Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 226

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 226

Episode 226. It hasn’t even started yet.

Everything I thought was just a rumor up until now turned out to be true.

‘So is it true that you pressed Mr. Cloudy at Ibeka Academy?’

Also, was it true that you declared that you would become a Master in the shortest amount of time, starting with the upcoming Academy Exchange?

As Nathan was recalling the rumors about Ethan in a panic, another rumor suddenly popped into his mind.

Among the rumors about Ethan, there was also talk that he had incredible teaching skills.

“Brother, there were quite a few rumors about you in Freya too. Since I knew about you, I thought they were all just rumors.”

Wickers Training Center.

Since Ethan and Nathan left the territory, this has become the training ground primarily used by the Knights of Wickus.

But today, Ethan and Nathan, who had returned to the territory for the first time in a while, were at the training ground.

The two brothers stood side by side, looking quite similar. The only difference was that Ethan had short hair and Nathan had medium length hair.

“Of course, there’s some exaggeration involved… … But still, you’re really amazing, hyung. Is it true that you beat Mr. Cloudy?”

Nathan Wickes was quite proud of his brother.

Ethan said with a smirk.

“There is no such thing as winning or losing among teachers. Of course, if you look at it strictly, you could say that it is a one-win situation.”

“But you’re a swordsmanship teacher, right? It was really touching when you said you’d break my limits… … .”

Nathan crossed his arms.

“It’s okay, hyung. I appreciate just hearing that.”

Nathan was a wizard. Ethan may have seemed confident, but his true calling was a swordsmanship instructor.

There was no way Nathan could solve the problem he was facing right now.

Even if Ethan had some knowledge of magic, it was obvious that it wouldn’t be deep.

At those words, Ethan snickered and looked at Nathan.

‘It’s been a while since I’ve seen a reaction like this.’

Nathan’s consideration was rather refreshing. Not only Ibeka, but also at the training session not long ago, no one saw Ethan as a simple swordsmanship instructor.

“Nathan, tell me exactly what you feel is your limit right now.”

“Huh… … I see. First of all, it’s mana. The total amount of mana is absolutely insufficient. So even if the level increases, there is a clear limit.”

Nathan sighed and began to pour out his troubles.

It’s not like she didn’t have any friends at the Academy. Just because she was Freya, she wasn’t the only one from a high-ranking noble family.

But Nathan had strong pride.

There was a heavy sense of responsibility there, so I didn’t confide my worries to anyone. No, I couldn’t.

Nathan felt that it would be a sign of weakness in front of his competitors.

Did that feeling really sink into my heart?

Nathan began to talk fluently without realizing it, responding to Ethan’s words.

“And this is a bit hard to talk about… … Since my father isn’t here, I’ll talk about it. There’s no such thing as family arcane magic. My brother is Ibeka’s teacher, so he knows well. The high-ranking nobles who attend the academy learn arcane magic that has been passed down through their families.”

In comparison, the Wickus family had nothing that could be called vision magic.

To begin with, the Wickus family was not a family famous for magic. The only swordsmanship that had been passed down through the family was the Wickus swordsmanship.

Even that was difficult to see as an incredible swordsmanship.

So Nathan Wickers had no choice but to start from the bottom and do it piece by piece from beginning to end.

Of course, it cannot be said that there was no help from Lord Wickus.

Since learning of Nathan’s talent, Lord Wickus has been very supportive of his second son.

Even though it was difficult to manage the territory at the time, he did not spare any financial support to enable her to enter Freya Academy.

But in the end, it was Nathan Wickers himself who made it all happen.

In fact, Nathan Wickers had worked his way up from the bottom to near the top on his own merits.

In the midst of all this, I was faced with a wall so big that I thought I couldn’t overcome it with my own efforts, so I gave up.

He acted like an adult, but he wasn’t an adult.

He was a young boy who had just started making grades at the academy and who wanted someone to lean on when times were tough.

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you, hyung. I’m sorry for complaining like this.”

