Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 287

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 287

Episode 287. Inside Me

“Fuck… …Fuck!”

Cesare tried to reattach his torn body. To him, this level of injury meant nothing.

His super resilience allowed him to recover immediately from any injury.

From the beginning, Cesare had no concept of death.

The immortal great demon.

That’s why no matter how strong Ethan is, he can definitely win.

It certainly should be that way.

The fallen body did not heal. Not only that, but the entire body did not move as desired.


Cesare’s eyes lost their vitality with the sound of bones breaking.

“What brought me back to life.”

This was the most important.

‘As far as I know, the one who resurrected the six demons was a third force. An unidentified force whose identity was never revealed until the very end.’

And if you take this route, the Moon Followers will be annihilated by the six demons.

‘No matter how much I think about it, there is no force that can revive the six demons.’

So I used to think it might be an Easter egg.

But now that I have more information, I think differently.

‘There is only one force that can do such a thing.’

“Those who follow the ancient gods… … All hopes are dashed… … Those who seek to destroy the continent… … .”

Cesare, who had been leaking information on Ethan’s orders, started to get angry again.

“Damn it! Damn it-! I refuse! I refuse to listen to the words of a lowly human… … .”

“Who is it?”

Even the great devil Cesare was ultimately powerless before the overwhelming power of the invisible dragon.

“Rosicrucian Society.”


As expected, it was the Rosicrucian Order. Not just anyone can resurrect these great demons.

And there is no reason for the followers of the moon to resurrect these great demons in the first place.

Because what they want is not a future where they will be destroyed by great demons.

‘If you look at it broadly, it seems like the reason is the same, but if you look closely, the purpose itself is completely different.’

But it would be different if it was the Rosicrucian Order. Ethan asked Cesare a little more specifically.

“What do you mean, all hope is dashed? Why does the Rosicrucian Order want to resurrect you?”

“The ritual of the ancient god that has been passed down from their ancestors… … ultimately failed, and they fought and were defeated by those who held the key… … and thus they freed me, us, who had been sealed away.”

“You freed you? Does that mean other demons were freed too?”

“That… … I don’t know. But I can feel it. Judging from how their energy… … isn’t strong, they still have a long way to go.”

It was said that the resurrection of the six demons was definitely underway.

‘So this is why the Moon Followers disappear when you take the Six Demons route.’

In summary, this meant that the Rosicrucians had lost all of their goals and had completely split from the followers of the Moon.

“So are you just doing this to destroy the continent?”

“The final challenge… … It seems that they will try to challenge the resurrection ritual of the ancient gods once more when their energy is overflowing after killing and killing again… … However, we already know their plan. The odds of success were low in the first place. It won’t work just because the spirits come when the vessel isn’t even properly prepared… … .”

With those words, Cesare twisted his body violently. Then, through the gap in his twist, poison spread and soon formed a barrier.

“Oh my.”

Then the surroundings suddenly began to darken.


As Cesare’s voice spread, the dead began to rise from all over the underground mines.

“Get up and follow me.”

It was the moment when the power of the Great Demon was unleashed. The skill with which he was able to create a small gap while being controlled by the power of the Demon Slayer and Demon Slayer Sword was amazing.

Of course, the price was high.


Cesare was in agony, spewing out pitch-black poison. More than half of his already imperfect body had collapsed.

Strength also decreased significantly.

It was the result of using power in exchange for the descended flesh.



It was the power of domination, one of the powers of the Great Demon.

He branded the countless dead buried in these underground mines as slaves, making them his slaves for eternity.

Countless monsters, including death knights and skeletons, stood at attention.

“Legion of Death!”

Cesare smiled, even though he was in pain.

“Try to rebel once.”

With those words, Cesare disappeared into the midst of a legion of thousands.


As soon as Cesare’s command was given, the legions of the dead charged towards Ethan.

It was a horrifying sight.

A large number of undead and evil spirits rushed towards Ethan. There were evil spirits in front of Ethan, behind him, above his head, and even under his feet.

The Death Knight charged forward, raising his huge sword. The demons also cried along with the skeleton horse’s cries.

Woof-. Woof-. Woof-.

The underground mines were filled with all kinds of evil spirits.

“Euuugh, euuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-!”

Even the archbishop, who possessed considerable mental and divine powers, was tormented by the negative energy emitted by numerous evil spirits.

But then.

“It was a good attempt.”

Ethan’s words resonated with the demon power and demon slayer sword.

At the same time, all the evil spirits that Cesare had summoned trembled when they saw Ethan.

To be exact, I felt instinctively afraid when I saw the being that resided in that body.

They didn’t know.

The more negative energy they emit, the better for Ethan.

A swirling negative energy covered the ceiling of the underground mine like a cloud.


The negative energy that covered the ceiling of the mine began to be absorbed into Ethan’s body with fierce force.

If you were to absorb negative energy like that, you would die without even being able to breathe properly.

But Ethan’s momentum was not dampened at all. Rather, it was growing even stronger. The annihilation within his body even amplified its negative energy with tremendous momentum.

