Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 129

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 129

Episode 129. New Weapon (1)

The midterm exams that students and teachers alike put their heart and soul into have ended.

Students looked forward to the vacation with a relieved look on their faces. The teachers, too, were already planning what to do during the vacation since all they had to do was grade the work.

“I’m really looking forward to this departmental exchange.”

“It’s a shame that Mr. Cloudy isn’t the representative, but Mr. Ethan is no joke either.”

“I couldn’t observe the class, so I only heard about it, but I heard that the students really stood out. I heard that the parents also praised them a lot.”

“When I heard the story, he said he felt like the main character. He said it was the first time he felt that way since coming to the academy.”

“I wish Mr. Ethan would open up about ten classes. We can all attend.”

“If Mr. Ethan hears that, he’ll try to kill you.”

All the students were looking forward to the department exchange fair, which was the last event of the semester, with a relaxed mood.

However, there were still those who did not acknowledge Ron and Mason.

“I’m not going to this departmental exchange. How can kids who don’t even get good grades be representatives…?”

They were even considering a minor boycott of this academic exchange.

“Huh? The grades are out already?”

“Who is number one in the Understanding the Sword class?”


“Mason is first? Ron is second?”

“This is crazy.”

The two students were ranked first and second, side by side.

And below her in fifth place was Yuna Garnet.

“Wow… … If this is the case, those who said anything about grades won’t be able to say anything.”

“I think it would be okay to call him a representative for this semester?”

“Wow. Mason is top notch in other classes besides Mr. Ethan’s? How on earth did Mr. Ethan do it?”

Now that the results of the departmental exchange program have been clearly demonstrated, it will be difficult to find any more objections to appointing Mason and Ron as representatives.

* * *

Principal’s office.

“Roanna can’t come out?”

“I’m sorry, Headmaster. Roanna was in a very bad condition, so I thought it would be better to let her rest rather than force her out and risk something bad.”

“Hmm, that’s too bad. So, are the other two okay?”

“Yes, that’s fine. And I’ve added a talented student I’ve been keeping an eye on as a replacement for Roanna.”

“If that’s the case, then please tell Professor Ethan separately. This departmental exchange can only take place if Professor Ethan gives his permission.”

“all right.”

As he said that, Duty ground his teeth inwardly.

Of course Mr. Ethan will allow it.

It’s possible that she might dance. Roanna, who can be considered the most powerful force, is not able to participate in the department exchange event, so why would she refuse?

‘Damn, if the Heavenly Swordsman comes, Roanna’s evaluation will rise even higher.’

In that case, we could completely win the department exchange competition.

‘That’s okay. It’s not over yet. Even without Roanna, two of the Golden Generation are still alive and well.’

Although not as good as Roanna, these two were also skilled enough to be called the golden generation.

“I will win no matter what.”

It turned out well. I knew there were teachers gossiping behind my back.

Moreover, there was even a rumor going around among the students that Roanna’s talent was outstanding and that Mr. Duty was just riding on it.

It was a great opportunity to prove to the teachers and students that they could win the departmental exchange without Roanna.

The person who contributed the most to making the magic department number one is this Duty.

* * *

“Wonderful. As expected, Ibeka is of a high standard.”

Ethan finished grading the midterm exam questions with the last piece of parchment.

Certainly, Ibekah’s students had excellent basic skills and were full of desire to improve.

‘Even students who were seeing the name for the first time took the test with their own concerns. And they achieved growth.’

Looking at the answer sheets, I thought that what they just needed was a little more attention, teaching, and opportunity.

“Mason and Ron can now go out as representatives of the swordsmanship department without any problems.”

The two students did quite well on the tests in their other classes, as well as in the Understanding the Sword class, because Ethan had warned them what would happen if they failed the tests.

“I guess your expectations weren’t very high.”

Ethan chuckled and smoothed down the parchment.

‘Once the department exchange program is over, summer vacation begins. From then on, things I know well will happen.’

Summer Vacation.

In fact, it was the time when the events that Ethan knew about were taking place, and it was truly the peak of the events.

‘Of course, it’s not yet time for the Mepan to start.’

The start of Mephant is after the fall of Ibeka Academy. In terms of time, it could be considered the next year.

The downfall begins this winter.

‘Until now, it was a thing of the past, so it was a little difficult to take active action.’

Because there are so many uncertain things with inaccurate information, I have been acting passively, looking for only certain past events as much as possible.

But now it’s different.

‘From now on, things I know will happen. Then I can actively participate in them.’

The war between the Holy Empire and the Magic Empire, and the followers of the moon moving in between.

‘The biggest event of the summer vacation is the fight between the Inquisition and the Moon Followers.’

Ethan thought that the Heavenly Swordsman had not come to examine the students simply at the principal’s request.

‘I keep losing. It’s because the Moon Followers are so strong.’

It seemed likely that the Inquisition was planning to scout out and bring along useful talent.

“I guess I should prepare.”

I had gotten a second job and was now balanced in my workshop, but I was still trying to survive as Ethan Wickers.

* * *

[new world]

The various gods looked at the ranking list with a frown.

