Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 150

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 150

Episode 150. Ethan’s Way

This was the first time I’d seen someone like this.

I heard that he was clearly from a prestigious academy, but just looking at him, he didn’t seem like a teacher from a prestigious academy at all.

Rather, the new interrogators couldn’t help but feel very nervous at the sight of a veteran who had been on the front lines for more than 10 years.

At least they thought they had the upper hand in terms of experience.

“From basic to advanced, in one week. I’ll finish it in exactly one week. And I’ll let you deploy on the operation you’ve been longing for.”

The eyes of the new interrogators sparkled at Ethan’s words.

What they wanted was to be deployed for operations.

“Where are you talking about?”

“Forest of Fog.”

The expressions of the new interrogators, including Allende, changed at Ethan’s words.

They also knew that operations were underway in the Foggy Forest.

If they go there, there will definitely be many things they can do.

“I heard that the followers of the moon are holding out there. It’s been quite some time, but the interrogation bureau hasn’t been able to push them back. What does that mean?”

“So that means we can be active.”

Ethan nodded.

“This is your chance to make a mark as a new recruit. Furthermore, you can also achieve your individual goals there.”

The new interrogators look excited.

Ethan calmed them down.

“But as I told you just now, I will teach you a method of absolute immortality. If it doesn’t attach itself to your body, you will never be able to go on a mission.”

Ethan stared at them as if to make sure they weren’t lying.


* * *

Ethan’s education was like nothing he had ever experienced before.


16 people move at the same time and receive correction from Ethan.

Ethan’s eyes, which were treated as a monster even within the academy, shone even in the Inquisition.

Of course I was skeptical at first.

It’s not easy to look after them one by one, so how about looking after 16 people at the same time?

The first thing new interrogators have to abandon is the habits they have developed so far.

In order to make them into proper heretic inquisitors, they had to be thoroughly taught according to the textbook.

However, even if you only see one person at a time, correcting previously ingrained habits before learning is a difficult task that takes a long time.

In that situation, the rookie interrogators laughed inwardly when they heard Ethan say that he would examine 16 people at the same time.

I know Ethan is a great teacher.

But even so, isn’t this nonsense?



But then something ridiculous happened.

Pfft! Pfft!

Ethan used his sword to stab the exact spot that needed to be fixed.

And he personally helped new recruits who had a bad habit that needed to be fixed.

Of course, it looked like it was done by hand, but there was a needle at the end.

With just one gesture from Ethan, his posture was instantly corrected.

The new interrogators, who naturally took on a textbook-like posture, were initially awkward with Ethan’s teaching methods, but soon adapted to them.

Ethan’s eyes moved without rest.

Even though he was tired from using his eyes continuously, Ethan did not stop.

– Horus’ Eye proficiency increases!

Now was the time to build up my skills.

He could endure as much pain as he wanted. Ethan knew that this level of pain would not kill him.

‘You will never die from this kind of pain. I know because I’ve been through it so many times.’

Aren’t you a self-proclaimed expert on death?

Having felt and overcome countless near-death crises, it was impossible not to know the boundary.

– Horus’ Eye proficiency increases!

As the skill of the Eye of Horus increases, the things you can see also increase.



The habits of the new interrogator that had not been seen until just now were clearly visible, making it possible to make accurate corrections.

‘Basically, everyone has skills. So correction isn’t that difficult.’

Of course, that wasn’t difficult by Ethan’s standards.

– Horus’ Eye proficiency increases!

-The Eye of Horus has reached a certain level of proficiency.

-The goods adapt completely to your body!

Ethan’s eyes lit up and a golden light filled his pupils.

The goods purchased from Horus were proof that one had perfectly adapted to the Eye of Horus.

It was a similar color to his original eyes, but when he concentrated for a moment, his eyes took on a golden hue.

‘The pain has lessened.’

At the same time that the pain in my eyes was reduced, I was able to see things much better.

Ethan put some strength into his eyes.

‘You can see much farther than before.’

And the ones up close were visible in more detail.

-Imbued with the special abilities of the Eye of Horus.

-Special Skill: Gained Bullet Time.

‘Bullet time?’

Ethan put more force into his eyes.

‘This is crazy.’

The effect of bullet time was so good that it made me want to curse.

‘It’s slowing down.’

The movements of the new heretic inquisitors before my eyes seemed slow. They were not moving slowly.

In the eyes of Horus, their movements appear disjointed and slow.

‘It’s a kind of time acceleration ability.’

“Phew… … .”

But bullet time didn’t last long.

Moreover, as the pain received when using the Eye of Horus was reduced, the pain experienced when using this Bullet Time was greater.

‘But if you use this properly… … .’

If so, this could be a tremendous force.

For Ethan, who was trying to secure a defensive means along with an offensive aspect, this ability was the best ability to avoid enemy attacks.

