Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 164

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 164

Episode 164. Xiang Yu’s Training (2)

As the merger content began, Xiang Yu’s momentum began to seriously attack Ethan.

As the momentum that had spread out in all directions just a moment ago suddenly turned towards him, Ethan took a step back without realizing it.

‘It’s on a whole other level than the monsters we faced in the Trials of Hercules.’

Ethan was impressed. Unlike the Trials of Hercules, this merged content allowed him to use all of his abilities.

‘So it looks better.’

The Eye of Horus, combined with Ethan’s original experience, made it inevitable that he would know.

‘There are no gaps.’

No matter how much I looked, I couldn’t find any gaps.

However, it is not something we can just observe.

Something has to be done first.

‘Quickly draw your sword, centering on your left foot.’

It’s clearly a bad move.

In that case, the spear will instantly enter the center and inflict great damage to Ethan.

On the other hand, Ethan is unable to attack properly due to the ambiguous distance.

‘That’s the problem. The distance of the spear is longer than the distance my sword can reach.’

But it wasn’t like there was no way to destroy it.


Ethan stomped hard on the ground and swung his sword.

Ethan’s Sword 1st Form

Frost Thunder

He swung the frost and lightning like the blade of a sword.

The secret of the swordsmanship of the spine was fully recorded in that sword.


Feeling the power contained in Ethan’s sword, Xiang Yu smiled and swung his spear.


As soon as the sword and spear clashed, Xiang Yu moved.

The mighty spear moved to strike Ethan’s vital point.

The sturdy-looking spear was bending and snapping like a snake with its mouth wide open, rushing forward.

Kang-! Kaang-!

There was no opening for a counterattack for Xiang Yu who had gone on the offensive.

Ethan tried to counterattack Hang-woo by spinning around while somehow blocking the attack, but it was not easy to find an opportunity to counterattack.

‘It’s amazing how flexible the window can be.’

It was completely different from the existing spear techniques that Ethan knew.

“Hold on a little tighter.”


Even as he launched his fierce attacks, Xiang Yu seemed relaxed. He swung his spear even harder as he advised Ethan.

The spear that had been twisting like a snake now surged in like a wave.


Ethan had no choice but to allow the spears to attack little by little as they kept coming in. If the spear that Hang-woo was holding was not a practice spear but a real spear, he would have suffered great damage from this.

Ethan had no choice but to take a step back.


Xiang Yu’s figure disappeared for a moment.


Ethan was slightly taken aback by Hang-woo’s footwork as he quickly closed the distance between them.

But Ethan was also confident that no one could keep up with him in terms of speed.

Xiang Yu’s red lightning and Ethan’s yellow lightning clashed fiercely.


It was a powerful attack that made the ground cave in. Ethan swung his sword in response, but was forced to take two steps back.

‘I have made up for the advantage of Xiang Yu’s spear with the power of frost and lightning. Now it is a fight with the skills I possess!’

Hang-woo glanced at Ethan and pulled his spear back once.

“Now that we’ve warmed up, let’s get started.”


Red lightning struck Xiang Yu’s spear.

“Give it your all. If you take it easy, it could all end in an instant.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiang Yu extended his spear.

It was an attack that seemed similar to the one before, but its nature was different.

Revolving window.

A powerful force was felt along with the tomb of rotation at the tip of the spear.

‘Reverse divergence!’

Xiang Yu’s own power, the reverse radiance, extended straight out from the tip of the spear.

It wasn’t for nothing that he told us to give it our all. The reverse attack that Xiang Yu himself used was on a different level from the one that Ethan used.

The momentum to destroy everything that stands in one’s way.

Xiang Yu’s original counterattack was so great that it made sense that he could uproot mountains with just one force.


Ethan bit his lip and gathered all his strength into his body.

Reverse divergence.

However, you can never defeat Xiang Yu with the same reverse attack. That’s why I mixed reverse attack with the hero’s breathing and swordsmanship.

‘You have to fight with all your might! You can’t afford to make even the slightest mistake!’

Ethan’s Sword 2nd Form

Moon Force


Ethan’s body stumbled backwards with a loud noise like an explosion. However, he was able to block Hang-woo’s counter-blast with minimal damage.

Ethan staggered but held on without falling, and Hang-woo’s eyes turned curious.


Of course, it wasn’t an all-out attack, but it wasn’t an attack that could be blocked without causing much damage either.

“Even with that kind of body, you can still exert this much strength. I can see how much effort you’ve put in up until now.”

It seemed as if Xiang Yu had already seen through Ethan’s physical condition.

However, he swung the window around in a flashy manner, as if he had no intention of leniently looking on even though he knew the circumstances.


In an instant, Xiang Yu’s horse struck Ethan with a spear that pierced his vital point, closing the distance.

“Then from now on, I will tell you what you lack.”


It was a spear technique so fast that it felt like the spear had been extended.

The spear struck Ethan’s shoulder, then struck his waist and legs in succession. It was like the training Ethan gave to the students at the Academy.

“It seems like you’ve made your own swordsmanship pretty well, but it still feels superficial. Of course, superficial is only my standard. It might work on those below me. But at least it doesn’t work on me.”

It may be possible to reach the upper ranks, but it was said that even the best player, Xiang Yu, saw some shortcomings.

“But that’s probably because you’re not used to it. The more you swing it, the more your swordsmanship will be perfected in your own way.”


