Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 227

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 227

Episode 227. Magic Association

“Wow! You said you were Master Schudlen Mark? With this level of skill, your name will soon be known.”

Thanks to the consideration of the Knight Commander, Shudlen went out to suppress bandits near the Junta territory and achieved great results.

He took the lead and defeated three bandits.

Even during the suppression process, three leaders were captured.

During the process, not a single person from the punitive force was injured. This was because the bandits were unable to fight properly due to the momentum of Shudlen, who was at the forefront.

After eliminating all the bandits near the Junta territory, Shudlen realized why the Knight Commander had sent him here.

‘Reality is completely different.’

If the situation warrants it, even the weak can kill the strong.

Relative strength never guarantees victory.

‘In a sparring match, whether you win or lose, you don’t die. But in a real fight, if you win, you live, and if you lose, you die.’

If I had continued to escort Ethan without knowing this, I would have been in big trouble at some point.

‘The thieves already knew that. If they had made a mistake, they could have been seriously injured.’

Until now, I thought it was right to fight like a knight.

But before he was a knight, Shudlen was Ethan’s bodyguard.

‘In matters of life and death, manners are not important. You must always think about that.’

Shudlen, who had grown a step further, returned to the Wickus territory while chewing on the enlightenment.

“Shudlen, how was your trip? Master Ethan and Master Nathan have returned. Go say hello quickly.”

“Oh, yes!”

Shudlen ran anxiously at the news that the young masters had returned. He wanted to show Ethan that he had become much stronger than before as soon as possible.

* * *

Nathan has been trained by renowned teachers at Freya’s Academy.

The classes at Freya Academy were rumored to be difficult, but they weren’t that difficult for Nathan. Thanks to this, Nathan was able to maintain good grades.

As a result, Nathan thought that he had a talent for studying. He thought that he could easily understand and follow any teacher’s lessons.

But now Nathan has abandoned that idea.

“Nathan, are you calling that a ritual?”

“I, I’m sorry… … .”



“One line can change everything. Focus. And be fast!”

Ethan’s teaching style was sharp and cool. He was particularly good at correcting problems, observing Nathan’s every action and pointing out the problems.

As a result, flaws began to be revealed in Nathan’s every move.

Nathan’s confidence that he had reached the top ranks of Freya Academy on his own without any support began to shatter.

In contrast, Nathan’s gaze was becoming increasingly fierce.

The poison that had enveloped Nathan’s entire body when he first entered Freya Academy was revealed again.

“Again! Focus on the spell. The same magic looks different depending on the caster because the spell is different depending on the caster. If you don’t understand that, you’ll never become a great magician, no matter how long you live.”


Nathan had already forgotten that Ethan was his older brother.

The person in front of you is the head teacher of Ibeka Academy.

A professional who is skilled not only in swordsmanship but also in magic.

Just follow his teachings thoroughly with the attitude of a student.

When I let go of my personal feelings, ironically, everything began to look clearer.

As mistakes were made, the techniques became more sophisticated.

Before he knew it, Nathan was gradually understanding Ethan’s teachings.


Once I understood one spell, Ethan’s explanation began to make sense. And I was able to see how roughly I had been writing the spell.

It’s not that I understand or use magic.

I just used the magic that was already created.

When I realized that, my face started to turn red.

With this kind of understanding, you wanted to become a top-tier player.

It was not the time to blame others. This was entirely his own problem.

Ethan smiled as he watched Nathan like that.

‘That’s great.’

He had only taught him for a few hours. In the meantime, Nathan had broken down the wall that had been blocking his path. All Ethan had done was teach him the right things.

‘No matter how well you educate someone, it’s not easy to break through a wall. It’s possible because you have talent.’

This is why it was possible to occupy the upper ranks of Freya without much difficulty.

‘The talent to take a teaching and make it your own. And one more thing.’

Nathan was hungry.

Because I thought I had nothing of my own, I digested even the smallest thing I learned.

‘The less you have, the more you can fill.’

As Nathan accepted everything he was taught, Ethan continued to teach Nathan various things.

‘When Nathan grows up, he will guard the Wickus estate on his own.’

It could be seen as advantageous in many ways to unleash that potential early.


Then, a brisk knocking sound was heard from outside.

“Your Majesty, this is Shudlein! May I come in?”

“come in.”

When I saw Shudlen after a long time, he had become much more plump than before.

“It’s been a while, Master Ethan, Master Nathan. This is Schudlen Mark.”

“Ugh… … Ugh… … Shudlen? Shudlen?”

Nathan, who was breathing heavily, looked at Shudlen with a puzzled expression.

Schudlen wasn’t a knight with such a muscular body. From what I remember, he seemed thin and young compared to the other knights.

But the Shudlen in front of me now looked like a true veteran knight. Muscles that looked like they were going to burst, intense eyes, and even strength that could be felt in every movement.

“Yes, it is Schudlen Mark, Master Nathan.”

“Wow… … Shudlen, can a person change this quickly? What on earth happened?”

“I was able to stay under the care of Master Ethan! Thanks to him, I was able to learn a lot.”

Schudlen smiled awkwardly.

Nathan nodded, as if he finally understood.

“Even so, to that extent… … you’ve learned too much, Shudlen.”

