Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 260

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 260

Episode 260. The Truth

A healthy Sigma Lordhammer surrounded by dwarves.

And Sigma Roadhammer groans in pain next to Ethan.

Two great hammers of Tartarus.

The dwarves didn’t quite understand the situation. Why was there another Sigma next to Ethan, who had emerged from the rift?

“Why are there two of you, the Great Hammer… … .”

Ethan grinned as he looked at the surprised dwarves.

At the end of that smile was the intact Sigma Roadhammer, one of the 5 Apostles.

“This crack. It’s really well made. Everyone thinks it’s a hole that monsters pour out of, so who would think to go inside? Since no one goes in, it’s the perfect place to hide something.”

Ethan said, looking at the healthy Sigma. Next to him were the dwarves who always assisted the king, and they were looking at Ethan with astonishment.

On the other hand, Sigma Roadhammer did not look surprised. Rather, he was calm.

But from those eyes flowed endless malice.

The fifth apostle looked at Ethan once, then lifted his chin as he saw Sigma groaning next to him. He was clearly looking down.

The water is spilled.

Who would have thought I’d find the real Sigma Roadhammer?

The five apostles applauded.

“How did you know?”

“From the beginning.”

Ethan answered curtly.

“I should have just killed him. You made things so troublesome. But, well, it can’t be helped. Where in the world is there anything easy?”

“Above, the great hammer?”

“What the heck is going on… … .”

Ethan shouted at the dwarves.

“The people you are assisting me with right now are fake! The real Sigma is right next to me!”

“… … !”

“Ah, it’s fake?”

“The real Sigma-sama… … ?”

The dwarves were confused. This Sigma is fake?

The dwarves have been with this decent looking Sigma Roadhammer since Tartarus.

Even after crossing the cracks in Tartarus and coming to Waterpia, we continued to be together.

The Great Hammer is the king of Tartarus.

The Great Hammer needed the perfect escort, and the escort dwarves were up to the task.

During this entire process, I never took my eyes off Sigma even once. If there had been a switch, I would have definitely noticed, but no matter how much I thought about it, there was no such process.

So I couldn’t just believe Ethan’s words.

At that moment, the real Sigma, who had been groaning, straightened his posture with Ethan’s support.

“This is me… … This is me who got hit! Damn it… … ! I’m not worthy of being called the Great Hammer! It’s humiliating. It’s so humiliating. You’re putting me aside and acting like me? You damn thing!”

Sigma really spat out his words as if he was sobbing.

“Irit, Babyrock! Bring me my hammer! I’ll smash that fake bastard’s head back in!”

“… … !”

“… … !”

The two dwarves whose names were called looked surprised.

I never took my eyes off him, but I definitely sensed something uncomfortable.

Sigma’s original way of speaking was rough and direct like that.

He was one of the greatest hammers of all time, yet at the same time he was infinitely dwarf-like.

“If you think about it… … you’ve never had a beer when you came to Waterpia.”

“He used to drink beer every day.”

“I didn’t even hear any curses.”

“It was a curse I heard every day.”

These were things I hadn’t even noticed because the situation was so urgent.

But when I realized that I was serving a fake Sigma, the sense of discomfort really hit me.

The dwarves began to back away from the fake Sigma.

“no way…….”

“A fake Sigma?”

“Don’t doubt it. Didn’t you come to Waterpia with me?”

“… … .”

Despite those words, the dwarves grabbed the hammers at their waists.

As the dwarves widened their distance, Ethan took a step forward.

The fifth apostle sighed briefly.

“This is becoming a nuisance.”

Then he turned his gaze back to Ethan, who was approaching him.

“What a coincidence. You obviously had no reason to come here. And no one knew about this. I took over the work that someone else was going to do and carried it out perfectly.”

The fifth apostle stroked his chin as if he was wondering.

“Because I know that.”

Ethan smiled with the corners of his lips raised towards the five apostles.

“That you are an apostle.”

He told the truth in an extremely low voice. Then, the five apostles who had maintained a calm attitude until then began to laugh.

It was the same smile that was seen in the secret warehouse of Waterpia the other day.

“Let’s just give it all up. If everything had gone according to my original plan, Tartarus and Waterpia would have already been destroyed. I was careful because the higher-ranking apostles told me to do it moderately. But it ended up being a nuisance because of some insignificant flies.”

The five apostles let out a short sigh again.

At the same time, a group of people approached from a distance.

It was the Pope and the King of Waterpia who were blocking the cracks in Waterpia. Also, many mermaid knights were following behind them.

“What the hell is this noise!”

The King of Waterpia came forward with a loud roar. I thought a crack had appeared, but instead of a crack, something else was happening.

Two Sigmas.

One Sigma was injured, while the other, unharmed, was guarded by dwarf warriors.

“What is this… …? Why are there two great hammers?”

The king of Waterpia could not understand this situation.

But the Pope, who was standing next to him, quickly grasped the situation.

Two Sigma Roadhammers.

And Ethan Wickers next to the injured Sigma.

For a moment, Ethan and the Pope’s eyes met. The Pope gave Ethan a thumbs up as if he understood everything.

Ethan found himself laughing.

‘I’m sure it was worth the life-changing experience.’

You’ll probably think it’s a good thing.

The Pope quickly gestured to the King of Waterpia. As the King approached, the Pope quickly told him the whole story.

The fact that the other party was hiding in perfect disguise and had to hide this fact from the king was also revealed. And when he was told that the one who had done the perfect disguise was the culprit who caused this rift, the king looked surprised.

“Oh my gosh… … So the Great Hammer wasn’t real? Someone was disguising themselves as the Great Hammer to create a rift in Waterpia… … and even destroy Tartarus all at once?”

