Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 253

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 253

Episode 253. Reason

Dwarves in Waterpia. When Ethan glanced at the Hydroscale, he too looked surprised.

“Why is there a dwarf here… … .”

The dwarf looked back.

“Another human has arrived. But only one has come? You said you were bringing a large force of reinforcements, right?”

He was a dwarf with a long beard that was tied up like a twist.

Eyes and nose that look sharp.

And compared to his extensive beard, his shiny scalp stood out without a single strand of stray hair.

“Are you making a joke out of this?”

The dwarf snorted and walked forward.

“Things seem to be going strangely.”

Hydroscale couldn’t answer Ethan’s question, because he knew nothing about the situation.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know anything right now.”

“It’s okay. You’ll know once you meet me.”

Soon, Hydroscale, standing in front of the meeting room, announced that he had brought reinforcements, and the huge door opened.

“You can come inside. I’ll be in the reception area, so if you need any help, just ask me.”

Ethan left Hydroscale behind and entered the reception room. The decorations, furniture, and the unique style of Waterpia stood out.

The fairly large meeting room was packed with people.

The fishermen guards lined up on the left and right. At the end of them, sitting in front of the round table, was the king of Waterpia.

To his left sat an old man in pure white clothing and a small hat, and opposite him sat a dwarf with a bushy gray beard and gray hair.

‘The king of Waterpia. Next to him is Frederick Beakham, the Pope of the Holy Light Church.’

The dwarf across from me was the one I had been hoping for.

‘Sigma Lordhammer, the great hammer of Tartarus, the city of the dwarves.’

Sigmar Lordhammer was the king of Tartarus, the dwarven city.

He was one of the most powerful dwarves, having already been elected to the throne three times and is considered the most skilled at hammering among the dwarves.

‘Why is Sigma here?’

Ethan had several experiences obtaining equipment made by Sigma himself in Mephan, so he had quite a crush on Sigma.

But this was actually my first time meeting him.

Sigma was a powerful figure in Tartarus, and at the same time, he was a worker who personally led many of Tartarus’ affairs.

Because the construction was so busy, he was a person you could only meet outside of Tartarus.

By the way, that Sigma is in Waterpia.

Ethan didn’t understand. He knew from the beginning that dwarves didn’t like water very much.

“Who is it?”

The three powerful men were sitting around a round table, talking, and when Ethan came in, their eyes were immediately drawn to him.

Ethan bowed his head in greeting.

“My name is Ethan Wickers. I have come to help Waterpia at the request of Hydroscale, who have been requesting that we resolve the issues that have arisen in Waterpia.”

“You’re reinforcements. But… … Are you the only one who came as reinforcements?”

Ethan nodded at the King of Waterpia’s words.

Pope Frederick, next to him, smiled at Ethan.

“Mr. Ethan Wickers, I never thought I would meet you here. You may not know Mr. Ethan, but I know Mr. Ethan.”

“Your Holiness, it is an honor to meet you. Who in the Holy Empire does not know you?”

The Pope smiled kindly at Ethan’s words.

Ethan was a talent that the Holy Light Church was also watching closely.

“Do you know this person?”

“I know, Sigma. He’s a great young man. He’s accomplished a lot in many ways at such a young age.”

In response to Sigma’s question, the Pope spoke about Ethan.

“Oh, he seems like a pretty interesting person. You said he lived for about 20 years? Then he must be a total piece of meat. To think he could do such things at such a young age.”

Sigma glanced at Ethan. Then, suddenly, he fixed his gaze on him and made a questioning voice.


His eyes lingered on the two swords hanging from Ethan’s waist.

“You have a nice sword. You can tell just by looking at the scabbard.”

Sigma smiled brightly.

“You recognized me. It’s Ethan Wickers.”

Ethan held out his fist. It was a greeting from a dwarf. Sigma laughed cheerfully at the unexpected sight.

“Whahahahaha-! It’s Sigma Roadhammer. The great hammer that leads Tartarus is me. By the way, your greeting is quite natural. Where did you learn that greeting?”

Greetings appropriate to the race are very useful for increasing favorability, so Ethan memorized the greetings of all the races.

‘This is basic stuff.’

Sigma met Ethan’s fist with his massive fist.

“There is a dwarf among my acquaintances. Thank you for welcoming me.”

“Things are getting a little chaotic. After hearing the Pope’s words, I think you deserve to sit here too. You, the reinforcements who came to help Waterpia, please sit across from me.”

Ethan sat down at the round table naturally.

-Your fame will rise!

‘Of course it has to go up.’

Ethan sat down and smiled so small it was almost invisible.

This round table is now a place where only those who have great power and can take responsibility for that power can sit.

I never thought I’d end up sitting in a place like that.

It seems like only yesterday that I almost died from a cough due to encephalitis. It was a situation where I could feel the difference in the times.

‘That’s a nice sense of accomplishment.’

But Ethan had no intention of being satisfied with this ambiguous state.

This sense of accomplishment I feel now is not the final destination. It is merely a passing point.

