Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 171

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 171

Episode 171. How are you solving it?

The inside of the door was a strange place.

It was a straight space, like a palace corridor, and numerous magic spells were installed along the straight path.

“Wow… … .”

I was just in a dry forest, and I had no idea there was a place like this on the other side of the door.

It was truly a different world, so Roanna was amazed and looked around like a child.

Of course, I didn’t move recklessly.

“You have to be careful, Roanna. You know that without me telling you, right?”

There are a lot of magics installed here to deal with intruders. If you move even a little bit rashly, those magics will be activated immediately.

“Yes, I know. But what the heck is this place? Did the Spirit King make this place? To keep anyone from coming here?”

Roanna asked, looking at the magic spread out in all directions. They were advanced magic traps that would activate one and immediately trigger numerous other magics.

It was an extremely dangerous space where even the slightest mistake could cost you your life.

“There must be a reason for that.”

“I guess so… … After all, that’s what my great-grandfather did. I can understand why he would be fed up with humans.”

However, these were not magics simply intended to prevent human access.

‘If it were true, the wound should have healed and remained. After all, he is the Spirit King.’

Still, there was a reason why he couldn’t move from here.

‘That’s a brand. A brand left behind by the Demon Duke who escaped from the Demon World.’

Among the demons that escaped at that time, the most powerful one was the Demon King.

The Spirit King was wounded while trying to somehow banish the Demon Duke back to the Demon World, and the wound was like a brand of sorts.

‘This is a sign that he will take revenge on this incident someday. That is why the Spirit King took such extreme measures to prevent the demons from coming to him.’

So, he installed high-level magic to prevent humans and demons from finding him.

Ethan calmly activated the Eye of Horus.

The journey to the Spirit King’s abode is extremely difficult. However, I gained confidence after seeing Roanna dismantle the magic at the entrance.

‘As expected, the potential is amazing.’

The current Roanna is not the Roanna that Ethan saw in Mephant.

That means, of course, his skill level was lower than at that time, but even with that low skill level, he was able to dismantle the magic installed by the Spirit King.

‘That didn’t even take 10 minutes.’

Even if you have the interpretation that Ethan gave you, it’s not an easy task. As expected, Roanna was definitely the key to this.

“But will the Spirit King listen to us?”

Roanna said.

“You won’t listen. But that doesn’t mean we can just sit back and do nothing. The only one who can restore Prochesht is the Spirit King.”

“… … Then what should we do?

“I have to go and persuade her.”

At Ethan’s words, Roanna looked beyond.

Numerous magical traps set up along the way

The magic traps installed inside were much more difficult to dismantle than those at the entrance.

“In order to persuade him, I have to go to where the Spirit King is… … Can I go? Sir, this might be a bit difficult.”

It’s hard. It’s difficult. These were all unfamiliar words to Roanna.

This was especially true when it came to magic. For her, there was no magic that was difficult or hard.

“You’re right, Roanna. These aren’t easy spells.”

“Right? Then, let’s step back for now… … I’ll tell the magicians of the Magic Tower. There’s a place like this here, so please help me. If we all work together to interpret and dismantle the magic, we’ll be able to get inside right away.”

“That’s not like you, Roanna. Instead of thinking of solving a difficult problem, you’re thinking of giving up.”

Roanna’s smile cracked slightly as she listened to Ethan’s words.

“I know exactly why you think that way.”

“… … .”

At the Academy, Roanna was a student who became more motivated the more difficult the problem at hand was.

Not only was her original personality her personality, but many of Iveca’s students knew of Roanna’s family circumstances, so she probably couldn’t show herself backing down for the sake of the honor of the Prochesuit Tower.

That’s probably why I was able to take the lead with more motivation.

But it was different here.

The problem with the Prochesuit Tower was that it was too difficult.

Even with her great talent, it wasn’t something she could solve.

As a result, she couldn’t help but look quite different than when she was at Ibeca Academy.

“I’ll be there to watch over you. Don’t worry. There’s nothing you can’t do. If you fail, just try again. As long as you don’t give up, it’s not a failure, it’s a process.”

At those words, Roanna’s expression wavered.

“Come on, let’s fail, Roanna. You only need to succeed once among many failures. Just keep building on that one success.”

“Is it really okay to fail?”

“Well, of course. Who would expect perfection from a student? On the other hand, if we fail, we might both die, but don’t worry.”

“Huh? Are you sure I don’t have to worry… …?”

Ethan didn’t answer, but immediately took out the parchment. He wrote down the interpretation while occasionally explaining to Roanna about the magic in front of her.

“See that magic up there? That’s the essence of repetition. It has the effect of causing the magic to come back to life after a certain amount of time if someone breaks the magic.”

The truth of this repetition was the core magic of this space.

Because of this, the magic had to be dismantled as a top priority, but in reality, that was impossible.

“Then just leave it alone. If there is a problem that is difficult to solve, just leave it alone for now. Don’t worry about it and be bold.”

Roanna nodded. These were things you couldn’t learn anywhere else, at the Magic Tower or the Academy.

“The reason for the repetition is that it restores magic over time. If you pass before that restores magic, that’s it.”


At Ethan’s words, Roanna looked at him with anxious eyes.

“I can continue dismantling. I’m good at mana manipulation. But… … Then, does that mean you, Teacher, have to interpret the magic without resting… … .”