Since the subscribers’ choices were determined by just one subscription review, many gods were hanging on to one subscriber.


“Do not worry.

The gods above were not particularly concerned about this situation.

It was not the top gods that were worried, but the mid-level gods.

“Heo Jun.”

The oriental god that no one knew about has now become a famous god that few subscribers in the new world know.

As his name suggests, Heo Jun’s influence was rapidly growing.

Some gods who were in an awkward position also gained solid subscribers and likes.

The rankings, which were thought to be stable and unchanged for quite some time, are now being shaken by one subscriber.

“It won’t last long. Look, there are already other subscribers following that subscriber [only subscribes to the right god].”

As [Only Subscribe to the Right God] became famous for its subscription reviews, other subscribers also followed suit.

“You’ll eventually come back. It’s definitely a great subscription review, but it won’t last long. The subscribers and the gods aren’t stupid.”

The effect of subscription reviews will no longer be strong.

The gods will have verified the effectiveness of subscription reviews in their own way, so they will gather subscribers in a similar way and have them write useful subscription reviews.

Eventually, the influence of those subscribers will weaken.

“Of course, it is true that the new world has become more interesting thanks to that. The great gods that were buried beneath are being newly discovered.”

“It might be good for the subscribers, but it’s not so good for us.”

Changes in mid-tier rankings.

That meant that mid-tier gods could be demoted to lower tier gods.

* * *

“The training method for reverse divergence is tricky, but if you do it this way, you can properly use reverse divergence in many ways. It is more efficient to use this method to raise than to head straight to the ground.”

Ethan went to the Shinsegae community bulletin board to replenish his large amount of likes this time.

I was thinking of finding questions related to Hang-woo on the Q&A board, answering them, and converting the internal energy I gained into likes.

‘I subscribed to the Archer Hood, so I lost a lot of likes.’

During this time, Ethan saw subscribers talking about themselves in the community.

– It seems like there are a lot of subscribers who follow [Subscribe to only the real ones].

-Thanks to you, I feel like there are more quality subscription reviews, and I’ve also gotten to know a lot of new gods.

-Then, I think it doesn’t necessarily have to be a subscription review for [Only Subscribe to the Right God].

-It seems like other people are also writing good reviews after their subscriptions, so you can use that as an indicator!

‘The atmosphere has changed a little.’

At one time, everyone was looking for Ethan.

If you just follow Ethan’s subscription reviews, you can subscribe to great gods without any failures.

In addition, I was able to learn the best of the strengths of the gods I had previously subscribed to.

But recently, several subscribers have started writing high-quality subscription reviews.

Since everyone has written pretty good reviews by benchmarking Ethan’s reviews, subscribers no longer need to focus solely on Ethan’s reviews.

And it was the same with the gods.

‘That’s the basics.’

Actually, if you think about it, Ethan didn’t write that great of a review. That’s why I checked it several times to see how powerful my review was.

‘I just worked moderately hard. It’s even more surprising that I got this far.’

Ethan’s mailbox, which was always sparkling, had become quiet at some point.

Ethan actually thought this would happen from the beginning.

‘It was nothing special.’

So I was preparing a way to overcome this situation.

I thought that this method would give me an advantage over the existing subscription reviews in negotiating with the gods.

‘The timing is perfect.’

Ethan has put quite a bit of work into making this review video for the Archer Hood.

Up until now, the experience of writing subscription reviews and making videos has become Ethan’s property.

Advanced video production capabilities have resulted in high-quality video.

‘In a slightly different way.’

Previously, I wrote a subscription review that literally summarized the abilities of the gods I subscribed to.

But now, other subscribers can easily follow suit.

That’s why Ethan added more editing to the video.

‘Now it’s not just a matter of writing good reviews. If you’ve drawn subscribers with reviews, you have to keep them with videos.’

When everyone was just starting to care about subscription reviews.

Ethan was thinking ahead from the beginning, and that was video editing.

‘The images of the gods are terrible. The images of the palace god Hood were pretty good, but from a visual perspective, they were just average.’

Of all the gods Ethan subscribed to, not a single one made a proper video.

Most of them just show off their abilities.

There are detailed explanations, but most of them are long and drawn out, making them difficult to understand.

The reason Ethan’s subscription review was so well-received was because he gave a short summary of the contents of the gods’ videos.

‘Because I uploaded the video raw without editing.’

Most gods upload their videos raw. There is no editing involved at all in the process. That is why Ethan bought the skip function as soon as he had money.

In short, Ethan’s subscription review was nothing more than an edited video.

‘What if I uploaded this edited video as a regular video instead of a subscription review?’

As Ethan made several videos for the subscribers, he got a feel for editing and thought about how he could make a bigger impact on the gods.

‘What subscribers want is simple. I know better because I’m a subscriber.’

What if we made a video by capturing only those elements?

‘Word of mouth will spread again. [Only the real gods subscribe] A video edited by himself has been uploaded to the gods’ channel. They say that if you watch that video, you will know everything.’

Ethan smiled brightly.

“I should try it out. I wonder how sharp this new weapon is.”


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not work with dark mode