The land I had been visiting for a long time had changed so much that it was truly amazing. And at the center of all these changes was my older brother, Ethan Wickers.

But he himself is saying things like this in front of his brother.

It felt even more shabby.

Ethan nodded, looking at the dead Nathan.

‘If Nathan had a personality like Mason, he would have been twisted and resented me.’

Of course, now Mason has become a pretty cool guy thanks to Ethan guiding him on the right path.

‘He’s a guy with a personality.’

A sick brother, a land with no hope in sight.

Nathan grew up early with the enormous responsibility of being the only hope for the land.

‘I can’t give up like Mason, you know.’

Ethan suddenly wondered if the students at the Academy were doing well. Perhaps they were working hard to prepare for the next semester.

“Who else would you complain to if not your family?”

“… …Thank you, hyung. Just listening to you makes me feel a little better.”

Nathan smiled brightly and said, perhaps feeling much better after talking about his worries that he had kept hidden.

“Just wait a minute.”

Ethan went straight to the store at the top of David. The store at the top of David, located within the Wickers Estate, was doing very well.

Ethan first bought all the expensive herbs that increased mana.

‘I have to buy plenty, so I have to give some to Yeorika too.’

Although I didn’t have any detailed information, I thought that by now the Yeerikado Magic Association would have finished organizing it.

“Brother, I’m really okay.”

Nathan didn’t know what his brother was going to do. All he wanted to do was rest. He needed to recover mentally.


Ethan said.

“Just keep your mouth shut.”

Ethan immediately began making a herbal medicine using the ingredients he had brought.

“You said you were running low on mana?”



Ethan then summoned Lucas, the master of Mana. Lucas stretched out his body like a cat, then began to howl like a wild beast.


What my brother had summoned was definitely a spirit. However, it was something I had never seen before. In particular, the aura I could sense was unique.

Ethan, who received mana from Lucas, decided to make a potion.

“Then I will fill in the mana you are lacking.”

Nathan was shocked to see Ethan making the herbal medicine.

Nathan took various classes in magic at the Academy.

I took many classes, starting with drinking magic. I also took a mandatory class on potion making.

As it was Freya’s class, the lectures were excellent, and Nathan Wickers, who understood the content clearly, received high grades in all the classes.

Thanks to this, his understanding of potion making methods and ingredients was also excellent.

If you just give me the materials and flasks right now, I could easily make an intermediate potion.

To Nathan, Ethan’s potion making skills were so good that it made him doubt his eyes.

“Uh, how… … .”

Clearly, my brother has exceptional talent in swordsmanship.

Ibeka Academy also has a head teacher in swordsmanship.

It’s clear that my brother had no magical abilities.

That potion-making skill was definitely not something a swordsman would show.

Ethan created a potion so perfect that Nathan could never replicate it.


Ethan, who had made a herbal medicine, smiled happily and checked the finished medicine.

-I made a hundred-year herbal medicine!

-Rating in progress… … .

-Baeknyeoncho herbal medicine [S-rank]

It’s a herbal medicine made from a hundred-year-old plant that has grown while absorbing mana for a long time. And since it’s S-grade, its effects are certain.

Ethan then began brewing another potion. Nathan Wickers didn’t seem to have much mana, in Ethan’s opinion.

With that much mana, you’re in the top ranks of Freya Academy?

It must have been that he was supplementing his mana with truly superhuman effort and innate magical talent.

‘It’s like a car.’

It is a power that is achieved through talent.

In that situation, if mana is firmly supported, you will be able to immediately break through the wall that you felt was your limit.

‘I know best how to become stronger.’

Even with this body, Ethan has become strong. It is not a simple task to make a person with a healthy body and solid talent strong.

‘It’s my specialty.’

Ethan made another herbal medicine using the century plant.

“Drink, Nathan.”

Nathan, who had been standing there in shock, received two hundred-year-old herbal medicines from Ethan.

“This, the scent… … .”

