Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 187

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 187

Episode 187. The 11 Apostles

The atmosphere inside the cave flowed strangely.

The followers of the moon were busy just looking at each other with anticipation at the sudden appearance of the apostle.

Of course, Ethan was enjoying this situation.

Ethan, who had clearly proven himself to be an apostle with his fists, gestured to the follower in front of him. Then, one of the quick-witted followers quickly brought a chair.

Ethan just smashed the chair.

Only then did one of the followers realize the meaning and prostrate himself before Ethan, and Ethan naturally sat on the back of the follower who had offered himself as a chair.

Everyone swallowed their saliva at the sight. That vicious temperament was also an apostle-like appearance.

“Oh, may I ask why you are here?”

“If you came to find the 11th Apostle… … The 11th Apostle is out right now.”

‘As expected, the ones in charge of this place are the 11 Apostles.’

Ethan was slightly impressed by his followers’ words.

Looking at the sight of the non-educated believers earlier, I wondered if this was a place run by the 11 Apostles, and I was right.

“Are you messing with the uneducated believers?”

As Ethan muttered, his followers bowed their heads and fell prostrate.

‘It is certain that the 11 apostles are directly managing the non-educational believer management base. If so… … .’

The non-educated believers were not yet fully brainwashed. As such, most of the non-educated believers did not believe in Mother Moon.

‘These are the people who have no choice but to join the Moon Followers because of the harsh reality.’

There were also those who worked on the side of the Moon Followers to obtain medicine for sick children and to cure sick parents.

‘That’s not all. There are also those who were intentionally dragged in by the Moon Followers.’

That was the specialty of the 11 apostles.

Ruining the lives of sane people and enlisting them in order to increase their number of followers and make them depend on them.

‘And… … brainwashing.’

Perhaps the brainwashing was due to the power of the 11 apostles.

“Bring the uneducated believers.”

At Ethan’s command, his followers moved immediately.

‘These uneducated believers can be rehabilitated.’

They are not here because they believe in Mother Moon.

If you don’t believe, you are bound to lose what is precious to you.

‘You’ve been brainwashed from the start. You’re definitely not here of your own free will.’

Unlike other followers, they are not steeped in Mother Moon’s beliefs.

‘That means you can convert them.’

A complete conversion can be achieved by leading them to the right faith.

And as it turned out, there was a real god behind Ethan.

‘You can convert them into followers of Moon Force.’

Converting them and building a temple will create another new temple.

‘At the same time, career growth is also possible.’

That’s why growth-oriented jobs are good.

While Ethan was gathering his thoughts, his followers began to bring in the uneducated believers one by one as ordered.

There were young people who looked like they had just become adults, middle-aged people who looked very tired, and children who looked like they were barely ten years old.

All of their expressions looked extremely anxious.

‘Even back then, this was the thing I disliked the most.’

Among these uneducated believers, there were many who ruined their lives because of the bad habits of the 11 apostles.

Deliberately making people sick and shaking out medicine that was only for the followers of the moon to win them over was an extremely good part of his bad taste.

Tired of such disgusting tastes, he tried to kill the 11 apostles in Mepan and take their place, but he couldn’t find a way to do so.

‘It was because of that guy’s ability.’

Because of his strong superhuman powers, I had to scrap my plans several times.

“I’ve gathered everything, Apostle.”

“Then you go to another community and wait. Gather all the believers currently at this base.”


The apostle’s command was absolute. For ordinary believers to dare to ask the reason was in itself a great sin, so all followers had no choice but to bow their heads.

Ethan, who had bitten the followers of the moon, looked at the uneducated believers with anxious eyes.

“This is the kind of person I am.”

Ethan showed the green jade. Of course, the non-educated believers did not know what the green jade was.

I just thought he was a person of high status because he had something that looked precious even at first glance.

Someone who was quick-witted fell flat on his face, and other non-educated believers who were watching closely followed suit.

Lastly, a child lay face down, looking like a wet rat.

‘Half of them have already been brainwashed, and the rest are left untouched. They could have just finished brainwashing them in no time, but they’re just playing around with them.’

“You were following the wrong god.”

Ethan had no intention of beating around the bush. He had to make sure the situation was clear before the 11th Apostle showed up.


“What, what do you mean by that?”

“If we did anything wrong, please forgive us.”

“I’ll do better. Hehe, please don’t throw me away.”

The faces of the uneducated believers turned pale.

“Moon Mother has done nothing for you and will never do so. Look at yourselves now. What has Moon Mother, who promised to give you a new life, done for you?”

“… … .”

“What else did the conference leaders do for you? Giving you medicine and money? That’s a very natural reward for someone who does a good job.”

Ethan took out a potion from his bosom and handed it to the non-educated believer at the front. At first glance, he was the one who was most seriously ill and wounded among those gathered.

The believer looked between the herbal medicine and Ethan with nervous eyes, then closed his eyes tightly and drank the herbal medicine.

Gulp gulp.

As soon as he drank the herbal medicine, his body began to react.

The wounds all over his body began to heal, and the right side of his face, which had been paralyzed for a long time and had not moved, began to twitch.

He had never smiled since his face became paralyzed, because his smile was quite awkward.

But now that he was cured, he could smile with joy.

The uneducated believers looked at the whole scene with astonishment.

“oh my god…….”

“Even Mother Moon can give this level of blessing. But that blessing always comes with a great price. But the God I believe in does not want any price.”

