Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 238

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 238

Episode 238. Showdown

“Oh. Ohhh.”

Ethan taught Asclepius the basics of acupuncture. Asclepius nodded repeatedly in admiration.

“That god named Heo Jun is really amazing! Who would have thought he would develop such a unique technique? Wow, that’s great. To have such a simple method produce such a definite effect. This is not possible. I guess I’ll just subscribe.”

Asclepius looked quite pleased.

‘I never thought I would end up teaching God.’

But I felt pretty good because Heo Jun’s acupuncture was recognized.

“Great, great! So that’s why you’re combining them. This acupuncture is great, but your skills are even better.”

Asclepius took something out of his bosom.

“This is my snake staff goods. It should have gotten at least 15 likes, but I’m giving it to you out of gratitude, so please don’t refuse.”

-Snake Staff of Asclepius

The staff carried by Asclepius. It enhances healing abilities.

As soon as Ethan took the staff, it disappeared from his hand.

“Like the goods in your eyes, you can take out the staff whenever you want.”

“Your healing abilities are enhanced.”

“That’s not all.”

Asclepius said.

“It’s pretty hard, so it’s good for beating up guys you don’t like.”

It was said that it was also pretty good as a blunt weapon.

Asclepius smiled happily and began to explain again.

As I saw in the video, Asclepius’ explanation skills were actually quite excellent.

“When using acupuncture… … .”

Ethan and Asclepius discussed how to best use the True Heuristic Acupuncture and Asclepius’ healing arts.

“I heard that the path through which mana flows has likely shrunk considerably. In the worst case scenario, it could have been completely destroyed. Normally, it wouldn’t have been strange if he had died. The fact that he’s still alive means that some of the sun’s power is still in his body.”

“Are you talking about the energy of the sun?”

“You said you took the pulse?”

“I didn’t feel any energy from the sun.”

“Then it’s hidden. It was treated by a pretty good healer. Before we treat it, we need to remove the sun’s energy first.”

‘That’s amazing.’

Ethan simply described Evangeline’s condition in words.

It would be difficult to know such details without checking it yourself.

‘The claim that he can bring the dead back to life is not an empty boast.’

“Take away the energy of the sun and suppress the energy of yin.”

“After that, you use Hygiene Healing to keep yourself clean, and temporarily strengthen your physical abilities with a potion made with Radiant Herbal Medicine.”

“If you pretend, it’s pretend.”

Asclepius smiled.

“I’ve merged with many subscribers over the years, but no one understands what I say as well as you. From what I’ve heard from you, that disease is definitely difficult to treat. But.”


Asclepius lifted his snake staff and struck the ground.

Then, a warm feeling spread around.

“No doctor ever gives up on a patient, right?”

* * *

After completing the merge, Ethan headed straight to Royal Gwyn, the palace infirmary where Evangeline was waiting.

Royal Gwynne, as befitting a palace facility, had numerous healers.

A priest who deals with white magic and divine magic.

Druids and magicians who actively utilize plants and herbs.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that all the healing methods of the empire were gathered at Royal Gwyn.

“It’s been a while.”

There was a nameplate in front of Royal Gwyn.

[There is no patient that cannot be cured]

Ethan passed the nameplate and entered Royal Gwyn.

“You came.”

Evangeline, who had arrived first, welcomed Ethan warmly.

Behind Evangeline were numerous healers, and when Ethan arrived, they all looked at him with distrust.

The gaze was so intense that it made my skin tingle, and the aura it emitted was incredible.

Even while he was busy treating patients, there were those who glared at Ethan.

“Your gaze is sharp.”

“After hearing that story, everyone became very sensitive.”

Evangeline smiled sheepishly. It was only natural. Ethan had assured her that he could cure her illness.

If we turn that statement around, it also means that the Royal Gwyn healers were unable to cure diseases that could have been cured.

‘Your pride can’t help but be hurt.’

But what can we do?

I said that if it can be done, it can be done.

As Ethan appeared, one of the healers inside approached him. He was a druid wizard with green hair.