“Take a break.”

“Ugh… … Ugh… … .”

“Huhhhhh… … !”

Ethan ordered the exhausted rookie interrogators to rest.

He too needed a break as he had been using the Eye of Horus for a long time. In addition, he needed to check the Eye of Horus again.

‘I’ve acquired better abilities than I expected.’

As expected, the gods of the new world never give useless abilities.

* * *

The new interrogators drank the water placed on one side in one gulp. They were all drenched in sweat after the short but intense training.

If I weighed myself now, I would probably have lost about 5 kilos.


In fact, Alain de la Reyes was brimming with confidence.

The other Inquisitors would be the same. They were a little confused on the first day, but none of them had any combat experience.

I’m sure Ethan will have a tough training session, but I think he can handle it.

In addition, since I already had a sufficient base, I was confident that I could definitely handle any training.

The youngest and most ambitious, Alain, was over-confident.

But all expectations went awry.

Ethan’s education was completely different from what they had expected. It was something they had never heard of or experienced before.

It was enough to fluster the new interrogators who were confident that they could handle any training.

Alain de Lamarque, breathing heavily, complained to the other interrogators.

“… … Is it possible to do it like this?”

32 people divided into two teams of 16 each.

Ethan watched the movements of 16 people on one team at the same time and corrected any problems. The same was true for Team 2.

It’s obvious that they can’t see each other at the same time, but Ethan did it so nonchalantly.

As if this was the natural way for him.

“I don’t understand it either, Alain. To be honest, I thought you were just pretending to see. Watching 16 people at once? That’s ridiculous. Even if you focus on each person’s movements, it would be hard to see them perfectly.”

“That’s right. It’s not easy to focus on and correct just one person’s movements. Ha, I really don’t know what kind of skill this is.”

Even the most combat-experienced interrogator among the new recruits was bewildered by Ethan’s training methods.

Because this kind of education was impossible according to his common sense.

“But this is the first time I’ve learned something this easy. Since you correct it with your body, I can immediately tell what’s wrong. It’s like you’re moving my body for me.”

“I don’t know if it’s just controlling, but it feels like it’s imprinting something.”

It teaches you exactly how to take a stance, how to use a mace, and how to form a formation, all in one quick stab.

For those who experienced this educational method firsthand, they felt as if they were possessed by a ghost.

“Ugh… … Ugh… … .”

Five hours like that.

The 32 people who continued their training were completely exhausted. In fact, it was safe to say that today’s training ended here.

At that, Ethan chuckled.

“Everyone worked hard.”

Alain de Rochez assumed that training would end today.

But Ethan clapped his hands together.

“The next training will begin right away.”


Alendar, in a panic, let out a strange sound.

“I know what you’re trying to say. I’m too tired to train anymore. Don’t you think there’s nothing to be gained by training in this condition?”

Ethan raised all 32 of them.

“That means you can do it again once you recover.”

Ethan said with a grin.

“Don’t you need rest to recover?”

“You can recover without resting.”

Normally, we wouldn’t be able to train like this all day long.

People have limits.

But Ethan had the power to break through those limitations.

Ethan lined up the 32 people and immediately used the Heuristic Acupuncture.

The false acupuncture completely cured the interrogators of their fatigue in an instant.

‘It’s not a complete recovery, though.’


“Why is my body… … .”

“Why did my fatigue go away?”

I was able to eliminate enough fatigue to be able to repeat the training several times.

“Okay, then let’s start again.”

Ethan was determined to increase efficiency.

The goal was not to rush training just because it was a week, but to fill that time to the max and train efficiently.

The bewildered rookie interrogators began their training again.

I was clearly too tired to do anything just a moment ago, but that fatigue had completely disappeared.

“Why are you okay?”

“Why can you do that?”

It was clear that just a moment ago, my body was so sore here and there that I was so tired that my muscles would hurt if I moved any further.

As Ethan said, now that my body was fine, I had no choice but to start training again.

* * *

A week like that.

In fact, it was a very short time to train a new interrogator, so if we were to go by the curriculum in the textbook, it was just the beginning.

But the new interrogators who received Ethan’s training were completely transformed.

“Who are these guys?”

“I’m a new interrogator. Now, I’ve lost most of my beginner-like clumsiness.”

“No, this isn’t just disappearing… … .”

It was like seeing the little puppy from my hometown home again a few months later, only to see it grow into a fearsome adult dog.

It was certainly a very good thing for the Director of the Inquisition, but he couldn’t help but be taken aback by the results.

“Meet the Director!”

They shouted in a loud voice.

“You even taught me manners… … .”

Jared looked at Ethan with a surprised expression. A week. It was more than enough time, just as Ethan had said.


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not work with dark mode