“Thank you for the compliment!”

Schudlen took a few steps back and tried to go outside.

“It’s okay to look at it, Shudlen.”

Nathan also nodded at Ethan’s words. At those words, Shudlen bowed his head to ask for permission and quietly stepped back.

Schudlen wasn’t all that surprised to see Ethan teaching Nathan. He had already seen Ethan’s teaching style in Ibekah, so it wasn’t a big surprise.

Rather, what Schudlen was paying close attention to was Ethan’s health.

It was great to see Ethan looking so much healthier than when I saw him at Ibeca.

But as I became healthier, the intensity of the classes became more intense.


Ethan’s classes were so strict that even Schudlen was surprised. Not even a single minor mistake that could have been overlooked was overlooked.

“You can’t just draw a formula and it will work. You have to understand it. Are you sure you understand this and are using it right now?”

“Let me try again.”

Schudlen, who has been living in Ibeka and has personally observed Ethan’s classes, said that even back then, his teaching methods were very sharp and strict, but now, it seems even stricter than before.

Schudlen, who was wondering why, soon realized the reason.

The problem was Nathan Wickers’ superior understanding.

Even though there may be shortcomings, he quickly understands what is taught and makes it his own.

If Nathan had not kept up with Ethan’s training, it would have been over long ago.

I had forgotten while staying by Ethan’s side that Nathan Wickers was also a promising genius who had entered Freya Academy.

Schudlen looked at Nathan in admiration. He must have been very tired, but he continued to draw. It seemed as if he had long since forgotten that he was watching.

Although Schudlen had recently come to his senses and felt quite confident, looking at him made him realize that it was not yet time for him to be that confident.

As the class continued like that, it soon became night.

Even though Schudlen was just watching the class from behind, his back was covered in sweat as if he was undergoing training.

“Ugh… … Ugh… … .”

Ethan patted Nathan, who was breathing heavily.

“Good job.”

“No, I can do more!”

“Excessive ambition actually reduces efficiency. And that’s where I end my teaching, Nathan.”

There was no need to teach him any more. It would take Nathan half a year to digest what he had learned today.

Normally, I wouldn’t have taught him this much in one day. But Nathan’s learning ability is so good that I ended up teaching him a little too much.

‘It was excessive, but not so much that I couldn’t digest it.’

“I’m looking forward to the Academy Exchange. If I taught you this much and you can’t come out as a representative, then there’s a problem. You know that?”

Ethan said.

“Let’s have our Whikus run around in the exchange match, Nathan.”


Nathan Wickes chuckled.

“I will definitely make it happen.”

* * *

“I plan to go to the palace.”

“Huh? The palace? No way! Are you going to receive an award?”

“It’s not a reward, I’m just going to get some education. Of course, you’re going with me. How could I, a weakling, go alone, Schudlen?”

Schudlen looked at Ethan. Ethan was much healthier than before. Of course, he didn’t seem to have completely recovered from his illness. He still had that characteristic sickly look.

Compared to a really healthy person, Ethan was still not in a condition to travel long distances.

“I’m nervous.”

“Don’t worry. I’m not going straight to the palace. I need to bring Yeerika back, and I’m also planning on stopping by the Felix family.”

Ethan said that and looked at Shudlen.

“Still, it seems like you prepared quite diligently? Shudlen, you’ve gotten quite strong.”

Shudlen nodded vigorously at Ethan’s words.

“You worked hard!”

When he noticed that she had worked hard, Shudlen was thrilled and started talking about how she had spent her time.

“This should be enough.”

Originally, I was planning to visit the Felix family’s estate before coming to the Wickus estate.

Having received the golden shield from Archmage Hansen and even rescued Kai Felix and Lohai Felix, Ethan could be considered an important guest of the Felix family.

Not only would you be treated with great respect, you would also receive enormous compensation.

Also, since the Prochesht and Felix families are close, synergy effects through exchanges and cooperation between the three families were expected.

‘There’s no reason to have a branch only in Procheshute.’

Felix’s estate is a huge land.

If a branch is established in such a huge land, it will not only have a great promotional effect, but it will also be able to raise a huge amount of money.

Of course, the purpose was not limited to these two reasons.

‘We must bring the relics before the apostle does something foolish.’

They don’t give up. They’ll be especially vicious when it comes to holy relics.

If the Holy Relic falls into their hands, it can be used as an offering to Moon Mother or as a cog in the wheel of Moon Mother’s resurrection.

‘I can’t just watch that, you know.’

“I’ll bring Yeerika for now, so wait.”

Ethan used the wind and cloud to go straight to the Magic Association.

The gatekeeper guarding the association’s door saw Ethan and opened the door with a bright expression.

“Meet Ethan, the honorary president of the Magic Association!”

“… … ?”

Ethan looked at the gatekeeper with a puzzled expression. The honorary chairman? But the gatekeeper quickly stepped back and called the people together.


In an instant, the wizards appeared and bowed down to greet me.

“Chairman Yeerika told us to treat the Honorary Chairman with the utmost respect when he comes! Please come inside!”

“It seems like you’ve got a firmer grip on things than I thought.”

Ethan was once again amazed by Yeerika’s abilities.


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not work with dark mode