Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 147

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 147

Episode 147. I Don’t Know

Letoma was momentarily impressed when he saw the new inquisitor fall.

What is this all of a sudden?

I never thought he would do something like that. He was a weak-looking academy teacher, so I thought I could either convince him with words or just kick him out.

But, you just took one down without any explanation.

‘If it goes on like that, it will get out of control.’

I’ve already seen one fall. Even though they haven’t received basic training, they’ve been on several sorties together and have a sense of camaraderie.

Now that my comrade has fallen, I’ll start moving roughly right away.

‘You could get seriously hurt.’

Letoma looked at Jared.

Because I wondered if this was what Jared had expected. But Jared’s expression was strange.

‘It seems like you’re expecting something.’

He tilted his head and turned his gaze to the vice-president. He also had the same expression as Jared.

‘What the hell? What are you expecting?’

They were both looking forward to Ethan.

‘Even though they are new interrogators, they are not new in terms of skill. They are only new to the Inquisition.’

If they were determined to take Ethan down by force, Ethan wouldn’t be able to withstand it.

There are a whopping 32 people. One is down, so now there are 31.

31 new Inquisitors. A force that can easily deal with a small branch of the Moon Followers.

To Letoma’s horror, one of the Inquisitors rushed towards Ethan.

“This fucking kid!”

He lunged at Ethan, swearing, mace in hand.

Ethan simply dodged the inquisitor’s charge with a twist of his body.

And he put three needles into my wrist.

The interrogator was taken aback by Ethan’s lightning-like speed. Because of the Frost Thunder Sword Technique, Ethan’s every movement was imbued with the power of lightning and cold.


Ethan approached the interrogator who had dropped his mace because of the needle stuck in his wrist and stabbed him in the acupoint at the back of his neck.

Another interrogator fell to the floor. Ethan grabbed the mace he had dropped.

“Now there are exactly 30 people. It’s just right.”

Ethan took a deep breath and strained his eyes.

As soon as the Eye of Horus activated, every movement of the rushing Inquisitors became visible.

The Eye of Horus, which was more advanced than ever before, made it seem as if time had stopped for a brief moment while it focused.

‘In perfect order.’

A properly trained inquisitor would never make such a move. He would attack without regard for consequences in order to first take down Ethan.

‘They don’t even keep groups of three, and they don’t even form a large formation.’

Ethan intended to educate her on that right here and now.

In an instant, one of the Inquisitors reached Ethan and swung his mace.

‘You just think of it as a blunt weapon and you don’t maximize its power.’

Ethan dodged the attack with ease.

And then I took a step forward.

Since it was a fight against multiple enemies alone, he should have retreated as much as possible to avoid being surrounded, but Ethan instead went forward and volunteered to be surrounded.


‘Dispersion of power. The power is spread across the entire mace rather than just the tip, so the destructive power is weakened.’


The mace hit the ground. If Ethan hadn’t dodged, it would have landed directly on his head.

‘It’s pretty useful. It has a lot of mana. But the gap is too big. If you only think about the destructive power, there are too many gaps after the attack. If you do this, you won’t be able to protect your teammate next to you.’

Ethan thoroughly studied the Inquisition’s textbook in his head to understand the problems of the new Inquisitors.

Seeing Ethan not fighting back, the new inquisitors continued to attack more fiercely.

But I couldn’t catch Ethan at all.

It was nearly impossible for those who were consumed by anger and focused only on destructive power to catch Ethan, who was moving with the power of the Frost Thunder Sword Technique.

‘My eyes are starting to hurt.’

This confirmed all their shortcomings. Now that the shortcomings were confirmed, the next step was education.


“You just keep running around like a rat, what kind of a teacher is this at the Academy? What can the students at the Academy learn from watching this?”

The inquisitors tried to provoke him, but Ethan was not at all moved by them. Instead, he smiled kindly.

‘Your speaking skills are also terrible.’

That’s not how you provoke someone.

“What are you learning? You half-assed scum. If I were a follower of the moon who invaded here, you would have died right now without doing anything. You are so intoxicated by those pretty uniforms that you only rely on your own strength and have no connection with your comrades next to you. You must have fought together many times, but what have you been doing all this time?”

At Ethan’s words, the expressions of the heretic inquisitors instantly brightened. Some even had their ears turn red and the backs of their necks turned red.

In order to excite your opponent, you had to hit on their weak points.

What they lacked now was that they were not prepared to fight the followers of the moon.

Because they are not educated, they only revolve around personal power.

Ethan hit that spot right on.

‘You get excited easily. Your mental state isn’t that good either.’

Ethan knows how dirty the Moon Followers are.

They do not care about the means and methods to achieve their goals.

Among them, there were many techniques that shook the mentality. In this way, they would insult the opponent, create an opening, and then self-destruct with the opponent.