“So, if you don’t mind, I’d like to hear what you were talking about.

As Ethan spoke naturally, the three leaders looked at Ethan.

“You must have just arrived at Waterpia. But you must have seen a lot on your way here. So let me just give you a brief summary.”

The king of Waterpia said.

“There is a god in this sea who has been protecting Waterpia for a long time. They are called guardian deities, but they are not true gods. You could say they are guardian spirits. They have lived longer than us.”

But then the guardian deity of Waterpia started to get sick.

“The sacred aura turned black and a putrid smell began to spread everywhere. We quickly investigated the cause. However, during the investigation, another anomaly occurred.”

A crack appeared and monsters began pouring out through it.

“Deep sea monsters have invaded Waterpia. At the same time, our guardian spirits who were investigating the incident have also lost their minds and started to run wild.”

The King of Waterpia was convinced that this whole situation was a problem that someone had planned.

“Our guardian spirit helped us until he was on the verge of losing his mind. The last thing he said was that someone with a pitch-black aura and blue eyes was doing this.”

The King of Waterpia tried to find the culprit and at the same time try to resolve this situation.

But as you can see, the result was a failure. The culprit was not found, and the situation was getting worse.

“Many citizens have been affected by the cracks that have continued to grow. It has become a situation that I can no longer resolve on my own.”

‘Waterpia is an isolated place. It’s not that the King and the fishermen of Waterpia are incompetent. It’s that the Apostle has planned things well.’

“So, His Holiness the Pope has come as reinforcements.”

“Yes. The King helped our sect 30 years ago. That’s why I came to repay that debt. But it’s not easy. We’re still looking for the culprit, but it’s hard to find him, and we’re in a hurry to close the gap right now… … .”

“Thank you for that, Frederick.”

Before the Pope arrived, Waterpia had not been able to properly deal with the cracks.

Those who could use magic and divine powers tried to stop the cracks, but they were often defeated by monsters and poison instead.

It was solely the Pope’s divine power that prevented the cracks from forming.

But this is only a temporary measure.

To prevent the cracks from continuously appearing, the root cause had to be found and eliminated.

‘So that’s why you called for additional reinforcements.’

One question was answered, but one more remained.

“If you don’t mind, I’d like to ask you something. Why are you here, Sigma Roadhammer?”

Why is the dwarf Sigma in Waterpia?

Did you ask Sigma for help too?

“Why? I don’t know why I’m here either.”

Sigma sighed.

“This crack didn’t just appear in Waterpia. A crack appeared in our Tartarus as well. I came to Waterpia through that crack.”

“So you’re saying that the rifts are connected to each other? So Tartarus and Waterpia are connected, and monsters come out from another connected place?”

“You understood that in one breath. You have good comprehension skills. At first, I thought, what the hell is this?”

Sigma took a firm hold of the round table.

“It’s not just Waterpia’s problem. That’s why I had to come. It’s a problem we have to solve together. What can I do if I don’t like water? Water is going to come in through that crack.”

‘It can’t be a coincidence.’

The dwarven city of Tartarus and the fishermen’s city of Waterpia are connected by chance? That’s ridiculous.

‘What are you Moon Followers after?’

There must be a reason for connecting the cities of the two races.

“First of all, we need to get rid of the cracks that keep appearing. Don’t worry, I’ll do whatever it takes.”

“… … If we don’t eliminate the root cause, won’t the cracks continue to appear? I’ll try to find a solution somehow.”

The meeting ended without much fruit.

‘First, we must find the cause of the crack and eliminate it. At the same time, we must catch the apostle of the Dawn Society who is doing this.’

“Ethan, we would like to express our deepest gratitude for coming to help Waterpia.”

After the meeting, Ethan was officially recognized as a member of Waterpia’s support team and was assigned a place to stay.

It was a magnificent accommodation.

‘There are the Pope’s and Sigma’s rooms on either side. I guess they’re definitely treating me like a VIP.’

After Ethan was assigned a room, he decided to meet the Pope right away.

The original reason Ethan came here was to meet the Pope.

On the way to the Pope’s room.

Ethan felt an intense divine power at the end of the hallway.

Ethan, who approached it as if possessed, discovered a space sealed with countless artifacts and magic.

No, I had a vague feeling that it was not even certain whether it was space.

Because there was no entrance itself.

‘This… …is the energy of a holy relic.’

Ethan had already obtained the relic from the Felix family’s underground vault. Because of that, he remembered the unique aura that the relic gave off.

“no way…….”

Are you trying to carry out actions in both Waterpia and Tartarus at the same time, and take advantage of the chaos in the two kingdoms to steal the sacred relics of both races?

‘Many people have died in this incident. They are also harvesting souls to use as sacrifices.’

If that’s the case… … .

At that moment, Ethan felt a presence behind him.


“… … !”

Pope Frederick.

He looked at Ethan with a slight frown.

“Is Mr. Ethan really Mr. Ethan Wickers?”

The Pope asked a question whose meaning was unclear.


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not work with dark mode