Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 305

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 305

Episode 305. I can memorize it all.

Before taking over the position of head of the household.

Chancellor Chernkastel did not hold much power within the family.

Although he had great talent, he was not initially greedy for power or fame.

He had already met his beloved wife at a young age and had children, so his modest goal was to live happily with them.

“I wanted to live in peace. But I had many brothers. They wouldn’t leave me alone, even though I wanted to live quietly. But I didn’t want to fight a war of attrition with my brothers. That’s why I didn’t try to create a force or seize power. Those things weren’t important to me. My beloved wife and children were.”

But the brothers did not leave Chancellor Chernkastel alone. Rather, they became even more suspicious.

“I had talent. Have you seen the magic fortress in our territory? I built it all. That’s why my brothers have been keeping me in check. Even if I stay still, they’ve built up power. That’s why I deliberately tried to escape the power structure. I left here and headed to the capital. I planned to work in the capital.”

But that appearance did not look good to his brothers. They thought that the talented Chancellor of Chernkastel would escape the power struggle within the family and expand his influence in the capital.

That’s why he didn’t let Chancellor Chernkastel go to the capital.

“Eventually, it happened. My treasure and my greatest weakness… … they took my children as bait. Brendan was badly hurt. I cried in despair. I screamed, asking what the hell I did wrong. But there was no one to help me. My wife and I could only cry.”

The wounds Brendan suffered were ones that no matter what god was brought in, they could not be healed.

He could only remain helpless.

And then.

“They’re coming.”

-We will protect the most precious thing you have.

-Instead, you just have to grant us a simple request.

-The choice is yours.

-Everything will be decided by your choice.

-We trust you will make a wise decision.

“They were the ones who opened the dawn and accepted the new world. At the time, they called themselves the Dawn Society, but now they are called the Moon Followers. They came to me and reached out to me. At that time, I had no other choice. There really was no other choice… … There was no choice.”

In order to protect those he loved, Chancellor Chernkastel joined hands with the followers of the moon.

Because saving Brendan’s life was more important right now.

“Since we joined hands, they have been asking me for a favor. It was a simple request. They asked me to give them information on a few nobles. It wasn’t difficult.”

But as time went by, more and more burdensome requests came.

“I listened to their requests without stopping. Within the scope of what I could do. But eventually, I reached my limit. When I had to refuse, that was when my chronic illness burst out. When I think about it… … the timing that made that chronic illness worse was strange.”

After hearing from Ethan, the timing was quite subtle.

“They said they couldn’t cure my chronic illness. Instead, they said they could suppress it. If they could suppress it until I died, that would essentially be a cure.”

Prime Minister Chernkastel received the medicine.

Even though he knew that it was a leash that would bind him for a long time.

“I knew it was the wrong choice, but at the time, I had no choice.”

“I understand, Your Majesty. At that time, Your Majesty made the choice you thought was right. No one can criticize that choice.”

“I should have died with honor… … maybe. I have regretted it countless times, but I have been rationalizing it to myself all this time. And now I finally have the courage.”

“The timing was very strange this time too, Your Majesty.”

“I guess so. As if I was constantly possessed by something.”

The prime minister got up. The prime minister, who had been cured, was no longer a dying old man.

He slowly got up and stepped out of bed.

One step. One step.

For a moment, I felt an enormous presence, to the point where I thought the prime minister’s body had suddenly grown larger.

‘This iron-blooded prime minister lived at the mercy of the followers of the moon.’

It was really fun.

At the same time, we could see how well the moon followers were working.

Who would have thought that this would have been done to the Prime Minister of Chernkastel?

‘I don’t know the full details, but this is something the top three apostles did.’

“Thank you, Ethan. I will never forget the kindness you showed me by helping me correct my mistake.”

The prime minister took a deep breath.

“Brendan! Gather all the children and come in!”

A thunderous voice burst out like a lightning strike.

“Yes, yes!”

And soon Brendan’s urgent voice was heard.

“It’s time to put things right. The dirty dealings with the Moon Followers, and the family affairs that I left behind.”

The prime minister looked at Ethan.

“Thank you so much, Ethan Wickers. I will never forget this favor.”

-Your chances of survival increase!

-Your chances of survival have reached their limit!

The survival rate, which had dropped, returned to its original level.

* * *

The situation after that was a breeze. Prime Minister Chernkastel, who had regained his power, quickly sorted out the chaotic situation in his home.

He was particularly critical of what Brendan Chernkastel had done.

“I received an apology. And… …my grandfather said that such a thing should never happen to people of the same blood, and that he would cut off all such things from your generation.”

Nadia had a relatively bright expression.

“It won’t end with just an apology, but it turned out just like Mr. Ethan said!”

Although not everything was resolved neatly, it was clear that a sense of relief had been put aside. Nadia’s expression seemed considerably brighter.

“Now you can focus on the academy with peace of mind. Shouldn’t you go out to the exchange and beat them all up?”

