Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 245

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 245

Episode 245. Eye Stamp


next day.

Legia was bewildered by the changes in Yeri and Shudlen.

Apparently, the two escorts were barely able to keep up with Legia’s lessons until yesterday.

But now the condition of the two escorts was very good.

Of course, his expression wasn’t good, but his physical condition was quite good.

“What happened?”

“… … I didn’t eat yesterday.”

“I didn’t need to eat. And it’s not that I didn’t eat, it’s that I couldn’t eat… … .”

“What does that mean… … ?”

Legia was impressed. I don’t know what happened last night, but those two had a huge amount of mana accumulated in their bodies.

“It looks like Mr. Ethan left you a gift.”

“… …It wasn’t a gift.”

“Ugh, I’m still hungry.”

“Well then, I guess I can do it properly now.”

As Legia smiled, the two escorts’ expressions hardened.

“When you say “properly… …,” are you saying that up until now it hasn’t been a proper class?”

Schudlen’s voice trembled.

“Of course, what we did yesterday was just a warm-up before going to class. Thanks to Mr. Ethan, we can now go to class, so everyone should be thankful.”

Then Legia took out a thick club from his waistband.

“Let’s start with the correction first. Don’t worry. My correction is painless.”

* * *

‘From today, a swift prince or princess will come to me.’

He’ll check to see if Ethan is on Evangeline’s side, and if he doesn’t, he’ll try to recruit Ethan somehow.

‘A day or so is enough time to investigate me.’

Given the time of day, you should have had a fair amount of insight into who Ethan Wickers is.

And it must have been quite a shock.

‘Even if they investigate, all that will come out will be things that are beyond their common sense.’

A new swordsmanship teacher at Ibeka Academy who overcame an incurable disease.

It was a line that described Ethan after he left the Wickes household.

‘If I see someone like this, I will be suspicious and investigate further.’

But there is nothing more to come.

‘Then they’ll try to recruit him somehow.’

If that’s all we know about Ethan Wickers, he shouldn’t be hard to recruit.

He will offer you a much better position than the academy’s teaching position, and will tell you that staying by his side will bring you wealth and fame.

‘That’s a pretty good suggestion.’

These are suggestions that Ethan might have accepted if he were an ordinary teacher at any other academy.

But Ethan knows that this offer isn’t all that good.

‘If you don’t stand on the side where victory is certain, you could lose your life.’

Plus, since he has to put all his energy into this right now, it’s not a good proposition for Ethan, who has other clear goals.

That’s why Ethan didn’t go under Evangeline even though he could have.

“There is absolutely no reason to pick a side or take sides.”

Ethan already knows.

Who will be the winner in this fight for succession?

Of course, now that Evangeline was fully healed, it was highly likely that things wouldn’t go as Ethan knew them.

‘But still, I don’t know who is empty and who is full.’

Ethan, having finished getting ready, quickly came outside.

The place we were headed to now was the First Prince’s office.

‘I go to you before you come to me.’

That way, you can take control of the situation.

* * *

“Bring him here immediately.”



As the vassal, who had received the prince’s order, was about to go out, someone knocked on the door.

“What’s going on?”

“Ethan Wickers has arrived.”

At that moment, the first prince and his vassals in the office looked surprised.

“Hey, tell them to come in.”

The first prince cleared his throat and said.

When the door opened and Ethan appeared, everyone couldn’t hide their doubts.

I was just about to go see Ethan, but he came to me in person?

As soon as Ethan entered, the First Prince immediately gestured to his vassals. The vassals quickly stood up and left the room.

The first prince and Ethan sat facing each other, now alone.

“I thought you’d come first. I was just going to thank you for curing Evangeline’s wicked illness.”

The first prince said with a smile.

“No problem. I just happened to have a small talent, so I used that talent to treat the Third Princess.”

Ethan also answered with a smile.

“I didn’t come here to receive your thanks. I just wanted to say hello.”

Ethan, who had been speaking naturally, began to take something out of his subspace pocket.

Ethan took out two things.

“Do you need any of these items?”

What Ethan took out was a magnificent sword and shield. A sword with blue flames and a shield with a red aura.

Next, what Ethan took out was a special golem that could be used for training.

Prince Eduardo looked puzzled when these items were suddenly taken out.

The reason Ethan came to the palace was to obtain the imperial seal.

In order to advance to the Twelve Stars, you need a strong backing. It doesn’t matter whether the Imperial Family will help you in an emergency. What matters is the tangible evidence that the Imperial Family is standing behind you.

‘It’s the name that matters.’

Of all the names in the world, the most expensive one was, of course, the imperial name. Since he happened to have a connection with the imperial master, Legia, Ethan used that connection to come straight to the imperial family.

‘I obtained the imperial seal through Evangeline. I also developed a certain degree of connection with the Emperor. But the palace is huge.’

The power of the imperial palace is so great that its limits are unknown.

The pillars of the Holy Empire are the Twelve Star Clans, the highest families on the continent, but the one that reigns above them is the Holy Empire Imperial Family.

‘So, what I’m saying is that any powerful person who carries the name of the royal family is worth their name.’

Anyway, this war of succession will not end easily.