Ethan looked back at the congregation.

“He only shows the path to truth to those who follow and believe. Come here, you who are wounded and withered. The Goddess Moon Force is waiting for you.”


-The power of Moon Force is infused.

-The goddess praises you.

‘I guess you like it.’

The eyes of the non-educated believers wavered at the sight of Ethan acting like a prophet.

I just couldn’t understand what the hell was going on in this situation.

What if this is a screening process to see if you really believe in Mother Moon?

If that’s the case, I could die if I speak carelessly here.

“This is heresy!”

“Are you trying to test us? We are already amazed by the love that Mother Moon gives us!”

Ethan approached the screaming believers.

‘The brainwashed ones.’

Ethan used the Five Elements Acupuncture Method.

Using Jin Heo-ryu acupuncture, I treated their wounds and at the same time removed the brainwashing they were under.

‘It’s impossible to completely remove the brainwashing right away. That’s what his superhuman powers are like.’

Ethan himself could be completely released if he were brainwashed, but it would be a huge risk for others. And they have been brainwashed for quite some time.

That’s why Ethan first thought of reducing the effects of brainwashing.

Pok pok pok-.

As I stuck the needle in, quite naturally, their eyes began to blur.

“Heresy… … .”

“That is heretical thinking… … .”

As expected, the brainwashing was strong. Ethan stabbed the needle once more. Then the brainwashed believers shut their mouths tightly.

Ethan approached the one among those who had kept their mouths shut, frowning deeply and muttering something more.

‘Use the most effective method.’

“I am…….”

Ethan hugged those who were screaming.

“This is not a test. Moon Force does not test you. He does not force you to make sacrifices. God is honest and noble. And above all, he is the one who will make you happy. You can believe it or not. This is Moon Force’s mercy for you.”

It was an action that no one expected.

How can a person of high standing suddenly embrace an uneducated believer?

The believer who was immediately in Ethan’s arms also looked at Ethan with blank eyes, not understanding the situation.

But soon his shoulders began to shake slightly and he asked in a shaky voice.

“Really… really?”

“Can we really live the life we ​​want… …?”

The believer in Ethan’s arms shed tears.


Ethan said forcefully.

They needed a proper god to believe in and follow. A normal god who could heal their wounds, unlike Mother Moon and her followers.

“I won’t force you to believe. But I can promise you this: If you want to live a different life than you do now, I can help you. I can help you protect everything you want to protect, everything you need to protect.”

Those who had been pondering Ethan’s words immediately stood up as if they had made up their minds.

“I will believe it. I will believe it. What should we do… What should we do?”

Ethan smiled at those words.

“You don’t have to do anything. Just one prayer is enough.”

As Ethan clasped his hands together, the congregation followed suit, clasping their hands together and closing their eyes.

-Converted those who believed in other gods!

-You have achieved the achievement!

-[Conversion] Likes were earned by achieving achievements.

– Got ‘4’ likes!

-Moon Force grants a shrine to new believers.

-Moon Force will reward you for leading new believers.

-Get rewards from the new shrine!

Over a hundred uneducated believers were instantly converted to Moon Force believers.

‘I didn’t think it would be easy.’

Thanks to his high reputation and his occupation as a descendant of Moon Force, things seemed to go better than expected.

‘I was a little bit involved, you know.’

This was the most important thing. You have to empathize with the situation to be able to express your sincerity.

‘Besides, it seems like there was a temple nearby.’

It was likely that it would have collapsed and only the foundations remained.

‘Since there were believers, they must have restored the temple.’

This will allow us to create more Moon Force believers.

-The power of Moon Force has been strengthened!

-All stats increase by 3!

With over a hundred people converting at the same time, the influence of Moon Force has definitely grown stronger.

Ethan, as his direct descendant, could clearly feel the increased influence.

‘What a salty reward.’

“Get out of the cave right now. You can now stay in the new temple. Of course, you don’t have to stay in the temple. You can do whatever you want freely.”

The believers were greatly shocked by Ethan’s words. They had regained the freedom they had been deprived of for so long, and they could not tell whether this was a dream or reality.

“Is that really…?”

Ethan slapped the believer’s cheek without hesitation.

“100 million!”

The believer who had fallen down shed tears at the sudden pain.

“It’s reality.”

The believer who had fallen down in sharp pain suddenly stood up.

Starting with him, the non-educated believers turned outside one by one, while Ethan looked back inside the cave where the remaining followers were.

‘We’ll just deal with the remaining followers and rescue the Holy Knights and go out.’

Ethan glanced at Ban Crow, who was lying quietly on one side. He had unconscious him unintentionally, but he had planned to wake him up after saving the Holy Knight.

At that moment, as the believers were about to leave the cave according to Ethan’s command.


The inside of the cave began to shake with waves.

‘Someone is coming.’

Thud-. Thud-.

Someone was walking inside the cave.

With each step, a wave spread and a unique aura swept through.

“Ah, Lord Ark… … .”

“Ark-nim… … .”

The uneducated believers trembled.

What soon appeared was a man with a rather thin build and cross-eyed face.

“He’s an interesting guy. I heard he actually handed me a green jade. I don’t know where he came from, but he dares to impersonate an apostle and even touch my toy. What’s your identity?”

The 11th Apostle, Arch Deisotos.

Ethan smiled at the face he hadn’t seen in a long time.

“The day has finally come for me to kill you with my own hands.”

Ethan took out two swords.


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not work with dark mode