Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 170

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 170

Episode 170. Prochesht Revival

Roanna greeted Ethan’s visit with a big smile.

“Yes, teacher! I’ve been working hard. Next semester, I have to be a teaching assistant for your class. I’ve already made a mistake once before, so I thought I should work hard to change my image!”

Roanna was practicing every single day for the next semester.

In addition to studying theory, he also did not neglect practical studies, and was growing rapidly by dabbling in various fields such as herbalism and animism.

And all of this was to make sure that I was a teaching assistant in Ethan’s class.

The Ethan Roanna saw was an incredible person.

In just one semester, he defeated not only the new teachers, but also the most outstanding of the established teachers, Claudia Hyde.

Not only that, but he defeated the teacher of the swordsmanship department and even the magic department, so it was clear that Ethan would shine even more in the second semester.

In order to act as Ethan’s assistant without any gossip, he had to have solid skills.

Above all, Roanna had not forgotten Ethan’s Brûlée.

The brulee that Ethan taught me was absolutely amazing.

She was still studying the brûlée, and the more she delved into it, the more she realized how great Ethan’s improved brûlée was.

The fact that he had just revealed that brulee to Ethan was a sign that there was something much more powerful there.

Things that were more difficult and harder to learn always made Roanna’s heart race.

Nothing had been difficult for Roanna since she first learned magic.

The magic she learned from the magicians of the Tower of Magic and her father, the Lord of the Tower Prochesht, intrigued Roanna at first, but as time went by, it became easier.

Her talents began to grow and improve by the day, but there was a limit to what the magicians of the Magic Tower could teach her.

Because of that, she was not satisfied.

So when I entered the academy, I had high expectations.

As she had expected, the teachers at the academy gave quite interesting classes.

But that only lasts for a moment.

In less than a year, Roanna lost interest in her teachers’ lessons.

Because these were things I already knew.

There are just things that are not interesting at all.

But Ethan’s Brûlée was different. It satisfied her unfulfilled desires.

‘It’s so bright and shining.’

Ethan read Roanna’s gaze like that.

A look of considerable anticipation.

‘Roanna is quite knowledgeable. She has so much talent that she learns everything very quickly.’

Should we call it a thirst for knowledge?

There is a desire to keep learning something, but I am not satisfied because I learn everything too easily.

‘You must have been quite satisfied after tasting the brulee. Of course. It was something that Roanna had originally researched and created. It couldn’t be anything but satisfactory.’

So by now you’re probably expecting something new.

And Ethan can fulfill that.

‘It’s hard to use Roanna in the quest to revive this Prochesuit. It’s a situation where there’s no connection, and Roanna isn’t very cooperative either.’

However, Ethan has been building a relationship with Roanna since the Academy.

Roanna would believe and follow anything she said.

“Roanna, I have come to return this Prochesuit to its original state.”


“And that’s where I need your help.”

Roanna, who had a puzzled expression on her face at Ethan’s words, soon opened her mouth.

“Well, actually, I did try hard.”

Roanna also thought a lot about how to revive this prochesht.

In fact, I tried various magics to gather the spirits again, but they all failed.

“Is there a way? If so, I’ll help you as much as I can! I’m a substitute teaching assistant for Mr. Ethan’s class!”

Roanna showed an enthusiastic attitude.


This quest can be started without much difficulty if you can get help from Roanna.

* * *

“It’s here.”


Ethan led Roanna to the forest in front of the Prochesht estate.

This is where the Prochesht spirit master’s tower used to be, but now that the spirits have left, no one lives there.

Because it was untouched by human hands, the forest was dense, but it was lifeless and resembled a gray forest with no vitality.

“Why did you come here?”

“Because the Spirit King is here.”

The Spirit King didn’t run away far away.

‘I’ve been here the whole time.’

Of course, he is not in the human world. He is recuperating in another dimension.

‘At first, I thought I would definitely go far away, so I went to the ends of the earth, east, west, south, and north.’

It was really a huge waste of effort.

Roanna looked puzzled at Ethan’s words.

“The Spirit King is here. I heard that my father had already left for a distant place… … .”

“But it’s definitely here. It’s not that far away.”

“How did you come to know that, teacher?”

Roanna’s eyes lit up.

It was not a tone of questioning, but a tone and look of respect.

Ethan looked at Roanna like that and spoke briefly.

“I found out while looking for reference materials for class. I actually came here today to look for reference materials. For the spirit studies class.”

“As expected, the teacher is amazing! He is so sincere about educating his students.”

Roanna’s eyes sparkled with admiration.

“It’s deep learning, Roanna.”

Ethan looked at Roanna with a grin.

Ethan approached the cave entrance. Then he stopped in front of the cave entrance and pulled out his sword.

Knock knock-.

He checked the ground here and there with his feet and then stabbed his sword in.