I’ve seen it from afar. A classmate drinking an expensive potion supported by his family.

I could tell even though it was quite far away. The high-grade potion had a different scent.

There was that scent here. No, there was an even stronger scent there.

I never thought I would be able to eat something like this.

And the one who made this potion was my brother.

“Can I really drink this?”

Nathan closed his eyes and drank the potion in one gulp as Ethan motioned for him to drink.

The spicy taste of the century plant went down my esophagus and quickly began to spread throughout my body.


The characteristic of the century plant is that it contains mana. The century plant, which has grown over many years absorbing mana from the air, contains dense mana.

Mana basically has a large loss in the process of being absorbed. However, if the mana that is fully filled in the Hundred Year Plant is absorbed properly, the loss is small.

“Sit down. Close your eyes and concentrate. Just think about absorbing mana.”

Ethan advised Nathan, who was standing there dumbfounded, amazed at the effectiveness of the good potion.

Nathan sat down immediately and focused on the mana that entered his body. After about 30 minutes, Nathan was able to completely absorb the mana of the Baeknyeoncho herbal medicine.

“It’s incredible… … .”

This feeling of the mana in your body increasing in an instant.

Nathan felt a great sense of elation at the sensation he felt for the first time in his life.

And at the same time, I developed a tremendous respect for Ethan.


“It’s not time to be impressed yet, Nathan. Your mana has just increased a bit. I haven’t even started solving your problem.”

But Ethan was calm and collected.

Nathan, who had been enjoying it with reddened eyes, gulped down the remaining hundred-year-old herb potion as if he was embarrassed.

After 30 minutes, Nathan, who had absorbed the remaining mana from the Baeknyeoncho herbal medicine, clenched and unclenched his fists repeatedly, enjoying the elation.

Thanks to the two bottles of the Hundred Year Herb potion, Nathan’s mana increased significantly. He no longer felt that he was lacking mana.

Of course, students from high-ranking noble families drink these potions every day, so their mana amounts will be much higher.

But for Nathan, this much was enough for the moment. It was confidence in his innate talent.

“Okay, this solves the mana problem.”

Ethan then told Nathan to try a spell.

“Try using magic that you can call your main. There must be some magic you learned at the academy, right?”

Without any arcane magic passed down through his family, Nathan had to base his main magic entirely on the magic he learned at the Academy.

“Let me take a look.”

If it were the usual Nathan, it would have been something he would have thought was a blow to his pride. However, the potion-making skills that Ethan had just shown made Nathan Wickers’ heart beat faster.

“Okay, bro.”

That’s why I drew the main magic formula without saying anything.

‘Arrow of Pain. Not a bad choice.’

Of all the magic you can learn at the Academy, it was the one that could be used in the widest variety of situations. In addition, it was one of the magics that was less restricted by mana.

Nathan Wickers used his magic to the fullest to show that his troubles were not simple.

“Hoo… … Hoo… … .”

Nathan, who had finally finished his drinking, looked at Ethan, breathing heavily.

“You’re not even touching the recipe, Nathan.”

Ethan said with a smile.

“The most important thing is the efficiency of the spell. If you have little mana, you should be able to use it as much as you can. In order to be efficient, you need to fully understand the spell. So that you can freely modify it as needed. For example, the arrow of pain that you drew the spell for now is basically a high-powered magic that shoots at a single target.”

Ethan immediately began to draw the spell of the Arrow of Pain.

Then he slightly modified the drawing and told Nathan to copy it.

“Don’t use mana as it is. Collect a little more.”

Nathan drew the spell as if he was possessed by Ethan’s words. Then, an arrow much more powerful than the one before was shot out.



The arrows of pain shot previously were enough to scratch the walls of the training ground.

But the arrow of pain shot just now was enough to make a large hole in that wall.

“What is this… … .”

Nathan’s mouth grew wide.

“Then let’s get started for real. Nathan, are you ready to learn?”

It hasn’t even started yet.


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not work with dark mode