“But it’s not enough right now. It seems to me to be infinite.”

Ethan clicked his tongue.

I felt it myself. Ethan’s swordsmanship certainly has a lot of crude aspects.

‘But that roughness will be resolved once you get used to it. First of all… … .’

Ethan saved the tomb of Jin-Heo-Ryu Acupuncture.


Then he unleashed the special ability of the Eye of Horus, Bullet Time, to its limits.


Although it was a tremendous pain, the effect was remarkable.


The effect was so great that Ethan was able to see Xiang Yu’s movements more accurately than before.

‘You can move like this? This fast?’

Obviously, with Bullet Time’s ability, you can deconstruct and see all of Xiang Yu’s movements.

Even in the slowed time, Xiang Yu’s movements were unrivaled.

‘I can’t get a handle on it!’

The biggest wall we faced before was the 12 Apostles Luna Spirit.

And the twelve trials of Hercules that followed. Those were skills that were no match for him.

They had already been erased from my mind long ago.


Once again, Ethan’s sword and Xiang Yu’s spear clashed. If he hadn’t used bullet time, he would have been helplessly struck by this attack and would have been knocked unconscious.

It was a much faster and more powerful blow.

Even such attacks continued to hit Ethan.

Kaang-! Kaang-!

I tried to block it somehow, but in the end I had no choice but to allow the attack.


Ethan, who was hit hard by the attack, vomited blood.

After passing the twelve trials of Hercules and gaining various strengths, he felt somewhat more confident.

But that confidence collapsed in front of Xiang Yu.

“You have good eyes, good sense, and good taste. You also have a lot of experience. At first glance, you may seem perfect, but that’s a mistake.”

“… … .”

“All that experience is actually poisoning you. You already think you can’t beat me, don’t you? You don’t plan on winning this duel, and you want to use all your strength and get my evaluation first. Don’t you?”

Xiang Yu continued to press Ethan as if he didn’t need to hear an answer.

Every attack had the magic of a counter-explosion.

Not only that, but the spear technique itself was incredibly mysterious, as it seemed to flow with momentum and attack the shoulder, but it was perfectly executed as a feint attack that stabbed the abdomen.

Because the momentum is so strong, if you feel like an attack is coming, you have no choice but to defend yourself before you even realize that it is a feint.

‘Damn. It’s hard to stop. If I keep going like this, I’ll collapse without being able to do anything.’

This paint attack was particularly difficult because it gave off the impression that a real attack was about to come.


At that moment, Xiang Yu’s spear struck Ethan’s wrist precisely.

Ethan dropped his sword, even though he clearly wasn’t in much of a shock.

Ethan’s sword fell at Xiang Yu’s feet.

To lose your weapon. It was a great humiliation.

For those who carry weapons, losing them means a huge difference in level.

“You’re stopping now? That’s coming from your experience. You can already see it. How this fight will end, and what you should take away from it. Now, look. Even now, you’re not focusing on my movements, but only on my mouth.”

Xiang Yu chuckled.

“That infinitely cool spirit is worthy of praise. But sometimes you have to challenge yourself even when you know you won’t win.”

Xiang Yu kicked the sword that had fallen at his feet and sent it towards Ethan.

“Pick it up.”

Then Xiang Yu continued speaking.

“If you don’t understand what I just said, it will be difficult for you to become stronger.”

“… … .”

Ethan closed his eyes for a moment.

‘Xiang Yu’s words were certainly right. I thought I had abandoned everything in the Trials of Hercules.’

It seemed that Ethan’s problems were still clearly visible in Hang-woo’s eyes.

‘Actually, it’s hard to win.’

You want to beat God? It’s hard unless God looks after you. That’s why I never thought of winning from the beginning.

But that was the problem.

‘I guess I’ve given up.’

A bitter smile came out.

But we can’t give up here.

Ethan opened his eyes and smiled.

“I understand what you said, Xiang Yu.”

‘If you give up, 0 percent will always remain 0 percent.’

To create something from nothing.

“Yeah, that’s the pose.”

To increase your odds from 0 percent to even 0.1 percent, you must never give up.


Ethan picked up the fallen sword and swung it.

It was completely different from the movements seen before.

It was a bold move that left no room for hesitation.

‘It’s hard to get rid of habits I’ve had for a long time.’

If that’s the case, then you can change it slowly. Ethan, who always fought with his strength, was instinctively reluctant to use his full power because of his obsession with not dying.

I had to control it.

‘You must not die, but you must not save your strength either.’

It was something that was difficult to express in words or with his body, but Ethan had to do it.

‘That’s how you survive.’

Wasn’t there something Ethan’s favorite hero said?

The saying goes that if you want to live, you will die, and if you want to die, you will live.


In the midst of Ethan’s fierce swordsmanship, Xiang Yu’s spear fell straight to the ground. It was an attack that contained the weapon-dropping technique that Xiang Yu had used on Ethan earlier.

Xiang Yu’s eyebrows rose.

The weapon drop tomb was only shown once.

But you recreated it exactly after seeing it just once?

Even to yourself?

Xiang Yu thought that a counterattack would come right away, but Ethan did not move. Ethan simply looked at the spear that had fallen at his feet.

Ethan pushed the spear with the Frost Sword and sent it in front of Xiang Yu.

“Pick it up.”

Xiang Yu smiled truly deeply at those words.


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not work with dark mode