It was a perfect trick. Who would have thought that he would blindly persecute the people of Waterpia with such a wicked act?

“You damn thing! How dare you, how dare you, in this Waterpia!”

As the king grew angry, the Knights of Pia, the strongest knights of Waterpia who had been lined up behind him, stepped forward.

A special body armor that clings to the body and a long trident.

The one in front of him, who appeared to be the commander of the knights, was holding an ornate trident.

“Give me the order, Your Majesty.”

The Knight Commander, who was listening to the story from the side, was also angry.

“I will definitely carry out your order as you have given me.”

Also, the dwarf warriors who had been wary of the fake Sigma began to turn against the Five Apostles.


The five apostles, who had been pretending to be Sigma in a situation where they were practically cornered, slowly bowed their backs.

When he straightened his back again, he looked completely different.

The fifth apostle slowly swept his long hair upward and let out a long sigh.

“That’s why I said it would be easier to just kill them all.”

A sharp impression. And violent mana that flows out explosively.

Unlike normal mana, this mana stickily consumed the surroundings.


In addition, a cold air flowed.

“These are the damned upper apostles. They’re too consumed by their past memories. Of course, there must have been strong ones back in the old days. They must have been traumatized when they were hit hard when the upper apostles were active. But that was back then.”

The five apostles clenched their fists.

“I wasn’t there.”

The King of Waterpia raised his hand as he watched the five apostles muttering to themselves. Then, the Knights of Pia immediately took up a stance to charge.

The Knights of Pia are the strongest force in Waterpia.

In addition, the dwarf warriors escorting Sigma also aimed their hammers at the five apostles.

A portion of Waterpia’s best power and Tartarus’ best power.

The king of Waterpia raised his hand.

“Arrest him alive! I’ll hear from his own lips what his true identity is!”

As soon as the king’s command was given, the commander of the knights Pia raised his sword.


But there were those who moved faster than that.

Fake Sigma, the dwarf warriors who were deceived by the Five Apostles.

Despite their heavy bodies, their speed was extremely fast. They stomped hard on the ground and charged forward with explosive power from their thick legs.

The five apostles took a stance as they saw the dwarven warriors rushing towards them.

‘Let’s meet up sometime.’

Ethan didn’t bother to step forward. Ethan had already found the real Sigma and the mastermind behind this situation.

‘There’s no need to step forward first, though.’

Ethan didn’t know the true faces of the five apostles, but he knew their strength.

I only saw them fight once, so I wasn’t sure about their level.

‘The number of apostles does not reflect anything else. It is determined entirely by strength.’

The lower the number, the stronger it is.

The difference in level between the five apostles and the apostles that Ethan had previously dealt with was as great as the difference in numbers.

In particular, there was a significant power gap between the 1st and 5th apostles.

‘There’s a reason the top three apostles are divided.’

When Ethan was challenging the apostles, I also heard this story.

The three apostles alone could defeat all the apostles below them.

He even said that the gap in level would probably continue to widen even up to the 5th apostle.

‘I said that just because they are all apostles, it doesn’t mean they are all the same.’

Five hammers flying at the same time.

The fifth apostle took a stance and swung his fist at the hammers.


With a loud noise, the hammers of five dwarf warriors shattered simultaneously. It wasn’t just the hammers. The warriors fell forward with a groan of their death.

“Keuk… … .”

“… … !”


Sigma Lordhammer clicked his tongue at the sight of the dwarf warriors falling.

The King of Waterpia’s eyebrows furrowed at the sight of the dwarf warriors being incapacitated in an instant.

But the Knights of Pia charged forward without paying any attention.

The five apostles, who had been stretching slightly, stepped forward and then disappeared in an instant.


And then there was another loud noise. It was the sound of a fully armed Knight of the Pia Order’s armor being shattered.

The series of events was a pace that was difficult for the Knights of Pia to handle.

No one in the Knights Templar, including the Grand Master, could keep up with the speed of the Five Apostles.

There were only two people.

It was possible to follow the speed of the five apostles with one’s eyes.

One of them, the Pope, spoke to the King of Waterpia again.

“All troops, fall back!”

The king’s command was given, but the five apostles moved faster than him. As soon as they stepped on the ground with light steps, their figure disappeared again.

Overwhelming physical abilities.

And his unarmed fighting skills were at a level that no one from the Knights of Pia could stop.



“This, this is… … .”

“The Knights of Pia… … .”

“What on earth is going on… … ?”

The fishmen who were watching began to turn pale. This is the Pia Knights, made up of only the most powerful fishmen in Waterpia.

The Knights of Pia were being helplessly defeated.

It wasn’t even visible what kind of attack had taken place. Every time something broke, a knight would fall.

The atmosphere became strange. Fear spread slowly, and despair also joined in.

There is only one enemy.

However, he was unable to stop that one person and continued to be pushed back.


The Knights of Pia fall. At the end of them lies the King of Waterpia.

“I am going to Your Majesty!”

“Stop it! No matter what!”

But it was too late. The Knights of Pia were already falling, unable to handle the speed of the Five Apostles.

There was no way to stop the five apostles who were rushing to take over the king of Waterpia.


The five apostles, who had reached the king’s close range in an instant, smiled.

“Let’s start from the head.”

Then the Pope, who was next to the king, moved.

The moment Pope Frederick was about to swing his staff at the five apostles who had approached him.


A sword that protruded before the Pope’s staff blocked the fists of the five apostles.

“It’s the first time an enemy has blocked my fist with just a sword.”

It was Ethan’s sword that blocked the five apostles’ fists.

Ethan smiled at the words of the five apostles.

“There will be a lot of things that will be new to you from now on.”


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not work with dark mode