“Of course! Now I have nothing on my mind and I feel really at ease.”

Nadia made a gesture as if something that had been blocking her insides had gone down.

“I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to do it all in one day, but my worries were unfounded.”

“Let’s go back to the academy.”

“You had a promise before, right? Come this way, Mr. Ethan.”

Ethan and Nadia headed to the grand hall of the Chernkastel family.

“This is the center of our magical fortress. The wizards here established theories with my grandfather and are still operating the fortress today.”

“Oh, Count Ethan Wickers. Hello. I’ve been wanting to meet you.”

There were several wizards who looked younger than Chancellor Chernkastel, but who clearly appeared to be entering their old age.

Some of them looked friendly towards Ethan, but others were visibly frowning.

“Even so, I have to tell you how to make the magic fortress that is the core of Chernkastel.”

“Even if you tell me, I can’t just use it as is. It might be a waste of effort.”

Ethan smiled as he looked at them.

‘Because dealing with magicians is my specialty.’

“You saved my grandfather’s life! If you treat me so rudely… … .”

“This is the center of the magic fortress. Hmm.”

There were numerous artifacts and magic circles here, so even a fairly skilled magician would have a hard time finding the core of this magic fortress.

But Ethan quickly turned to a seemingly ordinary book.

Who could possibly see this book as the sum total of magic spread throughout this vast Chernkastel estate?

But I couldn’t take my eyes off Ethan.

‘All the magics intertwined like gears here lead to this book. It’s not an ordinary book.’

It was much more certain that it was an artifact in the form of a book with magic engraved on it.

“This complex magic is working perfectly. Was it all created by the wizards here?”

Those who favored Ethan and those who were wary of him both knew quite a bit about him.

It was because of his high reputation and the rumors surrounding him.

When Ethan recognized the magic at a glance and even praised it, all the wizards unconsciously twitched the corners of their lips.

Some people were laughing openly.

“Oh my god. It’s not easy to make this turn out like this.”

Ethan used a clever trick.

“Do you know if I can figure out how this is going to work?”

Ethan delved deeper into their area of ​​interest.

“Ahem! Even at a young age, you achieved great things and brought your family up to the Twelve Stars. You really live up to your reputation! Who would have thought I would recognize you right away!”

The wizard who had just moments ago been complaining and telling Ethan that his efforts were in vain approached him with the corners of his lips twitching.

As he came forward, the other wizards remained silent, so it seemed like this man was in charge of this place.

Ethan smiled happily and extended his hand.

“This is Ethan Wickes.”

“My name is Marteris. I am the wizard who founded this magical fortress together with the Prime Minister.”

A warm breeze began to blow in the stiff atmosphere.

“This is the technique of overlapping magic circles. Especially this part. They should be misaligned, but… … .”

Ethan started going straight into his professional field.

“Oh my, you recognized that right away. That’s great! That’s right, that’s why the artifacts were placed there intentionally… … .”

An excited Marteris began to explain.

The wizards nearby also seemed to be licking their lips as they continued to add a word or two to Marteris’ explanation.

“That’s because I changed the recipe completely and only used half of it!”

“That part is a two-stage transformation… … .”

At first, even those who were wary and reluctant about Ethan were completely enamored with him and talked excitedly, so Nadia just blinked at the sight.

“Wow… … They are known to be picky… … .”

As with most wizards, the wizards in charge of the magic fortress were also quite picky. Their pride was high and proud, as their achievements were great to begin with.

But since such a noble attitude was understandable and the magic fortress could not function without them, no one could say anything.

That’s why Nadia was honestly worried.

Even if the prime minister’s order has been given, these are the people who rebel against the prime minister’s order if they feel that it is not right.

I didn’t think you’d be so quick to tell me how to make a magic fortress.

But the situation was just the opposite.

“Ah! So this is how you did it? That’s amazing. To think you’d use it as a two-type transformation technique.”

“Heh heh, it’s nothing! It took quite a while, but it should be at least this good to build a magical fortress of this caliber. Count Ethan, who noticed this, has a great eye for detail. It’s not something that can be easily recognized.”

Everyone was crazy about Ethan.

“I’m glad.”

Nadia was able to relax.

If there was ever a chance that he would have to blush with his benefactor Ethan, he planned to step forward and persuade them, but he didn’t have to.

“Your Majesty, your eyes are not wrong. This magic fortress is not something that can be understood even if you teach it to others. However, Count Ethan can certainly do it! I will tell you right away. Come this way. It is complicated in many ways, so we have created a theory book, but that theory book is not a real thing. It is in our heads. We will materialize it first, so Count Ethan, please take it to your territory and burn it after installation.”

“Ah, then I guess we shouldn’t make it into a real thing. It might leak.”

Ethan shook his head.

“Just tell me.”

“It’s okay. We trust that Count Ethan is not the kind of person to leak information. And the method of making this magical fortress is quite extensive.”

“it’s okay.”

Ethan said confidently.

“I can memorize it all.”


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not work with dark mode