‘There’s a lot to fix. I guess I’ll have to build up some achievements.’

The less it was, the better.

“I was looking after him because the director brought him here!”

One of the interrogators, unable to bear it any longer, stepped forward.

He was the largest interrogator. He looked to be well over two meters tall and was quite thick sideways.

In his hand he held a mace much larger than that of the other interrogators, and indeed it was of an extra-large size befitting his size.

Compared to Ethan’s Mace, it was like the difference between a toothpick and chopsticks.

“Try to avoid it!”

Since Ethan continued to dodge without counterattacking, the large interrogator assumed that Ethan would dodge again this time.

But Ethan didn’t avoid it.

Now is the time for education.

“Reverse divergence.”

Ethan’s mace and the large mace of the inquisitor collided directly.

“Wh, what!”

The large interrogator, who had thought he would just crush him, was momentarily taken aback because Ethan’s mace had pushed his own oversized mace away.



The force was so strong that I thought my wrist had been broken. The interrogator’s extra-large mace, which was pushed back by the force, bounced off and flew upward.

The mace bounced off, leaving the large interrogator defenseless.

If Ethan’s mace were swung once more in this state, it would be the end.

But instead of swinging his mace, Ethan kicked him.


At the same time, another mace came flying from a different direction.

Ethan spun around, quickly scanning the man swinging the mace, and attacked him by stabbing his shoulder and waist with the mace.


The interrogator, stabbed by Ethan’s mace, was frozen in place by his altered movements.


The other interrogator turned away from the still interrogator and swung his mace at Ethan. It was a unique mana-charged attack.

“Sudden Strike!”

The wind was blowing through the mace. Using that speed, the mace aimed for Ethan’s neck.

It was a quick attack, but Ethan’s eyes were following its speed.

The first form of the Frost Thunder Sword Technique.


Ethan immediately used the Thunderbolt Strike to his advantage, taking advantage of its speed.

Pok-! Pok-! Pok-!

Just like before, I stabbed a completely empty part. Then, the interrogator’s sudden attack disintegrated and he took on a completely different posture.


Likewise, another interrogator stopped in his tracks.

“Make small movements. Big movements are meaningless. Be precise and concise.”

As the three were completely incapacitated, the interrogators who had been rushing in stopped in their tracks.

“Yes, that’s right. When you’re fighting someone stronger than you, you form a formation. A formation that allows you to focus your attack power on one person as much as possible.”

Ethan radiated strength.

Phage crackle-!

With bright yellow lightning.


A fresh, cold breeze spread around.

It doesn’t matter if what you’re holding isn’t a sword.

Even a mace could fully exert its power.

“Now we will begin the real training. This is the first training. From now on, I will teach you how to form a formation against a powerful enemy.”

* * *

“… … .”

Ethan fought quite well. As expected from a teacher from a prestigious academy, I thought it was strange, but on the other hand, it was a little surprising that a teacher from an academy would make such rough moves.

However, there will be a limit to physical strength, and the Inquisitors will gradually have to deal with the sight of their comrades collapsing.

Letoma thought that at that moment, the director and deputy director would step in and sort out the situation.

But it wasn’t.


Letoma felt uneasy. Letoma strained his eyes to see if something was strange, but his body started to flinch.

‘Oh, that’s ridiculous.’

Ethan wasn’t just fighting.

‘I’m correcting my posture. I could have knocked him down just now, but I didn’t.’

Apart from the first two, no one has fallen since.

‘There… … .’

He looked at Ethan in disbelief.

“Is that possible… … .”

It was a sight that made my mouth drop open.

“You’re forcing the new recruits into formation?”

It is more certain to experience it through your own body than to explain it in words.

But it wasn’t easy. If it was easy to learn through experience, who would try to explain it in words?

But the teacher at that academy was doing that difficult thing.

That too, from an academy teacher who came here for the first time today!

“Who the hell… … is that person?”

Letoma couldn’t believe what she was seeing.

The director definitely brought Ethan here for the first time today.

What that meant was that there was no base from which to teach anything.

To begin a proper education, one must first become thoroughly familiar with the Inquisition’s textbook.

Then at least two months.

He is a teacher at the academy, so he will only work during the vacation period, so he will spend two out of three months familiarizing himself with the textbook.

The remaining month will consist of a curriculum to train new interrogators.

“What on earth is going on? Isn’t this the first time you’ve brought us here? I heard you just arrived, so how are you teaching new recruits right now?”

That was education.

It was a training that created a flawless, excellent inquisitor.

“… … .”

Jared answered, looking at the very embarrassed Letoma.

“I do not know.”


“I don’t know either.”

Jared’s expression was filled with a bitter smile.


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not work with dark mode