In an instant, Ethan’s eyes became cloudy. This was a phenomenon that occurred when the body filled with yin energy.

Ethan concentrated even more on the incredible sound that surprised even him.

Bihyeongrang, who I saw in the merger, continued to show a cynical attitude, and now I finally understand the reason for his cynicism.

‘It’s because of the yin energy.’

The legion of evil spirits that had once paused stomped their feet hard.

Perhaps because it was an underground mine, the sound spread out loudly every time I stomped my feet.

Boom-! Boom-! Boom-!

“Don’t be afraid. There’s only one. It’s very easy to devour one.”

At the signal of Cesare’s voice, the legion rushed at Ethan in one breath. There was no place to escape. The great number of evil spirits blocked all escape routes.

“Swallow it. Swallow the yin energy and make it your strength.”

At Cesare’s instigation, the legions’ fears disappeared.

“Oh, no!”

The archbishop, who was in pain, cried out urgently.

But it was too late. The Legion’s demons had already engulfed Ethan.

A situation where one is surrounded by evil spirits.

Ethan, standing inside, slowly spoke the words that he had been reciting like a spell in the video of the merger of Bihyeongrang and Bihyeongrang.

“All you flying ghosts.”


“Get lost.”


Ethan took a stance and swung the Demon Slayer sword with a great swing. The spinning strike left behind an afterimage like a full moon.


It was just one blow.

But that blow was enough.


The archbishop, who was losing consciousness from exhaustion, raised his head one last time and looked inside the mine.

The evil spirits that had filled the mine had all disappeared.

* * *

“… … .”

It was certainly a rare sight to see the Great Demon with such a blank expression.

Cesare doubted his eyes.

Until just a moment ago, his legions were filling this underground mine.

With just one swing of Ethan’s Demon Slayer sword, the entire legion was cut down and disappeared.

All the evil spirits were extinguished in one blow.

And now, Ethan, who had created that unbelievable scene, was slowly approaching.

Something was visible behind his back.

King of Ghosts.

At that sight, Cesare, known as the Great Devil, ground his teeth. For a moment, he was terrified by the sight.

“Damn it… … This is ridiculous. A lowly human being with just a sword… … What the heck… … I can’t understand. I don’t understand!”

“Do you know the Bihyeongrang? Where this Demon Slayer Sword is located, it is his territory. I, who hold this sword, am his representative.”

Ethan said.

“It’s not just a sword, Cesare. Rather.”

Ethan smiled, fully understanding the power of the invisible man.


One step.

“You, a little devil like me.”

One more step again.

“Who are you trying to challenge?”

Cesare felt fear again. He had no plan for how to deal with Ethan, who was approaching him step by step. No, there was only one way.

But that method was the last resort, and it was the method Cesare least willing to use.

Choosing this method would mean admitting that Ethan was an opponent that even an immortal soul could not defeat.

It was the perfect humiliation for the great devil Cesare. That was why I didn’t want to choose it.

“I never thought I would choose this method myself… … .”

But there was nothing I could do. I could never win against a human who was outside my standards. If I couldn’t win, I had no choice but to bury him in time.

Because man’s greatest enemy is time.

Cesare, whose resolve was firm, slumped down as Ethan approached.

“Get up.”

“… … .”

“Get up, Cesare.”

But Cesare did not move. Ethan looked at Cesare with the eyes of Horus.

“Look at this? How proud are you? You’re sealing yourself away?”

It was something that couldn’t be understood with common sense. But a great devil like Cesare is not someone who can be understood with common sense.

“Still, this is a seal that can be broken.”

Perhaps if Ethan gave up and turned back, he would take his time and break the seal on his own.

“Cesare, I am still not satisfied with my curiosity.”

Ethan squinted his eyes and raised his hand, and a magic circle began to form.

Currently, Ethan is full of yin energy and can use his demonic powers freely.


As Ethan released the seal, Cesare, who had been lying down, slowly opened his eyes.

“W, what is this… …! It definitely self-sealed… … .”

“I solved it.”


“I still have questions, but where are you running off to?”

“This, this fucking human… … !”

“Let our smart arch-demon share more of his knowledge with you damn humans.”

Ethan swung down his Demon Slayer sword and pinned Cesare’s body to prevent him from escaping.

“You won’t be able to run away freely anymore.”

“Fuck… …Fuck-!”

“The Rosicrucians who broke your seal. Where are they now? And.”

There was one more thing that was most suspicious.

“Could it be that they are trying to revive not the Old God, but Sundrake?”

Sundrake, the first leader of the Rosicrucian Order.

Cesare shivered at Ethan’s question, but soon nodded.


‘The tables are turning strangely.’

Ethan asked again.

“Then where are the Rosicrucians who resurrected you now?”

At Ethan’s question, Cesare shuddered and raised his hands forward.

Then he wiggled and showed his index finger.

There was a wall in the direction he pointed.

“Over there.”

Ethan swung his sword in the direction Cesare pointed.


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not work with dark mode