Leaving the truth of repetition intact meant imposing a time limit on the interpretation and deconstruction of magic.

There are so many magic spells spread out all the way to the end, and I have to interpret and overcome them all in a short period of time.

“Roanna, remember one thing. If you don’t take risks, you can’t grow.”

Ethan said this and handed her a piece of parchment.

“Let’s begin.”

Square-. Square-.

Ethan began analyzing the magic even faster than when he entered. And Roanna, who received the parchment with the interpretation written on it, immediately began the process of dismantling it.

Roanna frowned slightly.

‘You’ve gotten faster.’

Ethan’s analysis speed was much faster than what I had seen at the entrance. It was as if he understood the magic the moment he saw it, broke it down, and wrote down the formula.

‘There will definitely be many difficult parts.’

Roanna was also confident in her own abilities.

But it was difficult to immediately understand the magic installed over there.

‘To destroy magic, you must understand the formula.’

You have to look at it over and over again and calculate it in your head several times before you can understand a single equation.

‘As if you already know everything… … .’


“Ah yes!”

It was not the time to be thinking of anything else.

I had to concentrate or I wouldn’t be able to keep up with Ethan’s pace.

* * *

It was a place full of green.

There were trees and flowers everywhere, like a forest. Clouds were floating on the ceiling, just like a real sky.

In the middle of it all was the Spirit King.

A muscular body, with pure white hair that extends down his back.

He had a rather long white beard on his face that looked quite old.

Thror, the spirit king of the earth.

He closed his eyes and placed his hand on his aching side.

“You found it, sir.”


An artifact was installed before his eyes. It was a kind of projection artifact that illuminated those who entered inside.

There, Ethan and Roanna appeared.

“I never thought that a human would find me. I thought they were demons, but they really are humans.”

Judging from the fact that he dismantled the magic at the entrance and came in, he seemed to have some skills.

But it probably won’t go any further.

“If you keep moving forward without knowing how precious your life is, you’ll end up dying.”

He still had ill feelings towards humans.

“That damn guy. I never thought that the guy I personally selected after filtering through countless candidates would do something like that.”

Throb throbbing.

Every time I became angry, my wounds would sting. I thought that I, who was called the king of spirits, would have to hide in a place like this and recuperate.

Even after a considerable amount of time of recuperation, the wound showed no signs of getting better.

“The Spirit King’s reputation is indescribable.”

Tror looked at his side. There was a branding there.

This was the stigma of defeat.

The sin of misunderstanding humans.

It was the result of turning over all the sins that human had committed.

“It’s something I can’t ask the other spirit kings for.”

Although they are both spirit kings, they have never met or interacted with each other. As the spirit king of the land, the only spirits he can meet are the spirits of the same land.

But he couldn’t meet those spirits either, because he had been branded.


Tror lay back down.

I closed my eyes and focused on circulating the energy in my body.

The first priority was recovery.

They say it’s a wound that doesn’t heal easily, but it’s not like it will never heal. After removing the brand and healing the wound, I planned to completely cross over to the spirit world and never return.


At that moment, a sound was heard from the consular artifact.


Those two people I thought were dead were moving.

“The magic must have worked?”

As Tror gestured, the Consul artifact flew straight towards him.

“What, what are you doing now?”

Two humans were moving forward. Naturally, their destination would be this place where they were.

“… …Are you releasing the magic?”

Tror narrowed his eyes and examined it closely.


The two humans took another step forward.

“It’s being solved.”

Even the speed was incredibly fast.

“You’re saying you can advance like that without touching the truth of repetition? That’s ridiculous. Are humans capable of that?”

That’s definitely a demon.

Tror brought his hand to the consular artifact to examine them both more closely.

“They’re humans. Two young humans at that! How can a human have that kind of skill at that age?”

One of them wasn’t even an adult by human standards.

The Spirit King watched them closely to see how they were able to disrupt the magic and advance.

“… … .”

The key was that human male. That human male was quickly analyzing the magic. And based on that analysis, the human female destroyed it.

Tror saw a human man.

Even at first glance, he looked like he had just entered adulthood, but something was strange.

“This isn’t my condition.”

There was nothing that a normal human being should have.

“There’s no mana. So how? Those spells aren’t something that can be easily undone.”

Even as the Spirit King was surprised, the two humans quickly advanced forward. They were already halfway into the entrance.

“That’s an amazing skill. But… … that’s where it ends.”

The Spirit King had installed a spell in the middle of that entrance that was much more powerful and complex than the one he had previously installed.

“Because in the middle and at the end there are magics that are much more complex than the ones we’ve installed before.”

That magic was a type of great magic among spirit magic.

As the Spirit King had expected, they stopped in the center.

“And when you stop, the truth of repetition is activated.”

The magic will be restored immediately where they stand.

“It will be activated as soon as the magic is restored.”

That was the end of it. If you wanted to survive here, you had no choice but to quickly turn around and run away.

“Yeah… … I have to run away… … Huh? Forward? You’re going forward?”

The Spirit King thrust his face into the Consul Artifact.

“What is this?”

The human male, who had advanced slightly, stood for a moment to observe, then began to write something on a piece of parchment without hesitation.

Tror enlarged the human male’s parchment.


“I’m releasing it, I’m releasing it. This great magic… … I’m releasing it right there on the spot!”

It was something that overturned all the common sense he had had until then.

“How is this guy solving this problem!”


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not work with dark mode