‘I don’t know your face.’

“Your Highness, I am truly sorry, but I cannot remain silent without saying a word.”

The therapist looked at Ethan intently, as if he was feeling quite uncomfortable.

“Rendering, tell me exactly what you are dissatisfied with. I am overlooking your rude behavior right now because it is rendering.”

Evangeline spoke forcefully, her expression hard.

The Druid Mage Rendering bowed his head and opened his mouth again.

“It’s been over ten years since we’ve tried to cure the princess’s illness. You know, since you’ve been with us through the process. You know how much we’ve tried over the past ten years. But we’ve all failed. The director said that this disease is so vicious that even maintaining the status quo would be considered a success. I agree.”

Evangeline couldn’t bring herself to say anything at Rendering’s words. As he said, it was entirely thanks to their efforts that Evangeline was still alive.

“Oh, okay. Say it yourself. It would be better if we talked to each other rather than talking through me.”

As Evangeline stepped aside, Ethan and Rendering came face to face.

‘Royal Gwyn’s healers are certainly skilled, but they are too arrogant.’

He knew very well how great his skills were, so he had great confidence in his skills.

The same goes for the therapist right in front of you.

It slowed the progression of Evangeline’s disease and prevented her from dying, which would have been short-lived.

The achievement was great, but that was all.

‘The thinking has become fixed.’

Since they were unable to cure it on their own, they now believe that it is an incurable disease.

So, we have no choice but to dismiss Ethan’s claim that he can cure the disease as a lie.

“I am Rendering, the deputy director of the Royal Gwynn Infirmary. I heard that you were the one who lied to Princess Evangeline.”


When Ethan asked briefly, Rendering frowned.

“I heard that it can cure Princess Evangeline’s illness.”

“I never lied. I just said I could treat it, because I could.”

“Huh, you can cure it? How?”


Before he knew it, Ethan had spit in his hand.

“With this acupuncture.”

Then, Rendering’s expression changed in an instant. At the same time, the gazes of the surrounding therapists were fixed on the needle Ethan was holding.

“Were there any other therapists who used acupuncture?”

“I thought only the Deputy Director of Rendering could use it.”

“I never thought there would be another place that practiced acupuncture as a tradition.”

From what I heard, it seemed like Deputy Director Rendering also used acupuncture.

“Did you say Ethan Wickers? I haven’t heard that acupuncture is passed down in the Wickers family.”

“It is not acupuncture that has been passed down from generation to generation. I learned it separately and developed it myself.”

Ethan’s words made the rendering even more impressive.

“That may be the case. Acupuncture certainly has great effects. But it’s not a panacea.”

Ethan turned his head away from the rendering.

Then I made eye contact with the therapists around me.


As soon as I clapped my hands loudly, my gaze focused on Ethan.

“I know what you all think. I have been treating Princess Evangeline for over a decade, so I am sure you know how strong the disease that is eating away at her is.”

They are hostile to Ethan.

However, it was not possible for Ethan to respond to that hostility as is.

That’s why even if things work out well, we’re bound to have a falling out.


Why are they hostile to Ethan now?

“I completely understand that you think I’m talking nonsense.”

Ethan said.

“So you’re saying you’ll prove it?”

“So, does that mean I can test you?”

The deputy director of rendering said.

“However much.”

“Then follow me. I need to check your skills.”

* * *

Royal Gwyn is stocked with a wealth of high-quality materials.

Ethan was able to obtain many high-quality materials through the David Top and Garnet Top, but there were materials in the world that even such great tops could not obtain.

‘But you can get even those materials at Royal Gwyn. That’s the power of the palace.’

That’s why it’s much better to be friendly with the therapists here rather than hostile.

‘It’s not that I show hostility because I don’t like you.’

Because I don’t know how good Ethan is.

Of course, many of them know Ethan’s identity.

A famous swordsmanship teacher at Ibeka Academy.

But that swordsmanship teacher can cure Princess Evangeline’s illness?

‘Of course I couldn’t help but be suspicious.’

Even Ethan is very young.

