teaching my know-how not only to my students but also to the students of the two teachers. I don’t mind showing all my unique weapons to all my students.”

Ethan’s words had different meanings for the two teachers. Duty was shocked again, and Cloudy felt a wave suddenly surge through her calm mind.

“It doesn’t really matter whose disciple you are. In fact, the academy exchange system isn’t that important.”

Ethan knew what was important.

“Raising great students. And making them capable of going out into the world and doing their part.”

The two teachers’ eyes lit up at Ethan’s words.

“Because that’s the most important thing.”


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not work with dark mode