The cold air emitted by the frost sword spread throughout the surrounding area.



At the same time, the cave entrance began to collapse, creating a new door.

“What the heck is this…?!”

A surprised Roanna asked Ethan.

Yet, I couldn’t take my eyes off the magic unfolding at the door.

Inside this door is where the Spirit King is hiding.

‘The problem is that to get there, you have to overcome a lot of traps.’

Another problem is that these traps aren’t just traps, they’re traps with magical powers.

If you were not careful, you could end up being expelled.

If you are banished like that, you can never come here again.

‘Then the quest is effectively over. You can never start it again unless you start the game all over again.’

“That’s why you call it deep learning.”

“It’ll be pretty difficult. But don’t worry. Deep learning means I’ll help you study.”

And the more difficult it is, the more Roanna can show off her talents.

‘The magic at the entrance is the easiest. The further you go in, the more difficult it becomes.’

Of course, even the magic spread out on that door, which is said to be the easiest, objectively speaking, requires at least 5 circles to solve.

‘I’m so low on mana right now that I can’t dismantle the magic circle.’

So, Roanna will take on the role of disbandment, and Ethan will take the lead in the process.

Ethan gestured and Roanna stood at the door.

Her eyes rolled around.

She was quickly interpreting the magic, but Ethan had no intention of leaving it to her.


Roanna, who had been concentrating, looked at Ethan with a puzzled look.

“Sorry to break your concentration, but you don’t need to interpret this.”


It was clearly called deep learning.

He also said that in order to get to where the Spirit King is, you have to overcome numerous magic spells.

If that’s the case, then it means that you are leaving the deconstruction and interpretation up to yourself.

“I will do the interpretation.”

“The teacher… will interpret it?”

“Okay, please dismantle it.”

“Ha, but.”

Roanna said.

“You are a swordsman and a teacher, aren’t you?”

Of course, Roanna knows best that Ethan has great magical talent. If he didn’t have magical ability, how could he have come up with such great magic as Brûlé?

But interpretation and deconstruction were different matters.

There were six spells hanging on this door. They were even entangled with each other, so if you were not careful, an explosion could occur.

“Leave it to me. It might take some time, but I’ll be able to solve it within ten days at the latest.”

But she was confident. The difficulty was hard, but that made her burn even harder.

Ethan gave her a kind smile.

Then he immediately looked closely at the enchanted door and took out a piece of parchment from his bosom.

Swish swish swish-.

Ethan began to write without hesitation, with a creaking sound.

Ethan, who had filled the parchment without stopping even once, took out another parchment. This time too, Ethan did not stop.

Ethan finished writing on three pieces of parchment and handed them over to Roanna.

“You can dismantle it based on this, Roanna.”


Roanna, with a momentary look of bewilderment, looked at the parchment she was handed.

“oh my god.”

And I was shocked. I was so shocked that my hands holding the parchment were trembling.

“This, this… … You interpreted the spell on that door!”

Roanna’s voice was also trembling. At least ten days. If it takes a little longer, three more days.

It was definitely a magic that would take that much time.

But in that short period of time, they released a translation that can interpret and dismantle magic. And there were actually six magic spells on that door.

“Even if there are six spells each, it would take more time to write an interpretation… … .

If Roanna had been a more aggressive student, she might have sworn here.

“How did you do this… … ?”

Ethan tapped Roanna’s shoulder, who was taken aback.

“This is the basics for becoming a teacher, Roanna. Now it’s your turn.”

Roanna’s eyes wavered. Now they seemed to have become complete question marks.

“This is the basics… … .”

If these are the basic conditions for becoming a teacher, then I decided that I must become a teacher later on.

“I’ll watch from the side, so just remove the spell on the door as instructed.”

Even if there is an interpretation, dismantling it is not an easy task.

Since mana had to be used in the right place without any errors, it was virtually impossible to dismantle unless one had excellent mana handling skills.

“I’ll try.”

Roanna reached out and moved Mana.


There was a constant sound, as if a lock was being unlocked.


Roanna’s skills were top-notch even among the students at Ibeca Academy.

‘There is no student to compare her to. Even compared to the teachers, Roanna has more talent and potential for growth.’

Ethan looked at Roanna with satisfaction.

Now that Roanna has come this far, we can make sure that Ibeka’s name will be firmly established in the Academy Exchange.


Kugugugugu country-.

The door slowly opened as all the magic that had been installed was dispelled.

“… … .”

When the magic was truly lifted and the door opened, Roanna looked at Ethan with surprised eyes. Her face was helpless.

There was nothing for Roanna to interpret separately. She simply did as it was written on the parchment.

“That’s great, Roanna. You’re the best student I’ve ever seen.”

It’s not you who is great.

“Let’s go together, teacher!”

Roanna was always thinking about what other people had said about her, and now she understood.

This was overwhelming talent.


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not work with dark mode