Among the healers at Royal Gwyn, there was not a single one younger than Ethan. There was only one of his age, and he was too weak to take on any important duties in the clinic.

So, it is also assumed that young Ethan lacks expertise and skills.

From the beginning, he looked at Ethan with contempt as if he were looking at a conman.

‘I wonder. How they will test me.’

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know it would turn out like this.”

Evangeline said with a puzzled expression.

‘I couldn’t have not known. If the princess had spoken loudly there, the healers wouldn’t have said anything more. The reason they didn’t do that was probably because Princess Evangeline was curious about my skills.’

What if Ethan, who had stepped forward to treat her, made a mistake? If he had performed a procedure that was worse than not performing it at all due to his lack of skill, Evangeline’s body, which had barely managed to maintain balance, could have collapsed.

‘It’s a matter of conflicting interests.’

“Seriously-! Tightly-!”

A rooster was crowing somewhere.

What the deputy director of rendering brought were two chickens.

And he brought a long bundle of needles.

“It’s a simple proof. You have to spit on this chicken. You have to spit five times, but the chicken must not die or suffer. If you can spit all five times without any problems, I will acknowledge your skill without further discussion, Ethan Wickers.”

‘It’s a fun way.’

When Ethan, who had come to Royal Gwyn, announced that he would have an acupuncture match with the deputy director, Rendering, the therapists who were elsewhere also took their seats in the common area inside.

About thirty therapists all saw Ethan and Rendering.

“Then let’s begin.”

‘It’s definitely a good way to test your acupuncture skills. If you don’t know all the muscles, organs, and acupoints of a chicken, the chicken could suffer or die.’

If you are good at acupuncture, you can make the chicken receiving the acupuncture feel comfortable.

“I’ll go first.”

Ethan picked up a long needle.

“I guess I can just put it in until it’s out of sight?”


Then Ethan stabbed her without hesitation.

Even though I went in so far that I couldn’t even see the needle, the chicken didn’t move at all.


Then, Rendering also inserted a needle. The chicken in Rendering still did not move.


Ethan continued to spit.


And the third and fourth time, he put the needle in very easily. The long needle went in, but the chicken did not make even a small sound.

At that sight, Rendering’s eyes trembled for a moment. While Ethan quickly inserted four needles, Rendering was looking for a place to insert the second needle.


Rendering relaxed and sped up his thrusts a little. Just like Ethan, he put in four needles, and just like before, Rendering’s chicken remained quiet without making a sound.

“I don’t know who is higher… … !”

“No, you put in the same four, but Ethan Wickers was faster.”

“No way! So Ethan Wickers is more skilled? He looks about the same age as our youngest.”

Ethan glanced at the therapists. Their eyes were all changing as he showed off his skills.

Even the rendering seemed quite nervous about Ethan’s skills.

“This is the last one.”

Ethan inserted the fifth needle without much difficulty. Seeing this, Rendering took a deep breath and inserted the fifth needle.


“It was real! The acupuncture skills are on par with the deputy director’s!”

“I didn’t know someone with that level of acupuncture skills would be able to do it at that age!”

The therapists’ eyes changed as they looked at Ethan in admiration. Evangeline also felt relieved as she secretly clenched her fists.

Rendering also acknowledges Ethan’s skills.

“You have solid skills. I’m sorry, I… … .”

Rendering, who was about to approach Ethan and apologize, stopped in his tracks.

That was because Ethan had put another needle into the chicken.

The noisy surroundings suddenly became quiet.

Six needles. And yet the chicken was quiet.

“I said that I could definitely cure Princess Evangeline’s illness.”

Seven in a row. Rendering’s whole body trembled. It was nonsense.

Even for someone who has been practicing acupuncture for many years, putting five needles into a chicken was something that took him nearly five years to perfect.

But the man in front of me was sticking seven needles in. No, he was still raising his hand as if he hadn’t finished yet.


And nine.

The chicken with nine needles stuck in it did not even suffer, let alone die.

“Are you more curious about my skills?”

No one could answer that question.


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not work with dark mode