It goes on and on until that Cairodias steps down on his own.

So Ethan intended to make connections with all the powerful figures involved in the fight for the succession.

It would be best if he could solve the problem like Evangeline, but Ethan thought the best thing to do was business.

‘Going back to the reason I came here in the first place. It’s better to get involved in business than to get caught up in a power struggle.’

“These are the items we handle at our Ethan workshop.”

“… …Is this a golem?”

“Yes, it is a special golem. It is very good for training purposes. It is one of the most popular artifacts in Ethan’s workshop.”

Eduardo, who had been flustered, regained his composure.

Ethan realized why he came here.

“You came here to do business. Hahahahahaha-.”

How could he possibly come to sell things directly to me, the prince?

Ethan is a lifesaver to Princess Evangeline. There is no reason for him to come to Eduardo to sell things.

With Evangeline’s connections, these things can be sold in heaps anywhere.

But the fact that he brought it to me must mean that it has another meaning.

For a moment, Prince Eduardo stared at Ethan.

If it was short, it was short, and if it was long, it was long.

‘I’ll be silent here. Think about it further.’

Prince Eduardo is quite intelligent. That’s why he was easy to deal with.

‘That’s a really good thing.’

Smart people don’t try to see the situation in front of them as it is.

We try to analyze the phenomenon and understand its intention.

‘I just came to sell some stuff from Ethan’s workshop.’

It means that Prince Eduardo sees things differently.

‘I, Evangeline’s benefactor, am going to come to Prince Eduardo and sell him something? What’s the point? That’s what he’s probably thinking.’

There is no meaning in it.

Because there is nothing, meaning arises.


The prince’s expression brightened significantly.

It seemed like he had figured out Ethan’s intentions in his own way.

“I will buy it. I have heard about this special golem, but it seems that it is run by Ethan himself.”

“Yes, I am working with David Top to sell them. Of course, I also sell them directly.”

“Then I’ll buy everything I can afford.”

The prince readily expressed his intention to purchase it, but he also asked Ethan a question.

“Ethan, are you planning to sell these items to your other brothers?”

‘I see how you took it. You took it that I have no intention of participating in the fight for the succession.’

Ethan said what he wanted to say.

“Yes, if anyone wants to.”

With this, Prince Eduardo will no longer try to drag Ethan into the succession fight.

He didn’t bring her to his side, but he didn’t side with Evangeline either. It didn’t seem like he had any intention of joining the other side either.

“I’ll try out the special golem once and buy more if I need them. I’ll buy the sword and shield as well. I hope we can continue to have good deals.”

In that case, just maintaining this good relationship is enough.

The next place Ethan headed to was the imperial library, which the Emperor had permitted entry to.

It took a little while for the word to spread that Ethan had gone to see Eduardo.

It seemed like a good idea to spend that free time in the palace library.

Ethan was also very excited as it was his first time entering the palace library.

‘Especially swordsmanship.’

Ethan had currently created his own unique swordsmanship called Ethan Swordsmanship through the New World.

It could be seen as an original sword technique that Ethan created by modifying the various sword techniques he had learned so far in his own way.

‘I wish there was a bit more destructive power here.’

Rather than learning from the gods of the new world, I wanted to combine the swordsmanship on this board.

‘Like Frost Sword Technique and Thunder Sword Technique.’

“The palace archives access card has been verified. You may enter.”

Ethan, who entered the library, let out an exclamation of “Wow” without realizing it.

The first thing that greeted Ethan was the smell.

The smell of old books. Beyond that, an overwhelming number of books caught Ethan’s eyes.

‘I don’t know how much it is.’

It was larger and more extensive than any other library I had ever visited.

Look here, look there …

A four-story library. Every shelf in it was filled with books.

‘There are also a lot of artifacts installed. Not only is entry from the outside strictly prohibited, but taking them out from the inside is also completely controlled.’

“Hello, Ethan Wickers. Welcome to the Imperial Vaults. I would like to tell you some precautions for the Imperial Vaults Royal Library. Is that alright?”

“Yes, please.”

“There are many books in the Royal Library. There are books on swordsmanship and magic, as well as a lot of history books. They are classified by numbers and letters on the bookshelf, so you can find the book you want and read it.”

The palace historian’s explanation continued.

“Those who have access to the Royal Library can read all the books here. However, taking them out is absolutely prohibited. Books in the Royal Library can only be read within the Royal Library. That’s all. Enjoy your time.”

With those words, the palace librarian hid himself in an instant.

‘You seem more like an assassin than a librarian.’

It seems that he also served as a librarian and guarded against those who tried to sneak out books.

Of course, only the princes and princesses can enter here.

Ethan first went to the bookshelf where books related to swordsmanship were collected.

“There are too many.”

There were so many books that I couldn’t even count them.

“There are different types of swordsmanship.”

Ethan, who was looking through the bookshelves filled with swordsmanship books, noticed a shelf containing magic books.


The bookshelf was categorized as books related to curse magic.

Ethan quickly went to the bookshelf and looked through the books there.

“… …Crucius, Arsense, Mana Extinction.”

Ethan looked through the magic books one by one.

And at the end of it.

-[About extinction]

Extinction was discovered.


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not work with dark mode